HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-09-29, Page 7THVRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Luther League Elects Officers Gary Flaxbard was elected president of the Luther League of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Zurich during the business :session on Sunday night, Sep- tember 25, Others elected to office were: vice-president, Brian Decker; secretary, Linda Stade, and treasurer, Ed Prang. Wayne Clausius acted as counsellor to the League and supervised the elections. Minutes were read by Joan Pepper, retiring secretary, and a favorable balance was report- ed in the treasury by Lynda Thiel, who served as treasurer since September, 1965. She also reported receipts received for gifts sent to the Heart Foundation. Under the chairmanship of retiring president Chris Mills, plans were made to welcome the newly confirmed youth as members of the League at the next meeting, which will take the form of a hayride and cook- out. The topic for the evening was presented by Pastor A. C. Black - by using a film strip and re- cording, "This Is the Mark", •depicting Christian concern for the needs of people in a rapidly changing world in which big- ness of farming, industry, leg- islative programs, and even big- ness of church, tends to dwarf man's significance. Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 TOP HEREFORD EXHIBITOR—Whitney Coates, of Centralia, was top Hereford exhibitor at the Zurich fall fair on Monday. He is shown here with his winning yearling heifer, along with judge Bill Pepper, of Brucefield. BEAUTIFUL BUT BASHFUL mented me on my looks. I am DEAR DORIS — For years I only five foot three inches, but have greatly admired young women who have the ambition and qualities for entering beau- ty contests. I recently finished an inspiring book by Miss America of 1965, too. I know events like these have been greatly glamorized, yet it has always been my secret yearn- ing to enter one. Many people have compli- General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK • QUALIFIED TRADESMEN TO DO YOUR WORK! We Will Build Your • HOME • COTTAGE • BARN ONE CONTRACT FOR YOUR ENTIRE PROJECT! Aluminum Doors and Windows STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Only $35 Completely Installed DICK BEDARD General Contractor DIAL 23679 ZURICH IT'S A MUST FOR POULTRY SHUR-GAIN 13% ALL MASH PULLET DEVELOPER supplies all the necessary nutrients required by the growing birds. By restricting, the energy level, this feed will aid in retarding the maturity of the growing pullets. This energy restriction will result in pullets being in good condition to assure top egg production in the months ahead. Drop in and we will discuss the complete SHURR- GAIN Pullet Feeding Program with you. tied stria M. OEIt2 and SON DIAL. 236.4951 ZURICH my complexion is clear and I use no make-up. I used to (and still do, I'm afraid) suffer from a personality that is more intro- vert than extroverted. Such an involvement as this might bring me out of my shell. At first I felt very cheeky about writ in g you regarding this, but my interest will only be appeased with your reply. I hope I have not sounded un- duly conceited. Business Girl DEAR GIRL—If you couldn't swim, would you dive into deep water as a good way of learn- ing? A beauty contest calls for the ultimate in poise and self-confi- dence. Don't do it; if you failed you'd be devastated. Start with some easy ways to learn sociability; learn about posture and good grooming; with a year of coaching, learn- ing deportment and how to mix with ease, you might be ready next year. SMILEY TAKES filS STAND A chap called Richard J, Needham writes a daily news- paper column in Toronto. Rual- Needham it's time he got into ity and content range from the twentieth century. His ideas high-class to hog -dash, but it is are pure poppycock. eminently readable, Sure, the educational system Needham is not a true hum- is a vast monolith. What do orist, but has a sharp satiric you do with 6,000,000 kids? sense, a wild imagination, and Shove them into the streets to learn about LIFE? But it's far from soul -less. On the con- trary, it's composed of men and women with intelligence. good - Despite the clear view, he is will and understanding, who an incorrigible romantic, a 1966 work tirelessly to improve the are a sorry lot, unadventurous, inarticulate, security - minded and materialistic. Well, I'm here to tell brother a clear view of the ridiculosity of many of our moral, social, political and economic fairy tales. model Don Quixote who tilts at windmills with a typewriter, forces flowers on strange ladies, and thinks of life and love in capital letters. He's a literary burglar and a bellowing non- conformist. Interesting fellow. But he has a couple of blind spots. Be hates the educational system and has a blatant con- tempt for today's young people. Sounds psychological. Perhaps he was turfed out of school, or dropped out, or had some rotten teachers. But he despises the whole business. For him, the educational sys- tem is a vast, soul -less monolith, whose sole aim is to crush the spirit of youth, indoctrinate it with all the wrong ideas, and fail to teach it anything about LIFE. He's great on LIFE. For him( teachers are a bunch of dull clods, whose only de- sire is to stuff kids with useless information and promptly squelch any signs of initiative or creativity. For him, modern students system for the benefit of the students. Sure, teachers are dull clods. Some of them. Just as some doctors, lawyers, ministers and columnists are dull clods. But the great majority work their heads to the bone, shoving, urg- ing, exhorting, encouraging and leading the youngsters to adult- hood. And the students? Are they a sad, beaten crowd, cowed by authority, eager for security. afraid to think for themselves? This is what Mr. Needham, with his Victorian view of schools, would have us believe. Hah! A few are. But the majority are just the opposite. They are rebellious, daring, adventurous, and just busting to have a whirl at life, as youngsters have been since the time of Socrates. Right now my son, who is 19, is either hitch -hiking across Canada, on his way home, or headed for Mexico. We're not sure. Right now, my daughter who is 15, is belting out folk songs which she wrote herself, to keep her mina off her sore ears, She had them pierced yesterday, for earrings. And right now, all over town, 1,200 kids from our high school are ignoring their homework and watching TV, or shooting pool, or gassing on the phone, or falling in love, or riding mo- torcycles. They're certainly not cowed by authority, or squelch- ed by the system, or indoc- trinated by anything, except human nature. Don't be naive, Mr. Needham... JAMESWAY POWER CRORYNG EQUIPMENT For Beef — Dairy— Hogs and Poultry SILO UNLOADERS -- 3 -Point Suspension — Power Ring Gear Drive — Optional Filling Attachment PHONE 523-4241 lIHOWSON & HOWSON LTD., DLA `H Power Choring Dealer for Huron County 37,39,41,b STEAKS It's a treat they'll all love. Our tempting foods are carefully prepared and beautifully served. The atmosphere is gracious and congenial, perfect for family dining. Our dining room is air conditioned for your comfort. We Specialize in - CHICKEN - FISH ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236-4371 — ZURICH DEAR DORIS — Whenever we have company from out of town we take them out in the car and show them the high- lights of our city. My husband put me in the back seat and puts the company in the front seat with him. This burns me up. I think my place is in the front seat with my husband and the company in the back seat. Just why should I take a back seat to anyone? Please give me your opinion on this. Mad DEAR MAD — It's all the way you look at it. If ,the visitor is an older woman, you act the gracious hostess in seating her up front. If it's a man, why not all three of you coil packed in the front? When your guests are an- other couple, the men are often in front, the girls behind where they can talk woman -talk. I'm betting it's the way hubbie does it which makes you ; feel you are figuatively taking a back seat, as well as literally. Talk 'it out with him. DEAR DORIS—Where could I get a child's coaxer for people who are very round-shouldered like me? Please do help me. Next week I'm going to a dance where I must wear a formal and just think what I'll look like in it! Roond•Shouidered DEAR ROUND-SHOULDERED —Is a child's coaxer the same as shoulder braces? If so, you'll find them in a drug store or a mail order catalogue. But improvements in -posture, come slowly, as muscles and tis- sues have to be retrained or reshaped. Practice in walking erectly, exercises for chest de- velopment, all help. Could there be a medical rea- son for your round shoulders? Ask your doctor. And when he O.K.s an exercise program, or the use of braces, you'll be on your way to an improvement. Stand erect as you can in your pretty new formal, then forget about yourself hi being friendly andhelpful to some bashful boy. I ai C ' Exam'net% '67Chevrotet.Y dsh rte n' BBeleaskes-r; nevi n„fark o Excellence',aeh rrey sloping Sport Coupes,curving eafders,wraparound ;bsgive�oket scene. stealing godlo K tohwa and in driveway. is up Seain modelStoh00Se f' et your Chevrolet :'`' ., ••.�..�'. ..- .o'` kitS4 l,1VVENISOLET chine as you —.the snovlour-place uadv it y way ythY u rversion for sporty p basic action. camar , Re'kky Sportncama o, SS 350 Cart MARK 00:11X011.144041 Sas The New 1867 Chevrolet • Chevelte • Cbevy 11 • Cor!alr • Corvette and Camaro Today at Your Chemist Dealer's AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER IN EXETER SNELL BROS. LIMITED PHONE 235-0660 — EXETER % a611e 016•1110111111,11 lMonenn end NFL Football on the CBC -111 network each Sunday, Check your loom; listing for channel and time.