HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-11-03, Page 8?AGM EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS T jos' 1 and DRYSDALE Alfred Duch,arme, Correspondent b'tr. and Mrs. Lc o r. l iwiva. me i and family. of 6r.;:a:l Bend ; were Sunday 1,t t i : tors w ith I Mr. and Mr \r r a n to at tne. \Ir. and Mrs. 'ti , t LzIporte,1 of the Drysdale, t:•,t and' Mrs. Adeliitt' Dt to tae ,ir�t cl� to London on S:atarai:s;: `ast to pass the week -end \, tti their I p children i o .• Irt:al: on other relatives. Several from tills parish and neighborhood motored to Sea - ,forth on Saturday evening last to attend a dinner at the Legion Hall given by the Knights of Columbus. They report a fair attendance took part to a de- licious dinner and all enjoyed the evening. Charlie .Masse and Dave Be -1 dards of Windsor, spent the week -end in the vicinity calling on relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Cantin and family, of Detroit, were vi sit ors with the former's mother, Mrs, Valerie Cantin, in St. Joseph. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and Robert called on the former's parents on the Blue Water Highway. Mr. H. Sing, of London. spent the week -end in his • cottage at Bayview summer resort, per- haps puttings things in order for another year. Farmers • are well on with their farm work and much of the bean crop has been harv- ested for the year. There are still large fields of corn to harvest but with a favorable month of November that too will be taken care of. In the past few weeks we commented on the pastime of the early settlers in this then new settlement. Their pass -away time in the long winter evenings was gath- ering together in large numbers that included the young people and many older people joined the young to enjoy themselves. There was much dancing at those house parties. There were also games played such as blind man's bluff. hot hand and whatever came into their minds. In the late winter months and early spring they made taffy and, of course, that was a plug for the young, pull- ing taffy and getting smeared up. but to them it was a pas- time. They were not privileged Iike today to hop into a car and take off landing perhaps miles away like the people of today for their travelling meant a short distance to travel, from one end of the parish to tlt<' other. doe Economis" R.ception a dce MR. & MRS. For GERALD THIEL SAT,; NOV. 5 in the Zurich Arena Music by KEN MITTELHOLTZ and THE TWYLITES Everyone Welcome 111111a>a®sla► Visits 4-H Gids The sixth meeting of the Zur- ich 4-H girls was held at the home of Mrs. Parkins on Oc- tober 17. Miss Carroll, the home econ- omist. attended the meeting and shoved the girls how to make tea biscuits. The date for the achievement day will be December 10. For lunch the group had a cake baked by Nancy Rae ?Mc- Kinnon, with ice cream and tea. Varna 4-H Girls The Varna "Mealtime Maids" 4-H girls met on Saturday last at the home of Mrs. Allan Hay- ter. The meeting was opened with the 4-H creed and each answered the roll call with "a supper dish containing vege- tables". The discussion was based on "cereals and breads" and "types of cereals". For the demonstration Mrs. William Dowson made tea bis- cuits. The meeting was closed with the 4-H creed. Glenn Dowson is at present a Patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McClymont and Michael, of Burford, visited with relatives here and at Clin- ton over the week -end. 0 Bowling Scores THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 196 E UV A )• An attractive reward is offered to anyone with information about the persons who were responsible for malicious dam- age to the property of Peter Deichert, in Zurich, on Hallo- we'en night. ISSIONEMMESSZETMEZEISFORIE ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE D'aires, G Marcel _ :.. 630 5 35 Hilites, H McEwan 575 2 26 Packers, E Weido 552 0 33 Starlites, M Rader 681 7 42 N'hawks, M Schilbe 621 7 47 P'p'pers, M Campbell 557 0 11 Scamps. D Browning_ 533 0 9 H Gals, B Bell _ 576 7 9 H & Downs, S Braid ._ 617 7 21 Oces, R Hamilton _ _ 601 0 12 H single: S. Kipfer 328 H triple: D Hess 740 H average: G. Marcell _ 220 MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE B'erettes, C Geger _.. 761 4 11 Rebels, S Relly _ _ _ 711 1 8 D'outs, D Stade _ __ . 676 3 13 Lovers, G Fraser _ _ 739 4 21 G'trotters, B Noakes _ 618 0 3 Cameas, P Bedard . _ 696 0 15 D'boys, F Wells .._ -_ 724 4 15 Rockes, P Overholt ..._ 572 1 18 St'lites, R 'Dorsellar _ 648 3 7 Flyers, E Horner . _ . 653 2 21 Q'naires, L Willert ... 685 2 13 H average: Glen Theil, Bob Morton, H. McEwan 210 H single: Claire Geiger ._._ 340 H triple: Claire Geiger ._ _. 761 * * JUNIOR BOWLING H Shots, N McKinnon _ 309 12 Starlites, L. Fuss ___. _ 369 10 Jet Set, M Gelinas ____ 376 7 Raiders, R Regier ____ 357 14 R Stones, C Zimmer __ 272 2 G Hornets, L Koehler __ 263 15 Huron New Democratic Party Association WILL MEET AT THE Elm Haven Motel, Clinton. ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1966 Everyone Welcome AT 8:30 P.M. Lunch Will Be Served Hear Donald C. MacDonald, MPP ONTARIO LEADER OF THE N.D..P Published by Huron N.D.P. Association HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Offers to Residents of Huron County Con iirehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! Individual and Group Rates Available— Inquire today. from: KENNETH JOHNS, 67 John Street East, Exeter MRS. LLOYD TAYLOR, 140 Huron West, Exeter BERT KLOPP, RR 3, Zurich or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 82 ALBERT ST., CLINTON PHONE 482.9751 imaratintakeititteirearnearant HURON CONSERVATIVES MEET --The annual met- ing of the Huron Progressive t'ouservatives Association was held last Friday night in the Clinton Legion, when officers for the coming term were elected. Left to right are Roy Cousins, Brussels, vice-pres dent; John Durnin, Dungannon, president; Mrs. Dr. F. G. Thompson, Clinton, secretary, and Robert E. McKinley, Zurich, member of parliament for Huron riding. Plan Preaching ssion in Zurich For Four Nights A preaching mission is being held at Emmanuel EUB Church each night, November 7 to 10, at 8 o'clock. Missioners will be the Rev. Howard Zurbrigg, Crediton, and the Rev. Merrill James, of Dashwood. There will be special music each night. This local mission is one of a series being held in co-oper- ation with the Canada Confer- ence Commission on Evangel- ism. Similar meetings have been held or are being held throughout the entire confer- ence during the year. New design —lightweight — faster cutting — double fuel and oil capacity. Only 144 lbs. less bar and chain and cuts through 15" hardwood in 12 seconds! And the cost is low! See it, try it, buy It So light you can balance it on one hand. C. Farm Supplies RR 3 ZURICH 2364934 MXMOT A FArMUL'ti AFFA14—When the .Dash - 'wood Cubs visited Zurich last week on Boy Scout apple day, three members of Hayter families were part of the group. Left to right are brothers Jeff and Rick Hayter, and cousin Tom Hayter. The boys reported a successful campaign. BEST HALLOWE'EN COSTUME Ron Desjardine won first prize for the hest Hallowe'en costume at the masquerade dance in the Zurich Arena last Friday night. 1/117MEruzzOrMarttiffINVIRUM Petroleums Limited Gasoline 46 Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McIINLE ' DIAL 236.4830 -•-- ZURICH Given Party on Hallowe'en Night Children of Hensall and dis- trict were treated to a Hallo- we'en party •at the Hensall Arena Monday evening, spon- sored by the Kinsmen Club of Hensall. Following the judging of costumes, skating was en- joyed. Winners are: 6 and under, comic Vicki Baker, Shelley Wareing, Brenda Rooseboom; best dressed, Anne Jackson, John Dickson, Brian and Becky Baker. Nine and under, best dressed, Jim Ferguson, Brenda Cooper, Bonnie Cooper; comic, Bradley Lavender, Paul Reaburn, Kathy Neilands. Over 9, best dressed, F. Ken- nedy, Bonnie Sangster, Pam Mickle; best comic, Ross Alex- ander, Jeff Reaburn, Danny Turvey. Judges were Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Mrs. Robert Baker. The children received treats. HensaV Coi p e Married 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor cele- brated their 50th wedding anni- versary with a family and friends' dinner at Hotel Hen- sall on Sunday, October 30, at- tended by 40 guests. The celebrants were present- ed with 50 gold jumbo mums from the group in Dundas. The immediate family made them the presentation of a portable TV set, and a housecoat for Mrs. Tudor, and the family gave them 50 yellow roses. Greetings were received from Premier Robarts, Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, minister of high- ways; Robert E. McKinley, MP for Huron, and a framed cer- tificate from the Province of Ontario. Relatives and friends were present from Dundas, Windsor, Woodstock, St. Marys, Toronto and Hensall. Mrs. Tudor, a patient in South Huron Hospital, came home to celebrate the occasion with her family. Toilet Tissue, 2s 4/49c COLORED Monarch Margarine _ _ _ _ 2/69c SUPREME --15 OZ. Sweet Mixed Pickles _ _ _ _ 29c MASON JAR Supreme Peanut Butter _ _ ._ 37c 2 Ms,, 25c brand : laced Vegetables - _ _ 49c ICITY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET Bananas - ZURICH 3 MONTHS' Cy If you arc farming. have no other occupation, have a very small income, and are under -employed, you may qualify for training in the business of farming and receive finan- cial assistance during the period •of the course. This three months' course will be held Every Monday to Friday, from JANUARY 3, 1967, to MARCH 31, 196'7 4:30 P.M. TO 11:00 Northwestern Secondary School, Stratford DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION, NOVEMBER 11, 1966 Forms are available from, and must be returned to, the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, Box 159, CLINTON, ONTARIO Financial assistance is $7.00 per day, plus additional amounts according to number of dependants. This course is sponsored by the Federal and Provincial Governments and is administered by the Stratford Board of Education. - D. H. Miles, P.Ag. D. S Pullen, P.Ag., Associate Agricultural Representative Agricultural Representative for Huron County for Huron County .we 7 points to insist on when buying a furnace :.sir, :;;:Il.:lv��'� •`'; When buying a furnace — consider quality first. •The investment ia.a substantial one and the comfort and well-being of your family is at stake. Only Clare-Hecla guarantees eco- nomical, efficient performance for at full 20 years. V Heavy Gauge Steel Combustion Chamber with full 20 -year Guarantee ✓ Compact, Modem Styli:t*j Vexie ✓ over 1 acceptance for fo years ` ,/ Cyclonic Flue Designs 1� faergias Insulation • Quiet, Valbration-fret Operation Efficient, Economical Performance WINTER AIR .CONDITIONpit,, HAVE All 7,QUALITY I'T>S';g Every Clare unit is backed by or as century of leadership in Canada's heating industry. — your assumece ate complete satisfaction. And, t ea'arat Clare-Hecla furnace to suit yoga,* exact heating requirements, whether it be gea, oil or solid fuel. Drop in ... or phone us today Stade & Weida Hardware DIAL 236.4921 — ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" liesommitifecestmsmimmaMsNMO,