HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-10-20, Page 10PAGL EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 194 TENTED CITY FROM THE AIR -The tented city at the International Plowing Match last week was a bed of mud from the opening day to closing, but from the air a person couldn't tell the difference . This photo was taken from the north of the site, looking south, and shows the row after row of tents and other covered buildings which made up the city. (Aerial photo courtesy of Bob Forrester) oekey ,`'' eeting In Hensall Friday The Hensall Minor Athletic Association is holding a meet- ing this Friday night, October a® 21, in the Town Hall, to which all boys in Hensall and district, wishing to play hockey this winter, are invited. Any boys between the ages of 10 and 18 are eligible to play under the Hensall Minor Athletic Association, and they are asked to be at the Town Hall by '7:30 p.m. Variety Good Prices Fair Dealing These are the key words at our Used Car Lot CHECK THESE "Before Winter" Buys Now 1966 Pontiac Parisienne Customs Sport. Big, husky 396 motor, 4 speed, tach, power stearing and brakes, positrac- tion, radio. etc. Still under GM Warranty. License E1796. Only $3395.00 1965 Buick Le Sabre 2 -Door Hardtop. Power steering and brakes. radio. positraction, etc. Only 21,000 miles. E7863. Just $2795.00 1964 Beaumont Custom Sedan. "283" V8, automatic, radio, etc. Just 23,000 lady -driven miles. Beautiful car. E2732. Only $1895.00 1964 Buick Riviera. The ultimate in personal transporta- tion. Completely equipped, including power bucket seats. AM -FM radio, walnut dash and trim, plus many other item. E3336. Just $3795.00 1964 Falcon 4 -Door. This low mileage one -owner compact is in unreliable original condition. It's .a steal. E3029. Only $1495.00 1964 Pontiac Laurentian 2 -Door. Radio, chrome discs, etc., compliment this middle model auto. Nice almond finish. E6198. Just $1795,00 1963 Chevrolet Belair Sedan. 6. automatic, radio, full tinted glass, and white walls. Real popular model. E2119. Only $1595.00 1963 Galaxie Station Wagon. V8- automatic, power brakes. and white walls. A real fashion plate. X45747. Just 1750 1962 Chevrolet Belair Sedan. 6, with automatic and radio. An away above average '62 car. E3671. Just 1350.00 1962 Ford Fairlane 500 Sedan. The only one of its kind in captivity. Features V8, automatic, radio, power steering, factory air conditioning, whitewalls and leather interior. E2452. $1395.00 1962 Chrysler Newport Sedan. The best looking Chrysler ever. A one -owner car in spotless condition. 964382. Only $1S50.00 1962 Ford Galaxie Sedan, 6 stick, with radio. Clean as a pin inside and out. On Special. E2769. Only $999.00 1962 Buick Le Sabre Sedan. Power steering and brakes, radio, etc. Truly a clean ear. E3270. Only $1595..00 1961 Mercury Monterey 2 -Dodd Hardtop. Big V8, automa- tic, power steering, brakes and custom, radio. Nice tan color. E4127. Only $1250.00 1961 Chrysler Windsor Sedan. Power steering and brakes, radio and whitewalls set off this black beauty. E276'7. Only $1350.00 1961 Ford Ranchwagon. V8, automatic, power steering and tailgate, custom radio. Very, very clean. 91391X. Just $1250.00 1960 Pontiac 4 -Door Hardtop. V8, automatic and radio. E6714. $995.00 1960 Plymouth Savoy Sedan. 6, stick. Only 46,000 miles. 27707H. $750.00 1960 Dodge Pioneer 4 -Door. V8, automatic and radio. E3942. Only $795.00 1960 Dodge 2 -Door Hardtop. New motor, stick shift. Tops. E6911. $850.00 1960 Chevrolet Impala Hardtop. Automatic and radio. Must be seen. E3599. Only $1050.00 MANY OTHER USED CARS FROM $50,00 TO $4000.00 1966 Chrysler New Yorker Deluxe 2 -Door Hardtop 1964 Oldsmobile 98 Luxury 4.b. or hardtop INQUIRIES INVITED c e s Pontiac EST. 1929 Buick .----. Cadillac 524.8391 E F Highway Minister Releases Report On County Road Needs in Ontario A report on county road needs entitled "County Roads in Ontario" has been released by Ontario Highways Minister Charles S. MacNaughton. The report is based on com- prehensive studies carried out by each of the 37 countries in Ontario in co-operation with the department of highways, and the program developed by the department as a result of these studies contemplates a joint ex- penditure of $318.2 million by the counties and the province between now and 1969. The over-all study sets out future road needs, projected financial resources and desir- able administrative a r r a n g e- ments for the county roads sys- tems and supplements the indi- vidual reports prepared by the counties in 1965 which were .released earlier this year. Ac- cordingly. the counties now have objective and comprehen- sive assessments of their re- spective road and bridge needs, the costs of meeting these needs, the relative priorities attach- ing to them, and the general level of government aid avail- able to them. In summary, the report shows that the value of needed con- struction on the 10,025 miles of roads and the 1,511 bridges un- der the jurisdiction of the coun- ties currently amounts to $239.7 million, with further needs of $71.4 million anticipated to oc- cur before the encl of 1969. In addition, some $100.4 million will be required to maintain the system. Against this dollar need of $411.5 million the re- port forecasts revenues from local taxes and normal sub- sidies of $256.2 million, leaving an unmet need of $155.3 million at the end of 1969. So as to reduce this unmet need to more manageable pro- portions the minister of high- ways has announced an incen- tive prograrin of extra direct aid to those counties whose needs will require mill -rates in excess of six mills. This aid, to be made available through devel- opment road designations, is forecast at $61.9 million in the report, thus reducing the esti- mated 1969 backlog to $93.3 million -only about 40 per cent of the current backlog of some $239.7 million. One novel feature of the in- centive program is that, while it encourages low -spending counties to raise their tax rates slightly, it is so designed that counties spending above an op- timum mill rate will lose some of the extra aid to which they would have been otherwise en- titled. In no case will a county have to levy in excess of 8% mills for current expenditures on its desirable county road system, though in some circum- stances this amount may be ex- ceeded slightly for administra- tive and debt -retirement costs. • 20 OUNCES Culverhouse Corn Toilet Tissue Jel1=0 Powders ASSORTED -48 OZ. Alice's HA Drink _ 24 OUNCES Strawberry Jam 24 OUNCES Puritan reef Ste$w,.,,� 20 OUNCES Culverhouse Peas Scottie's Facial Tissue ASSORTED einz Baby foods 15 OUNCES Health -g Foci Groes w _ .- 3 Lbs. 33c LUCKS DOLLAR FOO fifia t if T P6�9•6'.L`A'.Pd AACd RW'�6NPPlV�4�C,N�4.P�P��e`�S�d•O+hP�A.,�O.c�M�NRa�p W,q�q,,�',�y,,�..+pyP,py,�,�,h;13 5/$1 4/55c e,ch 10c _3/$1 2/►1 -__2/$1 _ 3/65c 2/59c /$1 9r$1 ZURICH About People You Know .. , Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. Christie and Catharine Anne. Mr, and Mrs. G e o r g e A. Mickle, Ridgetown, were recent visitors with R'Ir. and Mrs, Laird Mickle. 0 Bowling Scores ZURICH MIXED LEAGUE Supers, B Coleman Outlaws, M. Neeb Itchy Six, H McEwan H. Gang, F. Corriveau Unt'ables, J P Rau _ Antiques, J Hamilton .._. Addups, M Robinson ... _ Expos, G Marcell A Cats, C Meiclinger H Hornets, J Cornell Men's H single: E. Laidlaw H triple: B. Coleman ._ ... H average: G. Denomme Ladies' H single: G. Marcell ._ H triple: G. Marcell . H average: G. Marcell x * 724 5 611 2 683 5 505 2 547 0 682 7 601 5 689 2 586 0 687 7 283 724 226 255 691 223 ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE N Hawks, M Schilbe._ 657 7 33 U & Downs, I Hartman 610 0 9 H Gals, V Lavery ._ __ 540 0 2 Packers, I Frayne __ 588 '7 28 H-Lites, B Sangster _ 583 0 17 Starlites, P Schroeder 705 7 28 Aces, E Laidlaw____ 478 0 12 D'aires, G Marcell__ 723 7 28 P P'pers, M Campbell 421 0 9 M Taylor _ 421 Scamps, B Finkb'er__ 487 7 9 H single: S. Kipfer _.____ 328 H triple: D. Hess _...____._ 740 H average: G. Marcel _.__ 221 :,: JUNIOR BOWLING LEAGUE H Shots, N M'Kinnon _ 291 10 Starlites, P Lemmon __ 357 5 Jet Set, M Gelinas ___ 291 4 Raiders, R Regier ..___ 322 11 R Stones, R Bedard ___ 308 2 G Hornets, L Koehler __ 306 13 MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE D Boys, F Wells _ . _ 691 4 812 D Outs, C Lawrence_ 621 1 61/2 Rebels, G. Shantz .... 534 1 6 L Overs, Bob _ 725 B 13 FOWL SUPPER and Bi GO IN THE Dashwood Community Centre Wed., October 26 SUPPER: 5 to 8:30 P.M. BINGO: 8:30 P.M. ADULTS: $1.50 CHILDREN UNDER 12: 75c Proceeds for Community Work __ Sponsored by Men's Club __ sissmismimmummussommemoser 1 Cameos, D. Bedard - 629 3 13 B'rettes, C Geiger 568 1 5 'aires, H McEwan .. 623 4 11 St'lites, M. Tiernan _ 532 0 3 Flyers, B. Badour .__ 638 4 15 G'trotters, G Lavery _469 0 1 Rockets, G Willert _ 615 3 14 SENIOR MIXED I,.iEAGUE Varieties, L Willert - 649 7 15 Wh'wills, Mr. Soudant 430 0 2 S Wins, P Geiger ___ 594 2 16 H Hopes, L Gascho .._ 582. 5 12 H'eyes, E Gascho ___ 626 7 25 Ramblers, T Thiel __ 562 0 w4 H single. Bob Morton -...._. 316 11 single: Laura Gaseho H triple: R VanDorsellar _ 737 H triple: Claire Geiger _.. 466; gets tiifl. offtoa flying start Fast service before take -off -- that's what Air Canada needed from Bell Canada. And in four years of planning, designing and engineering, Bell developed a custom-made communications syst- em which now gives Air Canada the speed on the ground which matches their speed in the air. A full description of this development would fill volumes- so here are just a few brief facts: Centrex Plus (the technical name) was built by Bell in hand-in-hand co-operation with Air Canada's engineers to provide the fastest, most accurate ground communications system yet designed any- where. It is the first of its kind in the world. It required original research and development work of the most advanced kind, Its special features were entirely engineered and built in Canada. It brings communications to where they belong - ahead of their times. Keeping ahead- one of the reasons why Bell Com- munications serve you so well. Bell Canada HORSE SHOW f OF WESTERN, GAMES Zil ;ICII AREA ats ; i cto 411110. a 2z:1 A t7pm, JU 'll? GE: FRED HILL, OF SARNIA Junior Entry Fee: 50c Senior Entry Fee: $2.00 WESTERN PLEASURE RIDE FLAG RACE (FOR BOTH SENIORS AND JUNIORS) Shetland Pony Race • Senior Clover Leaf Barrel Race (48") NO ENTRY FEE JUNIOR EQUITATION MUSICAL CHAIRS (FOR SENIORS AND JUNIORS) Seniors and Juniors Pole Bending Seniors Keyhole and esene Race ons by the Dixie Trail Riders RON SWARTY JACK PARSONS LLOYD i1IOUSSEAL.I r'MOM::tf