HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-08-11, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Huron MP Reports to Riding As Parliament recessed on July 15, I would like to mention a few of the highlights that have taken place at this first sitting of the 27th Parliament. Parliament has given full legislative sanction to 43 bills, plus a further seven appropri- ation bills. In addition to these items which have been fully completed, the House has dealt with the introductory stage of 15 more bills, several of which. are undergoing detailed study by standing committees of the House. We have spent a total of 47 days dealing with supply. Ap- proximately 30 of the 47 days were spent in discussing the old estimates for the year 1965.66. We have completed three of the four supply mo- tions respecting this year's spending, and we have spent 12'12 days on this year's esti- mates or on interim supply. In this time we have completed consideration of the estimates of 10 departments of government and nine other departments are now available to the House for final disposition following a study by standing committees. The committee work in Par- Iiament was greatly increased at this session. Twenty-seven committees were established, and to date they have held a total of 349 meetings. With such a committee structure; the detailed operation of govern- ment departments has never before been examined so fully, as Members can ask questions of department officials in a more relaxed atmosphere, and the debating time for these esti- mates in the House itself is shortened considerably and al- lows for more to be accom- plished. I would like to mention some of the more important pieces of legislation that have been passed. We passed an Act to amend the Hours of Labor and Fair Wages Act for Federal Government contracts. An Act was passed to incorporate a new bank in Edmonton, called th Bank of Western Canada. Th change in the electoral boun dories has been completed and as most people realize, Huro now includes the townships o Turnberry and Howick, th town of Wingham, and also th townships of McGillivray an Biddulph, including the town of Ailsa Craig and Lucan. Hib bort Township, which has bee a part of Huron constituency will now revert to Perth Coun ty. These new boundaries wil take effect upon announcemen of the next election. There has been .legislatio passed to help provide for th development of •commercia fisheries in Canada, We hav established a fund for the eco nomic and social developmen of special rural developmen areas. Something that has bee needed for some time in thi country was passed in th Amendment to the Combine Investigation Act and Crimina Code. The Bankruptcy Act ha been amended to make it les possible for fraudulent bank ruptcies to occur. For the pur pose of the re-training of per sons under the Technical an Vocational Training Program, fund has been established t provide allowances while these persons are being re-trained. The Public Service Superan nuation Act, and Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, the Defence Services Pension Con tinuation Act, the Royal Cana dian Mounted Police Superan nuation Act, the Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannua- tion Act, the Intercolonial and Prince Edward Island Railways Employees' Provident Fund Act and the Canadian Corporation for the 1967 World Exhibition Act — all these have been amended. The corporation to establish the National Arts Centre has been set up, and the Students' Loans Act has •been amended to provide more loans for stu- dents. Arrangements have been made for the establishment of a Health Resources Fund to assist provinces in the acquisi- tion, construction and renova- tion of health training facilities and research institutes. The government has provided for the establishment of a Dairy Commission for Canada which should eventually control all dairy product operations. The Canada Assistance Plan has been set up to authorize the making of contributions by Can- ada towards the cost of pro- grams undertaken by the prov- inces for the provision of assis- tance and welfare services in respect of persons in need. The Crop Insurance Act has been amended to assist the farmer in obtaining ,crop insur- ance through the provinces by raising the Federal Govern - Expert Watch Repairs • Trophies and Engraving • DIAMONDS -WATCHES -CHINA Anstett Jewellers LTD. CLINTON — WALKERTON — SE—A—FZITH VILLAGE OF ZURICH NOTICE The Council of the Village of Zurich has endorsed the following changes es recommended by the Department of Highways, and Regulations Will Be Enforced Re: Intersection of Highway 84 and Huron County Road 2 1. Move the stop signs closer to the edge of the travelled portion of the County Road. 2. Relocate the "No Parking Signs" on Highway 84 and on Goshen Street as shown on the plan to provide better visibility for the motorists at the stop position on Goshen Street, 3. Relocate the existing County Road identification signs on Highway 84 to a position at least 50 feet in advance of Goshen Street to provide advanced warning for mo- torists on Highway 84 who wish to turn. 4. Replace the existing "STOP 750 l+EET" signs with ones reading "STOP 500 ET" since the existing signs are too far iFEET" advance of the stop sign for an urban location, 5. Minor alterations in the pavement markings at this location in order to improve traffic control, elausakertavaaie ment's 'payment from 20% to 25% of the total premium re- quired. These are some of the more important pieces of legislation that will affect the people of our part of the country. The program for providing for increased Old Age Pensions has only been passed in resolu- tion stage, and will not come before Parliament until the fall term, when its terms will be an- nounced. This is also true of the government's plans for com- pulsory Medicare for all citi- zens.1 The Bank Act also stands at this stage of legislation, In this Act we believe that it is the government's intention to lift the ceiling on interest charged by the bank by 1%, and later on remove it entirely. We had a debate and vote on capital punishment, and Parlia- ment voted to retain capital punishment in Canada. A tremendous project of the government for next year is the Centennial Exposition being held in Montreal. This is a vast project, and certainly as many Canadians as possible should visit it during 1967. Many other eventful things have happened which required Parliament's debate and partic- ipation, but most of these events have been well covered in news reports throughout the session. I have tried here to bring to the people of Huron Riding some of the things that may not have been covered fully in news reports. 0 HoldCompetition All 4-H Corn Club members and others interested in soils, will take part in a land judging competition in the Londesboro area on Wednesday, August 17. After registration at 10 a.m, in the Londesboro Hall, J. P. Fish, soils and crops specialist for Huron, and K. Muselow, field officer, Maitland River Conservation Authority, will provide the instruction on a road tour of the area. They will comment on the various soils as to their suitability and limitations for different crop- ping practices and kinds of crops. Following lunch, contestants will place a number of differ- ent soil profiles in their order of preference for the growing of different kinds of crops. Prizes will be awarded to the winners at the conclusion of the reasons for placing by con- testants and the official reasons by Mr. Fish. Brownie's DRIVE-IN Theatre -- Clinton TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First Show Starts at Dusk Thursday and Friday AUGUST 11.12 "GIRL HAPPY "/ ELVIS PRESLEY SHELLEY FABARES JOBY BAKER Color Cartoon Saturday and Monday AUGUST 13-15 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE HEROES OF TELEMARK" KIRK DOUGLAS RICHARD HARRIS — In Color -- PLUS "That Funny Feeling" SANDRA DEE BOBBY DARIN Color Cartoon Tuesday, Wednesday AUGUST 16-17 -- DOUBLE FEATURE ..- "THE NANNY" BETTE DAVIS WENDY CRAIG (Adult Entertainment) PLUS "PEYTON PLACE" LANA TURNER LLOYD NOLAN (Adult Entertainment) Calow Cartoon miellailieleeleemeeeelemeeemememea PARSONS—WEGENAST Robert Parsons, of Kitchener, attended his twin brother Barry Ward Parsons at his marriage to Pauline Margaret Elizabeth Wegenast. Rev. Alvin A. Schweitzer officiated at the 'ceremony at St. Mark's Luth- eran Church. The bride was given in mar- riage by her uncle, Wilfred Eichler, of New Hamburg. The bride, of 15 Gildner Street, Kitchener, is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wegenast, of Stratford. The bridegroom, of Peterborough, is a son of Mr, and Mrs. George H. Parsons, Leaside. The bride is a graduate of Waterloo Lutheran University and the bridegroom a graduate of the University of Toronto. Both were formerly on the staff of K -W Collegiate and will be teaching for the- Peterborough board of education in the fall. Sister Anne Keffer, of Water- loo, deaconess of St, Mark's Lutheran Church, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mary Timanus, Brockville, and Kath- leen Parsons, Leaside, sister of the bridegroom. Bruce Bodden, of Leaside, and Ronald Deichert, of Zurich, a cousin of the bride, were ushers. A reception was held at the Coronet Motor Hotel. The couple will Iive at 630 Parkhill Road, apartment 701, Peterborough, when they re- turn from a trip to Quebec City. Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 Geiger Reunion Held Sunday At Bayfield Park THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1944 The families of Moses Geiger and Catherine Eckstein held their third family reunion at Bayfield Agricultural Park, on Sunday, August 7. Fifty-two members of the family attended from Bolton, Dashwood, Essex, Parkhill, Preston, London, Seaforth and Zurich, During the afternoon various games and races were enjoyed by everyone. Follow- ing this a tasty supper was served. The president, Percy Rowe, acted as chairman for the elec- tion of officers for the coming year. Gordon Geiger was elect- ed president; Keith Horner, vice-president, and R ober t Horne r, secretary -treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gemmel were elected to the sports commit- tee, and Mrs. Keith McBride, IMS' 40 Ave& Mrs, Keith Horner and Wayne Horner to the lunch committee, Several members of the fait.. ily spoke, expressing apprecia' tion for the get-together and it was decided to hold the reunion again in 1967, same time, seine place, iiiermassamsewassaaramammemaraminms Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" ROBERT N. MCKINLEY AGENT: DIAL 236-4830 — ZURICH It's a treat they'll all love. Our tempting foods are carefully prepared and beautifully served. The atmosphere is gracious and congenial, perfect for family dining. Our dining room is air conditioned for your comfort. We Specialize in STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236.4371 — ZURICH Robert $, McKercher, Dublin President ihTr. McKercher is Vice -President of 3lnited Co-operatives of Ontario. Charles W. Huffman, Harrow First Vice -President Mr. Huffman is President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Donald R. Bell, Windsor Second Vice -President Mr. Bell is President of the Ontario Credit Union League. TWENTY YEARS A - GROWIN' Organized in 1946 as a "brave new world" project, Co-operators Insurance Association has become a substantial writer of home and automobile insurance in Ontario. A companion company, Co-operators Life Insurance Association, was organized in 1959. 'The Association has devoted a Iarge share of its attention to fire and accident prevention. Voluntary policyholder committees study "young driver" problems and are promoti*g high school driver training. CIA has 230,000 policies in force ... 33 offices across the province ...paid -in capital (two companies) $2,000,000 ... earned surplus $1,400,000. These nine elected men, nominated by Ontario Credit Union League, Ontario Federation of Agriculture and United Co-operatives of Ontario, are the directors and leaders of CIA in this, its twentieth anniversary year. Kenneth W. Weatherley, Ottawa Mr. Weatherley is Vice -President of the Ontario Credit Union League. Charles G. Munro, Embro Mr. Munro is second Vice•President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Fenton G. Cryderman Thamesvi le Mr. Cryderman is President of United Co-operatives of Ontario. J. E. O'Dell, Corunna Mr. O'Dell is immediate Past-Presf• dent of CIA and a Director of the Ontario Credit Union League. T. Ray Lougheed, Barrie Mr, Lougheed is a Director and former President of United Co-operatives of Ontario. Aubrey S. Dalgleish, Hamilterl Mr. Dalgleish is a Directorand former President of the Ontario Credit Union League. IAcOOPAT0RS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ICOM E LIFE AUTO