HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-10-13, Page 3'TIHIU'RSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slater are
anis family, of Toronto, were vacationing in Mexico.
Thanksgiving guests with the Mrs. A. B. Rowcliffe had the
latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. misfortune Thursday afternoon
N. E. Cook. while attending a meeting in
lVliss Margaret Smillie, daugh- Hensall United Church to fall
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence and fracture her hip, She was
Smillie, is a patient in Scar- taken by Westlake ambulance
borough General Hospital, with to South Huron Hospital, Exe-
head injuries following a three- ter, and later transferred to St.
car accident. Joseph's Hospital, London,
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Smillie, Kippen East WI will meet in
of Kamloops, BC, were recent the Legion Hall, Re'nsail, on
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wednesday, October 19, at 8:30
Rowcliffe, and visited also with p.m.
.friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey, of
Mrs. Dick McKellar, Teddy Lakewood, Colorado, visited
and David, of Thedford, spent with relatives in London this
Saturday with her parents, Mr. week, and paid a flying visit to
and Mrs. Alfred J. Smith. call on friends in the village.
Mr. Stacey is as former Hensall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson,
Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Richter, Kitchen e r, spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
,Clendon Christie and Catharine
Charles Mickle, Hamilton;
Robert and Ann' TIWO, Lon-
don, spent Thanksgiving week-
end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Laird Mickle.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray,
Bar River, Algoma, visited Sat-
urday with Mrs. John McMur-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse
and family, St. Catharines, were
Thanksgiving visitors with Herb
Mrs. Stewart McQueen is a
patient in South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter.
Mrs. John McMurtrie spent
Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs,
Stewart Bell ancl girls.
Kippen 4-H Girls
The fifth meeting of the Kip -
pen One Cookettes was held
Monday, October 3, at Mrs. Mc-
Lean's. The leaders discussed
"planning supper menus", use
of vegetables for supper, and
"the reasons for food guide for
health vegetables". Group work
included making salad dressing,
preparing material for salads.
Demonstrations on salad mak-
ing, suitable garnishes. The
next meeting will be held at
Mrs. Bruce MacGregor's, Octo-
ber 13, at 7:30 p.m. Miss Car-
roll will be guest speaker at
this meeting.
Mrs. Henry Pfile, of Water-
loo, formerly of Hensall, passed
away Monday, October 10, in
Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital,
in her 76th year. The former
Edith Durst, she was born in
Hay Township, and while a
resident of Hensall she was
active in choir work in Hensall
United Church. Her late hus-
band. who died in 1957, was a
businessman here.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
Edgar Geil, of Waterloo; two
brothers, Albert, Vancouver,
:B.C., and Ezra, Detroit.
Public funeral service will be
held from Bonthron funeral
home, Thursday, October 13,
conducted by Rev. H. F. Currie.
Interment in Dashwood EUB
3 Frame Buildings
in the
Village of Hensall
For information cal!
Earl Campbell
Stocker Feeder Sale
AT 1 P.M.
Consisting of
Calves, Heifers and Steers
Vidor Hargreaves Jack Morrissey
482-7511 234.6200
Hector McNeil and Harold Jackson
General Contracting
We will build your
One contract will take care
of your complete project
Backhoe Service Now Available !
Aluminum Doors and Windows
Only $35
SIZE DOORS Completely installed
Richard Bedard
DIAL 236-4679
Mr. and lVirs. Keith Lindsay
and family, of Hamilton, spent
Thanksgiving at the Henderson
Next Sunday, October 16, at
Hensall United Church, will be
laymen's Sunday. A congrega-
tional men's choir will lead the
service of praise. Guest speak-
er for this service wil be Ernie
Williams, of Seaforth.
Flowers in the United Church
sanctuary Sunday morning were
memory of Mrs. Rheta Charles,
placed by her family.
Hensall Women
Honor Bride
Mrs. James Bisback, a recent
bride, was 'honored at a mis-
cellaneous presentation held at
the Legion Hall Friday evening,
October 7, when she was the
recipient of many beautiful
gifts. Presentation address
was read by Mrs. Garnet Allan
and presentation of gifts were
by Mrs. T. Kyle Jr. and Mrs.
George Shiels.
Entertainment included bin-
go, and was in charge of Mrs.
Kyle and Mrs. Allan. In charge
of arrangements were Mrs.
Shiels, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. R. Van -
stone and Mrs. Dave Ingram.
Mrs. Bisback, the former Pa-
tricia Sass, of Chatham, and
her husband are attending
Western University. The groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Bisback, of Hensall.
Baptism Service
The following children were
presented for the sacrament of
infant baptism at Hensall Unit-
ed Church Sunday morning:
William Todd, son of Mr. and
Mrs. IIarolcl L. Caldwell; Chris-
topher Nelson, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Robert G. Reaburn; Timo-
thy Adam Cavill, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William B. Ro eliffe.
Unit 4 of UCW
Hold Interesting
October Meeting
At the autumn thank -offering
meeting of unit four, UCW, on
Thursday afternoon, Miss Aniy
Lammie gave two readings in
braile: one of life's recipes on
"food for thought" and "thanks-
giving". Mrs. E. Rowe had
charge of the meeting.
The study, "the Church and
the World", was given by Mrs.
Fred Beer, who said "God works
in many ways through us, His
`Wonders to Perform'." The
autumn thank -offering was re-
ceived and dedicated.
Miss M. Ellis had charge of
the devotional, stating "God is
in. His heaven".
Mrs. George Armstrong led in
prayer. A note was received
from Mrs. C. L. Jinks and ex-
pressed appreciation of the
special meeting for associated
members which she was unable
to attend.
The south regional meetrng
is to be held in Elimville Unit-
ed Church, October 28.
A letter of thanks was read
from Mrs. Whiting, of Hazelton,
BC, expressing thanks for par-
cels of clothing. Twenty-nine
members were present at the
Legion Auxiliary
Observe Birthday
IIensall Legion Ladies' Aux-
iliary observed their 17th birth-
day anniversary with a party at
the Legion Hall, Hensall, Thurs-
day evening, October 6, and en-
tertained as their guests Mrs.
Evelyn Carroll, zone 'comman-
der, Goderich, who spoke brief-
ly, and members of Exeter and
Clinton auxiliaries.
Grant and Kenneth Jones, of
Kippen, entertained with sev-
eral songs with guitar accom-
paniment, and Mrs. Garnet
Allan gave a reading. Bingo
was played and a penny sale
Winners in the draws were
Mrs. Grant McClinchey, Mrs.
William Forrester and Mrs.
Harold Thiel.
Mrs, H. Campbell presided
for the program, arranged by
Mrs. McClinchey and Mrs. Allan.
Mrs, William Smale was in
charge of the penny sale; Mrs.
Allan conducted the draws, and
Mrs. Carroll, zone commander,
drew the winning tickets,
Teen -Town Group
Formed in Hensall
At a meeting of Hensall Teen
Town, recently organized, plans
were finalized for their dance
Saturday, October 22, in Hen-
sall Community Centre.
Elected officers were; presi-
dent, Brenda Noakes; secretary,
Bevan Bonthron; treasurer, Bill
Soldan; directors, Kathie Hen-
derson, John Skea, John Joynt
and Tom Neilands.
Auxiliary Meeting' Hensall Girl Wins
Hensall LegionAt the regular meeting: of'Legion Bursary
Laches Auxiliary
held Tuesday evening, president Miss Carolyn Camp bell re -
Mrs. Harold Campbell and Mrs..
Bryan Kyle gave interesting ceived word that she has been
highlights of the convention awarded the Legion Ladies'
they attended as delegates at
Plans were finalized for their
17th birthday celebration and
was voted for the CNIB.
Mrs. Grant 1VIcClinchey won
the mystery prize; Mrs. Garnet
Allan, guessing contest, and
Mrs. Harry Horton the attend-
ance prize of $5.00.
Bingo was played and lunch Open Tuesday and Friday Hite
served. Mrs. H, Campbell chair- MAIN STREET, ZURICH
ed the meeting. feraselemeesamimimmiemitsasemeimaiteas
Auxiliary bursary of $400 for
Zoue C-1. She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Camp-
One Carload of Steer Calves
One Carload of Heifer Calves
will be arriving in Hensall soon. Any boy or girl,
under the age of 21, in the townships of Hay, Hibbert,
Tuckersmith, Usborne, Stanley and Stephen, wishing
to feed calves for the Hensall South Huron Agricul-
tural Society, kindly contact any one of the following
directors as soon as possible:
WILLIAM COLEMAN, Dial 262-5031
JIM McGREGOR, Dial 262-5156
JACK KINSMAN, Dial 262.5472
JACK MORRISSEY, Dial 234-6200
P. L. McNAUGHTON, Secretary.
Dial 262.2118, Hensall
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