HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-08-25, Page 1No. 34_ -FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS
First Annual
HOW MUCH Am 1 BID? asks auctioneer Alvin Walper
as he wields the gavel at last Saturday's auction sale on the
premises of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Masse, on the Blue Water
Highway, An enthusiastic crowd of bidders were on hand
to keep the local auctioneer busy at all times.
Huron Centennial School No.1 Names
Various Teachers; Appoint Prihcipl
Construction on the Huron
Centennial School south of
Brucefield is well underway
and the staff has been selected
for the opening of the fall term.
The teachers will be teaching
in the present schools in Bay-
field and Stanley and Tucker -
smith townships until the new
building is completed.
Completion date has been set
for January 1,
Arnold Mathers, formerly
principal at Usborne Central
School, has reported there will
Man Bus Tours of
rea Farms During
Big Bean Festival
PRJCE IS No OBJECT for sonic auction sale fans, and
this old•fashioned rocking chair brought in a little over $10
on the block. The new happy owner of the chair is John
Dolan, of Grand Bend and Flint, Michigan. He .is shown
here as he trys out his purchase for comfort,
Goderich Man, L.J. Reid Appointed
Superintendent of New Rest Home
Announcementwas made this
week by the board of directors
of Blue Water Rest Home, Inc..
.of the appointment of Lance J.
Reid, of Goderich, to the posi-
tion of superintendent of the
home. His official duties will
commence on September 1.
Prior to moving to Goderich
some time ago, Mr. Reid had
three years' experience as the
administrator of the Dearness
Home in London. As well, he
has taken all the courses pre-
scribed by the provincial gov-
ernment regarding the admin-
istration of homes for senior
Mr. Reid is a graduate of
Westervelt Business College,
and has also successfully passed
a course in accounting and
management. While in Goder-
ieh he was employed with the
accounting firm of A. M. Har-
For the past few years, the
newly -appointed superintendent
has been the organist and choir
leader at North Street United
Church, Goderich. He is mar-
ried, with no children,
Plan Street Dance
Saturday Night
An added feature for the big
Bean Festival this Saturday will
be an open-air street dance in
the evening. Music for the
event will be supplied by a
newly -formed orchestra, "Bon-
nie and the Chandeliers".
Throughout the afternoon en-
tertainment will be provided by
the New Dundee German Clown
Band, Bonnie .and the Chande-
liers, and numerous other items
of local talent.
Solo and checker competitions
will be staged throughout the
afternoon at the Township Hall.
Anyone is eligible for the com-
A highlight of the Bean Fes-
tival on Saturday will be a bus
tour through some of the best
bean .farming area in western
Ontario. Visitors to the festival
will be able to board a bus at
the corner of Victoria and Main
Street, from where they will
be taken to St. Joseph and up
the Blue Water Highway.
On arrival at the farm of
Cherie Rau, the visitors will be
transferred to tractor - drawn
wagons and taken back through
some of the finest bean fields
in the country.
After touring the Rau farm
the passengers will again board
the bus and cut across to the
Bronson Line, and on back to
Zurich through Blake. It is
hoped that at Blake the visitors
will be able to watch a bean
puller in operation.
Cost of the entire tour will
only be twenty-five cents, just
enough to cover the actual ex-
penses involved.
There will be pony rides for
the children at the municipal
parking lot, behind the fire hall.
About People
You Know ...
Mrs. Chris Heist visited in
Walton last Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox.
Enjoyed Tour
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Doerr
enjoyed a conducted tour
through parts of Ontario and
Quebec last week, as guests of
York Ice Cream division of
Canada Packers. Mr, Doerr was
awarded the trip recently in a
contest staged by the ice cream
company, for the largest sales
of their products in his di-
be a partial grading of the
schools in the area, in order
that the children may be pro-
vided with a common standard
of instruction that will facili-
tate the transition in January
to a completely graded school,
• Principal Mathers has drawn
a common syllabus and will be
assisting all the teachers in
their problems preparatory to
the changeover.
He has opened up 'a tempor-
ary office in Hensall in con-
junction with the board secre-
tary, John Caldwell, who has
been appointed full-time,
The new slate of teachers for
the school is as follows:
Mrs. Edith Turner, Mrs. Mar-
garet Baker, Mrs. Jean Currie,
Mrs. Clara Scott, Mrs. Vera
Hood, Mrs. Mina Talbot, Miss
Shirley Reynolds, Mrs. Edith
Swan, Mrs, Shirley Carter, Mrs,
La u r e belle Reichert, Mrs.
Norma Gemmell, Mrs. Karen
Menheere, Adriaan Brand, Miss
Joan Elliott, Mrs. Barbara Alex-
ander, Mrs. Peggy RoWcliffe,
Spencer Jeffery and Miss Mari-
lyn Marshall.
At the regular meeting of the
board last week, the oil tender
of Ross Scott Limited, Bruce -
field, was accepted at a price
of 12.70c per gallon.
Applications for caretakers
of the Egmondville and Bay-
field schools were reviewed
with the result that Mrs. Fred
Chapple was awarded the con-
tract for Egmondville and Spen-
cer Ervine the Bayfield con-
Clinton Student;
Bruce McBride is
Ontario Winner
Bruce McBride, RR 1, Varna,
was the only upper school stu-
dent from Central Huron Sec-
ondary School this year to join
the "over -eighty club" -- that
coveted club for Ontario schol-
ars who receive 80 per cent or
better on their Grade 13 final
Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley McBride, attained a per-
centage mark of 80.2.
Individual marks were: Alge-
bra, 84; geometry, 84; trigo-
nometery and statics, 83; chem-
istry, 84; physics, 80; French,
77; English, 75.
Nineteen -year-old Bruce leaves
for Guelph Agricultural School
on September 12 where he will
enroll in an agricultural science
Something new for city dwell-
ers and rural folk alike will he
offered in Zurich this Saturday,
August 27, when beans in just
about every possible variety
will be served' on the streets
of the village. This first an-
nual Bean Festival is scheduled
to get under way at noon, and
continue on throughout the rest
of the day.
The main object of the Fes-
tival will not only be to feed
people attending with beans,
but with numerous other tasty
dishes known throughout the
area. Just as the Elmira Maple
Syrup Festival operates around
the idea of the Mennonite peo-
ple in that area, officials are
planning to build the Bean Fes-
tival around the old-fashioned
French and German cooking.
Feature attraction of the day
will be the feeding of the sev-
eral thousand visitors present
with tasty, home-made pork and
beans, along with all the trim-
mings. The beans will be cook-
ing in large old-fashioned iron
kettles, right in view of the
rows iy.� u
A.11 the activity during the day
will centre around the main
business section of the village,
and several streets will be closed
off to traffic to allow for the
Tours of some of the largest
bean farms in the area are be-
ing arranged, so visitors from
the larger centres may see how
beans are grown and processed.
If any fields are ready for
harvesting. this operation will
be viewed as well.
Along with the serving of
home-made pork and bean s,
there will be street markets
set up, offering for sale such
items as home-made pies, home-
made summer sausage, home-
made bread, fresh fruit and all
types of vegetables.
Several ladies' groups and
church organizations will have
bazaars and food stands in the
streets, and to add to all this
there will be pony rides for the
children. Other activities in-
clude checker and solo compe-
titions in the Township Hall
during the afternoon.
One of the highlights of' i
whole program will be the
presence of the New Dundee
German Clown Band, and shts
group will entertain through-
out the afternoon and ea Iy
Various organizations in :ilea
area have joined together to
sponsor this attraction, whbib
promises to be the largess in
the history of the community.
Representatives of the Z: teb
Chamber of Commerce, -he
Lions Club, the Zurich Women's
Institute and a number of
church groups have all peeled
their talents and ideas to make
the project possible. All pre-
ceeds of the Festival will go
towards the installation of rrr.:-
fielal ice in the local arena.
The Ontario Bean Growers' As-
sociations have also played an
important role in planning the
In case of rain the entire pro-
gram will be held inside the
Zurich Community Centre Ind
newly -organized orchestra, "Bonnie and the
Chandeliers", will make their debut this
Saturday night at the big street dance, to
be held in conjunction with the Bean fes-
tival, The street dance will be held on rite
newly -paved section of Mill Street, n -r±
of the fire hall. Left to right are F'
Denommc, Gus Creces, Don Ducharme eee
Ken Ducharm e.
nouneement was made this week of the ap-
pointment of Lance Reid, of Goderich, as
the superintendent of the Blue Water Rest
Home, with official duties to commence on
September 1. Mr, Reid is shown hene with
Dr. C. J. Wallace, chairman of the board of
directors, as they look over some of the week-
ing details of the appointment..
(Citizens News Photo)