HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-11-03, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE .a ysified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thank, I n Memoriam, Engagements, 3c a word) Minimum 75c. 1EPEATS- 2c a word; Minimum 56c. CASH DISCOUNTS— Off if paid .by Saturday Following last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE— 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE HESS REPAIR Service, 40 years experience: fine watch repair- ing; clock repairing; diamond resetting; spectacles repaired; lenses duplicated; pearls re - strung; electric shavers re- paired; hearing aid batteries, all makes. Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 44,5,6,p CALVES — part Hereford and Holstein, Call Joe Regier, 236- 4777, Zurich. • 43,p WEANLING pigs, about 40. Dial 236.4810. 44,p HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due next month. Apply to Joe Van. Don - gen. Grand Bend, dial 238-2618. 43,4,5,p COMMUNITY, the finest Silver- ware—Half Price Sale—patterns of white orchid, and south seas, sets and open stock. Limited time offer, order yours today. 36 -piece sets for 8, $43.12; 88 - piece sets for 12, $88.44. Hess the Jeweller. 44,5,6,p M]3 OR OXFORD sedan, five good tires, one new; radio; frost shields, $55 cash. Good for learners. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 44,b 20 .r'1riEDER STEERS, from 550 to 600 pounds. Phone Hensall 262-5486. 43,p ENTERPRISE Kitchen cook stove, with warming closet. Call Zurich 236-4128. 43,4,p 1'RIGIDAIRE 4 -burner electric stove, 24", two years old; 10 (cu. ft. Philco refrigerator. Call Noel Laporte, Zurich. 236-4840. 43,4,p •600 WHITE ROCK cockerels, 9 weeks old. McKinley's Hatch- ery, dial 262-2837. 44,b GOLDEN Labrador pups, six weeks old. Phone 236-4118. 44,p FLOWERS — We arrange flow- ers Tor weddings and funerals. Also potted plants, floral ar- rangements and cut flowers. m'ete's Flowers, Mrs. Milton (Desch, dial 236-4602. .DASHWOOD-4-bedroom brick hone, oil heat, 3 -piece bath up- stairs, 2 -piece bath downstairs. Garage. Henry Hoffman, Prop. Phone 85 or 99, Dashwood. APPLES—Spies, Kings, Green- ings, McIntosh, Snows, Delici- bus, Baldwins, cider apples. Phone 482-3214, Fred McCly- mosnl:, one miles south of Varna, 44,5,p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM Corn Picking, with two self -unloading wagons and elevators. Call Earl Becker, Dashwood. 41,2,3,p C US T OM CORN Combining, truck available. Contact Ivan narrow, 136W, Dashwood. 43,4,b CUSTOM Corn Combining and drying. Call William Steckle, Bayfield, 565-5377, or Zurich 236.4183. 43,4,5,p SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., (cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb MASONRY SERVICE — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; .base- ments repaired, Waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf Anyone wishing to have whitewashing done, contact Bill 'Watson, phone 27r19, Dash- wood. HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE—A two-storey frame home on a farm owned by Orville Workman, Kippen, was completely destroyed by fire Sunday night, while the tenants, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown :and family were away visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Workman are seen in this photo, at the ex - BIRTHS KLASSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Cor- nelius Klassen are happy to announce the birth of a son, Douglas Cornelius, at St. Catharines' General Hospital, on October 28, 1966. grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb. Cards of Thanks Our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to the many friends and neighbors who assisted in the search party for our daugh- ter Linda, last Thursday. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will long be remembered. — Mr. and Mrs. George Mathonia and family. 44,p COMING EVENTS Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital, annual meet- ing, Tuesday, November 8, at 2:30 p.m., in the auxiliary rooms. FOR RENT HEATED APARTMENT in Hen- sall, upstairs. upstairs, three bedrooms, bath, etc. Apply to Al Scholl, dial 262.1017. 42,tf WANTED TO BUY BAND INSTRUMENT'S — Any- one interested in selling or please reply to Zurich Citizens renting old band instruments, News, Box 190, Zurich. 41,b WANTED, rotary hog feeders, must be in good condition. Call Neil Gingerich, 236-4736. 42,3,p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ETHEL MABEL WILLIAMS deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Ethel Mabel Williams, late of the vil- lage of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 9th day of October, 1966, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 12 day of November 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario 43,4,5,b Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS _ CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Coiled Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 treme left, viewing the remains of the building. Cause of the fire has not been determined. Hensall postmaster Cecil Kipfer was the first to notice the blaze :and sent in the alaim which called Brucefield brigade to the scene. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instruction to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 at 1 p.m. Household Effects: Admiral 21 -inch television, like new; French provincial chesterfield, two chairs;, swivel chair and rocker; 5 French pro- vincial occasional chairs; Jaco- bean quarter -cut oak dining room suite, including round top extension table, six chairs, buf- fet; walnut nest of tables; wal- nut tea wagon; 2 oak hall trees; assortment mirrors; 4 electric clocks; 3 chests of drawers; 3 ottomans; antique coffee table; mahogany centre table, oak cen- tre table, 3 oak rockers_ _ um- brellas and stand; enamel top kitchen table, chairs; 2 utility tables; pictures and frames; floor and table lamps; clothes hamper; single bedstead, springs and mattress; 2 double bed- steads, springs and mattresses, dressers, commodes; chest of drawers; child's rocker; Mc - Clary 4 -burner electric stove; Frigidaire refrigerator; 2 elec- tric radios; Sunbeam mix mas- ter; vacuum cleaner; Frigidaire clothes dryer; bathroom scales; step stools; Indian rugs; mats; Axminster rugs; drapes; large assortment b e d d i n g, linens, quilts, glassware, fancy dishes; antique cups and saucers; an- tique dishes; vases; Indian brassware; silverware; vases; novelties; large silver tray; stainless steel cook stove; kit- chen utensils; 2 -burner oil stove; folding camp cot and table; variety Christmas decorations and lights; oak flower stands; child's sleigh and wagon; Web- ster's large dictionary; books; Lawn Boy power mower; 28 -ft. extension ladder; step ladder; carpenter and garden tools; hedge clipper; many other mis- cellaneous items. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. Everything in first- class condition. In case of inclement weather sale will be held in Arena. Terms—Cash CHESTER SMITH, Proprietor ERVIN GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, House- hold Effects and Miscellaneous Items. on the premises in the Village of bashwood The undersigned auctioneer received instruction to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 at 1:30 p.m. Real Estate: • In the village of .Dashwood, Stephen Township, first house east of Bank of Montreal: one story frame dwelling, large kit- chen, pantry and utility room, living room, three bedrooms, 3 -piece bathroom, newly in- stalled oil furnace, full sized basement. Property nicely sit- uated; also small barn. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold. Household Effects: Marquette refrigerator, me- dium size; Sunshine 4 -burner electric stove; Sparton electric radio; Beatty electric washing machine; dining room suite, in- cluding table, six chairs, buffet; oak rockers; arm chair; end and centre tables; solid pine antique chest of drawers; kit- chen cupboard; modern maple single bedstead, box springs, dresser; oak bedstead, springs and mattress, dresser, com- mode; steel bedstead, springs and mattress; platform rocker; wicker chair; antique writing desk; floor and table lamps; davenport with matching chair; Axminster rug 9x 101/2; chrome table and chairs; electric clock; jardineres; toilet sets; bedding; quilts; blankets; mats; child's table and chairs; card tables; wall mirrors; bathroom scales; hair dryer; clothes rack; elec- tric fan and heater; carpet sweeper; antique curtain poles; antique pine bread box; ironing board; organ tool; cradle; large assortment glassware, dishes, silverware; novelties; kitchen utensils; Sunbeam electric fry pan; electric tea kettle; toaster; iron; sad irons; lantern; plastic hose; garden tools; sealers; jugs; quantity fruit, etc. Terms—Cash MRS. EFFIE KLEINSTWER, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Choice Hereford Cattle, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot, North Half of 18, Con. 8, Hay Township 1V miles east of Zurich, thence 3/4 mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instruction to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 at 1:30 p.m. Cattle: Part brindle Hereford cow, third calf at foot; Hereford yearling steer; 7 Hereford heif- ers, rising two years old. Cattle all in top market con- dition. Hay and Grain: 900 bales choice quality mixed hay; 200 bushels oats; mow loose straw. Case O'Matic is stotdar d tray tor, fully equipped including live power take -off and 3 -point hitch, in A-1 condition. Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items: A large assortment of horse statues, (at least 65), antique shaving mugs and other antique Goshen Youth Organize Hi -C The initial High -C meeting of Goshen United Church was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. John Robinson, on October 30. It opened at 7:45 p.m. with a folk spiritual, "Gimme That Old Time Religion", accompan- ied on piano by leader Mrs. Bruce Keys. The group discussed the why? where? and when? of High -C. Mrs. Robinson reviewed the true meaning of the Lord's Prayer, which is usually taken from memory without thought. The executive is made up of the president, Larry McKinley; vice-president, Greg Armstrong; recreation d i r e c t o r, Wayne Peck, and secretary -treasurer, Diane McKinley. There was $1.35 offering at the first meet- ing. Greg Armstrong and Larry McKinley closed off the meet- ing by playing some folk songs on their guitars, while every- one sang along. A delicious lunch was served and the meet- ing adjourned about 9:30 p.m. 0 Obituary DAVID THOMAS LITTLE A resident of Zurich for some time, David Thomas William Little passed away on Saturday, October 29, at the Kettle Point Reserve. He was in his 58th year. Surviving besides his wife, the former Frances Cook, is one daughter, Mrs. Cecil Griffith, Elmira, and one step -daughter, Mrs. Ronald Metcalfe, Sarnia. There are also one brother, five half-brothers, two sisters, two half-sisters, and three grandchildren. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, until Tuesday afternoon, when the service was held at 1:30 p.m. Interment was made in the Bay- field cemetery. {lishes; antique china cabinets in perfect condition; antique round table; treddle sewing machine; electric stove, A-1 condition; 2 little dressers. Solid pine kitchen cupboard; chesterfield chair; Sparton tele- vision; dresser; cast iron bath- tub; iron bed, antique nutmeg grater; 2 lanterns; 8 -gal. crock; 6 -gal. crock; glass butter churn; hunting knife; sealers; fur coat, size 38; gas iron; furnace blow- er; antique cradle; quantity mixed lumber._ chicken feed- ers; new corn crib; electric fencers; quantity stove wood; 2 -wheel trailer; wheelbarrow; extension ladder; air compres- sor; electric motors; quantity galv. piping; De Laval Mem r•plywood; separator, grass seed- er; aluminum siding; tires; child's wagon; cuter; forks; shovels. No reserve. Terms — Cash ALPHONSE GRENIER, Prop. HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Crop Report Harvesting of grain crops is progressing favorably under al- most ideal weather conditions. Moisture levels are lower now than at any time last year. Yield is very good with small losses occurring. Good weather has allowed for a good deal of fall plowing to be completed. Feeder cattle are beginning to arrive in the county in sub- stantial numbers, Sugar beet and turnip harv- esting is continuing. 0 Employment Good In Huron County Employment levels in Goder- ich and across most of Huron County remained high during the month of October. Accord- ing to figures released this week by the Canada Manpower Cen- tre at Goderich, employment continued to reflect improved conditions over the same period a year ago. At the end of October, 1966, the number of persons seeking employment through the Can- ada Manpower Centre at Goder- ich reached a new low with 48 men and 77 women registered. At the same period in 1965, there were 60 men and 89 wom- en registered for employment. C. M. Jutras, manager of the Canada Manpower Centre for the Goderich area, stated that job opportunities for men were excellent, particularly in manu- facturing and construction in- dustries with a total of 98 jobs listed during the month. Continued high production levels in most area plants ac- centuated the demand for all types of unskilled and semi- skilled workers. Increase vol- ume of "big construction jobs" 4 across Huron County also ere- ated a high demand for skilled tradesmen and laborers. The Canada Manpower Cen- tre at Goderich serves all of Huron County with the excep- tion of the townships of Grey, Howick, McKillop, Turnberry and Usborne and the town. of Seaforth. 0 THE SCARE CROW Rose Marie Wilds, RR 3, Bay- field, won first prize for the best men's comic at the mas- querade dance in Zurich last Friday night, The costume is a perfect replica of a real scare crow. VILLAGE OF ZURICH CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Sec- tion 9 of the Voters' List Act and that 1 have posted up at my office at the Village of Zurich on the 126th day of Oo- tober, 1966, the list of persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th day of November, 1966. DATED at Zurich this 26th day of October, 1966. ELDA WAGNER, Clerk, Village of Zurich. t "IIPM'r„.Ni+11%MYi . TOWNSHIP OF HAY CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Sec- tion 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Village of Zurich on the 14th day of No- vember, 1966, the list of persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 18th day of November, 1966. DATED this 4th day of November, 1966. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk, Township of Hay. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST NOTICE is ,hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted •up at my office in Brucefield on the 27th day of October, 1966, the list of persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceeding to have any errors or omission corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th day of No- vember, 1966. DATED at Brucefield this 27th day of October, t966. MEL GRAHAM, Cleric -Treasurer, TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY.