Zurich Citizens News, 1966-08-25, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FI`1Virt Classified Rates For Sale etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriam*, Engagements, 3c a word) Minimum 7Se. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum Sc.O CASH DISCOUNTS- Off if paid ,by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second MIL FREE - Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE FOUR BEDROOM house and apartment in the village of Zurich. Private entrance to apartment. Apply to Clement McCann, Phone 39 r 11, Dash- -wood. 4 -BEDROOM Ranch Style home with carport, in Zurich Apply to 183 Andrew Street, Exeter. Phone 2351957 after 5 p.m. USED PORTABLE Typewriter Smith -Corona, in excellent 'Diking condition, completely overhauled. Apply to Zurich Citizens News, dial 236-4672. 19f5 SET of World Book and Child Craft, new condition and may be purchased separately. Wr'.e to Box K.W., Zurich Citi- zens News, MELBA APPLES, also Irish Ceb+crier potatoes. Dial 236- 41.14e, Wilfred Mousseau. 34,b -HOLSTEIN HEIFER, due in one week. Contact Harvey Mar- tin. RR 3, Bayfield, call.liensall 262-5453. 33,b APPROXIMATELY 8 Acres of land, ideally located in the northwest corner of Zurich. Choice commercial or residen- tial site. Apply to Mrs. Frieda He] demon, Zurich. ORDERS TAKEN n o w for Clapp's Favorite and Bartlett Pears. Call Josiah Steckle, Hensall, dial 262-5442. 33,p AMBER and Comb Honey, now available. Contact Ferd Haberer dial 2364308, Zurich. 33,b YOUNG SOWS, due in two weeks. Contact Jack Cockwell, Dashwood. 33,p TWO Calves, one Holstein bull calf, one Hereford -Holstein hull calf. Harold Widrick, 236- 4177.0. 32 3NCH ELECTRIC Range, in goad condition; deep well. Dial 23f,-4050, 34,b KITCBEN cupboard unit, three sections, complete with single basin, so a i r l e s s steel sink; "Facia" 9 -tube cabinet radio; quantity of feed bins; wooden boxss; tileboard sections; 1 -pat?ern; large iron kettle; as- sorrment of lumber, planks, h •c a r d s, scantling, moulding; grindstone with solid frame. Ire Geiger, 55 King St., Hensall, iOn:.ario. 34,5,b WANTE TO BUY WANTED --• 30-30 rifle, or sim- ner. Must be in good condi- tion. Write to Box 119, Grand Bentl, with information. 33,p CUSTOM WORK. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleared. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For al-pointreents call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, ran Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33 -tib CUSTOM COMBINING with Case 1010, with straw chopper, 2 self- anleading wagons, 40 -foot PTO auger. Will combine wheat, oats, barley, beans or corn. CalI Den- nis Overholt, 236-4048, operator far Bedard Bros, combine, 29,30,b MASONRY SERVICE -- Chiin- ne); s repaired, repointed; stone meek, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed :and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,t1 Anyone wishing to have whitewashing clone, contact Bill Watson, phone 27r19 Dash- wood. ashwood. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Morley Huntley, of Ingersoll, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Norma Patricia, to Mr. David Lloyd George Noakes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, of Hensall. The wedding to take place Saturday, September 17, 1966, 3:30 o'clock, Trinity United Church, Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Langford, of Stratford, announce the en- gagement of their only daugh- ter, Adelaide Elizabeth, to Mr. Louis W. Debus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Debus, of Zurich, The marriage to take place in St. Boniface Church, Zurich, on Saturday, September 17, 1966. 34,b BIRTHS GINGERICH-Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Gingerich are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Lisa May, on Au- gust 23, at South Huron Hos- pital., A sister for Robert and Brenda. THOMPSON-Russ and Donna (nee Bulloch) are happy to announce the birth of twin daughters, August 21, 1966, at St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Sisters for Jim. First grand daughters for Mr. and Mrs. George Bulloch. .HELP WANTED ABOUT September 1, house- keeper for home while parents work and children are at school, State experience and wages ex- pected. Please contact Mrs. J. IL Stewart, 572 Everglade Cres- ent, London. IMMEDIATE placement for one Avon representative in Zurich. Phone collect, Mrs. Millson, London, 451-0541, for informa- tion. TWO Full-time and four part- time men. Apply to Cook Bros, Mills Co, Ltd. Dial 262-2605, Hensall, MAN WANTED to work in hatchery and general poultry operation; .also man for light work in hatchery at night, Ap- ply to McKinley Farms and Hatchery Ltd., RR 1, Zurich. GREEN MAGIC PLANT FOOD LTD. .OFFERS EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES Sales and merchandising train- ing provided. Successful appli- cants to supply own transpor- tation and storage. Reply in writing, giving full particulars and references to Box 69, Brownsville, Ontario SEASONAL WO MEN AND WOMEN REQUIRED For Processing Corn and Carrots oth Day and Night Work Available From August 20 to Nov. 15 COMPETITIVE WAGES GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS Phone, or Drop in to see ROSS ROWE Personnel Supervisor FOR FURTHER DETAILS Canadian Canners Limited Packers of Aylmer and Del Monte Foods Plant No. 51 EXETER, ONT. Phone 235.2445 CANADIAN CANNERS -- GOOD PLACID TO WORK AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises 167 Main Street, Exeter The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. 26 at 6:30 p.m. Frigidaire automatic washer and dryer, recently purchased; Frigidaire refrigerator; Frigi- daire 4 -burner electric stove; electric vaporizer and humidi- fier; walnut custom-made writ- ing desk; two mahogany end tables; two mahogany coffee tables; mirrors; antique jardi- niere; two living room tables; transistor radio; pink living room chair; two basket chairs; antique rocking chair; two floor lamps; 3 -piece bedroom suite, springs and mattress; bedroom chair; bedside table; cedar chest; two chests of drawers; wardrobe; books; games; toys; pin-up lamps; bedroom lamps; foot stool; kitchen stool; pic- tures; plaques; blankets; bed- spreads _ drapes; two basement tables; camp stool. Kitchen ,clock; vases; rugs; mats; clothes horse; 80 -piece Community Forever pattern; chest of silver; kitchen uten- sils; eight crystal goblets; vege- table press and juicer; picnic basket and Iarge thermos; Sun- beam coffee master set: electric power mower, 200 feet cord; racer bicycle; pellet • gun, pel- lets and darts; Scout uniform, like new; step ladder; garden and carpenter tools; bench vise; many other miscellaneous items. Terms -Cash E, D. HOWEY, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Electrical Appliances, Antiques, Garden Tractor and Equipment and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, 523 Mary St, in the Town of Exeter (South of the Bell Telephone building on Huron St.) The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 at 1:30 p.m. Maytag electric drier, like new; Kelvinator electric washer; Lanbretta 175 CC heavy duty scooter, including windshield, spare tire and luggage rack, in guaranteed condition; chester- field and chair, like new; occa- sional chairs; Sparton 21 inch TV; two bookcases; centre and end tables; electric lamps; pic- ture and frames •mirrors; chrome table with six matching chairs; six metal chairs; oak rocker; arm chair; clocks; cush- ions; books easel; •oak bedstead, springs, mattress; dresser s; single bed; baby crib; feather tick; Christmas decorations; novelties; luggage; guitar; chil- dren's games; two carving sets; ne'r; Sankyo R movie camera, Polaroid model 80A camera, like like new; Coronado 20 cu. ft. freezer; Norge 4 -burner electric stove, like new; Astrol refrig- erator. Electric iron; tea kettle; hot plate; vacuum cleaner; assort- ment of dishes, glassware; an - MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM Combining of beans and corn, Also completely equipped for pulling and lift- ing beans with an Innes Wind - rower. Contact Lionel Wilder, 236-4020. NOTICE Will the person knowing the whereabouts of a black German Bible, that they received from the late Fanny .Bender while a resident of Zurich Please write to Box 160, Zurich Citizens News, with information, A re- ward is offered. 33,p Dead Ani , 4 & REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.72651 Collect Dead Animal Lleeflee No, 25 c 66' Wedding of Interest HOFFMAN-BALL Bouquets of red gladioli dec- orated St. Peter's Church, Goderich, when marriage vows were exchanged between Shar- on Christine Ball and Leonard Joseph Paul Hoffman, •of Zur- ich. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball, RR 1, Auburn, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Hoffman, of Zurich. Rev. Moynaban officiated for the double -ring ceremony on Au- gust 20, 1966, at 3 p.m. Tradi- tional wedding music was play- ed by the church organist, Mr. E. Walzak, and he accompanied the s o l o i s t, Mr. Elliott Lapp, RR 1, Auburn, when he sang "0 Perfect Love" while the reg- ister was signed. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor - length empire gown of white peau de sole on princess lines, with the waistline outlined with lace inset. The bodice featured a scoop neckline and long lily - point sleeves and a detachable chapel train of nylon sheer lace lined with peau de soie. Pearls and crystals formed her queen's crown which held her three - tiered facer veil of silk illusion. She carried a white Bible, the gift of her grandmother, which tique dishes; metal cooler; fold- ing chairs; hammock; child's sleigh; Waterloo heavy duty garden tractor, c o m p l e t e l y equipped; Toro 21 -in. reel -type lawn mower; bicycle; All State motor scooter; two -wheel stock trailer, like new; assortment of wiring; set of horseshoes; 120 - volt AC to DC converter; step ladder; fishing equipment; air rifle; new weed sprayer; garden and carpenter tools, etc. 'Terms -Cash TONY PAGE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 OPPORTUNITY AUCTION SALE Of Trucks, Lumber, Building Supplies and General Equip- ment on the premises Zurich Builders' Supply ::r mile east of Zurich on Highway 84 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 at 1 p.m. Vehicles: 1956 Mercury, 7 -ton, with new 1962 motor; 1954 GMC 11/2 ton with platform and racks; 1961 Bedford Van. Woodworking and Construction Equipment Eight -inch Atlas table saw and 2 -hp motor; 8" Boyce -Crane saw with 3 -hp motor; Craftsmas- ter Dado saw; Craftsmaster 6" jointed with 1 -hp motor; Stan- ley sabre saw; Stanley router; 1" Black & Decker electric drill; 3/4" Black & Decker elec- tric drill; Delta 11" drill press, accessories & 1 -hp motor; heavy duty 10" planer; 6" Black & Decker skilsaw; 2 portable con- struction site shacks; 10' by 16' tool and office building; .tar pot; counter scale; Hammer staple gun; sump pump; sala- mander; oil space heater; snow plow blade; assortment of shovels, spades, racks, logging chains, extension cords, staple guns, etc. Builder Supply Material: No. 1 construction grade lum- ber: spruce 2x4, 2x6, 2x8; cedar 2x4; small quantity pine and cedar siding; bl.acote sheathing; Gyroc lath; Gyproc wallboard; cornerbeacl; cornerite; metal lath; fiberglas insulation. _. Zon- olite; 3'1" fir plywood, G/I/S, G/S, and cupboard door stock; Vin." form ply; interior mahogany doors; exterior cedar doors; concrete blocks, angle stone; brick; 4" & 8" field tile; glazed 4" tile and fittings; miscellan- eous moulding and trim; mis- cellaneous roofing and siding items; miscellaneous builder hardware. Office equipment, filing cabi- nets, office chair and desk, Un- derwood typewriter, like new. Plumbing, heating and elec- trical supplies and miscellan- eous items. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale, Terms -Cash ZURICH HARDWARE AND BUILDERS SUPPLY Proprietors ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood was crested with red roses,. bridal .tulle and trailing rose buds. She wore a gold cross pendant with matching ear- rings, the gift of the groom. Miss Gail Barry, of Seaforth, was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were the Misses Brenda and Arva Ball, sisters of the bride. They were gowned alike in moss green floor - length gowns of peau de soie, styled similar to bride's, ac- cented with a large bow at the back. Their matching should- er -length veils were held in place by a pleated moss green wedding ring -band and they carried baskets of white Shasta daisies with yellow eyes. Mr. Donald Hoffman, of Zur- ich, and Mr. Leroy Hoffman, of Zurich, were groomsmen for their brother, and the bride's twin brothers, Mr. Daryl Ball and Mr. Daryk Ball, ushered the guests. A reception was held at the Auburn Community Memorial Hall following the ceremony, where the UCW of Knox United Church catered to the dinner. The bride's mother received the 80 guests, wearing a two- piece beige and brown brocad- ed dress with matching acces- About People You Know . . . Mrs, Gertrude Morris and slaughter Marilyn and Mr. John Smith, all of Detroit, were re- cent visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Sarah Geiger. Major Orval J. Corriveau, who is home after spending one year and two months in Danang, Vietnam, visited recently at the home of his sister, Mrs. Gib Ducharme. Bridal Shower A. delightful surprise shower was given Miss Stella Rose, a bride -elect of August 27, in the Township Hall last week by rel- atives and friends. Several group games were played, and lunch was served by the host- esses, Mrs. Leo Hoffman and Mrs. Bryce Mack. Donations Welcomed Donations of hand -made ar- ticles and home baking, except- ing pies, will be accepted at the at the Bean Festival, August Zurich Women's Institute booth 27. For further information contact any member of the In- stitute. sories, a Swiss mohair hat and a corsage of yellow roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a two-piece dress of turquoise linen with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Bouquets of mixed gladioli decorated the hall and bouquets of bachelor buttons decorated the tables. Mr. James Lait, of London, was master of cere- monies and proposed a toast to the bride and the bridesmaids. The groom responded for the bride and Mr. Donald Hoffman replied for the bridesmaids. The groom proposed a toast to the parents and Mr, Stanley Ball and Mr. Anthony Hoffman replied, About 300 attended the re- ception following the dinner, and dancing was enjoyed to the music of the Royalaires orches- tra of Monkton. For a wedding trip to North- ern Ontario, the bride donned a Chanel wool suit of heavenly PORTA i1 LE TYPEW 'ITERS SEE OUR WIDE RANGE UNDERWOOD . COMMODORE Priced as low as $59,95 MU '`IC Cruets NEWS Wele ^ a to file blue with matching fur cuffs and mandarin collar, black vel- vet sailor hat and black acces- sories. On their return they will take up residence in Clin- ton. Guests were present from. Preston, Hamilton, London, Zur- ich, Clarksburg and the sur- rounding district. STARLITE 7 DRIVE-IN THEATRE AUGUST 25, 26, 27 "Three on a Couch" Colour Jerry Lewis, Janet Leigh --o0o--- AUGUST 29, 30 pow to Murder Your Wife" Colour Jack Lemmon, Viri Lia: -o0a--- AUGUST 31, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 "That Dari). Cat" Colour Hayley Mills, Dean Jones Bean Festival/ FOR A REAL BARGAIN ON FRESH EGGS Drop Around and See Us ! MAIN STREET - ZURICH SE RO ,®SIZE RUGS or WALL T ALL We will gladly supply you with Free Estimates F RNIT MAIN STREET -- ZURICH