HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-09-29, Page 1r 11 GRAND CHAMPION — Arnold Erb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Erb, RR 1, Zurich, had the best dairy calf in the 4-H Calf Club competition at the Zurich fair on Monday. He also won the grand champion showmanship and was awarded. the Zurich Chamber of Commerce trophy for his fete. BEST CAT AT THE FAIR—Donna Schilbe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe, Zurich, is shown with her Siamese cat, "Sue -Ling", which won the prize for the top eat in the Pet Show at the Zurich fall fair on Monday. STRANGER IN TOWN Visitors at the Zurich fall fair on Monday were in for quite a surprise when they saw this strange -looking piece of human- ity walking around the streets, and taking part in the .parade. The same character showed up at the Horse Show in the arena at night and entertained the crowd there. The fellow inside all that contraption was Bob Merner, Zurich. "QUEEN OF THE FAIR" — Miss Linda Overholt, RR 2, Zurich, 17 -year-old daughter of Mrs. Beatrice Overholt, on Saturday night was crowned Queen of the Fair in con- junction with the annual Zurich Fall Fair. A student at Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, she won out over nine other contestants. Linda entered the competition as Miss Citizens News. School Children's Exhibits at Zurich Fair Continue to Show Improvement Beets: Wayne Beirling, Ruby Beirling, Don Truemner, John Blackwell, Helen Blackwell; iarrots: Paul Truemner, Debbie Horner, Helen Blackwell, Chris- tine Haberer, John Blarkwell; Spanish onions: Judy Miller, Peter Hendrick, Kevin Robson; yellow onions: Carol Smith, Di- anne Smith, John Blackwell, Helen Blackwell, Ida Blackwell; Dutch sets: Wayne Beirling, Joyce Beirling; early potatoes: Joyce Beirling, Helen Blackwell, Cheryl Gingerich, Marlene Oesch, John Blackwell; late po- tatoes: Joanne Miller, Helen Larry Blackwell, John Blackwell, Judy Miller, Ida Blackwell. Field corn: Earl Gascho, Stephen Horner, Marlene Oesch, Lionel Wilder, Ruby Beirling; wheat: Wayne Beirling, Janet Oesch, Joyce Beirling, Mary Oesch, Ruby Beirling; eats: Joyce Beirling, Ruby Beirling, Wayne Beirling, Audrey Oesch, Marlene Oesch; barley: Wayne Beirling, Marlene Oesch, Ruby Beirling, Joyce Beirling, Au- drey Oesch; yellow tomatoes: Mary Blackwell, Audrey Oesch, Ida Blackwell, Helen Blackwell, Smith; green tomatoes: HeI.en Blackwell, Danny Schilbe, John Blackwell, Marlene Oesch, Janet Oesch; pears: Joe Far- well, Don Truemner, Eunice Gascho, Ralph Geiger, Paul Truemner; plums: Earl Gascho, Marlene Oesch, Ruby Beirling, Mary Oesch, Janet Oesch. Spy apples: Rita Farwell, Ed- die Farwell, Brenda Wilder, Wayne Truemner, Helen Black- well; McIntosh apples: Ralph Geiger; snow apples: Eddie Far- well, Helen Blackwell, Ralph Geiger, John Blackwell, Don Truemner; delicious apple s: Rita Farwell, Joe Farwell, Wayne Beirling, Ruby Beirling, Joyce Beirling; grapes: Earl Gascho, Don Truemner, Eunice Gasccho, Ruby Beirling, Joyce Beirling. (Continued on page 2) TOP BABIES --There were 25 babies entered in the annual Baby Show at the Zurich fall fair on Monday, and they were divided into three different age classifica- tions. Left is Mrs. Allen IIayter, RR 1, Varna, with Lori Patricia, winner in the one to six months class: centre is Mrs. Herb Turkheim, Zurich, with Lori Joanne, winner in the six to 12 months class, and right is Mrs. Lewis Gingerich, Zurich, with Dorcas Ann, winner in the 12 to 18 months class. Arnold, Erb Tops Entries In Zurich 4'4 Calf Cltb; W. Coates Top Cottle an Arnold Erb, RR 1, Zurich, won top honors in the Zurich 4 -II Calf Club competition on Monday, when he took first place in best junior Holstein calf, first place in showmanship in the dairy divivsion, and then also was awarded the trophy for grand champion showman- ship. Other results of 4-H Club competitions are: beef division, senior heifer, Kenneth Farwell, RR 3, Zurich; steers and guin- eas, Donald Geiger, RR 2, Zur- ich; Kenneth Jones, RR 2, Hen- sall; Grant Jones, RR 2, Hensall; showmanship in beef class, Grant Jones, Bill Hoffman, Dashwood, Marilyn Keys, Varna. In the dairy division Mervyn Erb, RR 1, Zurich, won first for senior holstein, with Raip Geig- er, RR 2, Zurich, second, and Dean Oestreicher, Dashwoocl, third. In the junior division Arnold Erb was first, Bert Vis- scher, RR 1, Hay, second, and Carl Towton, RR 1, Zurich, third. In dairy showmanship Arnold Erb was first, Bert Visscher, second, and Mervyn Erb, third. Cattle Show Principal winners in the cat- tle classes were Whitney Coates •and Sons, Centralia; Richard Doane, Thorndale; Jack Coates, RR' 1, Exeter, and Frank Fal- coner, RR 5, Clinton. Varna 4-H Girl The Varna 4-11 Club Islet on Saturday, September 24, at the home of Mrs, Allan Hayter, The leaders for this year are Mrs. Allan Hayter and Mrs, William. Dowson. Officers are: president, Bren- da Turner; secretary, Mary Lou Johnston; press reporter, Mary Lou Johnston; phone girls, Anne Hayter and Nancy Consitt. Meetings will be on Saturday afternoon at 2:30, Three men shared the honors in the sheep class: Donald Dear- ing, Exeter; Donald Graham, Parkhill, and Clarence Pfaff, Ailsa Craig. Tops in the hog divisions were Ross Cottle, Kirkton, arid IIerb Beirling, Zurich. No. 39— ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1966 7 CENTS PER COPY County Council Discusses Library Godericb — Huron County council is considering the ad- visability of entering into the county library system, council decided at its September ses- sion on recommendation of the Huron County Library Co-oper- ative Board. However, the report stated that "prior to a final decision on this subject, the clerk be authorized to send 'a -letter to each local council asking for their decision on the matter as required under section 47 of the Public Libraries Act; and further that the said decision be in the hands of the county clerk not later than October 20, 1966, and if there are any fur- ther questions, these should be itemized and forwarded imme- diately to the clerk for reply." Council also decided that a recommendation will be .pre- sented to the November session of county council based on the decision of local councils. Duff Thompson, Clinton, chairman of the library com- mittee, stated that the question had been thoroughly discussed Hensall Youth Killed In Crash Two men died early Thurs- day morning, September 22, when their car skidded off Highway 4, about a quarter mile north of Hensall, and struck a tree. Killed in the accident were Eric Wayne Mousseau, 21, RR 2, Hensall, driver of the car, and Jack Reeder, 58, RR 2, Cen- tralia. Police said the accident occurred between midnight and 1 a.m., -during a rain storm. The south -bound car left the east side of the road and skid- ded along the ditch for about 50 yards before hitting the tree. The car was discovered about 7 a.m. by Eugene Ducharme, of Clinton, on his way to work at General Coach Works. A pass- ing taxi driver from. Clinton alerted the police. OPP con- stable Ray Primeau, of Seaforth, investigated. seau, Roy and Don Oesch. Flower bearers: Jerry For- restal, Don Kyle, Bob Clark, Brian Mustard, Roy Bell, Bill Fuss. Mr. Reeder is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Fred Wine) Huxtable, Exeter, and Mrs. Cooper (Elsie) McCurdy, RR 1, Centralia. Funeral service was held Saturday from Hopper - Hockey funeral home, Exeter. Ideal Weather Conditions Assist in Making Zurich Fall Fair Huge Success Sunny skies made a brief ap- and Weido hardware. Other pearancee during the current contestants were Shirley Thiel, wet spell and stayed long representing Hubert Schilbe for enough to give the 102nd an- Shirriff's Potato Chips; Linda nual edition of the Zurich Fall Webb, for 'the Zurich Lions Fair ideal weather conditions. Majorettes; Rose Marie Wild, Activities began Friday night for Leo's Plumbing and t-leat- when the Schneider male choir, ing; Carol Johnston, for Dornin- of Kitchener, presented an out- ion IIotel; Edna Bedard, for Hi - standing program of song in the Fashion Beauty Salon: Linda community centre. Oesch, for Oesch Shoe St,re„ On Saturday night the annual and Ruth Leibold. fall fair dance was held, and The Saturday night attraction drew a crowd of over 6'yc) peo- ple, and the Cavaliers peeeteled the music. The Zurich Lions i1Ia' . --.cgs and the `Medford Silver led the parade which we:eke i its way from the public sci: t t the fairgrounds. Follow -Le:, the Both men were pronounced in connection with the event a dead at the scene by coroner contest to pick the "Queen of Dr. J. C. Goddard. the Fair" took place. Miss Eric is survived by his par -1 Linda 0 v or h o 1 t, 17 -year-old ents, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Mous- daughter of Mrs. Beatrice Over- seau. formerly of Ilensall, who holt and the late Melvin Over- holt, RR 2. Zurich, was crowned as Queen by last year's winner, Miss Cheryl Stade. The trophy parade the fair was for the annual competition was opened by Robert E. (Be- e- i,Iousseau. RR 2, Hensall. presented 'by Mrs.Ross Jeer, liinley, Huron member Funeral service was held an sten. of the Dominion II•ttel. liament, who praised t':_• Saturday from Carmel Presby- This Saturday the queen will of directors of the lo,:: terian Ch'trch, IIensall, at 3 compete with other queens from ization for the fnlwral•(', • and that the decision now rest- took up residence in Ridge - ed at the municipal level. town this summer, and one sis- Carl Kreuter, Brussels, said ter, Cheryl, at home: his grand - that his library hoard was • not parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ership; (2) qualifications of 11 - certain on four points: (1) own- brarian: (3) opting out if not satisfied; (4) get county service if not in a county system. fieel p.m. The chut•c,t lI to dist;e. lti of Ontario nt:1r o Assn made by the for (ever was "This is eXPetly what we , , t f ,„ tother capacity showing the esteem ill eie len G . g iculee1'al cege:ies few years. ot�te3 p want," c'idirntan Thompson' vvhic h the young man was held. in 1- ordwich, fur• the honor of the brief ceremony we,e, said. Rev. J. C. Povne, who conduct- be,onthlg Centennial Queen ofe Corbett,. reeve of Hite Answering tete Krauter's ed the "ervtce, p:;id 1ittinc tri- the cli:ti Iet Georee Watt, of Fe. query, county clerk -treasurer J. Bute to the life nt the deceased. Linda represented the Yuiir•h vector of clisteie S G. Berry stated that ownership i Mrs. Beatrice Mess presided at Citizens News in tate come eti societies, and Die Al. was vested in the local mullet - polity; there would be no chanW in Hensel]. Union Cemetery. in qualifications of local libraa-kite+ Rader. reprieeeding Deere's' About 2,51+1 Ncop:iz, inn, although the county librar- Bearers were 'Rey, Zack and Superior Store; third place was the grounds i,ti i t(.; tan must have a degree opthig Greg Armstrong, Barry Mous- Linda Stade, representing Stade (Continued o pee out would be possible; if enoue'h libraries came in. service might be sold to a municipality. Any books a local library actually owns, would ho its own. Wilmer Hardy, Colborne, said his township did not have a local library and it seems un- fair they should get a request for a report. Mr. Berry stated that county council would be guided by local councils. Stewart Procter, Morris, asked who paid the local librarian. (Continued on page 3) 0 the church orean. Burial was timet. In second plece was Alar -''I V. Huron County Crop Report The white bean harvest has been temporarily delayed by damp weather. A considerable acre remains to be harvested. Winter wheat crops have germinated very evenly and many fields are showing green. Indications are that the wheat acreage is up in Huron County. Fall plowing and silo filling is progressing at full speed. BEST FLOAT The Smith boys, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Zurich, won first prize for their travelling food market hi the school children's department of the parade at the Zurich fair on Monday. The cart was pulled by their pet pony.