Zurich Citizens News, 1966-11-24, Page 1No. 47—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1966 7 CENTS PER COPY THEY CAME — THEY SAW — THEY WERE IM- PRESSED—This pretty well sums up the feelings of close to 3000 people who attended the official opening of Blue Water Rest Home on Sunday afternoon. This photo, taken near the supper hour, still shows crowds of people coning and going to view the modern new facilities. RIBBON CUTTING — Ontario Prime Minister John Robarts snips the traditional ribbon during the opening ceremonies held Sunday for the $725,000 Blue Water Rest Horne, near Zurich. Holding the ribbon is board chairman Dr. C. J. Wallace, who is also one of the original founders of the proj ect, CHEQUE PRESENTED — A cheque in the amount •of $162,500, representing the final payment of the provincial government grant, was presented to board chairman Dr. Wallace by Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, Huron MLA, at the official opening on Sunday of Blue Water Rest Home. The total govern- ment grant amounted to $5000 per bed. 28 Methers of Zurich Lia. s Club Receive Perfect Attendance Chevrons Twenty-eight members of the Zurich Lions Club were pre- sented with perfect attendance chevrons at the Monday night dinner meeting of the organiz- ation, at the Dominion Hotel. The chevrons represented from one year's perfect attendance to 21 years, the life of the Zurich group. Those receiving 21 -year chev- rons were Eel Deters, George Deichert, ,Take Haberer, Earl Yungbiut, Ivan Yungblut, Le- roy O'Brien; 20 years, Russell Grainger, Ed Gascho; 17 years, Lloyd O'Brien, Delbert Geiger; 14 years, Leroy Thiel. Nine-year chevrons were pre- sented to Doug O'Brien, Don O'Brien, Ray McKinnon, herb Turkheim; eight years, Morris Webb, 1i erd Haberer, Don Oke; seven years, Howard Klopp; six years, Claire Geiger; five years, Stewart Deitz, Hubert .Schilbe; four years, Arnold Merner; three years, V. L. Becker; two years, Joe Hoffman; one year, Gordon Bloch, Bob Merner, Robert Westlake. The presentation of chevrons was made by president Leroy Thiel, Vice-president Morris Webb was in charge of the meeting. Guest speaker on Monday night was William Whiting, pro- motion manager of CKCO-TV, Kitchener, who related an in- teresting account of a recent trip he made to England and Belgium w 1 t h world -renown gambler Bruce Irwin. In the business portion of the meeting, a donation of $200 was approved to the Zurich Minor Athletic Association for their work with minor sports in the community. A donation of $25 was made to the Zurich Girl Guides and .another $25 to the Zurich Centennial Committee. Lion Arnold Merner reported that plans are well under way for the annual fowl bingo on Friday night, December 2. Lion Hilbert Schilbe reported that annual Santa Claus day in Zur- ich would be held on Saturday, December 10. It was also decided to change the date of a meeting in Feb- ruary to a Thursday night in- stead of Monday, so that an in- vitation could be extended to the London North Lions Club to visit Zurich, with their en- tire club. The club also agreed to try and round up all the band in- struments which belong to thein at one time, so they may be used by persons wishing to or- ganize a band in the village. Stolen Car Is ecovered Later An automobile belonging to Edwin Gascho, of Zurich, was stolen from in front of the Town Hall on Tuesday night. Mr. Gascho noticed the vehicle missing about 10:30 p.m. Provincial police were imme- diately notified, and a search across the area was immedi- ately begun. A couple of hours later the car was found parked behind the office of the OPP in Exeter, and a Crediton youth was ap- prehended after being found in the vehicle. As a result of the incident, a charge of car theft has been laid against Wayne Brunzlow, of Crediton. In the meantime, the car has been ret>rned to the owner. 3,000 People Impressed ew lue ' ater Resp Close to 3000 people crowded into every available corner of Blue Water Rest Home last Sunday afternoon, to take part in the official opening cere- monies. They heard Ontario Prime Minister John Robarts praise the type of home which had been built to serve the senior citizens of this area and saw hint cut the ribbon which officially opened the home to the public. "The real credit for this home belongs to the people in this area who have worked so hard to bring their plans into being," government of Ontario only the Prince Minister said. "The helps by making funds avail- able, but the big load has been carried by the people of this community. The Prime Minister praised Blue Water Rest Horne as being the type of building which the province is encouraging people to build. "This is one of the finest homes in Ontario," he said, "and there are not many that can provide the facilities which have been made avail- able here. The recreational and hobby craft areas, along with the beautiful chapel, will pro- vide many hours of content- ment for the residents." Mr. Robarts explained how the government has increased the grants far this type of in- stitution from $2500 a bed to the current rate of $5000, and also added that the mainten- ance grants will be increased from 75 to 80 per cent. In commending all the people in the area who have had a part in the planning and con- struction of the home, Mr. Zurich Cha t To Assks`' Q her f Co :terce Hopes rganizing fl. cal and A committee within the Zur- ich and District Chamber of Commerce has been set up to investigate the possibility of forming a band to serve the community. At the regular dinner meeting of the organiz- ation last Wednesday night, Charles Kalbfleisch, a high school teacher at Goderich, met with the members and discussed the possibilities of forming such a group. Mr. Kalbfleisch has had years of experience in this type of work at Medway High School, and also since joining the staff at Goderich. He indicated to members that he would be quite willing to instruct a band in this community. An effort is being made to locate any former instruments in the community, so they may be used by younger persons wishing to join the band. The Lions Club have also offered to loan any instruments they still have to the members of the band, in an attempt to assist in the project. Mr. Kalbfleisch pointed out that it would take long hours of practicing to accomplish the goal. but added that the results would be gratifying in the end. President Keith Westlake and vice-presidents Leroy Thiel and Herb Turkheim were installed officially at the meeting by past president Albert Kalbfleisch. A president's gavel was presented to the organization, with the compliments of secretary Ray McKinnon. The date for the annual ladies' nite has been set for Wednes- day, December 14, at the Do- minion Hotel. Robert Westlake and Glenn Thiel are co -chair - 'men of the event, and are sell- ing tickets for the occasion. In other business at the meet- ing the organization approved a donation of $25 to the cen- tennial committee, to help with expenses being involved in the planning of next year's ac- tivities, Robarts said, "in one year you have created a dream into one of the finest rest homes in the province of Ontario." Before introducing the prime minister to the large gathering, Hon. C. S. MacNaughton pre- sented a cheque in fhe amount of $162,500, representing the final grant, to Dr. C. J. Wallace, chairman of the board. Mr, MacNaughton also praised the people in the community for the terrific efforts they have put into the construction of Blue Water Rest Home, and termed Sunday as a "happy day" for himself as well as all others who have worked on the project. Mr. Robarts was thanked for his presence by Robert E. Mc- Kinley, Huron HP, who also congratulated everyone connect- ed with the hone for their out- standing efforts. The program opened with Elgin McKinley, who served as chairman of the building cam- paign, introducing Dr. Wallace, the chairman of the board. Mr. McKinley paid special tribute to the doctor who has devoted a great deal of time to the project. Hay Township reeve John Corbett and Zurich reeve Leroy Thiel both brought greetings to the crowd from their respective municipalities, and James Hay- ter, reeve of Stephen, extended greetings on behalf of the County of Huron and his town- ship. (Continued on page 8,i ith ome Most of the area clergymen also took part in the program, with Rev. A. Blackwell reading the scripture and invocation, and Rev. Ephraim Gingerich in- troducing the home superinten- dent and mass volunteer choir. The choir sang a beautiful ren- dtion of "Bless This House". The prayer of dedication was offered by Monsignor W. Bour- deau, and Father N. C. Page offered the prayer of bene- diction. A highlight of the ceremony was the presence of Father A. C. Doyle, who retired some months ago and returned to the opening to pay tribute to all those who worked so hard in the campaign and in the plan- ning of the home. He paid special tribute to the five found- ers, Ervin Gingerich, Gerald Gingerich, Dr. Wallace. Charles Burgess and Keith Westlake, who first came up with the idea of the project. Others given special recognition by the pop- ular priest were Elgin McKin- ley, Albert Kalbfleisch, Ray McKinnon, Ivan Kalbfleisch, Herb Turkheim and Leroy Thiel. Father Doyle also ce npli- mented the citizens of the vil- lage of Zurich, who made the highest individual donations to the home. He pointed out that of the $80,000 now given ti; the project, almost $30,000 it came from the village itself. He also added that Stanley Township was next in their _iv - PRESENTS BOUQUET —One of the first resid.-ris at Blue Water Rest Home, Chester L. Smith, of Zurich. the pleasure of presenting a bouquet to Mrs. C. S. : is Naughton, of Exeter, wife of the Ontario Minister of Mee - ways and Huron MLA, who has worked so hard on he`.r.:,''•' of the project. Mr. Smith was the publisher of tha Zurich Herald. PART OF THE PROJECT—Just what this big build- ing, located on Ilighwray 21, near Grand Bend, is for seems a big question mark to most area residents, but undoubtedly it is some part of the Lake Huron to London water pipeline. Workmen are racing with time at the present to get the job completed and the pipeline into operation,