HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-10-13, Page 5Ti+J'URSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE p rr-1?.04 r •rhr (la{ 'rrrr�erc j iii:Jrirl , }�rlla frrafai 43 r 1£' #Ii Fr�lf" rii;+tip ;r !ffjf,' Classified Rates For Sale, etc„ Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriam*, Engagements, 3c a word) Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS— % Off if paid ,by Saturday following last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE— 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday 411111.1011=.r COMING EVENTS FALL RUMAGE SALE in the Hensall Legion Hall, Saturday, October 15, at 2 p,m, Sponsored by ,Hensall Kinette Club, 39,40,1,b TEEN TOWN Dance in Com- munity Centre, Hensall, on Sat- urday, October 22, from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Music by the No- velles. Sponsored by Hensen recreation conunittee and Hen - sal] Teen Town. 41,b FOR SALE P12Ei BRED German Sheperd pup;:. Call Paul Steckle, 262- ,5440. 41,p SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, Mc- Intosh, Kings, Courtland and Delirious, $2.00 per bushel at the orchard. Call Ted Stein- bach, dial 236-4844. 39,40,p REINFORCED Cement Tile, 4 feei by 3 feet. Contact Law- rence Ziler, RR 3, Dashwood, phone- 31r4. 37to42,b APPLES — Spies, McIntosh, .King;. etc. Call Paul Steckle, 262-5440, RR 2, Zurich. 41,2,p GIRL'S WINTER COAT, with mouton collar to fit 12-14X; in newcondition. Call Mrs. Helen `Thiel, 236-4360. 40,p .BRICK HOUSE in the village of Zurich, across from St. Boni - lace Church. Contact Louis Earwtal, 236-4646. 40,p APPLES — Pick your own, low trees Picking days: Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Sat- urdays. beginning Saturday, Oc- tober 8. Spys, Kings, Delicious, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Farm Machine Dairy Cattle, Household Effe and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 8 Con, 10, Hay Towns Goshen Line, 3 miles south Zurich, of 11/4 miles east Dashwood, thense 2 miles no The undersigned auction received instructions to sell public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 Tractor, Farm Machinery: Oliver " standard tractor, fu equipped, in A-1 condition; 15 -run grain and fertilizer dr with power lift; Case fora harvester; Fox forage blow 2 forage harvesters, self-loadi boxes, equipped with hea duty wagons; Mc -Deering 8 spring tooth cultivator; M Deering 3 -bar side deliver rak M.F. rotary; Finery double dis New Idea tractor spreader; Fo 3 -point hitch 3 -furrow plo Ford 3 -point hitch 2- furro plow; land roller; steel wag and box; 22 -ft. grain .auge electric motor; set of sleigh light sleigh; cutter; Surge unit milker, including pipin fanning mill; pig rack; gray box; 150 ft. steel cable; circul saw; steel posts; chicken she ters; colony house; quanti lumber and tile; grindstone; electric fencers; root pulpe shovels; forks; chains; oth miscellaneous items. Dairy Cattle: Holstein cow, second calf, r cently freshened; Holstein .hei er, recently freshened; Holstei cow, milking; Holstein cow, du latter part of October; Gurnse cow, milking, recently fresh ened; 3 Holstein yearling heif ers; part Holstein and Jerse heifer; Holstein yearling steer 10 Durham stocker cattle, aver aging 600 pounds each. Poultry: T'wo hundred Light Sussex New Hemp pullets, ready t lay, choice flock. Hay and Grain: 1200 bushels nixed grain mow loose mixed hay; quantit clover seed. Household Effects: Solid oak extension table, in eluding 6 chairs, china cabinet and buffet; kitchen cupboard; chest of drawers; 3 -piece ches- terfield; daybed; Frigidaire 4- burner electric stove like new; Westinghouse electric radio; writing desk; antique rocking ry, cts h ip of of rth eer by 5 lly Int, ill ge er; ng vy 1/2 c - e; c; rd w; w on r; s; 2- g; el ar 1- ty 3 r; er e- f - e y y x 0 y Snow,. Greening s, Talman 1 chair; White sewing machine, ed McIntosh. Fred McClymont and Son, one mile south of Varna, 40,1,p Sweets, Russets, etc. Also pick- like new; sewing cabinet; child's cradle; piano and stool; 3, steel beds, springs and mattresses; dressers wash stands; clock; Philco 30 -inch 4 -burner electric stove, like new; 12 -u. ft. refrig- erator, like new; Coleman space heater; coal and wood furnace, including blower; furnace blow- er unit and motor; washing machine; glassware and antique dishes, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms—Cash JACOB GINGERICH, Proprietor GERALD GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 - MISCELLANEOUS LAMES, HAVE you lost a Dia- mond? Take a look at your diamond ring now — are the caws loose? You can't afford to have your precious diamonds fall out of their settings. Bring it in for an examination free of charge. We can repair the claws. Also, we can remount your diamond in a smart set- ting.- — Albert Hess, Watches and Diamonds, Zurich. 41tf WANTED TO BUY BAND INSTRUMENT'S — Any- one interested in selling or please reply to Zurich Citizens renting old band instruments, .views. Box 190, Zurich. 41,b WANTED—Used Rug, suitable or recreation room. Should be at least 9'x12'. Call Zuricch 236-4369. 40,b CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM Corn Picking, with two self -unloading wagons and elevators. Call Earl Becker, Dashwood. 41,2,3,p SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del SchWartzentruber, dial 1355-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb MASONRY SERVICE -- Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf Anyone wishing to have whitewashing done, contact Bill 'LVrat.-nn, phone 21r19, Dash- wood. '1 3. AUCTION SALE Of Choice Beef and Dairy Cattle, Farm Machinery and Miscellan- eous Items on the premises Lot 10, Con. South Boundary, Stanley Township 21/2 miles east of Zurich, thence 21/2 miles north, 1/2 mile east of Hillsgreen, 4 miles west of Kippen. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 at 1:30 p.m. Beef and Dairy Cattle: Two part Durham and Hol- stein cows, with calves at foot; 10 Durham and Hereford cows, with calves at foot; Holstein heifer, milking; 12 choice Dur- ham stocker steers and heifers, averaging 600 pounds each. Cattle choice quality. Machinery: Rubber; tire wagon •and rack; Mc -Deering mower, &ft. •cut; Mc -Deering binder, 7 -ft. cut; '2 McCormick seed drills; Cock- shutt manure spreader, on rub- ber; Hillman 2 -unit milker, in- cluding piping; Viking cream separator; Ford pulley; sling ropes; 50 feet rubber belt, etc. No reserve as the farm is rented, Terms—Cash LUDWIG SCHULTZ, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 41,b 2 a 4 c 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 12 17 12 I iElaEi♦11i• 21 22 Canadian Prime Minister Honored by Lions Study These Signals For Your Visit to Expo'67 Does a suitcase with a ques- tion mark above it mean any- thing to you? Or a coat hang- er? Or even a bandaged hand? These are only three of the 24 symbols that have been adopted to get essential mes- sages across to the multi-lingual millions of visitors who will be coming to Expo 67. Expo has created its own sign language to surmount the language barrier. To accom- plish this the accompanying pic- tographs have been created. How many can you identify? For the answers see below. Expo 67's site will be a veri- table labyrinth of pavilions, avenues, paths, parks, bridges, tunnels, and towers. Since vis- itors from all over the world will be at the more than 1000 - acre site, Expo has made a spe- cial effort to avoid written mes- sages. Without these picto- grams the polygot crowds could become lost, confused, uncom- fortable, and even hungry, The pictograms were created especially for Expo by Paul Arthur and Associates Limited, graphic designers of Toronto, They will appear mainly in signs on doors, screened in black and, when applicable, red and white adhesive backed by four -inch vinyl squares. Where the nature of the mes- sage makes the use of these pictigranis impossible, the two official languages of Expo, French and English, will be used. Expo will also use color to code areas to facilitate visitors finding their way about. Purple will identify the Cite due Havre area; green Ile Sainte -Helene: and yellow Ile Notre -Dame. The amusement area located in La Ronde will be designated by a bright orange. Blue will iden- tify Expo properties and serv- ices such as telephone and in- formation booths, trains and personnel will be predominate - boats. The uniforms of Expo ly blue. The pictograms signify the following: Direction — (1) entrance; (2) exit. Prohibition —(3) no fire; (4) don't touch; (5) electricity; (6) no admission; (7) no standing; (8) no sitting; (9) anti -littering. Urgent information and serv- ice: (10) telephone; (11) hos- pital; (12) first aid; (13) lost - found: (14) handicapped. Room identification — (15) women's WC; (16) men's WC; (17) restaurant; (18) coffee shop (refreshments). Transportation — (19) bus station; (20) marina. (21) ferry dock. Other services — (22) locker; (23) cloakroom; (24) delivery (entrance). IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Stephen Township Schools, Land, School Supplies and Mis- cellaneous Items on the premises as listed and time specified, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 Parcel No. 1: Known as School Section No. 10, 11/4 miles north of Green- way, Highway 81. Land only, part of Lot 6, Con. 21. Approx- imately one acre, more or less, with no buildings. This land will be offeredfor sale at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, October 26 Parcel No. 2: Known as School Section No. 11, Blackbush, 1% miles west of Dashwood, then 11/4 miles south, part of Lot 20, Con. 14. School building only, no land included. Contents to be offered separ- ately, include large school bell, pianos, t e a c h e r and school desks, cupboards, blackboards, oil furnace and tank, bathroom fixtures and plumbing, steel fire escape, etc. This building and contents will be offered for sale at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, October 26 Parcel No. 3: Known as Union School No. 16, in the village of Dashwood, Plan 31, Lot 92, frontage 197 feet, depth 285 feet, with addi- tional lot 64x67 ft. on which is situated large 3 -room school, including heating system, plumb- ing and light fixtures. Items to be offered separately include: glass cupboard with bird selection, teacher and school desks, electric clock, step ladder, blackboards, 197 feet heavy picket steel fence, etc. This property and contents will be offered for sale at 1 p.m. Wednesday, October 26 Parcel No. 4: Known as School Section No. 6, Khiva, 3 miles west of Credi- ton, part of Lot 11, Con. 11. School building, including land, oil heating system, plumbing and fixtures. Items to be offered separately include: large school bell, pianos, benches, desks, black- boards, chairs, ladders, etc. This building and contents will be offered for sale at 2 p.m. Wednesday, October 26 Parcel No. 5: Known as School Section No. 4, "Sharon", 2/ miles east of Dashwood, thence 11/4 miles south, part of Lot 21, Con. 8. School building, including land, oil heating system, plumb- ing and fixtures. Items to be offered separately include: large school bell, desks, blackboard, etc. This building and contents will be offered for sale at 3 p.m. Wednesday, October 26 Please Note — Time and lo- cation of each school. For fur- ther information, contact Wil- mer Wein, secretary -treasurer, Crediton, phone 234-6331. Terms of Real Estate — 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Chattels, Cash. ROSS BROWN, Chairman Stephen Township School Board WILMER WEIN, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone .119, Dashwood 41,2,b 0 CLEARING AUCTION Of Livestock, Farm Machinery and Household Effects, for ARTHUR VARLEY Lot 26, Con, 5, Tuckersmith Township 3/ miles southwest of Seaforth TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 12 noon L ivestock: Nine Durham cows, all under 7 years, good milk cows, each having raised two calves this summer; 7 Holstein cows, all machine milked; 3 Durham cows, all machine milked; 19 early spring calves, Durham and crossbred; 9 Durham steers and 8 heifers, 1/ years; fat char, heifer. Machinery: M -F 65 gas tractor, 5000 hours; M -F 35 diesel tractor, less than 3500 hours; tire chains and belt pulley; snowblower, 3 pt.; M -F manure loader, with bale loader and snow bucket attach- ment; Dearborn 7 -ft. 3 -pt. mow- er; MF 3 -furrow wide mounted plow; M -F 3 -furrow narrow mounted plow; M -F 35 pull -type combine; New Holland motor driven baler; M -H 15 -run fert. drill, power lift and markers, nearly new; Kongskilde 9 -ft. cultivator; M -H tandem disc, 8 - ft.; A,C. pto side rake; Mauer 4 -row bean puller, new; Bissell disc, 8 -ft.; bale stooker; Martin rubber tired wagon, new, with grain box; All -steel rubber tired wagon, hay rack; Cock. double roll 8 -ft. cultipacker; J.D. man- ure spreader "R'; M -H swather No. '7, pto 9 -ft.; 9 -section light harrows; J.D. spring tooth bar- rows, 12 ft.; Fairbanks -Morse hammer mill and 75 ft. endless belt; 9 -ft. steel roller; 16 -ft. skeleton bale elevator; bale and Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL Darling and Company OP CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 a 66 co Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson of Canada, left, talks with Lions International President Edward M. Lindsey of Law- renceburg, Tennessee in the Parliament Offices in Ottawa, Ontario. Lindsey, on an extended five-week tour of Canada and visits with 32,000 Canadian Lions, presented the Prime Minister with the 'Head of State Medal' of the international service organization. Pearson took time out from a stormy emergency session of Parliament, to meet with Lindsey, who represents some 800,000 Lions in 135 countries and geographi- cal locations around the globe. grain elevator on wheels; scales; new 41 -ft. water trough; 3 hog self feeds; 10 milk cans; West. 6 -can milk cooler; Forney 180 amp. welder, nearly new; quantity of scrap iron and small articles. Grain and Feed: 15 ton mixed grain; 500 bales straw; 300 bales hay. Household Effects: Dining room suite; bookcase; round extension table; beige rug, 9x12; adjustable dress form and stand; doilie stretcher: bed- room suite: dressers; beds; tables; linens; curtains; crocks; odd dishes and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash Day of Sale No reserve — Farni is sold ARTHUR VARLEY, Proprietor HECTOR McNEIL- Auctioneer Phone 898-5330, Alvinston Reception nd Dance For MR. AND MRS. BOB OESCH (bridal couple) Zurich Arena 011 Sat., October 15 Music by KEN MITTELHOLTZ and THE TWYLITES Everyone Welcome EVAPORATED AVE / i i Carnation Milk 6/31 t Shredded Wheat 2/53c I 20 -OZ. TIN Lee's Pi eappke 2/45c 15 OUNCE Libby's Cooked Spaghetti _ 4/69c r Celery; Large Stalk 23c z i LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET i TOWNSHIP OF HAY i NABISCO -12 OZ. ZURICH TENDER Koehler Drainage Works, 1966 Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Monday, October 24, at 12:00 noon, D.S.T., for the construction of the Koehler Drainage Works, 1966. Separate tenders to be submitted for the open portion and tiled portions of the drain. All construction to comply with Engineer C. P. Corbett's specifications, which may be seen at the office of the engineer, Lucan, Ontario, or the municipalclerk of the Township of Hay. A marked cheque for 10% of tender must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender forms may be obtained from the engineer or at the clerk's office, C. P. CORBETT, P,Eng., Lucan, Ontario 41,2,b H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treas., Township of Hay Zurich, Ontario