HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-10-27, Page 6• •PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENs NEWS
New Cover For
Phone Directories
The new London -St. Thomas
directory is sporting a new
jacket. This year's Bell Can-
ada directory is illustrated by
a full color photograph of the
telephone pavilion at Expo 67.
Local Bell Canada manager
W. W. Haysom said this week
..that all 62 Bell Canada direc-
tories this year and next will
carry the pavilion illustration
on the front cover.
Telephone directories distrib-
uted by other companies, total-
ling some 150 different issues,
will also carry the illustration
in color on either front or back
There will be 240,801 copies
distributed this year in the
London -St. Thomas area, com-
pared to last year's total of
205,096 copies.
Mr. Haysom suggested that
area customers note the emer-
•geney numbers, such as fire,
police and medical services,
listed in the inside front cover,
or to write these numbers in
the spaces provided.
He added that customers who
'wished a new copy of the little
blue book to list their frequent-
ly called numbers could receive
one by telephoning their tele-
phone business office.
By William Stoltz
While my boss is making his
million over in jolly old Lon-
don town with Bruce Irwin,
yours truly has been assigned
to make a few comments on the
television front,
If you're wondering whether
to purchase a color television
set now or later, maybe you
want to wait for six or eight
years when you'll be able
turn on your set which will
throw a 7x 6 foot color picture
on your kitchen, bedroom, of
even the bathroom wall . . .
if it's big enough. A laser beam
will be doing the picture scan-
ning and the image will be
crystal clear—just like a photo-
While we are talking of things
to come, have you seen the new
color photographs in three di-
mension yet; you actually pinch
the photo to see how thick it
is. Ls you can see around ob-
jects, in the picture by looking
at it from an angle.
50 Years Ago
- OF
� -
-BY -
J. J. Merrier, MP for South
Huron, has left on a trip for
the western provinces, and will
be away for several weeks.
F. W. Hess has received the
slate for the roof of his fine
new home which he is erecting
in Zurich at the present time.
Word was received in Zurich
on Monday of the death in De-
troit of Charles Eckstein, a
brother of Mrs. Mose Geiger,
who was killed by a street car
while crossing the road.
While returning from a trip
to Toronto last week, F. Small-
acombe and partner, of Hensall
were upset in a ditch near the
village. F. Bush had his collar-
bone broken in the mishap.
A successful ladies' minstrel
show was held last Friday night
in the Hensall Town Hall, with
a large audience in attendance.
40 Years Ago
The following men were ,ap-
pointed as fire brigade officials
for the village of Hensall: chief,
E. Bates; first lieutenant, George
Brock; second lieutenant, Dr.
Campbell; drivers, James Fos-
ter and Orval Twitchell; engi-
neer, Charles Moore.
Mrs, John Blatchford, while
visiting with Mrs. S. Swan in
Hensall, fell off the verandah
Transistor trickery is coning
under scrutiny from the Jap-
anese trade authorities. Some
Japanese radios advertised in
the U.S. and Canada as having
12 transistors ... have 12 tran-
sistors, but only six perform
any useful function, investiga-
tors say.
You've no doubt heard about
a new TV network to serve in-
dependent stations in the Unit-
ed States, starting in Septem-
ber of 1967. It will be called
the Overmeyer Network, after
the famed warehousing tycoon.
They are hoping for 100 station
affiliates. Overmeyer says his
network will allow the inde-
pendents to better compete with
the network affiliates.
Next time you turn on the
tube, see if the guy in black
has an oriental look. This is
the trend today in western and
mystery shows ... as American
heroes outwit them.
No Available I
Aiiy Spring or Summer
Suit Samples !
If you want a bargain on a suit,
drop in and look over our spring
and s u m m e r samples, still in
Special on Chinook Blankets
70 x 90 — Blue Only $5,39 pair
80 x 90 — Only $6.49 pair
New Dress Goods in Stock!
56" Widths
45" Widths
Only $2.25 Yard
New Wall
a c
Paper Now in Stock!
$ y Goods
and badly hurt her knee.
Albert "Babe" Siebert, who
has spent the past summer
months visiting with his par-
ents in Zurich, has left for
Montreal where he will renew
his contract to play hockey with.
the Maroons team of that city.
The only changes made in
the rules for the Cyclone hoc-
key league this season is that
the visiting teant will bring
their own referee with them.
Sunday is the big day in the
building program of the Evan-
gelical Church in Zurich, when
the present elder will officiate
at the re -opening and re -dedi-
cation services.
25 Years Ago
Last Friday night the neigh-
bors and friends of Mr. :and
Mrs, Milne Rader on the 14th
concession gathered to honor
the couple prior to their de-
parture for Zurich, where they
are taking up residence for the
The Bronson Line school has
been closed for a few days ow-
ing to a bad epidemic •of chic-
ken pox in the district.
A collision of a car and a
motorcycle last Wednesday in
London sent the cyclist, Andrew
Denomme, of Zurich, to the
hospital with undetermined in-
ternal injuries.
Leeland and Clare Surerus,
who have been both working
in the Wanbamick area of north-
ern Ontario, were in Zurich for
a :few days before commencing
their army training at Toronto,
following their enlistment.
Some air activities will be
taking place in Hay Township
in the near future as the air
force has taken over 400 acres
of land near St. Joseph for the
purpose of en emergency land-
ing field,
15 Years Ago
Reginald Illsley was elected
president of the newly -formed
Zurich Chamber of Commerce
when the group held its first
organized meeting on Monday
Members of the CWL and the
Holy Name Society of St, Peter's
Church, St. Joseph, met jointly
in the parish hall Monday night
to tender a farewell party for
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Montague,
who are leaving for Burwash,
where the former has secured a
postion as a guard.
Thomas Fryde, the present
member of the provincial gov-
ernment in Huron, was again
nominated to fill this position
when the party held their meet-
ing to pick their candidate.
A ceremony in the Hensall
United 'Church manse Saturday
united in me r r i a g e Muriel
Elaine Carlile and Glen Law-
rence Weido. The couple will
reside on the Parr Line in Hay
10 Years Ago
Dennis Bedard was elected
president of the Zurich Cham-
ber of Commerce, to take the
place of Albert J. Kalbfleisch,
who retired after three terms
Offers to Residents of Huron County
Comprehensive Medical Coverage
At Cost!
Individual and Group. Rates Available --
Inquire today from:
KENNETH JOHNS, 67 John Street East, Exeter
MRS. LLOYD TAYLOR„ 140 Huron West, Exeter
BERT KLOPP, RR 3, Zurich
or at
PHONE 482-9751
in office.
Rev. 0. Winter, pastor of
the Lutheran Church in Zurich,
has returned home after serv-
ing for one month as a chaplain
on a boat trip to Europe.
T. Harry Hoffman and Elmer
Rader left Dashwood to travel
by 'plane to Milwaukee, Wiseon-
sin, where they will attend a
funeral directors' convention.
Auction sales are the order
-of the day at the present time,
and the popular young auction-
er, Alvin Walper, of the Dash-
wood .district, is quite busy con-
ducting a number of these im-
portant events.
7 points to insist on
when buying a furnace
v •
VHeavy Gouge Steel •
Combustion Chamber
with full 20 -year
• Compact, Modern Styi .
V Wideacceptancec far
• ��
✓ Quist, Vibration -free
✓ Efficient, Economical
When buying a furnace — consider
quality first. •The investment is•a
substantial one and the comfort and
well-being of your family is at stake.
Only. Clare-Hecla guarantees eco-
nomical, efficient performance for a
full 20 years.
Every Clare unit is backed hr woes
century of leadership is Caaadaf>r
heating industry — your assurance aif
complete satisfaction. And, thereto.
Clare-Hecla furnace to suit yew
exact heating requirements, wheeler
it be gas, on or solid fuel.
Drop in ... or phone us today
Stade & Weido Hardware
DIAL 236-4921 — ZURICH
Ce t
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And for the first time, there is a special
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uncollected until Nov. 1, 1979, and you will
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And now they're better than ever to keep
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