HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-08-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Honor Bride Prior To Marriage Mies Patricia Schwalm, of Hensen, bride -elect of August 20, has been honored at several funet tons prior to her wedding. The Misses Pauline and Troy- ann Bell were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower at Belle - rine Farm attended by relatives and friends. The home decora- tions. were in pink and white motif, flowers, streamers and balloons. Lovely gifts were presented to the guest of honor by Marjory Schwalm and Troy- ann Be1L Barbara Schwalm and Pauline Bell assisted the bride -elect in opening the gifts. Games were conducted by Mrs. Stewart Bell and prizes were won by Elain Coghlin, At- wood: Mrs. Mae O'Hara, Lon- don; Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and Mar- jory Schwalm, Hensen. Mrs. Hared Cudmore served lunch, The Misses Amy and Greta Laramie entertained at their home for a miscellaneous show- er, when relatives and friends arameammemor EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, S.A., S.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 — 10: 00 a.m.—Youth Fellowship in charge of Worship 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m—Scripture Study. You Are Welcome Ur CONSERVATIVE MENNONITE CHURCH at the Hay Township Hall ZURICH Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 — 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8 p.m.—Evening Service. We invite you to worship with us.! presented the bride -elect with a lovely array of gifts with Miss Jean Laramie, Centralia, read- ing the presentation address, Miss Kathryn Sells, London, favored with piano solos, and Marjory Schwalm and Dorothy Skea sang. Mrs. Ray Laramie and Jean, of Centralia, were in •charge of entertainment. Mrs. Robert Laramie, Clinton, Margie Allan, Marjory Schwalm and Dorothy Skea served lunch, Mrs. J, E. McEwen was host- ess Monday evening for a mis- cellaneous presentation, attend- ed by relatives and friends. The bride's chair was decorated in pink and white, and summer flowers formed a floral back- ground for the home decora- tions, Mrs. John Soldan read the presentation address to Patricia, and Mrs, Gordon Troyer presented many beauti- ful gifts. Mrs. Mary Haugh, of Bruce - field, read a very humorous wedding reading; Mrs, Ken Mc- Kay, of Kippen, played piano selections, and the bride's book compiled by the hostess, was passed around and much ad- mired. Mrs. R. A. Orr directed contests and lunch was served. Friends and relatives of the groom -elected arranged a show- er at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coghlin, of Atwood, parents of the groom -elect, held Saturday evening, when the couple were recipients of many useful and costly gifts. Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 — 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 10:45 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. D. Stade, Organist SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome CONKLIN'S Parade of Values JOHNS-MANSVILLE SIDING ROCK SHAKE ROCK SPAN my $23.95 Square Ortly $25.95 Square Cavalier Wall Panelling 4' x 8' SHEETS Birch with Elm Inlay Sen with Makore Inlay Oak with Shina Inlay Elul with Makore Inlay Sheet $14.95 Sheet $14.95 Sheet $14.95 Sheet $14.95 PANEL ADHESIVE To Make the Perfect Application ! Only $1.98 Tube Otwwaad'aa•o t,a,.r.0.s.r PRE -HUNG — SELF -STORING Mu 11 um Cf mbination Doors STANDARD SIZE — Pe" THICK Complete with all Only $24.88 Hardware d,a,avrm.a.F#P.p. caawP...s ~4,01,0•. w,e.a...0 C Standard Sizes EE"aYORS Only $11.95 .nap0,41,1 ass.r. apse. ,..s.•..rn,rsr.s PP•.o,a..m.,s:ow.m., Ps EXETER, 235-1422 GRAND BEND, 238.2374 Graduation Dinner For Students At Goderich College Roses and sweet peas formed the decoration for the gradua- tion dinner of the Goderich Business College, which was held at Tiger Dunlop Inn, Goderich, on Saturday evening, The invocation was given by Mrs. de Vries, followed by a toast to Her Majesty the Queen. Miss Jo Anne Elligsen enter- tained the group with two piano solos and Mrs. Frank Walzak was song leader. Business Educators' Associa- tion diplomas were presented by the principal, Mrs. F. M. Weaver, to the following stu- dents: Mary Armstrong, Linda Ball, Marion Bissett, Linda Brindley, Ethel Collins, Patricia Cudmore, Nancy Elliott, Mary Fralick, Bonnie Glenn, Kath- leen Hirst, Suzanne Kyle, Mary Linklater, Sharon MacDonald, Sharon Montgromery, Gail Nel- son, Faye Gesell, Sharon Regier and Ivy Townsend. Diplomas completed at a later date will be mailed to the students. Certificates will be issued to Gladys de Vries, Bryan Gam- mie, Kathleen Gemeinhardt, Dianne Hanley, Beth Lawson, Joy McClure, Kenneth McGow- an, Marian McLeod and Noreen Stewart covering one or more subjects for which diploma standing has been granted by the association. Miss Marion Bissett won the Gold Medal Award for 71 words per minute on a 10 -minute test with two errors. There were five Gold Medal Awards given across Canada with the compli- ments of the Business Educa- tors' Association from June to December of last year. Miss Bissett has a senior position with Pitfield, Mackay & CO. Ltd.,' Toronto. Awards for 60-69 words per minute were won by Faye Desch, Mary Armstrong and Ivy Townsend. Awards for 50- 59 words per minute were won by Bonnie Glenn, Kathleen Hirst, Pat Cudmore, Nancy Elliott, Suzane Kyle, Sharon Montgomery, Sharon Regier, Sharon MacDonald, Beth Law- son and Noreen Stewart. These awards were granted by the Business Educators' Association of Canada. The School Type writing Award for 95 per cent and over on the typewriting ac- curacy and speed final examin- ation was won by Miss Marion Bissett, Mary Armstrong and Ivy Townsend. On behalf of the students, Miss Townsend expressed "thanks" to the teachers, and gifts were presented to those who assisted at the school dur- ing the past year in apprecia- tion of their excellent work. 0 HENSALL Services in Carmel Presby- terian Church Sunday morning were conducted by the minister, Rev. J. C. Boyne, who chose for his sermon topic "Deserve the Higher Gifts". A men's trio, •composed of Grant and' Kenneth Jones and Wayne Love, sang "Some day he'll make it plain to me". Flowers in the church sanctuary were in mem- ory of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Ed- wards, placed there by their niece, Mrs. Violet Johnston, of St. Catharines. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall presided at the organ consol. 11181 MON Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: RO':ERT N. McKINLEY DIAL 236-4830 — ZURICH eresessasseseemsesesseressomenere 1 McAD M'S TY Specializing in Home Entertainment For Expert Service to All Makes of Radio - Television .. Record Players - Hi-l'"ii ANTENNA REPAIRS AND COLOR TV Married in Lutheran Church STROM—H UGI LL Rev. A, Blackwell, of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich, .officiated at the marriage of Elaine Hugill and Robert Strom, on Saturday, August 6. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hugill, Zur- ich, and Mr. Conrad Strom and Mrs. Phil Hughes are the groom's parents. Given in marriage by her father, the bride 'chose a street - length white organza over satin dress, with lace -fitted bodice and lily -point sleeves. Her veil was French illusion with a petal burst headpiece. She carried a white Bible with a mauve orchid and streamers. Miss Sue Anne Coxon was the bride's attendant, wearing a yellow crepe street -length dress with an empire fitted lace bodice. She wore a yellow petal burst headpiece similar to the brides, and carried a nosegay About People You Know .. . Dr, and Mrs. Bruce Eickmeier and family have returned to Burlington after their holiday at Gascho's cottage, Schade View. Mrs. James Adams, Holland Centre, and Mrs. Aaron Jantzi, Dublin, spent a few days with Mr and M Will D d v rs. nam Da son. Recent visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Menno Desch were Mr. and Mrs. Dave West, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, Kim and Penny, of Windsor, and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Jes- sop, Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Tillie Tetre.au and Mrs. Marie Pask spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bart Pas- cuzzo, of Crediton. Robert Manson and Allan Cleave, of Bayfield, have re- turned from a three week va- cation in the western provinces. They also attended the Calgary Stampede. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davidson and Mrs. Julia Dickie, London; Mrs. Trembley, New York; Mrs. Erma Nies, Seaforth, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Manning, Pilot Mound, Man., spent their honeymoon with relatives and friends in this district, includ- ing Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt, of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meiding- er, RR 3, Zurich, have purchased the property of Michael Mei- din ger. s ROB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Nite SERVICE Phone 286-4094 — Zurich of white Shasta daisies. Fred Learn, of Kingston, was grooms- man. A dinner and reception was held at the Brentwood, London. For travelling the bride chose a rayon boucle suit in pastel blue with black patent acces- sories and an orchid corsage. The couple left for a short honeymoon trip to New York State. They will reside in London. THURSDAY, AUGUST ill, 196x6 Annual Thiel Reunion Held Sunday at Zurich Community Centre The 30th Thiel reunion was held in the Zurich Community Centre on Sunday, August 7, Members were present from London, Stratford, Kitchener, Dashwood, E x e t e r, Mitchell, Gowanstown, Seaforth, Elmira, Jordan's Station, GadshilI, Ros- tock, Sebringville, St. Thomas, Bennington, Vermont; Niagara Falls, N.Y. and Louiston, N.Y. Approximately 120 signed the register. Mr. Leroy Thiel and Lynda conducted the sports, with prizes going to the following: girls' running race 5-10 years, Beth Hugill, Zurich; Janet Feltz, Stratford. Boys' 5-7, Robbie Ma n n i n g, Kitchener; Ernest Hohner, Exeter, and Wayne Thiel, Zurich. Girls, 10-14 years, Janet Beck- er and Elva Becker, of Dash- wood. Boys, 10-14 years, Brian Sanford, Kitchener; Gary Hugil, Zurich; Wayne Feltz, Stratford. Potato race, 'Gary Hugill's team; line race, Robert Thiel's team; nylon hose race, Harold Dei - chert, Zurich. Dropping clothespins into a bottle was won by Mrs. Irene Heckman and Wesley Hugill; lifesaver race, Keith Thiel; pea- nut scramble for the tiny tots. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heyward from Bennington, Vermont, won the prize for coming the farth- est distance. Most recent mar- ried couple were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Martin, Waterloo;the youngest child, Teddy Reihl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reihl, of Jordan's Station. The oldest member present was Mrs. Albert Robinson, Mitchell; largest family present went to Mrs. George Thiel, Zurich; guessing contest went to Janet Feltz, Stratford. The president, Charles Thiel, of arrangements. conducted the business session. The officers for 1967 reunion are: president, Lloyd Thiel, Stratford; vice-president, Har. old Thield, Mitchell; secretary, treasurer, Mrs. Stan Watts, Mit- chell; sports, Herber Litt, Se- bringville; kitchen, Mrs. Harold Thield, Mitchell. Two minutes' silence was ob- served in memory of those who passed away in the last year. Mrs. Albert Robinson, of Mit- obeli, asked the blessing in both English and German before sitting down to partake of a picnic lunch. Mrs. Wes Hugill and her committee took charge. Entertainment was supplied by Shirley, Carolyn and Jo- Anne Thiel, Gwen and Cheryl Clausius, Ruth Ann Fleischauer and Marlene Rader, with Carol Gascho at the piano. The executive this year were: president, Charles Thiel; secre- tary -treasurer, Thelma Thiel; sports, Leroy Thiel, and lunch, Mrs. Wes Hugill. 0 Obituary GREGORY PAUL BEDARD Gregory Paul Bedard, two- month -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Paul Bedard, Zurioh, passed away at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Tuesday, August 2. The infant was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Bedard, Zurich, and Mrs. and Mrs. Leon- ard Debus, of Zurich. Funeral service was held on Wednesday morning, August 3, at 10 a.m., in St. Boniface Church, Zurich, with burial in the church cemetery. West- lake funeral home was in charge EMPtil. of own maw, cow ipiRenam House and Garden — 11.Oz. Can Raid Spray Killer _ Kellogg's -16-0z, Packages Corn Flakes _ _ Ready Sweet — Packages Kool Aid Clover Leaf -7-0z. Tin _ 99c 2/69c 4/39c 43c Solid Tuna Strawberry or Raspberry -24 Oz, St. William's Jam _ _ 43c 11 Ounce Aylmer Catsup _ _ 2/39c 12s — Packages Weston's Donuts _ 2/49c Henely — 20.Oz. Tins Fruit Cocktail _ _ _ 2/75c Fancy Cream Style — 10 Oz. Stokely's Corn _ _ 3/47c Nabob — Assorted Packages Jelly Powders - - - 10/$1 Instant —6.Oz. Jar Cheery Morn Coffee _ 79c Del Monte — 15.0z. Tins Fancy Peas _ _ _ - 6/99c 1 -Lb. Package Crisco, 3c Off _ _ _ _ 39cc New Lemony or Chocolaty Chilli Pillsbury Pie Fil _ _ _ 49c Van Camp -20-0z. Tins Beans and Pork _ _ 2/49c FRUIT and VEGETABLES LARGE JUICY WATERMELON EACH 99c SUNKIST LEMONS, 140s 4 FOR 19c FRESH LOCAL CORN ON THE COB _ _ _ DOZ. 49c MEAT SPECIALS 7 TO 10 POUNDS FRESH TURKEYS, GRADE 'A' L : 49c HAM SAUSAGE EL 69c LOIN PORK CHOPS_ _ _ _ _ _ LBo 79c SMOKED PICNICS_ _ _ _ _ _ - LB. 53c DOERR'S DIAL 236.4354 ZURICH