HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-11-24, Page 5three under the Criminal Code. About six tickets have been issued in connection with the new parking regulations in the village of Zurich. Of the six, about half of them are resi- dents of the village, I am pleased to report an- other week of almost accident free driving for .the area. For the coming week, I would ask the motoring public to keep up the good driving habits, and to clean the frost off their windows, before driving, as it is now an offence under the Highway Traffic Act. (1 Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hartman and family, Bright's Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hartman and Robert Hartman, London, were week -end visitors with their mother, Mrs. T. Hartman. Mr. Jack Stansbury, of St. Catharines, was a week -end vis- itor with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake. BLUE WATER REST HOME NEWS and VIEWS By Lance J. Reed, Superintendent The official opening cere- monies are over and what a success it was. My personal thanks to all members of the choir. Many favorable com- ments have come in regarding this choir. Our first residents have moved in and I am happy to welcome them to the Home. They are: Mrs. Bertha Uttley, Mr. Chester Smith, Mr. William Thiel, all of Zurich; Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver, Mrs. Anna Stelck, from Dashwood; Mrs. Edna Glazier, from London, and Mrs. Annie Preston, from Exeter. I sincerely hope they will all be very happy and content in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steckle receives our thanks for their BOB'S Barber Shop Open Tuesday and Friday Nita MAIN STREET, ZURICH CHIEF CUSTODIAN To direct and assist in the care and maintenance of SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL EXETER Stationary Engineer OR Steam Fitter Preferred SALARY: 54,600 Apply in writing by Tuesday, November 29 TO BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR South Huron High School Board P.O. BOX 760 Exeter, Ontario Tenders for Caretaker -Manager SEALED application for the positions of caretaker -manager of the Zurich Arena and Community Centre will be ac- cepted by the undersigned, as follows: 1--Caretaker-manager of the Zurich Arena. 2—Caretaker-manager of the Zurich Community Centre. 3--Caretaker-manager of both the Arena and Community Centre. All tenders •to be in by Friday, November 25, and duties to commence on December 1. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. DOUG ARMSTRONG, Secretary, Zurich Recreational Committee, Zurich, Ontario, 1 ,TIf7URSDAY, NOVEMBER 24„ 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAPE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word, Minimum 75e, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50e. CASH DISCOUNTS— % Off if paid ,by Saturday following last insertlern. BILLING CHARGE— added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday 1 FOR SALE HESS REPAIR Service, 40 years experience: fine watch repair- ing; clock repairing; diamond resetting; spectacles repaired; leases duplicated; pearls re - strung; electric shavers re- paired; hearing aid batteries, all makes. Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 44,5,6,p HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due next month. Apply to Joe Van Don - gen, Grand Bend, dial 238-2618. 43,4,5,p COMMUNITY, the finest Silver- ware—Half Price Sale—patterns of white orchid, and south seas, sets and open stock. Limited time offer, order yours today. 36 -piece sets for 8, $43.12; 88 - piece sets for 12, $88.44. Hess the Jeweller.. 44,5,6,p FLOWERS—We arrange flow- ers for weddings and funerals. Also potted plants, floral ar- rangements and cut flowers. Nete's Flowers, Mrs. NLilton 'Desch, dial 236-4602. APPLES—Spies, Kings, Green- ings, McIntosh, Snows, Delici- ous, Baldwins, cider apples. Phone 482-3214, Fred McCly- anent, one miles south of Varna. 44,5,p ELECTRIC Sunbeam snow blow- er, brand new. Contact 237- 3267, after 6 p.m. 'HOLSTEIN Heifers, due soon. Curtis Gingerich, 2'6-4875. '7 FOR RENT HEATED APARTMENT in Hen- sall, upstairs. upstairs, three bedrooms. bath, etc. Apply to Al Scholl, Glial 262-1017. 42,tf WANTED WILL DO typing and book- keeping in my home in Hensall. Dial 262-2108. 47,8 CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM Corn Picking, with two self -unloading wagons and elevators. Call Earl Becker, Dashweod. 41,2,3,p C U .S T 0 M CORN Combining, truck available. Contact Ivan Sharrow. 136W, Dashwood. 43,4,b CUSTOM Corn Combining and drying. Call William Steckle, Bayfield. 565-5377, or Zurich 236.4183. 43,4,5,p SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb MASONRY SERVICE — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth, 5,tf Anyone wishing to have whitewashing done, contact Bill Watson, phone 27r19, Dash- wood. aka, IINIMOANINNIMMIII=10 Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collett Dead Animal Licence No, 25 c 66 BIRTHS REGIER—Mr. and Mrs. Warren Regier, London, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Theresa Marie, on November 17, 1966, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Cards of Thanks The Ladies' Auxiliary to Blue Water Rest Home wish to ex- press their since thanks to Mather Parkers for their kind and generous help at the offic- ial opening on Sunday. Many thanks to all our neigh- bors, friends and relatives who kindly remembered me while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace. —Mrs. Mabel Thiel. Sincere thanks to my friends, relatives and neighbors for the visits, •cards, treats and kind deeds shown me while a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. — Mrs. Napoleon Bedard. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Max Turnbull are holding "open house" on Friday, December 2, 1966, from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., at their home, three miles north of Grand Bend on Highway 21, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary and ex- tend a cordial invitation to rel- atives, friends and neighbors. No gifts, please. IN MEMORIAM Bearinger—In loving memory of Mrs. Emma Bearinger, who passed away nine years ago, No- vember 23. They say time heals sorrows, And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss her yet. God gave us strength to fight it And grace to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose her, None will ever know, —Lovingly remembered by hus- band, parents and family. COMING EVENTS Remember the Knights of Columbus turkey bingo of last year? It was big. This year's will be bigger. Keep Thurs- day, December 1, open. The bingo will be at 8:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall, Seaforth. We'll see you there. 45,6,7,b NOTICE As in former years, we are again giving one item of luggage as a Christmas draw in our store. Luggage sale value $17.95. Oesch Shoe Store, Zurch. 47to51 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Complete General Stock of Kalbfleisch Planing Mill in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 at 12:30 p.m. Sale consists of office equip- ment, -including form register; typewriter; duplicator; adding machine; 'assortment new and used lumber; plastic and alumi- num mouldings; heavy duty jacks; assortment saws; 3 Mc- Cullough chain saws; large 'as- sortment windows, sash, frames and screens, doors, picnic ta- bles;; 6 outdoor swings; benches; cedar chests; ladders; power lawn mowers; scales; hoists; wooden water trough; truck platforms; rubber tire wagon and rack; bag truck; electric blower; pulleys; 15 -ft. plywood boat; snow fence; cement forms; lumber and heavy timber; ce- dar posts; elm lumber; maple flooring; large assortment paint; window glass; dog house; chains; pumps; 1949 Dodge pick-up truck, ,in good condi- tion; many other miscellaneous items. Plan to attend this opportun- ity sale. Terms—Cash IVAN KAIJBFLEISCH, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer GETTENG READY FOR CHRISTMAS—Harry Page, superintendent of the Hensall PUC, is busy these days dec- orating the village with colored lights and decorations in preparations for the Christmas season. He is shown here on his aerial Iadder fastening a string of lights across the road. Police Report on Area Activity By Corporal C. J. Mitchell During the week of Novem- ber 13 to 19, the Exeter de- tachment of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police investigated 17 occurrences, and two accidents which resulted in only one in - j ury. Seventy-two warnings were handed out under the Highway Traffic Act, and 21 charges were laid under the same act. One charge was issued under the Liquor Control Act, and CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises directly across from St. Boniface Church in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 at 1:30 p.m. Chesterfield and chairs; 3 oc- casional chairs; Bell upright piano and stool, in new condi- tion; 3 centre tables; coffee table; 3 oak rockers; mirrors; electric lamps; Martel 17 -inch television; cedar chest; GE ra- dio; Singer sewing machine; Frigidaire 9 cu. eft. refrigerator; Moffat medium size 4 -burner electric stove; electric washing machine; 2 trunks; Duo -Therm space heater with blower, like new; chest of drawers; settee; chrome table and chairs; elec- tric clock; electric tea kettle; single steel bedstead, springs and mattress; oak bedstead, springs and mattress; play pen; high chair; dressers; commodes; toilet set; assortment of quilts, comforters, linens, drape s,; glassware; silverware; kitchen utensils; copper boiler; sealers; crocks; Quebec heater; step ladder; garden tols, etc. MRS. CATHERINE FARWELL, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 62 -Acre Farm, Grand Bend Cottage, Livestock, Tractors, Truck, Combine, Farm Machinery, Hay, Straw House- hofd Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 1, Con. B, Stephen Township Highway 81, s/.c1 mile east of Grand Bend, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 at 12:30 p.m. Complete list of this impor- tant sale in next week's issue, NORRIS DESJARD•INE, Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer ttention FARMERS Elevators in Hensall WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY (COMMENCING NOV. 19, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) SIGNED: E. L. Mickle & Son Limited Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. W. O. Thompson & Sons Ltd. donationof apples. I have arranged the visiting hours for our Home as: daily, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. This is a bit unusual from other homes and their visiting hours. To insure the privacy of our residents it would be appreciated if all tours could be kept to this visiting time. Kitchen Shower Miss Dianne Faber, bride - elect of December 17„ was hon- ored at a kitchen shower given by Emma Oesch, Eleanor Wright and Mrs. Carol Penhale, at the home of Mrs. Penhale, Bayfield, on Saturday evening, The evening was spent in con- tests and readings by Linda Rader and Carol Penhale. A bride's book was passed around. The address was read by Miss Eleanor Wright, and Wendy and Ricky Penhale and Sylvia Oesch presented Dianne with many lovely gifts. She was assisted in opening them by Sandra Bolton and Patsy Faber, after which the bride-to-be made a fitting reply. A buffet lunch was served by the hostess. THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY Established 1870 Assets $75,000,000 * Capital & Reserve $9,000,000 Paid on 3,4 & 5 year debentures or 61/4% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures Offices: Toronto . Hamilton • Ottawa . St. Thomas - Please complete coupon and mail with cheque to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Phone 432-4158 Amount Years ❑Accumulative ❑ Coupon Mr./Mrs./Miss Address Tel. Signature r1 1 W_2/ 6 OUNCE Supreme Peanut Butter _ _ _ 35c FANCY -15 OZ. Libby's Fruit Cocktail _ _ _ _ 29c 14 OUNCE Libby's Pork and Beans _ _ 2/39c Kraft Dinner, 7 oz. _ _ _ _ 2/29c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH, ONTARIO NOTICE Hay Municipal Exchange System IS HOLDING OPEN HOUSE At Its New Dial Exchange Building Located in Dashwood WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 At '7:30 p.m. All customers within the entire system are welcome to attend