HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-12-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 List Winners At K of C Bingo Held In Seaforth Hall The annual Christmas turkey bingo, sponsored by the Father Stephen Eckert Council, Knights of Columbus of Seaforth and district, was held Thursday eve- ning in the Canadian Legion Hall, Branch 156, Seaforth, with an exceptionally large crowd in attendance. Following are the winners of the share -the -wealth g a e s: Michael Doyle, RR 1, Staffa; Mrs. Leonard Debus, RR 4, Gadshill; Fred Fowler, Mitchell; Mrs. Paul Bedard, Goderieh; Mrs, Earl Dick, RR 1, Cromarty. Door prizes' were won by Stan Gloushor, Mitchell; Mrs. Alex Muir, Seaforth. Special turkey was won by Pat Flana- gan, RR 2, Zurich. Regular game winners: Mrs. Charles Rau, RR 2, Zurich; Mrs. Mary Eckert, RR 1, Dublin; Mrs. Jerry Flanagan, RR 2, Zur- ich; Mrs, Charlotte Wood -(2), Seaforth; Mrs. Dora Taylor, Sea - forth; Mrs, Floyd Dale, Sea - forth; Jack Eisler, Seaforth; Mrs. Frank Maloney, Seaforth; Clem Krouskopf, RR 1, Dublin; Jack Ryan, R.R. 1, Dublin; Russell Oesch, Zurich; Mrs. Jini Watson Sr., Seaforth; Mrs. Norman I Baird, Brucefield; Matthew Den- ! omnie, RR 2, Zurich. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY Established 1870 Assets $75,000,000 • Capital & Reserve $9,000,000 Paid on 3, 4 & 5 year debentures or 614% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures Offices: Toronto • Hamilton . Ottawa . St. Thomas Phase complete coupon and mail with cheque to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Phone 432-4158 Amount Years El Accumulative 0 Coupon Mr./Mrs.,Miss Address Tel. Signature Only You Lan Care Enough . . TO GIVE YOUR PORTRAIT 16 Still Time for Christmas Delivery EN'S STUDIO GODERICH 118 St. David Street Dial 524-8787 1 a weicom Drop into Our Store and see the Wide Variety of Ideal Christmas Gifts, for every member of the family! ry Black & Decker SAWS 1t® ELECTRIC DRILLS and All Types of Hand Tools WE. CARRY THE FAMOUS BALER SKATES Boys', Girls', Men's Hockey Equipment Sleighs --- Toboggans Wagons, Etc. Stade & ;,';, eido Hard DIAL 236.4921 -- ZURICH "TELE STORE WITH THE STOCK" re • SUPPER SIJPREMES The fifth meeting of the Sup- per Supremes was held on No- vember 11 at the home of Mrs. Robert McKinley, at 10 a.m. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge. Eight members an- swered the roll call, Karen McKinley read the minutes •of the last meeting. The leaders checked notes, For group work, Pat Robin- son and Judy McKinley made salad dressing; Diane McKinley made a macaroni -hamburg cas- serole before the meeting, and Karen McKinley, Diane McKin- ley and Debbie McKinley made tossed vegetable salad. The meeting closed after the leaders and members ate a very good meal. Bowling Scores ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Aces, E Laidlaw _.. 623 5 26 P P'pers, F Forrester 543 2 13 H Gals, A Faber_. _ _._ 597 0 21 D'aires, G Marcell .. 646 7 52 Packers, I Frayne ..._ 589 7 64 Scamps, D Browning_ 560 0 18 N Hawks, B Oke __-.._ 532 2 68 Hi-lites, B Sangster _ _ 622 5 47 U & Downs, S Braid _ 587 2 38 Starlites, S Kipfer _.. 553 5 73 II single: S. Kipfer ___ 328 H triple: D. Hess __ ___ 740 H average: G. Marcell _ __ 216 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Varieties, A Willert _ 556 2 34 H Hopes, L Gascho __ 605 5 34 W'orwills, M Rau ___ 560 0 19 Ramblers, J T'kheim_ 554 7 29 S Wins, A Oesch ___ 627 5 39 H'keyes, M Gelinas __ 546 2 53 H single: Laura Gascho __ 277 H triple: Claire Geiger __ 686 * ge :' MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Rebels, G Shantz ___ 653 3 16 D Boys, H Stade____ 706 1 24 Rockets, J Bedard __. 675 4 31 Flyers, B Horner_____ 594 0 29 Cameos, D Bedard __ 588 1 23 Leftovers, B Morton _ 684 3 32 G'trotters, R Dick ___ 510 1 11 B'herettes, C Geiger _ 619 3 18 Q'aires, L Willert ___ 516 3 19 Dropouts, C Lawrence 551 1 17 Starlites, R V'D'selaer 687 4 21 H single: Claire Geiger__ 340 H triple, R. V'Dorsselaer_ 778 H average: R. V'Dorsselaer 220 :d: ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Hilites, B Sangster __ 672 2 42 H Gals, B Bell 609 5 21 Packers, I Frayne 622 7 57 U & Downs, S Braid _ 570 0 36 P P'pers, M Campbell 524 0 11 St'lites, D F'kbeiner _ 633 7 68 D'aires, C Meidinger 512 2 45 Scamps, D Browning_ 534 5 18 Aces, R Hamilton 594 0 21 N'hawks, D Hess 632 7 66 H single: S. Kipfer 328 H triple: D. Hess 740 H average: G. Marcell __ 216 "r r Sr MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Leftovers, J Green __ 618 4 36 St'lites, R V'Dors'lear 628 0 21 Q'aires, H F'kbeiner_ 524 4 23 Rebels, G Shantz ____ 507 0 16 D Boys, A Gascho __ 603 1 25 Rockets, J Bedard __ 666 3 34 G Trotters, E Laidlaw 598 4 15 Flyers, A Hoffman Len Trott ___ 497 0 29 Dropouts, A Bedard _ 596 4 21 Cameos, D Bedard __ 523 1 24 Bu'erettes, I Yungblut 552 3 21 H single: Claire Geiger __ 340 H triple: R. V'Dorsselaer 778 61,6 BEAUTY QUALITY DIAMOND RINGS Quality, workmanship, exquisite beauty the perfect combination In Bluebird cro• ations, Choose From Our Fine Selection PRICED FROM S75.00 Upwards Just a $1.00 purchase entitles you to a Free Draw on an Elco Lady's or Gent's Fine Watch Draw Christmas Eve Hess, the Jeweller • DASE#WOOD Dennis P. O'Rrourke Dennis P. O'Rourke, 56, pass- ed away in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, where he had been a patient for two weeks, He is survived by his wife, the former Clare Dietrich; one daughter, Mary, at home; seven sons, Patrick, Joseph and Ger- ard, at home; Michael, of Hin- ton, Alberta; Donald, of Lon- don; Wayne, of D a s h w o o d; Glen, of Mount Forest; four sis- ters, Rev. Sister Mary Clarisse, of Sarnia; Mrs. John (Eileen) Barry, of Detroit; Mrs. Carl (Nora) 'Meander, of Centralia; Mrs. Josephine Regier, Park- hill; one brother, Gerald, of Stephen Township. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Tuesday morning when requiem mass was chanted in the Church of Our Lady, Mt. Carmel, with Father H. P. Jansen officiating. Interment was in Mount Carmel cemetery. The local Aid Association for PARAMOUNT 'b '' G N: 131PINCES Fancy Sickeye Salmon _ Crown Tea Bags, 100s LIQUID — 14 OZ. Johnson's Klear lax _ _ 12 -OZ. PACKAGE Catelli l.,lphabets ICEBERG—LARGE HEADS Lettuce, California _ _ __59c 79c 69c 2/37c 2/35c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH, ONTARIO Lutherans met Monday, Decem- ber 5, in Zion Lutheran Church for the business meeting. Presi- dent Gordon .graft presided. Officers elected were; presi- dent, Charles Tiernan; vice- president, Charles Martine; sec- retary -treasurer, Albert Miller. Grand Bend Cleaners AND LAUNDERERS December Dry Cleaning SPECIAL SAVE MORE THAN 50% LADIES' OR GIRLS' Plain Skirts 39z (ONE OR TWO PLEATS ACCEPTED AT THIS PRICE) Beautifully Cleaned and Pressed! Phone 238-2122 for FREE Pick-up and Delivery. Use your window cards or take your cleaning to one of our qualified agents listed below: Taylor's Ready -to -Wear, Hensall Gascho's Dry Goods, Zurich Bob's Barber Shop, Zurich Blake General Store St. Joseph Esso Service Calcutt's Variety Store, Centralia Shipka General Store Corbett General Store Mt. Carmel General Store Greenway General Store Mel and Olive's, Grand Bend Terry's Barber Shop, Grand Bend Couchuyt's Store, Klondike McPherson's, Port Franks Leo Ross, Northville Verne Schatz, Dashwood GRAND BEND CLEANERS Y4--14-21 . ZURICH AREA M RCHANTS 1 T AS RAW Wetat-teMgte-te Mt C-Wata -WICIgIC-fe t-lg--Ig-t€ - t O'Brien's Produce TURKEY 4 ts--te tw-ta IC-ICAVV C -0 Westlake Furniture 1—HASSOCK 2—FLOOR RUG Bob's Barber Shop TURKEY otgt' titm'tttt mtPtS'tC's 'toR.- c--w-gt>?.6.r9 Desjardine Auto Supply $5.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE IMICI tP-tVz-RMIEICICIV -PCCtM+ P4-"ot�a'-0CIVe Yungblut's Meat Market DINNER HAM t6'tt€it€' a '' tctivatvat t4a't6' etztt'Pelet',°6-0F'too Lucky Dollar Food Market $15 CERTIFICATE FOR GROCERIES etc-Imtg+M6'tots'aIzuzI6't +r CICI KVICt' Zurich Pro Hardware ELECTRIC FRY PAN Klopp's Super Service 12 THERMO TUMBLERS AND ICE BUCKET RL zse--MIZ tglgteROZPOCKIM otgtMAt !gr4IC Dominion Hotel THREE DRAWS—DINNERS FOR 2 ONE DRAW—DINNER FOR 4 VVVCNEmtof.mmetc temaimetzt tamo Mousseau & Parkins ONE GALLON PRESTONE Hi -Fashion Beauty Salon $10.00 PERMANENT 1P.,{rgICICICt6:t6'tfylnvt,7,('tCIMICIOCICICIC't4',tUK/CI€14 St. Joseph Grocery Store 1 —$5.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE 2--$5.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE glgti tgtgtCPMMEIVIZtEttalgK;tPtU'tgrPtGICIC/CuIV St. Joseph Esso Service GIFT CERTIFICATE DataDira't 8MarDa`a7`A't` iF7t53MIXIEtl M`i9 ka` lPaiZarr a 4 Deichert Meat Market DINNER .HAM Gascho's Dry Goods 1 —$10 GIFT CERTIFICATE 2—$ 8 GIFT CERTIFICATE M. Deitz & Son 100 -LB. BAG FLOUR clogvet4 ztatatti-lm86' tFs#< iE6t$-tvekcImetea Gingerich's Sales & Service TRANSISTOR RADIO vgtvczmte tgt Pg gtgtgovc-totgtwtgtctvztckv Zurich Variety Store BROWNIE STARMATIC CAMERA telactovelcvatcomoctetwamtmemexim Stade & Weido Hardware ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE tw clgt('t6' a tgt tmgtmG'tgtgtgtGtg'. tg 4 Taylor Motors Limited IV ONE PASSENGER SNOW TIRE TOWNE AND COUNTRY Beauty Lounge $10.00 PERMANENT !t<'£gl6'tU'�'t6'P�lGl6'P�P��tt;'�IGIU'tt;P,ga,�'lU'K:t�tg�dtialu' Tasty -Nu Bakery TWO DRAWS: 5 -LB. CHRISTMAS CAKES 4 0r Doerr's Superior Store tillmovortemictwogrvommovametem Rose's Lunch Bar GIFT CERTIFICATE twomovelogtmacectmGil4tP,gtat t wnzte Prang's Garage SIX QUARTS OF SUNOCO OIL ICKIZ/ CICIln'ttitoavatta inte.tortgP/emgr PQr ma 1st-- $10,00 GROCERIES 2nd—$7.00 GROCERIES 3rd — $5.95 CAMERA 4th—$5.95 CAMERA dDiDtBaiaad=aaDaai da'aaa a€raar2i2aaiaaaaQiaa irai r• Draws will he made at Zurich Aren FRIDAY, DECEM 4 ER 23, AT 10:30 on (,• Ir.7Te BrixIrrT 4 I:iPI