Zurich Citizens News, 1966-11-10, Page 3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10,'1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE "THREE e..ftaaet Maeikaget Mrs. Malcolm Dougall had the misfortune recently to fracture her left arm in an accident at her home. X-rays taken at South Huron Hospital revealed the fracture, which was placed in a east. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen, of Stratford, spent the week- end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm, and Ray. The seventh meeting of the Kippen Cookettes was held on November 2 at the !home of the leader, Mrs. Ken McLean. Plans were made for the supper meet- ing November 10 at the Legion Hall, Hensall. Mrs, MacGregor spoke and demonstrated table setting manners, etc. Fred Beer and Harry Horton attended the annual reunion of the Canadian Corps Cyclist Bat- talion, CEF, November 5, .held at King Edward -Sheraton Hotel, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, David and Tommy, Waterloo; Charles Mickle, Hamilton, and Robert, UWO, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Campbell, Eric Campbell and Miss Eliza- beth Ellerington, of Exeter, were in Detroit for the week- end, where Eric is remaining to take a business management course with the Ford Motor Company. J. B. Croyclen, regional cen- tennial representative from Lon- don, will speak and show slides on centennial projects and pro- moting of celebrations at Hen- sall centennial committee meet- ing on Thursday, November 17, at 8 p.m., in Hensall Town Hall. All interested persons are wel- come to attend. Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Wil- liam Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs, Harry Horton, Mrs. W. H. Bell. Mrs. Harold Campbell and Mrs. Gordon Munn participated in a bowling tournament at Exeter, Wednesday, November 2, sponsored by Exeter Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. Mrs. Camp- bell, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Bell were prize winners in various draws. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family have taken up resi- dence in the home they recent - MRS, MAUDE REDDEN, Editor ly purchased on Queen Street. Charles Hay, of Hensall, was the winner of the weekly draw of $25, drawn for Friday night at Crest Hardware, and spon- sored by Hensall Kinsmen, William Simpson, Birming- ham, Mich., son of Mrs. Louise Simpson, of Hensall, an engi- neer for Chrysler Corporation, who is building •a new plant in Prettoria, in South Africa, left Hensall Hi -C Club Elect Officers Hensall young people Hi -C Fellowship group, of Hensall United Church, met Sunday eve- ning with Paul Drysdale con- ducting the meeting. Miss Joan Simmons and Bill Taylor were appointed delegates to Toc- Alpha conference at Niagara Falls, December 27 to 30. One of the group's projects will be the selling of calendars early in December. New executive are: president, John Goddard; vice-president, Joyce Flynn; secretary, Joan Simmons; treasurer, Bill Tay- lor; convenors, Paul Drysdale, Jayne Pyette, Carolyn Cook, Bill Hulls. 0 Amber Rebekahs Plan For Euchre Amber Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting Wednes- day, November 2, with noble grand Mrs. Lindsay Eyre in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Leona Parke and Mrs. George Clifton were appointed delegates to attend the centen- nial meeting at the Hensall Town Hall, November 17, and bring back a report to the lodge. A donation was given to the Odd£ellows and Rebekah Home st Barrie. Plans for a CP&T euchre were discussed, to be held the first Friday in Decem- ber, the second. At their Christmas party •on December 7 members will ex- change xchange gifts. NOTICE FORM 3 The Voters' List Act, 1960 SECTION 12 VOTERS' LIST 1966 Village of Hensall NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the VOTERS' LIST ACT and that I have posted up in my office at the Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday, October 28, 1966, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding to have any omissions or errors corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the Eleventh slay of November, 1966. Dated at Hensall this twenty-eighth day of October, 1966. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK • We will build your HOME • COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete project a week ago for a three weeks' sojourn in Capetown, South Africa. The agriculture meeting of Kippen East WI will be held at the home of Mrs. William Bell, Wednesday, November 16, at 8:30 p,m. Co -hostess is Mrs. William Kyle, Roll call: "hence for the home gardener"; motto: "the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." A. J. Voth, of Birmingham, Mich., left Friday, November 4, for Australia and India on bus- iness. He is the son-in-law of Mrs. Louise Simpson. Memorial Service Commemorating the dead of two World Wars, I-Iensa11 Branch of the Canadian Legion, 468, and Ladies' Auxiliary will observe Remembrance Day on Sunday, November 13, with a service at the Cenotaph at 9:30 a.m., when wreaths will be placed, followed with a service at Carmel Presbyterian Church at 10 a.m., when Rev. J. C. Boyne will deliver the sermon. A parade headed by Exeter Le- gion Pipe Band will march to the church. UCW Group Plan Special Activities Unit 4 of UCW held their November meeting in Fellow- ship Hall in the United Church Thursday afternoon, November 3, with leader Mrs. James Mc- Allister, who chaired the meet- ing, opening with a poem, "A thought for today". Mrs. N, E. Cook had charge of the inter- esting and timely devotional with the centennial in mind. Sacred passages were read by Mrs, Albert Alexander. Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave the study, "On our Canadian heritage". Mrs. E. Chipchase favored with the reading of two poems, "The Touch of the Master's Hand" and "A thought for every day". Mrs. Harold Currie gave a re- peat of the memorial she per- formed at the general meeting recently in tribute to the late Mrs. W. B. Cross. A moment of silent prayer was observed in honor of Remembrance Day, November 11. Reports on visitations were given. The December Christ- mas meeting will be in charge of Units 1, 2 and 3, unit 4 to be guests, On December 28, unit 4 will meet at 2:30 to clear up business for the end of the year. Mrs. Chipchase reported for GROWTH! Now serving the savings and investment needs of more than 120,000 Canadians United Accumulative Fund Ltd. (Net Assets as of June 30, 1966: $256,711,168) SUPERIOR INVESTMENT PROGRAM FOR AS LITTLE AS $100 OR $20 A MONTH CONTACT: Charles D. Hay 262,2509 HENSALL United Investment Services Ltd. the fall bale when nine large cartons of good used clothing were packed and sent to Toron- to for overseas relief, and three smaller boxes for the Salvation Army in London. A mammoth bake and candy sale is scheduled for Saturday, November 26, at 3 p,tn. in the church. Featured also will be a talent table. Unit 2 will cater for the laymans' banquet for Huron Presbytery in Fellowship Hall of the church, Wednesday, November 16. The regional rally held at Elimville recently was reported on. Carmel Ladies' Aid' Bari Campbell, Mrs, R. Aid' Faber, Mrs. Gleen Bell, Mrs, G, Walz, Mrs, Harry Snell; pro - Mold Bake Sale duce, Mrs. J. Love, ars. Robert Madge, Mrs. A. Hoggarth; can- dy, Mrs. Len Purdy, Mrs. George Troyer; touch and take and white elephant, Mrs. Esther Wright; tea tables, Arno ld Circle, Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, Mrs, Harold Knight, Mrs. John Skea, Mrs Stewart Bell and Pauline, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Mrs. J. C. Boyne and Mrs, Harvey Hyde formed the recep- tion committee, The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a most successful bazaar, bake sale andafternoon tea in the church school room on Satur- day, November 5, with the pro- ceeds very gratifying. Committees were: bake table, Mrs. Ed Munn, Mrs. Lorne Luker, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Mrs. Clifford Moir, Mrs. Clar- ence Volland; sewing table, PASSEPORT POUR LA TEM( DES HOMMES expO67 PASSPORT TO MAN ANC) HIS MORED IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY. COMING TO THE PARTY? Expo 67 is the candle on Canada's Centennial birthday cake. The crowning event of a whole year's celebrations. It opens in Montreal next April 28th for six months -the biggest, most exciting show you have ever seen. Make it a date, now. Get your entrance Passport now -and save. Reduced prices up to February 28th: Daily Passport, $2, Weekly Passport (7 consecutive days) $7.50. Also big reductions on Season Passports and Youth Passports. Children 2-12 on April 28th, 1967, half price. On sale at banks, travel agents, transportation companies, department stores, service clubs, women's associations, labour groups, and wherever you see the official Expo 67 sign. Ask about Bonus Books, too, for big discounts on food, rides and entertainment. Accommodations? Guaranteed. Write to the official EXPO 67 accommodation bureau: LOGEXPO, Expo67, Cit6 du Havre, Montreal, P.Q. ex CANADA o67 *A0-0 The Universal and International Exhibition of 1967 Montreal, Canada APRIL 28 -OCTOBER 27, 1967 taen'ai: Sid•6, 0e C ,T, T,0TT, 0,04 iv Wald[d0Rlat Centennial al Canadian Confederation ASO • jru It DISCOVER DR Lon Beef and Pork C Cubed STE i WIENE'S Assorted -12-0z. Jars McLaren's Relishes _ 10 1 5 55c !b.45c PRODUCE Sunkist - No. 1 SIZE 180s men 69c FROZEN FOO ;l^ SUPREME MIXED VEGETm i BUSS 2-Lb®r a 49c HIGHLINER (HADDOCK) FISH - CI -YIP DINT E S 24-0z. Pkg. 59c motaismommaralreaszeoncssumumora Kraft - 1 -Lb. Package 2/49c 1 Velveeta Cheese Libby's - 15 -Oz. Tin EEK -END SPEC a LS Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 10, 11, 12 Giant Size -Tube Crest T.i«th Paste _ - - - 59c 1 -Lb. Bags Hostess Coffee - _ - - - - 79c Apple -Raspberry or Apple -Strawberry (Added Pectin)-48.Oz. Tin Cottage Jams 79c Robin Hood Layer Type -19-0z. Package Coke Mixes 3/$1 St6uart House - Large Size Freezer or ` rirho e ''ags, 2, s - - - 59c fil Dr. Bailard's-_15-Oz. Tins CY t Food _. - 3/53c Fine or Broad -12-0z. Package 1 69c Catells ry Noodles - 3/47c 16 -Ox. Tins s S.O.S. Pads _ _ 2 boxes 49c sloppy hoes 59c Carnation Milk _ _ _ _ 6/$1 ..w 1 Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows Only $35 SIZE DOORS Completely Installed STANDARD STOCK DIAL 236.4679 ZURICH