HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-07-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT DASHINOOD and DISTRICT (MRS– E. H. RAVER, Correspondent) Musk Recitals Mrs, Ruth Stire, AWCIVI, held a piano recital Wednesday, June 29, for her puipls, with parents and friends as guests. Glen Webb was chairman for the program of duets and solos. Miss Marlene Barr, of London, was guest artist playing violin solos, accompanied on the piano by Miss Lily Johnson. The older pupils supervised games, followed by lunch. Mrs. Stire was presented with a gift on behalf the pupils. Dashwood 'Women's Institute sponsored a music recital for Miss Idella Gabel, ARCT, and her pupils on Thursday, June 30. Harry Hayter was chair- man for the program of solos and duets. A variety program of songs, etc,, was featured. Miss Gabel's pupils presented her with a gift. Musk Results Mrs. Ruth Stire, AWC .t, an- nounces results of her music pupils with the London Con- servatory: Grade 8, Lawrence Brown, honors; Lily Johnson, honors; grade 6, Barbara Ann Thomas, first class honors; grade 4, Darlene Roberts, hon- ors; grade 3, Debbie Turnbull, pass! grade, theory, Rose Marie Weigand, honors. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erdman, of Detroit, vacationed with Mrs. Lucinda McIsaac last week. Officials at Rest Home Ceremony (Continued from page 1) own keystone, which he said is Christ himself. He also added that a project such as this has done a great deal to bring peo- ple of all faiths closer together. Special music was supplied for the occasion by a men's quartet consisting of Dwight Bender, Irvin Martin, Stewart Steckle and John Geiger. A prayer following the actual ceremony was offered by Rev, A. C. Blackwell, past of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich, and the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Ephraim Gingerich, of the Zurich and Blake Mennonite •churches, Prior to the official ceremony guided tours through the new building were conducted, and hundreds of visitors had their first opportunity to see how big a project is being undertaken. When completed the Rest Home will have 65 beds ready for occupancy. Thirty of these will be for normal care, 23 for bed care, and 12 for special care. The board .hopes the project will be completed some time in September. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner and Ken attended the gradua- tion ceremonies at the Aylmer Police College, when their son, Don, graduated, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Miller re- turned home after spending some time with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Annan, of Pickering. The latter accompanied then home and spent the holiday here. Mr, and Mrs. John Decker, of Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs, Bud Decker, of Elkton, Mich., at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Rader and vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller and family. Visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac are W. IIcIsaac and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mcisaac, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Irctzman and boys, of Detroit, vacationed with Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs, Mike Burke and daughter, of Brampton, visited with Mr, Milt Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knock and Juliann, of Bronte, spent the week -end with Mrs. Kate Weigand and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Praklow and family, of St. Louis, Mo., spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and family, Mr, and Mrs. James Kestle, Gregory, Michael and Mathew Todd, of Lansing, Mich., spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile and other rela- tives. Mrs. Nora Koessei, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Koessel and girls and Miss Cathy Beck, all of De- troit, were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Braid, of Croydon, Surrey, England, are vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Braid and family. The Braids motored to Dorval airport, Montreal, and met their visitors. 0 Hay School Board Entertain Staff at Steak Barbecue The members of Hay Town- ship School Area board .and their wives entertained the teaching staff, their wives and husbands, to a steak barbecue at Hay Township Park, Wednes- day evening. June 29. Charman of the board, Ian McAllister, and James Sangster made the presentations of beau- tiful table lamps to retiring teachers, Mrs. Mary Haugh and Mrs. Albert Shirray. Specializing in Home Entertainment For Expert Service to Ali Makes of Radio - Television - Record Players - Hi-Fi ANTENNA REPAIRS AND COLOR TV SERVICE Phone 236-4094 -- Zurich MATTRESS SPECIALS! OVERSTOCKED ! New Shipment ! Spring -filled MATTRESSES Reg. $24 Value Only $19.95 Posture Smooth -Top Mattresses ALL SIZES From $35 Up See TJ"s for a Complete Assortment Westlake Furniture 2URIGH ZURICH CI'T'IZENS NEWS THE END OF AN ERA—When schools closed their doors for the regular term last Wednesday afternoon, many of them did so for the last time. This photo shows the pub- lic school located in the village of Dashwood, which will no longer be used. All the childre i from the Dashwood area will be transported to the new central school located in Stephen Township, The fate of this building has not been determined as yet. Doug Thiel, Kempville, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Alice Thiel. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Eichmeier and boys spent the week -end with Mrs. Henry Eickmeier. A POPULAR FELLOW — When Paul Henderson of Detroit Red Wings hockey fame paid a visit to Zurich last week, he was greeted by an enthusiastic group of young admirers. He is shown here seated, centre, as he signs autographs for the group of boys. Left to right are Doug Turkheim, Robbie Doerr, Mr. Henderson, Ron Desjar- dine, Stephen Hesse. Kneeling in front of the group are Brad Oke, left, and Barry Thiel, right. The Detroit speedster is spend- ing the summer working as a public rela- tions representative for Molson's Brewery. Coaches and Managers Picked For Boy's Minor Softball Program °ASTROS—Milt •Desch, coach; brey Bedard, team captain. Orval Jantzi, manager; Gerry BRAVES — Al Bange, coach; Rader, assistant manager; Au- Barry Bloch, manager; Gary About People You Know ... Three music pupils of Mrs. Harold Stade have received the results of their recent grade two theory, Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations, First class honors: Joanne Thiel, honors, Pauline Baechler and Christine Haberer. Elmore Clausius holidayed at Zurich with the Clausius' fam- ilies and also visited his sister in Tavistock, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bowden and Peter, Toronto, spent the past week with Mrs. Anne Turk- heim and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Allen and family spent the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Milt Deitz, N o r w o o d Reichert, Mount Clemens, Mich., spent the holi- day week -end with Miss Inez Yungblut and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and family, formerly of Chica- go, are spending their vacation with Mrs, Anne Turkheim and other relatives before leaving for their new home in Winni- peg. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now Flaxbard, assistant manager; Richard Schilbe, team captain. CARDINALS — Lee Regier, coach; Leo Meidinger, manager; Doug Meidinger, team captain. DODGERS—Fred Wells, coach; John Consitt, manager; Isadore Laporte, assistant manage r; Doug Stade, team captain. Game nights: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Park and Zurich Separate School. All games to be seven in- nings. Pitchers must be 13 years of age or under. Thursday, July 7 Dodgers vs. Astros, 8.8. Cardinals vs. Braves, Park Tuesday, July 12 Astros vs. Braves, Park Cardinals vs. Dodgers, •SS, Thursday, July 14 Cardinals vs Astros, S.S. Dodgers vs. Braves, Park Tuesday, July 19 Astros vs, Dodgers, Park Braves vs. Cardinals, S.S. Thursday, July 21 Braves vs, Astros, S,S. Dodgers vs, Cardinals, Park Tuesday, July 26 Astros vs, Cardinals, Park Braves vs. Dodgers, S.S. Thursday, July 28 Dodgers vs. Astros, S.S. Cardinals vs, Braves, Park Tuesday, August 2 Astros vs, Braves, Park Cardinals vs, Dodgers, SS, Thursday, August 4 Cardinals vs. Astros, S.S. Dodgers vs, Braves, Park Tuesday, August 9 Astros vs, Dodgers, Park Braves vs, Cardinals, S,S. Thursday, August 11 Braves vs. Astros, S.S. Dodgers vs. Cardinals, Park. THURSDAY, JULY 7,, 11964 Pick Directors for New Rest Horne An official board of directors has now been picked for Blue Water Rest Home, with repre- sentatives appointed from vari- ous churches and other organ- izations throughout the area. The new board will serve for a period of one year, when an- other annual meeting will be held, Members and the group which they represent are as follows: Dr. C. J. Wallace, Zurich Cham- ber of Commerce; M t:110 r d Doerr, Zurich Lions Club; Evan. Kalbfleisch, St. Peter's Luther- an C h u r c h; Leroy O'Brien, Evangelical UB Church, 'Zurich; Gerald Gingerich, Zurich Men- nonite Church; Ray McKinnon, St. Boniface RC Church, Zurich; Elgin McKinley, Goshen United Church; Gordon Erb,. Blake Mennonite Church; Cha r les Rau, St. Peter's RC Church, St. Joseph; John Corbett, [Eoward Klumpp and Orval Wassniann, as three members at large. Elected as chairman of the board is Dr. C. J. Wallace; vice- chairman, John Corbett; secre- tary, Gerald Gingerich; treas- urer, Ray McKinnon. [Conor ary members of the board are Hon. C. S. MacNaughf.)a and Robert E. McKinley. Auditors appointed for the Home are E. U. Richardson & Company, of Chatham. 0 The Best Wee{ TO ADVERTISE Is Every Week HIGH HEAT LOW APPETITE MAINTAIN STEADY EGG PRODUCTION DURING SUMMER MONTHS WITH SHUR-GAIN SPECIAL HOT WEATHER LAYING FEEDS. Hens on Litter — SHUR-GAIN 17% ALL -MASH LAYER. Hens in Cages — SHUR-GAIN 18% ALL -MASH CAGE LAYER. Hatching Flocks SHUR-GAIN 17% ALL -MASH HATCHER. Each of these special hot weather rations are formu- lated with increased levels of protein, minerals and vitamins to compensate for reduced feed intake by poultry during periods of high temperatures. Keep your egg production up to profitable levels with a SHUR-GAIN hot weather laying feed program. feed service M. DEITZ and SON DIAL 2.37-4951 ZURICH IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME OR OFFICE! SMITH -CORONA AND LOOK AT THE PRICEE ! 14144eiffaile ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE Swift, Silent, Sure Responsivct'; • Full -featured construction • Easy-to-use "hand -span" keyboard • Uses only 9" x 13" of space — less than 7" high • Light in weight -- only 8 pounds • Easiest paper feed ever developed ... no slippage • Handsome design in Pacific Green • Built-in retractable carrying handle • Stylish snap -on dust cover • Ribbon cartridge gives thousands of extra prints Only $114.50 Just imagine — priced as low as a hand -operated machine. SEE THEM NOW, AT 0 DMA 236-4672 — ZURICH . 4i t