HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-09-01, Page 7THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1966. WINS AWARD—John Baker, a past president of the Bensall Kinsmen Club, won the National Junior Bulletin award of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs of Canada, and was presented at the annual convention last week -end at Fort William. Mr. Baker is shown here as he is being con- gratulated by Jim Hyde, while watching proceedings from the rear are Bob Caldwell and Ron Wareing. The bulletin which Mr. Baker produces for the Hensall club was judged the best of all junior Kinsmen clubs across Canada. ATTEND CONVENTION . Harold S. Taggart, of Lon - ,don, was elected president of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs at the annual meeting held in Fort William, from Au- gust 24 to 27. A well-known lawyer, Mr. Taggart served as vice-president of the association last year and now succeeds Will Klein, of Regina, as president. Three Hensall residents will also serve on the national ex- ecutive: William Mickle, as world council chairman; Jack Drysdale, as director of Kin magazine; and Helen Drysdale, as national Kinette reporter. Hensall also won two awards at the convention. Jim Hyde won a Boake 'efficiency award, and John Baker won the na- tional junior bulletin a war d. His bulletin was chosen best out of all junior Kinsmen clubs across Canada. Kinsmen clubs across Canada are well-known for their many contributions to c o m m un it y betterment and service work. During the past year more than two-thirds of an estimated $350,000 for a workshop for training personnel to work for retarded children has been raised by the 422 Kinsmen and Kinette clubs in Canada. It is hoped to turn the sod for this building in Toronto this year. SUS SCHEDULE for STANLEY and TUCKERSMITH S.S. 14 STANLEY'—All pupils will be picked up at their gate and taken to SS 7 Stanley (Grade 5-8) and SS 6 (Grade 1-4). BLAKE AREA — All pupils picked up as usual. N.B. — All other pupils in Stanley will walk to the school which they attended last June by 8:45 each morn- ing. The following shuttle system will operate. S.S. 7— Grade 1-4 pupils to S.S. 6 S.S. 6— Grade 5-8 pupils to S.S. 7 S.S. 1-- Grade 1-4 pupils to S.S. 10 S.S. 10 — Grade 5-8 pupils–to S.S. 1 S.S. 3— Grade 1-4 pupils to S.S. 5 S.S. 5—Grade 5-8 pupils to S.S. 3 S.S. 4E—Grade 5-8 pupils to S.S. 4W S.S. 4W — Grade 1-4 pupils to S.S. 4E All pupils will be delivered to their home school by 4 p.m. Tuckersmith Township schools will be graded the same as last year. There are no changes in the bus arrangements. School will be dismissedatt em00ro 6. the first day of school, SHURON COUNTY SCHOOL AREA No.1, J. E. Caldwell, Secretary -Treasurer, Hensall, Ontario, Phone 262-2935. THE PARENTS DISAPROVE DEAR DORIS — Jim and I plan to get married. Ile has only grade 12 and is logging. Also, he has a small percentage of Indian blood in him. My parents said they will never ac- cept him and that we would lead a lonley life as no one else would accept us either, I have taken him over to meet all of my relatives and they are all behind us. If we get mar- ried, Jim is gong to take a course in radio so he has a more professonal job, but he is doing fine now. I know my parents only want the best for me but they are overlooking my happiness. They want me to be •a rich society type. I have been out with lots of other boys, have been to ex- pensive night clubs but just don't enjoy myself. I'd rather go for a hike with Jim and en- joy nature. We love each other and have always been able to understand each other's ideas. He is very thoughtful and thinks the world of his mother, which my father has always said to watch as that is the way a man will treat his wife. Who Is Right DEAR WHO — Marriage be- tween races " is one of the toughest! When those races are different enough that it shows in color of skin or shape of face the couple and their chil- dren will face disapproval. Your parents have lived, longer than you have and they'e seen what this prejudice does to people. And they want you to be happy. But that is not the whole story. Is your love for each other the grown-up, self -forget- ful kind? A mature devotion can and does weather the storms of loneliness and makes of true friends. a place for itself in the hearts And let me whisper this: Brownie's DRIVE-IN Theatre --- Clinton TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First Show Starts at Dusk PAGE SEVEN After the marriage parents are often won over when they hear news of their first bouncing grand -baby. But it's your decision. DEAR DORIS—Do you think a person needs exercise after 70? My husband says he can't bend and stretch because it hurts. So he just sits around — and drives me nuts by watch- ing everything I do. Seventy Too DEAR SEVENTY TOO — Healthy people need exercise to keep healthy. With the years, we may find ourselves stiff and a bit achey — but a good physical routine makes us feel better. One authority says three things that get more important every day you live are: proper nutrition, exercise and a goal. that is bigger than you arc. 5 DAYS -- Thurs., Fri., Sat., - Mon, Tues. Sept. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 A Comedy Spectacular FARMERS Fall Fertilizer Season Is Here TIIIS FALL USE Co-op Urea Nitrate Solution 32°r°N For Wheat, Barley, Oats and Bean Straw Also Corn Stalks Apply 100-130 pounds per acre of Co-op Urea Nitrate Solution to straw and 180- 200 ounds solution to Corn Stalks. Crop residues when completely decom- posed become soil organic matter and this is the state it is so vital to really profita- ble crops. Be sure that all crop residue will be decomposed before planting your crop next spring by having us Apply Co-op Urea Nitrate This Fall HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE ZURICH 236-4393 HENSALL BRUCEFIELD 262.2608 4824823 "THE GREAT RACE" JACK LEMMON TONY CURTIS NATALIE WOOD Color Cartoon But you'd better consult your husband's doctor before you hand him a skipping rope! DEAR DORIS — After a 10 - hour day I come home tired; I must get to bed by 10 because I get up at six. But my wife and the girls like to sit up all hours of the night. They talk and laugh so loud I can't sleep, even with the doors shut, My wife also threatened to leave me because she says I chase company away. I won't let the girl 16 have her boy friend stay overnight. I say it doesn't look good. .... I love my family, even if they are all down my neck, What should I do? Disgusted DEAR DISGUSTED — Are you forgetting to be sociable? You deserve consideration — and I'd need to know the de- tails of that bid for an over- night boy friend but have you turned into an old grouch? Try this: After dinner at night, go to your bedroom and snooze. Then get up and do something with the family for fun; a car ride, a movie, a tele- vision show to laugh over. "All work and no play . you know the rest! Confidential lo Jilted If he broke off because you wouldn't go all the way, my guess is he prized his self-in- dulgence more than be prized you. And remember this: Lovers who let themselves go before an a r r i age often find HURON COUNTY SCHOOL AREA No. 1 Requires for the opening of Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, ONE CUSTODIAN, ONE ASSISTANT CUSTODIAN Reply by September 15, stating ,age, experience, salary expected per year, and references, to J. E. CALDWELL, Secretary -Treasurer, Box 176, Hensall, Ontario. For further particulars, contact 4igadier Smith, Bayfield, Phone 565-2 Lowest, or any application not necessarily accepted. themselves disappointed and having guilt feelings which spoil their relationship. You haven't yielded. Don't. Privately I am recommending a new book about this, written. by a highly skilled sociologist;. this will persuade you better than I can that there are good and sufficient reasons for wait- ing till marriage. issiiispomminamsimmirsommstaisseismipsissousear Harvest time STOCK UP NOW ON Binder Twine We carry the famous "Plymouth Red Top" ARE THE BUGS EATING YOUR GARDEN? "KING" BUG KILLER will rid you of any unwanted pests! FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND FARM NEEDS Shop At Stade & Weido Hardware DIAL 236-4921 — ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" Sunday Midnite Sept. 4 HORROR DOUBLE FEATURE IN COLOR "PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES" BARRY SULLIVAN "X -MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES" RAY MILLAND Adult Entertainment Cartoon SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FOR 6 Nights Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon., Tues. Sept. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 WALT DISNEY'S "Mary Poppins" JULIE ANDREWS DICK VAN DYKE DAVID TOMLINSON Color Cartoon Prices for this engagement only: Persons 12 years and over Persons uncle -11 6 years _. Free A hatiul of thrills stars * fun * spe Evening Grandstand l'iS�i 'Ili(►'GeV'�`�Y��'iYJi`'i�S''�cvi►Yi ATO tYTivii,`>'c`r� IiY iWilliSA ►'riFrn' oilli�'era►Yt�',Ovis'iiVAArai'rbifz:Yr rtd+shaw�':Asrpt�.�l2 ASil' 3 lIAI TAS 14 ltyening Grandstand Shows Sept. 9 and 10 Two 5hows,Nightl at 7 and 9 P•n'+• Two Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. Sept. 12 & 13 Only That TY Funnymon JAY and the Popular T�/ Star & Comedian Canada's Own Impersonator`E FORICH AMERI ICAN N A N ept. 14 CAnIIY Alias Crazy Cauggenkam Rebbie Lane and The Disciples JERRY VAN DYKE • ORIENTAL DOLL '_--.._.,. _ HOWARD uAQfZlN M.C. • HELENE and HOWARD EVENING GRANDSTAND SHOW Sept: 15, 16 a at 717a n—d and 9 pwa. Shows Nightly AFTERNOON GRANDSTAND SHOW Sept. 16 at 3 p.m. and Sept. 17 at 2 p.m. Continuous Entertainment on the Fair Grounds * Roy ACcuff dnd the SMOKEY MOUNTAIN BOYS Fun and EntertaFora Cyt * Horse Show Nightly at 7;45 p.m. Afternaan Grandstand Show 4 p.m. Sept. 9 ONLY • Livestock Competions — sales • Midway and Kiddyland k Gene Halters MOVIELAND ANIMALS • Home and Culinary Arts • Farm Machinery how Parade Afternoon Grandstand Show, • warriors' Day Parade Folloyring Warriors, Day 10a at 2 p.m. • Art and Photography Competition Exts * FASHION VARIETIES '66 and Special Guest of 411 times • Commercial, Government and • P miltEducational Parade throhibiugh • grounds, 8:30 Miss Payers 00 ▪ REMEMBER • Roving singers 1....1011•••••••••0•Henri French Afternoon 'Grandstand Show, Sept. 12 at 2 p.m.• Bicycle bi,Juns rndandti Gate Adenission Courtesy I.abatt's Ontario ereweries * Gene Halters MOVIELAND ANIMALS Covers the ssiors Ltd. Afternoon Grandstand Show, Sept. 13 et 3 p.m. • Levee Loungers Show � Organ Grinder and his Monkey VARIETY REVIEW with "morieland animals and "Trach Grinder * Buy advance sale tickets 4b Canada Packers Square Dancing and Levee Loungers ogoin this year Old Time Fiddlers Competition i • Go -Go pence Party ,tips., Memnon Grandstand Show, Sept. 14 and 15 at 3 p.m. Sponsored by CocalCPartyOla Ltd, WIN 1966 Meteor • Chevrolet • Rombler • 4 Colour TVs Westernof Agriculture, riculture, Industry, Education and Entertainment since 186Z Ontario's showplace � Hubert Castle's Completely New INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS ADULTS $1 CHILDREN 25c • Garland Parnell