HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-08-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 1k.•1966 Abouf People You Know ., s • 'ir, and Mrs. Tom Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mantey spent Sunday visiting with their wousins in Mount Forest. Mi.. and Mrs. Gerald Regier an Sharon attended a shower for ;' air daughter, Miss Marie Regitr, in Windsor over the week -end. Msy Wendy Hudson, of Lon - Ayr. went the past week visit- ing with her friend, Miss Mar- lene Rader. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and Mr. and Mrs. Les Willer, al •ui Detroit, were visitors in this area over the week -end, spending Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach. Rev. and Mrs. 0. Winter and family, of New oYrk, are visit - in this week at the home of Mrs. Anne Turkheim. Sis:er M. Eugenie, of The Pores. Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. John Scheyler, of Wind- sor, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Emma Bedard. Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins and family, along with relatives from London, are spending a vacation at Manitoulin Island. London, are spending a vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hackett, Linda and Douglas, of Don Mills, spent the past week -end EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., M IMster Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 — No Worship Service or Church School You Are Welcome Si-. Peter's Lutheran Church R.eY. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. D. Stade, Organist SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome IGEMSENESIIIMMINISP at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach. The two Hac- kett children are remaining :here for a week's vacation. • Birthday Party • A birthday party was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Pauline Jeffrey, at Blake, to honor her on the occasion of her 77th birthday. Members of the family, along with a num- ber of friends, enjoyed a tur- key dinner, served in buffet style. 0 DASHWOOD Mrs, Morris Denoinme, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, has re- turned home, Mrs. L. Paulitzki Mrs. Laura Paulitzki, of Lon- don, wife of Charles Paulitzki, the former Laura Kading, of Dashwood, passed away Sunday, August 14, due to a car acci- dent. She is also survived by three daughters Mary Lou (Mrs. Maur- ice Desjardine), 'Grand Bend; Anna (Mrs. Edward Nordstrom) Strathroy; Shirley (Mrs. Douglas Catt) Sarnia; two sons, Leslie, of Hanover; Roy, of Fort Erie; one brother, Raymond, RR 1, Dashwood. The body- rested at the T. Harry Iloffman funeral home until Wednesday. Interment was made in Grand Bend cem- etery. Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 — 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 10:45 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! CONSERVATIVE MENNONITE CHURCH at the Hay Township Hall ZURICH Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 — 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8 p.m.—Evening Service. We invite you to worship with us.! CONRLIN'S arade of Values READY -TO -FINISH FURNITURE Chest of Drawers, Double Dresser Wardrobe Wardrobe Desk Vanity Desk Bookcase Bookcase WHITE House Paint $4.79 Gallon SIZE SALE PRICE 38x26x16 -- $21.33 34x50x16 — $31.33 64x24x20 — $23.33 64x36x21 — $30.33 29x39x18 — $20.33 31x58x16 — $26.33 36x10x36 — $14.33 36x10x42 — $15.33 WOODEN Ladders 4', 5', 6' $4.99 $5.99 $6.99 PRE•FINISHED Rustic Walnut Plywood $13.95 per Sheet Excello-O®Gloss Tileboard Special on White with Black Lines 7.9 Sheet - ... $ 7 OTHER COLORS — $10.24 PER SHEET 4,049.4°m41a4,0.0#4.6:.44).e•4,mm.0•e41,41%ao4.4.4,1.0.1w4•+..49,P4 ..ao,.0,0,A na...m. RUSCO — WHITE ONLY Steel House Siding X39.95 per square EXETER, 235.1422 GRAND BEND, 238-2374 OUTLAW THAT IN-LAW DEAR DORIS — Would you tell me what privileges my mother-in-law has? Is she al- lowed to pick up her grand- children whenever she wants to, play with them as long as she wants to? Or can I tell her to put my daughter in the playpen when I want her to? Is my mother-in-law allowed to interfere when I scold my son? My in-laws are down to visit us almost every week. My mother-in-law is always right and I am always wrong. Troubled DEAR TROUBLED — A grandmother who dotes and in- dulges to the point of disturb ing a child's routine does him no favor. And when she criti- cizes your discipline in front of him she only confuses him. These things, instead of mak- ing him feel better, jar him to the core. It is not only your right, but your job, to rearrange her thinking and his. And the little girl's. They all need to know who's boss. Before starting your s mall revolution talk quietly with your husband so that he is with you all the way. You can get government child training liter- ature which will stiffen your stand. Ask your public health nurse. DEAR DORIS — At this side of 18, my bust is quite small (I wear a 34A). I've never been inclined to worry about such things but a 34B would make my whole structure look nicer. (Only I'd have to give all my brand new, harge-it, 34A dress- es away — the lesser of two evils, I guess.) Anne DEAR ANNE — I'd hardly call a teenage figure with a 34A bust an evil! If you are thin all over, how about a gradual build-up? I'm sending you my ten -cent leaflet "Chart for Curves" which tells how. A padded bra is an accept- able substitute; and a good erect posture helps. But if the structure improves, couldn't you alter the dresses enough to go with it? DEAR DORIS — Will you please send me, or tell me where to get, information on the qualifications needed to be- come .a minister? It would be deeply appreci- ated. I read your •column every week, first thing, when I pick up the paper! You are an amazing person. Bruce C DEAR BRUCE — For a start, I'd say the student of theology needs a better -than- average supply of faith, study -ability, interest in people and I.Q. It's a university course of four years ormore. I'd guess that your keen in- terest in "Dear Doris" comes of love of people -problems. As for ability, who am I to question the I.Q. of one with such ob- vious good judgment? The place to write for chapter and verse of prerequisites, per- sonal qualities, education, actu- al work involved and opportun- ities, is The Guidance Centre, 371 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5, Ontario. Ask for the occu- pational monograph on the pre- fession of clergyman. Enclose 13 cents with your request. DEAR DORIS — I plan to have a bridal shower for a . friend and want the guests to chip in $2 each -plus bringing a small pantry or kitchen item worth about 25 or 35 cents. I plan to buy a set of boudoir lamps as a gift from the 10 of us and the little gift will be just some small items to open up as well, What woud be the correct etiquete to write on the invita- tion cards? Maisie Day DEAR MAISIE — Following details of time and place on the paragraph: invitation card, write in this "We thought we might give Mary a lasting gift, such as a pair of boudoir lamps, which I know she wants, by asking each guest to contribute $2. I hope you like this idea. Also, would you please bring .a 'fun gift', perhaps a small pantry or kit- chen item worth 25 or 35 cents, gift wrapped, for her to open?" DEAR DRS W at is your opinion of my sister's steady making himself completely at home at our place? By this I mean he goes to the fridge whenever he wants, brings his clean clothes over and takes a shower, stays for the late movie on TV when he has been asked to leave, interferes in family quarrels, ete.? Our mother works nights and therefore is not home to con- trol things. She has been in- formed by me of the goings-on and has spoken to my sister to put an end to it, with little result. Upset DEAR UPSET — No boy friend, not matter how steady, should take aver. He is not yet one of the family. The situation is suffering from an absentee mother—and it's her move to speak directly to the young man. You deserve some consideration, and the young people are obviously not yet equipped with the self-dis- cipline which should go with privileges. To See Canada First — Cy- clists often take a train part way on week -end h o s t e l i n g cycle trips. For a more exten- sive trip, there are youth hos- tels set up right across Canada. For a copy of the Youth Hos- tels Handbook write to the Canadian Youth Hostels Associ- ation, 1406 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. u Lions Elect International President SSE OUR MODERN DISPLAY! ::)ii14OSE '!DLR CARPETS .:111,0n AMR TRAFFIC ROOM -SIZE RUGS or WALL TO WALL We will gladly supp ly you with Free Estimates ! WESTLAKE FURNITURE MAIN STREET — ZURICH Edward M. Lindsey of Law- renceburg, Tennessee, was elected President of Lions Inter- national at the Associations an- nual convention in New York City, July 6-9. Serving as the 50th President during the Gold- en Anniversary year, Mr. Lind- sey heads the world's largest service club organization with 797,159 members in 135 coun- tries. Lions International is best known for its many community service projects, youth pro- grams, sight conservation activ- ities and aid to the blind. During the past year Lions Clubs around the world completed more than a half million com- munity projects. Harvest Specials USED TRUCKS 1954 Chevrolet 1 -ton Stake; 4 - speed, good rack and tires; cab rusty, licence 57588V. Only $175.00 1961 G.M.C. i/z-ton Stepside Short Box, only 35,000 miles, new paint job, really nice, li- cence C72854 Only $950.00 1953 Fargo a -ton, above aver- age for the year, runs like a top, licence Y25978. Only $125.00 McGee's -- Goderich 524-8391 - 11181 C, ON Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N, McEINLEY DIAL 236.4830 — ZURICH favorite foods at sav'n Maxwell House Breakfast Club -9 Oz. Coffee, 1 4e bag _ _ 128 Ounces _ 85c Assorted Jams _ _ 5/99c Javex 75c Tall Tins Carnation Milk _ _ 2/31c Facel le Royale — Assorted Colors — Rolls Toilet Tissue _ _ _ _ 2/27c Royal Crown or Seven Up Assorted Pop, Tins 6/49c 8 -Quart Bag Newport Fluffs _ _ _ 45c 1 Lb. -3c Off Crisco 39c Kam —12 Oz. Luncheon Meat _ _ _ 57c Fly Ded — 9.Oz. Bomb Insect Killer _ _ _ _ _. 59c Kraft -24 Oz. Regular, Super or Slenderline —12s Grape Jelly 49c Kotex Sanitary Pads _ 49c Aylmer —10 Oz. Treesweet — 48 Oz. Tomato Soup _ _ _ 4/49c Grapefruit Juice _ _ _ 49c Pillsbury Miracle—Package 8 Ounces Angel Food Mix _ _ _ 59c Kraft Slices 39c FRUIT and VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER _ _ 29c ORANGES, 133s _ _ ._ DOZ. 49c CANTALOUPES 29c EACH or 2 For 49c COOKING APPLES _ _ _ _ 3 LBS. 29c MEAT SPECIALS MINCED HAM or MACARONI & CHEESE _ LB. 55c VISKING BOLOGNA 2 LBS, 79c RIB BOILING BEEF _. lb. 29c DOE.1 11'S -- DIAL 236.4354 •-» ZURICH