HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-11-17, Page 1No. 45—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL. NEWS
oblems Overcome Since plans
me er First nnounce.:
Blue Water Rest Home pictured here are
credited with the dream behind the impres-
sive structure to be officially opened on
Sunday, November 20. Planning got under
way early last year when Ervin Gingerich
announced his idea to begin a very small
nursing home in Zurich. Seated, left to
right, Gerald Gingerich, Dr. Charles Wallace.
Standing, left to right, Charles Burgess,
Keith Westlake, Ervin Gingerich.
(Citizens News Photos)
St. Peter's (WI
.. o Gather Clothes
For Needy Homes
The regular monthly meeting
of St. Peter's CWL was held in
St. Mary's School with 25 mem-
bers present.: President Mrs.
Lawrence Regier opened the
meeting with prayers. Roll
call and minutes were read and
approved, and treasurer's re-
port was given.
New business included the
gathering of used cloth i n g,
which will be sent to Sisters of
Service to be distributed among
the poor; the making of cookies
for the opening of the Rest
Home, Sunday, November 20.
At the Christmas •meeting the
ladies will exchange a small
Mrs. Peter Jeffrey thanked
the ladies for their generous
pantry gifts. The mission gift
brought $5.75 and was won by
Mrs. Richard Jeffrey. The meet-
ing was voted adjourned by
Charles Rau and Mrs. Vander-
burght. Prayers and, a social
hour followed.
It has been a rocky road that
has been travelled to the com-
pletion of the Blue Water Rest
Home, which now stands in live
steel and brick just west of Zur-
ich. One could almost say the
idea for the Honie was born of
problems within the County of
Huorn and was built despite
misgivings on the part of coun-
ty residents.
The story really begins in
late 1964 and the early part of
1965 when many Huron persons
were pressing hard for decen-
tralization and the establish-
ment of another county home
for the aged on a site away
from Clinton. The argument
came before county council
where it was decided that an
addition to the present county
home was the most practical to
ensure the complete segrega-
tion of chronic patients from
those who are able to move
about easily — a long-time head-
ache for management there.
About the same time, mem-
bers of the Zurich and Area
Chamber of Commerce were
quietly investigating their
dream to establish a non -de-
nominational rest home under
the Charitable Institutions Act
of the Province of Ontario—an
entirely new concept in facili-
ties for the elderly and persons
desiring rest home care.
A formal announcement that
permission had been obtained
for such a home in the Zurich
area came March 11, 1965, amid
the heat of the decentralization
debate. Almost immediately,
Blue Water Rest Home boosters
had to face the task of educat-
ing the county in the knowl-
edge that the proposed facili-
ties would not in any way effect
the operation of the county
home for the aged.
In November, 1965— eight
months later —the battle still
Four Zurich men, Elgin Mc
Kinley, Gerald Gingerich, Dr.
C. J. Wallace and Ivan Kalb-
fleisch, went to the November
session of county council armed
with a complete report of the
progress to that date and con-
IT'S OFFICIAL NOW—The name of the former Kalb-
fleisch Milts in Zurich has now been changed to the new
company, Zurich Wood Products Ltd. This attractive new
HEADS NEW COMPANY ----'the president and general
manager- of Zurich Wood Products Ltd. k no stranger to
meet of the people in this area. John Blay was general
manager of the Zurich Builders' Supply Ltd. for the past
few years, and prior to that Reid an executive position with
leeiviireor of Canada. He is well qualified for the position
and is hill of enthusiastic plans for the new company.
sign was erected on the mill this Tuesday afternoon, as
activity around the plant continues to grow. The sign itself
explains what is being carried on inside the building.
With P
bserves Rede brume Day
r urid C inch Service
Hensall •Branch of the Cana- Harry Horton
dian Legion, 468, observed Re- Allan.
membrance Day 'on Sunday, No-
vember 13, with a service at
the cenotaph where wreaths
were placed by the following:
Province of Ontario, Mrs. Mary
Taylor; Legion, president Ernie
Davis; Legion Auxiliary, presi-
dent Mrs. Harold Campbell;
Kinsmen and Kinetics, presi-
dent Murray Baker; First Hen-
sall Girl Guides, Linda Fuss;
Village of Hensall, Reeve Min-
nie Noakes; Hay Township,
John C o r b e t t; Tuckersmith,
Reeve Elfin Thompson. Rev.
J. C. Boyne offered prayer.
The parade, largest in years,
comprised of Legion, Auxiliary,
Guides and Brownies and •their
leaders, headed by Exeter Le-
gion Pipe Band, marched to
Carmel Presbyterian Church
where Rev. J. C. Boyne deliv-
:'recl the memorial address on
-Remembrance Day". The choir
sans; under direction of Mrs.
Beatrice Hess.
,lames Taylor was color ser-
geant; Wilmer Dalrymple, par-
ade, marshal, Standard bearers
far the Legion were Ron Meek
and W. H. Bell; Auxiliary, Mrs.
and Mrs. Garnet
vincing data to substantiate
their insistence that Blue Water
Rest Home would not interfere
in any way with the Huron
County Home for the Aged.
In fact, their presentation
was so thorough that not one
question was raised by county
councillors, causing Warden
Glenn Webb to remark that
"the ground must have been
well covered".
The application for a grant
of $130,000 was refused, with
only three Huron reeves voting
"yes" to the proposal. How-
ever, the county legislative
body allowed that "maybe in a
year or two a smaller amount
could be provided by the coun-
ty for a number of homes of
this type".
Rest Home founders made
another appeal to county coun-
cil in March, 1966, for a grant.
Local representatives of county
council spoke on behalf of the
Deputy reeve of Hay Town-
ship, Delbert Geiger: "I would
like to suggest to council it
would not be any more than
fair if the county would make
a gift over five years, or how-
ever they see fit. I would not
like to se it (Blue Water Rest
Home) go entirely without as-
sistance. We have so many of
an age now, with fixed incomes,
who are going to find it more
difficult to carry on their own
housekeeping, that we are go-
ing to need many more of these
homes throughout the county."
Hay Township reeve, Jack
Corbett: "We are giving lots of
money and grants outside the
county which comes from our
taxpayers. Don't you feel we
are entitled to some of it in
our own county?"
Leroy Thiel, reeve of Zurich:
"You cannot call it (Blue Water
Rest Home) another industry,
but it involves jobs, and we
need them in our own county.
How can the committee justify
this decision with $1500 capital
outlay for the Institute for the
Blind—a very worthwhile cause
—but this is going right out of
the county, with other grants.
$1200 Western University capi-
tal grant. I cannot see any
other alternative than to com-
ply with this request."
The appeal was once inure
refused. The committee rec-
ommended that "in view of the
extent to which we are com-
mitted in the field of care for
senior citizens at Iluronview,
no grant be made to the 'Blue
Water Rest Home."
Still, the ambitious dream: of
the Zurich and Area Chamber
of Commerce progressed stead-
ily. In the same issue of the
Zurich Citizens News, which re-
ported county council's denial
of public funds, a front page
story headlined "Rest Home
Campaign Reaches $50,000",
stated "$51,645.15 had been
raised to date."
At the present time. about
$70,000 has been realized
through public subscription.
With provincial grants from the
Ontario Department of Wel-
fare amounting to $325,000, a
mortgage of $330,000 with Cen-
tral Mortgage establishs Blue
Water Rest Home in this area.
Legion Members
Attend Dinner on
Remembrance: Day
The annual Legion Remem-
brance Day dinner, attended by
50 members, was held in the
Legion Hall Friday, November
11, with a delicious dinner
served by the Legion Auxiliary.
Guests were reeves John Cor -
beet, of Hay, and Elgin Thomp-
son, of Tuckersmith, who spoke
briefly. Guest speaker during
the dinner hour was Rev. E. D.
Stuart, of Brucefield, who de-
livered an interesting and in-
spiring message on "Sacrifiee"..
Harry Horton recited a poen,
"In Flanders' Fields". A sinial
hour was enjoyed to which the
Legion Ladies' Auxiiiar, were
special guests.
Blue Water Rest Home, one mile west
of Zurich on Highway 84, will be officially
opened this Sunday, November 20, at a
2 o'clock ceremony at which time the Hon.
John P. Roberts, Prime Minister of Ontario,
will be the special guest speaker,
Others on hand will be Hon. C. S. Mac -
Naughton, Huron MLA and Minister of
Highways for Ontario; Robert E. 1'icKinley.
MP for Huron, and Noble Drew, director
of the' homes for the Aged branch of the
Ontario Department of Public Welfare.
Hon. Larry Pennell, Federal Minister of
Justice, has also received an invitation
to attend.
A mass choir, consisting of singers
throughout the area surrounding Zurich,
will be directed by Lance J. Reed, super-
intendent of the Blue Water Rest home.
Following the ceremony, tours of the
building and a view of all its facilities will
be offered to the public. Light refresh -
ments will he served at the eereeeoii.... ..
the tour.
Actual construction of the 65 bed r..e
home began last November, in co-operati•: e
with tate Ontario Department of Publ:
Welfare, less than a year after the eri iree
idea for it was conceived by the
founding fathers. Cost of the complete
building is $725,000. Private donations l4;
individuals in the area amounted t;
Architects of the firm of Riddle. C-
nor, Falls and Irvine designed the hu.ildin_
which provides accommodation in thre.
wings for persons desiring normal e'
t p aial care or bed care.
Bert Wesley Construction Crimper*.
Su:.rbra, submitted the successful buil,line
tender for $578.987,26.
A 285 -foot well was dug by W. D.
hopper, Seaforth, A deep well pump. with
an out put of 3600 gallons per hour, serves
the Home's water requirements.
AN ARTIST SEES Blue Water Rost Home :is it stands
upon completion and ready for the official opening on Sun
day, November 20. The 65 -bed Home has modern facilities
for rurrrnal care s ec al 1 t: e i its !eel .•ar' n 1, e sial
offers every co coney:lie:1.e a'r eo e lable, .. .. .. :eel!
in view of blue Lake Huron shore:,