HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-12-08, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriam„ Engagements, 3c a word Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS-- %, Off if paid .by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE— lOc added on second MIL FREE -- Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE APPLES — Spys, Greenings, Snows, Delicious, etc. Fred Mc- Clymont, one mile south of Varna. 49,50,1,2,p CHRISTMAS TREES — Scotch pine. Ken Westlake, dial 236- 4364. 48,9,b COMMUNITY Silverware — Price Sale. Two patterns, "White Orchid" and "South Seas"; 36 -piece service for 8, only $43.00; 88- piece service for 12, only $88.44. Don't miss this opportunity sale. Limited time offer. Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. CHRISTMAS GIFTS — Slippers aand luggage; special prices on a limited amount of Bauer hoc- key skates, for youths, boys and men; figure skates for misses and ladies. Draw to be made on Christmas eve.—Oesch Shoe Store. 48,b HEREFORD BULLS, purebred, ready for service. We also have a special low price on stable fans and grain airiators, which cool and dry grain right in your own bins. Call us for a free demonstration. Phil Durand, RR 2, Zurich, dial 236- 4749. 48,9,40,p CHRISTMAS FLOWERS—Order early for your plants, cut flow- ers or arrangements. Nete's Flowers, Zurich. 48,b YOU CAN STILL order maga- zines. Why not give Reader's Digest, MacLean's, Ideals, Chate- laine, Ladies' Home Journal, Western Horseman, Boys' Life, Young Miss, Seventeen, Rod and Gun, National Geographic, etc. I sell all magazines. A number reduced at Christmas. Good time to renew yourself! Did you know I can handle your renewals and specials that come through the mail? No postage or money order charges for you. Please .let me do the work. I am your magazine rep- resentative. Just call 262-2278. Mrs. C. D. Kipfer, 81 Richmond Street North, Hensall, Ontario. FOR RENT HOUSE in Zurich; also house in Hensall. Apply to Ivan Kalbfleiseh . 49,50,p HOUSE, 2112 miles south of Zurich, with conveniences. Available immediately, Apply to Lennis Gingerich, dial 237- 3287. 49,b CUSTOM WORK SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb MASONRY SERVICE — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf CATTLE SPRAYED for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- 3306, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich. 48,tf Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS --- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Sehilbe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner were Sunday guests with Mrs. Vera Schilbe at Kitchener. Mrs. Jerome Sweeney has re- turned home from. Windsor af- ter attending the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Fergus Crowley. Mrs. Graham Farquhar, of Wisconsin, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut. Cards of Thanks I sincerely thank all my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for their kindness, cards, treats and visits while in Clinton hospital, and since returning home. Dorothy Koehler. The family of the late Floyd Turner wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, beauti- ful floral tributes, cards of sym- pathy and charitable donations during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to those who helped at the time of the acci- dent, also Rev. Stuart, Bon- thron's Funeral Home, nurses and doctors on 6th floor, Vic- toria Hospital, and to anyone who helped at •our homes in the loss of husband, father, son and brother. Sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to all my friends who so kindly remembered me with visits, cards and flowers while a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter; Kinette Club, Le- gion Ladies' Auxiliary, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall; Rev. Gandon, Dr. Goddard, Miss Claypole and staff.—Mrs. John Henderson. COMING EVENTS Grand Bend Santa Claus par- ade—clowns, floats; free pop, balloons and candy for the kids, Saturday, December 10, at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. Spon- sored by the Grand Bend Win- ter Sports Club, Grand Bend, Ontario. 48,9,b Christmas meeting, Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hos- pital, Tuesday, December 13, at 2:30 p.m., auxiliary rooms. Miss Claypole and staff will be host- esses for this meeting. NOTICE As in former years, we Are again giving one item of luggage as a Christmas draw in our store. Luggage sale value $17.95. Oesch Shoe Store, Zurch. 47to51 NOTICE to livestock shippers. I am shipping cattle to Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto, every Wednesday. For service call 262-5092, Ray Ingram. 48,9 WANTED WILL DO typing and book- keeping in my home in Hensall. Dial 262-2108. 47,8 YOUNG MAN FOR Retail Lum'ber Business Experience Not Essential! GOOD WAGES — FRINGE BENEFITS For employment application Write to: P.O. Box 119 Grand Bend, Ontario Registered Nurses Assistants FOR BLUE WATER REST HOME ZURICH Excellent Starting Salary Living Accommodations available. APPLY TO THE SUPERINTENDENT BLUE WATER REST HOME 236.4373 — Zurich IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household. Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises 27 Huron Street, Exeter The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 at 1:00 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of Lot 21, 27 Huron Street, Exeter, on which is sit- uated a modern red brick dwell- ing. Large living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath- room, kitchen and utility room. Full sized basement, ideal for recreation room. Oil furnace, newly built garage. Ample gar- den land and fruit trees. Dwelling nicely situated and in first class state of repair. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Household Effects: Oak dining room suite con- sisting of extension table, six chairs, buffet and china cabi- net; oak rockers; occasional chairs; Evans upright piano; Philco 21 -inch television; elec- tric radio; chesterfield and chair; wicker chair; studio couch; trilight and table lamps; footstool; library table; end and centre tables. small china cabinet; combination bookcase and writing desk; chrome table and chairs; kitchen chairs; mir- rors; pictures and frames; Ax- minster rugs 9x9 and 6x9; scat- ter rugs; cedar chest; crokinole board; electric washing machine; combination annex and electric stove; med. size refrigerator; electric iron, tea kettle and toaster; walnut 3 -piece bedroom suite, like new; steel bedstead,) Once again the Canadian parliament h a s temporarily stopped running the nation's business to discuss broadcast- ing by condemning the CBC about a Sunday night program, This happened a few months ago. It's always happening. It's true that parliament gov- erns broadcasting but perhaps it shouldn't. How many words are spoken about television and radio in the U.S. House of Representa- tives or in the Senate. Very few. They are too busy run- ning .a country to be concerned about a program dealing with the oldest subject in the world —sex. Members on both sides •of the House applauded when Davie Fulton • asked State Secretary springs and mattress: dressers; commodes; 2 toilet sets; sewing machine; electric clock; assort- ment of bedding, mats, bed- spreads, drapes, curtains; glass- ware; silverware; antique dish- es; kitchen utensils; space heat- er; Briggs and Stratton power mover; garden hose; carpenter tools and many other miscel- laneous items. Terms—Cash Mrs. CHARLES TINDALL, MRS. LAVERNE STONE, Executors for the estate of the late James Squire GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer THANK YOU! My sincere appreciation for your continued confidence and support. — LLOYD HENDRIC1 THANK YOU! To all those who supported me, and worked on my behalf at the Township Election on Monday, my sincere thanks ! — CHARLES BURGESS THANK YOU! 1 wish to extend my sincere appreciation to all those who supported me at the polls on Monday. You can be sure I will endeavor to work for the best interests of all ratepayers in Hay Township! — HAROLD CAMPBELL APPLICATIONS WANTED _ MANAGER -- Community Hall: In charge of program and maintenance, for year. Also program and mainten- ance of Arena area for summer months. Duties to com- mence December 24, 1966. For additional information contact Doug O'Brien. Tenders to be in hands of secretary of Zurich Recreation Committee by December 12, 1966, at 6:00 p.m. MRS. DOUG ARMSTRONG, Secretary Zurich Recreation Committee. BLUE WATER REST HOME The Board of Directors wish to acknowledge with grateful thanks, the following who donated their services free for the success of Official Opening day: COFFEE — Mother Parker's Tea and Coffee Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. ORANGE DRINK — Tuckey Beverages, Exeter, Ontario, MILK AND CREAM — Hurondale Dairy, Hensall. BISCUITS AND COOKIES — Christie Brown and Company Limited, Peak Frean (Canada) Limited, McCor- mick's Limited. CHAIRS -- Bonthron Funeral Home, Dinney Funeral Home, Hoffman Funeral Home, Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Stiles Funeral Home, Westlake Funeral Home, Hensall Legion, Hensall IOOF. Mr, Elroy Desjardine for additional sound equipment; Mr. N. J. Corriveau, for transporting additional chairs and stage material; the ladies, young men and young ladies who helped with the refreshments, parking and monitoring, Judy LeMarsh if the CBC will continue to abuse its privilege of complete editorial and cor- porate autonomy "with dissemi- nation of this kind of garbage". Eric Winkler, of Grey -Bruce, said in part: "I believe the Ca- nadian taxpayer needs no long- er pay for this sort of trash." W. H. A. Thomas, of Middle- sex West, said: "The people have a right to know whether or not the prime minister saw this show on Sunday evening. If he did, is he willing to con- done the action of he CBC in presenting it?" Mr. Winkler is on the right track. The people shouldn't have to pay to support the CBC or broadcasting in any form. The government should get out and stay out of broadcasting once and for all. Mr. Thomas made an ass of himself by asking whether the PM saw the show. Who cares? It's time all members of par- liament got down to running this country and governing it properly. It's time they started thinking about important issues like enough money for the aged; for the blind and other handicapped persons; the wid- ows; the orphans and all other under -privileged Canadians. You Ottawa bums who are making $18,000 a year should start performing the duties the people expect and want. Get out of broadcasting and most important of all, stop tax- ing the people for broadcasting. 0 A Subscription to the Cittizens News Makes An Ideal Christmas Gift Jean McLachlin at the organ in the ROD and GUN ROOM Colonial Hotel GRAND BEND EVERY Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night Also Saturday Matinee Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clausius spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bedard and family at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Black and family, of Buckingham, Quebec, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau "CAVALIER TAPER" Featuring "The Cavaliers" Dashwood Community Centre SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 9 to 12 p.m. GRAND BEND MERCHANTS CHRISTMAS PROMOTION 1966 EACH WEEK 1 X$20 1 X$10 3 x $5 Draws GRAND PRIZE Saturday, December 24, $100 AND OTHERS Special --$1.00 on Merchandise or Services Sign the Coupon Sponsored by the GRAND BEND AND AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1st Week's Winners 1—Douglas Holt, RR 2, Grand Bend 2—Elisa Huber, RR 3, Zurich 3—Marias L Martens, RR 2, Grand Bend 4—Susan Flear, Grand Bend 5—T. E. Montgomery, Grand Bend GIFTS N Where One - Stop Supplies You With All Your Shopping Needs! 1'OYLAND Come in and see our Complete Selection of Toys. All the Toys and Games that Children's Christmas Dreams are made of are here now! Do Your Shopping Early WHILE OUR SELECTION IS AT ITS BEST GIFTWARE • Brassware Fern Stand • Lead Crystal • Magazine Racks • China and Glassware • Fern Stand APPLIANCE Hair Dryers — Toasters • Floor Polishers • Electric Clocks -- Mixers • Vacuum Cleaners • Frying Pans Kettles Washers and Dryers Refrigerators and Ranges For the Christmas Tree FURNITURE Lamps — Hassocks • Chesterfield Suites • Tables and Chairs SMOKERS -- ROCKERS -- HAMPERS WALL MIRRORS • KITCHEN SETS TEA WAGONS -- CARD TABLES We also have a Complete Line of Juvenile Furniture for the Children, such as Chairs, Tables, High Chairs, Rockers, Cribs, Play- pens, Etc. Stands, Ornaments, Lights, Decorations, Tinsel, Etc. TIEM AN'S HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 237-3681 �:sYt a P7?t`L�id't�inv�iFJ�bsS a�Jfuht:BJ`JJY DiZt'n1`d'JADtn`tAt ID Dashwood :r°9Ja`8'i 728`oia'l*YiBi241iDf1` DI 24kit'dtDt'dl'd'ti3M24W21b"f`1i t`+1i+aai