HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-07-14, Page 5. THURSDAY, JULY.14, 1966.• ZURICH CITIZEN$ NEWS PAGE FIVII Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Memortams, Engagements, 3c a word) Minimum 75c. REPEATS - dc a word; Minimum SOa. CASH DISCOUNTS-- Off if paid by Saturday following last Insertion. SMILING CHARGE- lOc added on second bill FREE - Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE-- • 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE STEW HONEY CROP now avail- able. Bring your own con- tainers, 25c ib. Call Ferd Ha- bere, ,dial 2364308. 28,b FOUR BEDROOM house and apartment in the village of Zurich. Private entrance to apartment. Apply to Clement McCann, Phone 39 r 11, Dash - woo d. TWO HOLSTEIN Bull Calves. ' 'Contact Menno Steckle, RR 2, Zurich. 28,p 25 BROOD SOWS, bred York- shire, some due soon. Call Alvin Gingerich, 236-4735. 25,6,p USED PORTABLE Typewriter - Smith -Corona, in excellent working condition, completely overhauled. Apply to Zurich Citizens News, dial 236-4672. RASPBERRIES - Make your picking appointment at Stan Gingerich's farm by calling Gus Soudant at the farm, 236-4178, or Harold Soper, 236-4963. 28,9,p :PUREBRED Hereford bulls. Also some mixed feed grain. Contact Phil Durand, dial 236- 4749. 24,5,6,p REINFORCED Cement Tiles - 3 foot and 4 foot. Lawrence Ziler, RR 3, Dashwood. Phone 3lr9:, 22,3,4,5,6,7,b 7 -FOOT International binder, in good working condition. Call Peter Steckle, RR 2, Zurich, dial 262-5441, Hensall. 28,b APPROXIMATELY 8 Acres of land, ideally located in the northwest corner of Zurich. Choice commercial or residen- tial site. Apply to Mrs. Frieda Heideman, Zurich. TWO .COWS_Jersey heifer and Holstein cow carrying third calf, fresh soon. Apply to Cleve Gingerich, dial 2354745. 27,b 13 ACRES of Mixed Hay, three miles south of Bayfield. John Keys, Varna, dial 482-7423. 27,b SWEET CHERRIES should be ready by Monday, July 11, with Montrnerency ripe the following week, Pick your own or buy them ready picked. Ausable Orchards Ltd., Arkona, phone Lorne Teeple, 828-3645, or Bob Thompson, 828-3526. 27,8,b 15 -RUN International seed drill; 8 -inch International hammer mill; 2•wheel trailer; 8 -plate one-way John Deere disc, 30 - plates, 8 -foot Massey Harris cultivator. Apply to Box WR, Zurich ,Citizens News. 28,•p TWO PUREBRED English York- shire boars. of serviceable age. Apply .to Walter Eckel, RR 1, Varna, dial 262-5391. 27,p Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Hugill, Zurich, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Alice Elaine, to Mr. Robert Wayne Strom, son of S/L Con- rad Strom, San Antonia, Texas, and Mrs. Phil Hughes, San Bernadino, California. The wedding to take place the early part of August. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Schwalm, of Hensall, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Patricia Rachel, to Donald Carl Coghlin, of Blyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Cogh- lin, of Atwood. Wedding to take place August 20 at 3 p.m. in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall. Cards of Thanks I wish to take this opportun- ity of thanking everyone for the cards, visits and treats while a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, and since re- turning home. - Mrs. Hugh Thiel. 28,p I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors •and friends for cards and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, •and since re- turning home. - Herb Desjar- dine. 28,p WANTED WANTED -Ladies' closed case watches. Also any old style clocks, spring or weight driven. Will pay cash. Albert Hess, Jeweller, Zurich. 28,9,p ROYAL TYPEWRITER, used, standard model. In good work- ing •condrtion. See it at Zurich Citizens News office. 27,x MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED AVON COSMETICS Requires representative in GRAND BEND Also one rural territory available. For information, write or phone collect, evenings MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Avenue London 451-0541 23,4,5,6,b SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned, Will be in Zurich and ,district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2484, Tavistock. 33 -tib LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Age 21 up to 65. Can you make short auto trips? We hope will start soon and stay with us a long time. Contact Ed Bauer, Elm Haven Motel, Clinton, on Wednesday, July 27, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., or Thursday, July 28, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 28,9,b MASONRY SERVICE - Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1.332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf CLERK - TYPIST Applications will be received by the undersigned telephone system for the position of a clerk -typist. Please make ap- plications in writing and for- ward before Wednesday, July 20, 1966. Applicants should have typ- ing knowledge, be good with figures and be willing to learn. Reply, stating education, em- ployment background, availa- bility and salary expected. Ap- plications will be held in strict confidence. Township of Hay Municipal telephone System, W. C. Horn- er, Secretary -Treasurer, Zurich, Ontario. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM COMBINING -We are now equipped to do your com- bining, with a new Case com- bine. Call William Steckle, 565-53'77, Bayfield. 28,9,p About People You Know Mrs. Marie Pask returned home after spending a few days with friends in Detroit, Royal Oak and Clawson, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Mack at- tended the funeral of Mrs. T. C. Selley in Toronto, where Mr. Mack was pallbearer for his aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mecum and family, of Caseyville, Illinois, were visi- tors last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach. Mr. and Mrs. E. Steele,, of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Glad- win Melick, of Goderich, visited over the week -end with Mrs. Pearl Melick. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and son Robert spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hart- man and family, Bright's Grove. Mrs. Alberta Davidson, •of Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Begley, of Oshawa, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William David- son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Horman and family, of Woodstock, spent the week -end with Mrs. Beatrice Rader and family and Mrs. Leona Rader and family. Spending part of their holi- days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gascho were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rogers, of Wind- sor, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gascho and family, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Deichert, of Toronto, are spending a few days' holiday with the latter's sister, Miss Ethel Gabel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yungblut and family, of London, were visitors over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs. James Hackett, Linda and Doug, of Don Mills, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach. Dr. and Mrs. John Haberer and family, of Toronto, were visitors over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haberer. Anyone wishing to have whitewashing done, contact Bill Watson, phone 27r19, Dash- wood. 0 Bayfield Council Bayfield - At the regular meeting on July 4, Bayfield Council received acceptance from Brig. F. A. Clift, H. H. Ormond and T. Orton Logan to serve on a planning board; council's two members have not yet been appointed. A letter was received inform- ing council of numerous com- plaints lodged by guests at the Albion Hotel in respect of noisy motor vehicles. Councillor E. Oddleifson re- ported the steps from Howard Street to the beach had been repaired. Steps at Pioneer Park are in adequate condition, and a motion was passed au- thorizing the repair of Delevan Street steps at a sum not to exceed $200. A complaint about the erection of a snow fence blocking the northern entrance to Pioneer Park was reported and council said that they had given permission for its erec- tion in 1965; but erection had been delayed in the hope that motorists would use the park in a fitting manner. A letter from Bayfield Rate- payers' Association was receiv- ed and considered by council. The reeve stated that if council sub - e all therequests is to m et mited to it an increase in the mill rate will be inevitable. CUSTOM BALING with modern equipment. Call John Jacobs, dial 236-4826. 25,6,7,p JOHNSTON SANITATION SERVICE --Septic tanks pulnp- ed and cleaned, modern equip- ment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Parkhill 294-6954, 26,7,8,9,0,11 Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -•- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 25 c 66 DELICATE OPERATION -The installa- tion of dial equipment in the Dashwood ex- change of the Hay Municipal System is a touchy operation, and requires the highest quality of skilled men to do the work, In this photo supervisor Jini Orr, left, of Northern Electric, is watching the work being done by Art Martin, centre, another employee of the same company. At the left is Bill Wagner, an employee of the Hay System. The dial exchange is to be completely ready for the cut -over by the middle of October. DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner vacationed at Port Loring last week and the fishing and weather was excellent. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hauser Oestreicher attended the wed- ding of Miss Peggy Hauser and Edward Main at Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and family spent Sunday with friends at Mildmay. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Miller attended the wedding of their son Ross, and Miss Donna Krugel, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Friday evening, July 8. A number of aunts and uncles from Dashwood also attended. Stephenson Clan Meet at Seaforth The 36th annual Stephenson family reunion was held Sun- day, July 3, at Seaforth Lions Park, with 109 in attendance. Results of races and contests were: pre-school children, Stephen Armstrong, Dianne Consitt; girls age 6 to 8, Kathy Taylor; boys age 6 to 8, Billy Stephenson, Bruce Stephenson; girls age 9 to 12, Donna Taylor, Janice Turner; boys age 9 to 12, Bryan Stephenson. Young ladies' race, Nancy Consitt; young men's race, David Turner; married ladies' race, Marjorie Consitt; married men's race, Bill Consitt; ladies' kick -the -slipper, Janette Turn- er; men's kick -the -slipper, Bill Taylor; ladies' shoe scramble, Joyce D o w s o n; men's shoe scramble, Bill Turner. Oldest person attending the picnic, Stan Morrow; youngest person attending, Sandra Wil- lert; couple most recently mar- ried, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rath - well; people coming the farth- est distance, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morrow and Mr. and Don Mc- Leod, of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, who were special guests attend- ing the reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stormes and children, of St. Thomas, vacationed with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe and family, of Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, of Toronto, vacationed with Mrs. Wes Wolfe and other relatives. Eric Wolfe and Bruce Gilder, of London, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and family. Becker Reunion The 19th Becker reunion was held July 10. Following are the results of the races and special prizes: children, 4 and under, Mark Stire; 5 and 6, Kathy Becker and Brian 011ey; 7-9, Karen Kimple and Kevin Barr; 10-13, Judy Martene and Jonathan 011ey; young ladies, Patricia 011ey; young men Don- ald Muller; married men, Peter Cobourg; married ladies, Nancy Becker; kick the slipper, Wendy Webb, Marty Becker, Patti 01 - ley and Ted Webb; wheelbar- row race, Karen Kimple and Kevin Barr; several relays were played both for children and adults. Several special prizes were awarded as follows: number of jelly beans in jar, Laurie Beck- er; lucky plate, Ted Webb; youngest baby, Michelle Webb; couple with 15th wedding an- niversary closest to reunion date, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stire; oldest lady, Mrs. Mary Martene; oldest man, Edward Stire. MR. EDITOR: Seeing the picture of the Dashwood School in your paper last week brought back many fond memories. Here are only a few: I got all my education in that building, both public school and high school. In those days they called it a con- tinuation s c h o o 1, not high school. The one principal, (Mr. Shore) taught grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. I started school in 1904 at six years of age. In 1910 I tried my entrance exams in Zurich. Out of a class of eight only the three youngest pupils passed, They were my sister Pearl, 10 years old; Ora Hoff- man was 11 and myself 12. After graduating front high. school I entered S t r a t f or d Teachers' College in 1916. The next year, 1917-1918, I taught in this public school in Dash- wood. The next two years I taught, in the Smokey Hollow school. The next three years in Hay school, 11 miles north President elected for the coming is Garnet Mousseau, secretary, Julene Keys; lunch committee, Elmer and Margaret Stephenson, Luther and Elva Sanders; sports committee, Iden and Marion McClure, John and Helen Consitt. It was decided to hold the reunion at the same place next year, on the sante date, of Dashwood. Thus ended my teaching career. Addison V. Tiernan. STARLITE a a DRIVE-IN THEATRE JULY 14, 15 and 16 - DOUBLE FEATURE - "Frankie and Johnny" Elvis Patti Colour Presley, Donna Douglas "Billie" Colour Duke, Warren Berlinger ----000- JULY 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 (One Week) (One Show Each Night) "Thunderball" Colour (Adult Entertainment) Sean Connery, Claudine Auger TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY - Rain or Clear - First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free BLAKE NEWS Amos Gingerich spent the week -end at Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Benedictus. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gingerich and family were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mus- selman and family, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ginger- ich and family. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and family attended the Bend- er reunion on Sunday at Tavi- stock. Brownie's DRIVE-IN Theatre -- Clinton TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First Show Starts at Dusk Thursday and Friday JULY 14 and 15 WALT DISNEY'S `That Darn (at' It Takes a Siamese Secret Agent to Unravel the PURR-fect Crime. HAYLEY MILLS DEAN JONES DOROTHY PROVINE �. * ADMISSION .SCHEDULE For This Performance Only Persons, 12 and over__$1.00 ea. Children, 6-13 years 25c Children, under 6 FREE Saturday and Monday July 16 and 18 "THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER" John Wayne, Dean Martin Martha Hyer Color Cartoon Tuesday & Wednesday JULY 19 and 20 'The Sandpiper' Elizabeth Taylor Richard Burton EVA MARIE SAINT Color Cartoon (Adult Entertainment) COMING NEXT ... 'A Very Special Favor' Rock Hudson and Leslie Caron immoisasso ensu VILLAGE OF ZURICH Tenders Wanted 1 -SEALED TENDERS for the installation of sidewalk will be received by the Clerk, until August 2, 1966, at 6:00 p.m. Location and number of feet can be obtained from Urban Pfile, road superintendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, 2 -SEALED TENDERS for supplying furnace oil for Zurich Community Hall and Zurich Fire Hall,. will be received by the Clerk until August 2, 1966, at 6:00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I»LDA WAGNER, Clerk.