HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-10-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS DASHWOOD and DISTRICT :MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) i. f3 2 r ll t,, ak oat Lar.- •i,Ar.. was honored red i Exeter on Suedes afteen on by the Main Street United Critire i elio:r, and presented with a lovely gift in .a,+pprte.at-cisi oaf her ser..lees ,as for :ht- past t'w `fi ;E+tars. Mr. and Mrs. Llt+yd Howe and u: London,spent Sunday with Mr, and M,.. Irvin Rader d family. :lay rues:s w:th Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene were Mr. and Mrs. _ Ivan Taylor and ', f 'mile of Waterloo. and i1r. and ;a1._. Elmer Rader and Several members. of Dash - 'A were he per- fr the % u tent a: the International ;. fiat h :Monday. Wed eeedae and Sattu lsl:es Pear: Kraft has returned: -^:e after speniline pleasant :{peke Saskatoon and e _ Sask, with ?ger brother :err, relatives. She also the Kr ::ft -Eh..._.. wed - id air_. Wilits lsleIseae. i t -r _.. spent _heg :week -end 1{. .. M:- . L nein:.'-a MIs ` ..:..- E:',. Guenther otos �� ., ... . Sunda, ? ehotr. ,es ; hn the 1 a : in ? sp rt D-na:d speaker.stery was eke: Sundae (3:eer.-.vayI-nitea •'y r{. zee:es wielt Rev. sister of Rev. James. Miss Sharon Rader spent Sat-; uraiay with Brian Rader. Fall Rally Froin I'Jr Window By Shirley Keller ILutheran Women Discuss Needy Tete members of DashwoodJost got back from a lively four . but precous little Lutheran Church and Peace. part week -end in Chambers Corners: i else Funny' part of the whole Lutheran Church, Exeter, at- Chambers Corners - about thing was that only one, {-reek • tended the fall rally at Redeem- midway between Dunnville ander was a; a -table f.. :late {{hole er Lutheran Church, Sarnia, on • Port Colborne and certainly, settlement . . and the owner far front the hat s of of foci of it was too busy reading the Sunday. namely, Edward Restee p maser, Jame: '4f ller, Mary Lou' :Niagara tourist region'! - wasmorning pater a care much and. Jack Schenk. Sheila Will not our destination when my l abatit our p: =ht. feet. Paulette and Penny husband and I set on Friday i Rut after he had read Bus Schroeder, Sheila Beller. Jack'. evening for 3 short vacation, i Bunny and ante Landers. 'snub Kraft and Barry Tiernan. Presi Our original intention was to by was off \c h him on a wild dent Jack Schenk presented the visit verdant Vermont for a fewi ride - 30 nix:es an hour all the topic'. "The Book of Jonah". nays of sightseeing and relaxa-f way to Dunnville: I was left Roy Dietrich tion. but fate had other plans behind to spend what turned Roy J. Dietrich. 51, of conefOr us, ;out to be five glorious hours cession 10, Stephen T:;;;nship, It {{•as nearly midnight evhen; in sleepy Chalmers Corners. passed away at his farm home; our car indicated by its Ethel The little diner at the mote' :Monday. October 17. He is sur-, red dash light that something was locked tight. The general. vived by his wife. the former' was decidedly wrong with its store across' the way said Ada Shank: one daughter, Vera, .neer workings. Off to the side ` `:Closed". No one stirred ::tat :'i wene..e:e\wn: two son8 i1:1- of the road in our dead wagon.. Saturday morning. The only :o:: and Donald at home: three hubby thumbed through the op -live thing was the te'.ev s:,}n sisters. Mrs. Jack Ryan, of eratar's manual in a feeble at-, and it was showing <ar tsoons. S:ephen Township: Mrs. li-il- tempt to find a way to correct re -runs at that. 'nine miter and Mrs. Leonard; the trouble. A trip on foe: low:, the h!g - Rlesten:ayer of Hay To;{ lip: is itpit Township:, Tins .ted was the ,ever- way netted breakfast s is .e three brothers Milfred. of atoor-I"\:e experienced the let garage, but one can only spent? Windsor: The. dere. of St. C'.a•: • down of a goofy generator on so much time over coffee Bea h: Lorne. Stephen Town.: several occasions - but who '� 'nd egg so .. was ha : : ? • the -- '? would believe a woman would fun -filled motel room: The body rested at the T. knew any eee about things: Hubby returned with the car. Harry Hoffman funeral home like that , so hubby kept on -Without regret. I left Chan: - until IVe'.nes. , morning. Re- reading and searching in hi_ bers Corners . but not for c; :en' was held :n Our trusty booklet. long. A shart drive •:.._._sew Lad\ a' niel Church 'Meanwhile, by chance. us ,he car, h c�ia_:.e. ::wLo .. ; with Father Jansen officlathtg.young ball nlies•ers with the dei tely no: repaired and I ' ,m i" .- Carmel Ly- on Pont'acs sawour des- was v'ked ,_ .k to r an:^e_s eerne.,P , bearers {ere tress sisnal and :cpped to: {here husbandsue- :unit. G :e R chard and beep. gested 1 _es: until. .e tame for: ered in+he Glen O'Rourke. 'Milford '` yore lent en Tie then. along me a 33n Jerome De:e n:_..e and Walter with hubb'. peruse tee t.F One i'i? 1. x 1 ..:c3K- 4; ran 131. ed to go o.. ._.,.st it Was garage. They at e: :d the generater and no sone but 3 talk :3 f"fame? e, even;s3. d :d ;e: :he t-31.21.). the mez ante. =ki::e P e C?1 e . e _:.t was held a:y e e1e run" a safely aeaTn. Oh. }?y the ; MISS ETHEL WILLIAMS he Westlake - .ef:el home. Z ui.ih. _ Tuesday of:erneo :. a Miss Ethel :abel Williams. ;w: passed tionSur:day. lice leer 9 South Hi.;r n Hos- ,reee-s. 'fit :d Fe.."--:." ::e.• =se 'Zurich October �_...... a IS. :KS. e .-_ - µ:.'.I^ -f _ M .. �M J:1,,. > __ ..... beene. _ •" - ` r'e .. -_- pf - alage. sotto _ ne br R. -....z4__. Sever::: ether leo:ethers and e. pre-de- evento the proprietor and s er.ne_- w.s made in he saw us safely _n rue :he friend- s c R Bro Line Cemetery. deer bet re leaving us. Who Re,. M. Sha. --a -' 'a:ed. says today's teen_ are all bad?: Next n:?ri=ng �:.'e woke te ee _..:se res :n - n e "ire e a e t o n i n Chambers: The e is full ?_ seriices :._...... . . _ -"ere are B OR lc riserCI Open Tuesday and Friday Nite MAIN STREET, ZURICH wiiscoassaunimamoorzommer waznizammir-azatszazsz=m-rma-.. The b::ys offered ed a ride to he neares: se_ ..e _t:tion but here the meehanie was baby- and :n'. leave. He :ta tri,r news for ne a _:e could be persuaded- to I'l-� always ` be indebted th:se two L, -n :. Pen:._..s. The drove back to our ,."7. chariet. helped us get :safely ..f the road. :''t :red us up and e a• sported «f and our •. 'e :?the nearest _ =. some :en milesaway T ev J.M. PLAIN WHITE :2x 2x CEILING TILES 101 2 c Each KAYSER AlunlinTlm Doors F:f..1 1r4'-St3:Id3rd Sizes Cash and Carry $23.59 1 16 VINYL ASBESTOS .FLOOR TILES H~ anti Over W h ore. 9° c Each 4 x 8 Sheets - 3;'4 Sen Lumber Core For Cabinet Work Cash and Carry 519.95 Pegboard or plain Hardboard PAI TED PANELS 24x48- h :e. Green or Primrose Cash and Carry! 99c Each Smooth sanded -ready to use V -Grooved Lauan 3'16x4x7 83.36 3/'16x4x8 83.84 GREEN VINYL - COVERED CHAIN LINK FEIN. T Cly G 50 -Foot Roll $13,99 Gates, Corner Posts, etc., are all available at Conklin's CAVALIER DT -LAID PANELS 4 x 8 Sheets, Assorted Variety 811.95 to $12.80 WOOD LADDERS 83.19 to $25.79 Caulking Tubes White, Grey, Black 3 for 99c EXETER, 235.1422 GRAND SEND, 238-2374 No Charge to phone from Zurich to Conklin's at Grand Bend trzonamvatemissmemsorrawailtaireammemninumese Zurich Mennon -e Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 - 9:45 a.m.-Warship Service. 10:45 a.m.-Sunday School.. YOU ARE vi-ELC03IE! EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., M i nfste.r Mrs. Milton: Desch, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 - 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.-Church School. No evening song service this Sunday WELCOME St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev, A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. D. Stade, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 - 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:30 a.m.-Worship Service You .Are Welcome CONSERVATIVE MENNONITE CHURCH at the Hay Township Hall ZURICH Minister - Elmer Grove SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 - 10 a.m.-Sunday School 11 atm -Worship Service. 8 p.m. -Evening Service. We invite you to worship with us.i w_th the car ;;a:the._ I tray not have had a ex- tie_ holiday Corners, but I spect of my husband ed I knew ;;:were 1 :ke it came to thatosis.__ of car breakd V., _:. nam Lag When you turn 21 you're no longer cute ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insur sy :, you must take out indi• victual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. iEt iv WED? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, notii fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. - Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan' Ontario Hfospital Services Commission Toronto- 7, Ontario, "Hungry World' was :he thence of the mope presente a at the O.tt'bor :neetht;; o» the Lutheran Church IV:'n;en. The r e,mnotittee i tt":,::. e under :he con;•e ion nip of Mrs. E Datars, presented .a short play showing how two-thirds of the' world are -have-nots". and go hungry. while o:te-trial are the "haves" and have :access to suf. f:;lent Lod each to meet thea - physical requirements. Mrs William Ta\wren.e, Mrs. Doug Armstrong f n Mrs. Irvin Piayf : o: played the par: of those "who have". while Mrs.' Gordisn Hess ;d Mrs. He. b .. Turkne :3; represented the 'have r^ n ,, : questions were • eked tai promote and offer ad -seen. aaa s liege. <:ans f.=: new _rens for zonsideration., Aid .rat were also used to show what being, done and ca.. be done to ...a :he hungry: After the closing' devotions Mrs. Carl. 'Willer: took :he chair for :he business part Twenty-. seven members responded to :he r, ' I: ;was decided to again hold Bible study classes eemplete :he s:udy on :he Book of Mark. beginning on October 25 A sloe:ie.: ett.erang far CNIB will be received at the next.' *nee.:r N3 ember, By mo- tion. X t e members deeded to br rig gifts of canned fruit for. :he Blue Water Rest Home at :he December see: The rat an.- .untied :hat .e Luther League will be show- ing he Martin L tther film in :he enure:: on ;he eve:l \ emse_ tful half ht-tir _ _.- e:{ h o feliowed the adjourn- ment. djournme .. when the committee e served the traditional Thanksgiving dessert. pumpkin: ?.e. -nthcofee. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1246 BLUE WATER REST HOME NEWS WS and VIEWS By Lance J. Reed, Superintendent I: was .. great pleasure to' of the chapel have tier:icled on \ s . w.th :hose who paid a visit. a most attractive setting. The :.o .he Home last S unia.v. Over modern design and delightful rye; p,:e shewed their in-. colors will add much to the The resident- will be moving i,.:, the Home Wed- nesday. November ld. (("�� �r T sok to Mrs. Emma Schilbe 2l7 t Anniversary ��d ersar f:� her o.. , . oaf jeep{ " Y Elsewhere is this aper younight paper. , o Last Saturday nil,ht a very will see ` r ad,e ,setnent for, enjoyable evening was spent at tie:p wanted. Anyone wishing• the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis to appy s hou:d make an ap- . Farwell, when they were taken Pointmerit r , ensure that I will by complete surprise and some be a: :he office when they 40 relatives came in to help `ton=e in. them celebrate their 20th ;ved- I have been out a great deal; dine anniversary. :ate r taking applications for , The evening was spent play - re. deny. and have been great-' ing cards and chit-chatting. A.f- ly impressed with the number terwards a delicious turkey buf- of t+eoove ;rho would like to frt meal was served. become rev:dent:. In short Mr, and Mrs. Farwell received order the Home will be filled. many beautiful gifts. and very The group of ministers who appreciatively thanked them all have been I.za:.:n.:, after the for their kindness and thought - and colour scheme fulness. reverence of worship in the chapel. Sc tty's Dairy Dip I Highway 21 — At Drysdale WILL BE OPF ALL WINTER CLOSING -- 10 P.M. Except on Monday -- Which Is 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday — 2 a.m. 12s- Packages Superior Donuts _ _ 2/49c Sliced or Halves -20 Oz. Del Mone Peaches 2/77c ' Ellmarr-16 Oz. Peanut Butter _ - - 3/11 Stokely's Fancy Qualify -4-8 Oz. Tomato Juke - - - - 2/65c Van Camps -15 Oz. Beans With Pork _ _ 3/49c Orange Pekoe -60s Salado Tea Bags _ _ _ 75c Yuban-8-Oz. Jar instant Coffee _ _ $L39 Cream Style 15 Oz. Stokely's Corn - 2/39c Campbell's- 10 Oz. Tomato Soup _ - - 2/25c 11 Ounce Aylmer Catsup - Eilmarr Pure - 1 -Lb. Print Fresh Margarine _ Breakfast Club -24 Oz. Strawberry Jam _ Honey Comb - 6-0z. Post Cereal 1 -Lb. Tin Packages Neilson's Cocoa _ 734 Ounce Pink Seal Salmon Apple, Lemon, Pumpkin - 20 Smith's Pie FIN _ /39c 2/63c _ 49c _ 2/67c --63c __43c o=. 2/73c FRUIT and VEGETABLES IMPORTED HEAD LETTUCE, 24s _ _ _ EACH 25c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 48s 3 FOR 29c SUNKIST ORANGES, 138s DOZ. 65c MEAT SPECIALS FRESH CHICKEN LEGS LB. 59c DASHWOOD HEAD CHEESE _ _ _ _ 3 LBS. $LOO FRESH PORK PICNICS LB. 49c SKINLESS WIENERS - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ LI 49c DOER'S DiAL 236-4354 -- ZURICH1�.'.1�a'''.I^Taiia4tW xyr•iveT, +�� it1.:iUMy: