HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-10-27, Page 89',ti1Gle FIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WINDOWS GET FACE-LIFTING—Mem- bers of the Zurich Women's Institute have taken on the task of cleaning all the windows hi Blue Water Rest Home, and this week they settled down in earnest to the .enorm- ous task ahead of them. Shown here clean- ing east windows, from the outside are Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner and Mrs. Ed Schroeder, while in the inside looking out are Mrs. Len Prang and Mrs. Newell Geiger. The women report there are over 200 windows to clean. LOOKS EASY — One of the few remain- ing jobs to be completed at Blue Water Rest Home is the ceiling installation in the main lobby of the building. Two workmen from the Windsor area are shown here as they place the decorative tile into place. While the job looks easy from the floor, it takes the utmost of care to see that each tile is cemented into the proper location. Leaders Attend Hat Course Leaders for the 1966 fall pro- ject. "Hats for You". were in- structed by Mrs. Mildred Mulli- gan, millinery specialist, Toron- to, in the board room, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, Clinton, on October 24 and 25. Those present from this area were: Zurich, Mrs. D. L. Geiger • and Mrs. V. Dinnin; Kippen East, Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. R. Triebner. 0 Varna 4-H Club Discuss Menus Varna 4-H Club met Tuesday, October 18, at the home of Mrs. William Dowson. Each mem- ber answered the roll call with "a dessert suitable for supper" and "a supper dishprepared at home". Discussion was based on "planning supper menus." For the demonstration the girls made four different types of salads. c ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE Alfred Ducharme, Correspondent On Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha were from Mount Car mel, Mr. and Mrs. John Ma- honey; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deitrich and family from the Goshen Line south, and Mrs. Alice Denomme of the Blue Water Highway. It being Mrs. Sopha's 68th birthday, the oc- casion was a pleasing one for all. Also a caller was Arnold Desjardine, of Grand Bend, an old-time friendof the Sophas. Visitors with Mrs. Valerie Cantin, of St. Joseph, were from Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brisson and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cantin. Many cottages at Bayview summer resort were in use over the week -end. Since the weath- er was nice the owners take advantage of it, to perhaps put the last touch for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milne and family, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Michale Masse and family, of London, were Sunday last visitors with Mr. .and Mrs. Leon Bedard, of this highway. Leo Ducharme, of the Blue Water south, who is employed by the Conklin Lumber Com- pany of London, spent Sunday last with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme. At the time of writing the TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office in Brucefield on the 27th day of October, 1966, the list of persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceeding to have any errors or omission corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th day of No- vember, 1966. DATED at Brucefield this 27th day of October, x968, MEL GRAHAM, Clerk -Treasurer, TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. weather is nice, clear and mild. No, it isn't Indian Summer, there was not a snow fall of a few inches yet and according to Indian prophecy that must come as a warning that winter is coining. Oh, well, October is just recompensing us for the time being for the broken weather it dumped on us from its beginning. The two most beautiful months of the year are the month of June and the month of October. The month of June, the month of roses, which pours out its scent throughout the land to purify the air, and the month of October, from early summer, is adorned with green leaves waving in the air to give it full vigor and as well a shady spot underneath throughout the summer months. But now all of its vigor has disappeared for this year and will be leafless until other early spring months of another year, to revive it again to share life. In the dying hours of the month of October the trees, which were the previous month adorned with full foliage, are now slowly nearing the end for another year. The leaves which nature has now turned to a golden color are not any more visible — they are dismantled and left bare. Nature has played its role — it has eased to nourish •its roots, to give it life, or perhaps nature has a hidden secret , notknown to humanity. Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. MCKINLEY DIAL 236.4830 ZURICH 151 tnt p ( Arnold Paisley, of Merton, was MC for the last horse show ! of the year for the local area, in the Zurich Arena, on Octo- ber 22, when spectators enjoyed thrills and spills from the west- ern games. Little Miss Gail Ecker, of Ex- eter, captured first in the jun- ior equitation with ponies, when judge Fred Bill and son Brian admired the way the little girl handled her pony, "Pogo". Sponsors split the junior equitation in two classes be- cause of the large. entry. Harry Swartz donated 50 cents each for every contestant in the junior equitation with ponies, adding to the prize money. Brady Cleaners, of Exeter, donated $5 to both the junior and senior high point horse. A tie resulted in both classes, with Bruce Hicks on "Red" and Jim Paisley on "Lady Luck" shar- ing in the senior class, and Liza Cording on "Dixie" and Doug Mock on "Queenie" for the juniors. The complete events were: Western Pleasure: Craig Black riding Le Ann Fisher, the en- try of the L & L Stud Farms, Bowling Scores At Zurich Lanes ZURICH MIXED LEAGUE 11 Hornets, E Chipchase_ 595 7 If Gang, P Bedard ___.__ 521 0 Unt'ables, B Denommy _ 613 5 Alley Cats, V Bedard __. 567 2 Itchy Six, H McEwan _.. 674 0 Antiques, B Bedour ____706 7 Supers, N Coleman ____ 560 2 Expos, G Marcel ___._...... 648 5 Outlaws, L Surerus ____ 538 4 Addups, K Uphoff __.__ .. 544 3 Ladies H single: H. McEwan _..._ 280 H triple: G. Marcell __ _ . 691 H average: G Marcel __._ 223 Men H single: E. Laidlaw ____ 283 H triple: B. Coleman __._ . 724 H average: G. Denomme._ 226 0 MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Rebels, S Reely 558 1 7 Rockets, G Willert __ 628 3 17 D Outs, IC McKinnon_ 614 3 10 S'lites, S Kolubowicz_ 664 1 4 Flyers, E Horner ___ 639 4 19 Cameos, D Bedard _._ 680 2 15 G'trotters, E Laidlaw_ 688 2 3 Q'naires, H McEwan_ 701 0 11 Leftovers, Martin ___ 690 4 17 B'herettes, C Geiger _ 625 2 7 D Boys, F Wells, ___ 628 2 11 4: ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Starlites, S Kipfer __ 650 7 35 Scamps, K Pfaff ____ 504 0 9 Aces, R Hamilton ___ 527 0 12 Hilites, B Sangster __ 666 7 24 Packers, M Clarke __ 696 5 33 D'aires, G Marcell __ 678 2 30 U & Downs, S Braid _ 704 5 14 P P'ers, M Campbell _ 557 2 11 H Gals, B Bell 582 0 2 N Hawks, D O'Brien_ 724 7 40 H single: S Kipfer 328 H triple: D Hess 740 H average: G Marcell 222 * :r. * SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE S Wins, P Geiger __ 547 5 21 Ramblers, M Thiel __ 480 2 16 H'eyes, C Geiger ___ 605 4 29 V'ieties, .H Finkb-ner 630 3 18 W'wills, Mr. Soudant 548 B 5 H Hopes, H Clausius 516 4 16 H single: Laura Gascho 268 H triple: C Geiger 686 of Exeter; Maureen Sharpe on Sassy Lass; Tom Armes on Stormy Nite; Tom Downham on Speck Mont. Junior flag race: Terry Sharpe on Satin; Tim Armes on Champ; Doug Mock on Queenie; Liza Cording on Dixie. Senior flag race: Jim Paisley; Gord Wadds on Thunder Cloud; Thor Michelsen on Flash; Rob- ert Butler on King Tut. Shetland pony race: Mock, Gail Ecker; Bract Johns on Toots; Ronald Smith on Ginger. Barrel race: Paisley; Michelsen; Ross Heywood on Rawhide; Jim SILI �h;! i^ 0 `l 1STR CT A and Rudolph Miller and Mrs. Lorne Luther both underwent surgery in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and family. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and boys were Rev. and Mrs. Emerson Dorsch, Bridgeport; Roy Domm and Henry Derbecker, of Ayton; Mrs. Louis Wolfe and Gerald Wolfe, of Clifford. Carl Oest- reicher and Roy Domm cele- brated their birthdays. Norman Miller, of Edmonton, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan and family, of Pickering, and Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Miller were Sunday guests with Mrs. Marie Pask and Mrs. Tillie Tetreau in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and Sharon were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Walker and fam- ily, Sunday, at Zurich. The 114th anniversary was observed Sunday at the Evan- gelical UB Church, with Rev. Emmerson Dorsch, of Bridge- port, guest speaker at both services. Rev. Dorsch was or- dained to the Christian minis- try at Dashwood in 1953. Spe- cial music was provided by the choir. The good attendance was increased by visiting friends and in the evening members of Zurich and Crediton EUB churches and their pastors. Rev. and Mrs. Emerson Dorsch were supper guests with Rev. and Mrs. Merrill James and family. The Women's Society fall rally was held Friday at Dash- wood EUB Church with the ladies from Dashwood, Credi- ton, Zurich and Rodney socie- ties. Miss Wahl, from Dayton, Ohio, was the guest speaker. You are reminded of Boy Scout apple day, Saturday, Oc- tober 29. Fowl Supper The Ladies' Aid of Zion Luth- eran Church held their annual fowl supper Wednesday, Octo- ber 19, for the husbands or guests. Group three, with Mrs. Albert Miller convenor, was in charge. A brief business meeting fol- lowed the supper. The visiting committee for October is Miss Helen Nadiger and Mrs. James Hayter. Bunco was played with Mrs. Hilda Wein and Adolph Keller high, and Mrs. Ernest Koehler and Albert Miller low. 4 Weekend Specials Maxwell House -6 Oz. Instant Coffee $1.09 Checker Barrel -12-0z. Wedges Old White Cheese 65c COOKIES 3 pkgs. 95c Toilet Tissue 5 rolls 60c Quarts Kist Gingeral'e 6 for $1. (Plus Deposit) Wonder Bread _ _ _ 5 loaves $1. FREE - 1 man size Kleenex - ' FREE WITH PURCHASE OF 6 Light Bulbs at Regular Price Scotty's Dairy Dip BLUE WATER HIGHWAY AT DRYSDALE r THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, I66 Evans on Red Devil. Junior equitation with ponies: Ecker; Wayne Preszcator on Queenie; Janet McDowell on Dutchess; Armes. Junior equitation with horses: Downham; Nancy Swartz on Papoose; Janet Ecker on Dun- dee; Harold Johns on Cloudy. Senior musical chairs: Black; Hicks; Heywood; Kevin Lam- port on Flash. Junior musical chairs: Cord- ing; Mock; Arms; Slob Smith on Patch. Key hole race: Hicks; Michel sen; Giselle Cording: Butler. Junior pole bending: Liza Cording; Penny May on Rocky; Bill Munn on Coco; Terry Johns on Cloudy. Senior pole bending; Paisley; Hicks; Michelsen; Heywood, Rescue race: Glenn Simpson on Sundance; Butler; Hicks; Huron County Historical Group Meet in Usborne Mrs. Mildred Mack, president of Huron County Historical So- ciety, chaired the final open meeting of 1966, at Usborne Central School on Monday eve- ning, October 24. A comprehensive history of Usborne Township was read by Mrs. Theron Creery. Mrs. Philip Johns played a medley of old- time favorites. John W. Smith, a native of the Hillsgreen area, late of the RCA and now of London, was the guest speaker. His stories of life in Whitehorse, Yukon, and on the far Arctic coast were well illustrated by pictures and a filen. E l i m v i l l e and Hurondale Women's Institutes displayed their Tweedsmuir histories and a collection of relics. These two groups also catered for the meeting. t•w•ano.m..4n,"P Nancy Watson on Ginger. Riders entered the ring .it the conclusion of the show to thank the sponsors. After the horse show Mr, and Mrs. George Beer, of Hensall, entertained officials. ece tid i ante FOR SGT. GARY MERRITT and MARY PAYNE (bridal couple) in the Zurich Arena SAT., OCT. 29 8:30 P.M. Music by "THE RAMBLERS" Everyone Welcome Reception and Dance For MR. & MRS. GERALD 'Tll-tIEL SAT., NOV. 5 in the Zurich Arena Music by KEN MITTELHOLTZ and THE TWYLITES Everyone Welcome EIVINMEMEGEW asquer nce IN THE Zurich Arena ON Friday, Oct. 2 Music By Ken Mittelholtz and the Twylites PRIZES i 1st 2nd. Ladies' Fancy Costume $4,00 $2.00 1 Ladies' Comic Costume 4.00 2.00 Men's Fancy Costume 4.00 2.00 Men's Comic Costume 4.00 2.00 Best Couple in Costume 5.00 3.,00 Best Hallowe'en Costume 5.00 JUDGING AT 11:30 P.M. ADMISSION: $;cat. Farm Business Managment 3 MONTHS' COURSE If you are farming, have no other occupation, have a very small income, and are under -employed, you may qualify for training in the business of farming and receive finan- cial assistance during the period of the course. This three months' course will be held Every Monday to Friday, from JANUARY 3, 1967, to MARCH 31, 1967 4:30 P.M. TO 11:00 Northwestern Secondary School, Stratford DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION, NOVEMBER 11, 1966 Forms are available from, andmust be returned to, the Ontario Department of Agri t ltu're and Food, Box X1,59', CLINFinancial assistance is $7.00 per day, plus additional amounts according to number of dependants. This course is sponsored by the Federal and Provincial Governments and is administered by the Stratford Board of Education. D. H. Miles, P.Ag. Agricultural Representative for Huron County D. S Pullen, P.Ag., Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron County