HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-07-07, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULX 7, 1966 The Katimavik, an inverted pyramid, will be the focal point of the Canadian government exhibit at Expo, the biggest national pavilion at the Exhibition. Others will be (anticlockwise) the United States pavilion, featuring a huge •dome; the British pavilion; the Soviet Union pavilion where visitors will experience the weightlessness of being in space; and the French pavilion, whose theme will be tradition and invention. Detweiler Reunion At Steckle Farm Over 400 persons braved the heat wave on Dominion Day to attend a Dettweiler reunion held on the Asa Steckle farm. This was the pioneer homestead of one branch of the Dettweil- ers, who moved into Huron County over a century ago. The old family dinner bell summoned the crowd to a noon lunch on the lawn; and a mid- afternoon program followed with Asa Steckle as chairman. Lewis Gingerich led in a brief but challenging devotion- al, and several music numbers were much appreciated. These were contributed by Selvin Roth, New Hamburg, playing his guitar and harmonica; by soloist Kees Koster, Markham, and by a vocal quintet, Doro- thy, Helen and Ruth Anne Steckle, Lewis Gingerich and Mahlon Martin, with Ruth Anne and Mahlon accompanying on their guitars. Menno Steckle outlined the history of the Rudolph Dett- weiler family, of which there are 10 branches of living de- scendants. Among those specially hon- ored for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Menno Martin, married 45 years, and Isaiah Dettweiler, Bresleau, oldest gentleman present. Prizes went to two babies as the youngest present. They were, Delphine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steckle, .and Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kees Koster. The couple com- ing from the farthest point were from Midland, Va. Mrs. Selina Weber, 86, and an ardent historian, again qual- ified as the oldest lady presnt, just as she had on the last such occasion. She was, more- over, the first to register. Because of the heat a sched- ule of sports was cancelled in favor of the shade trees and swings and. the cool shelter of a large tent erected on the lawn. It was decided to continue the plan of holding such a re- union at five-year intervals. TT Combines extra storage space , . . extra convenience . . . and extra value ... in the finest home freezer you can buy! More Room Inside-- In Less Floor Space ! BUY ONE NOW 189 AS LOW AS E !CH'S Salts & Service ZURICH Clinton Seaforth Zurich Institute Plans Activities For Bean Festival Inn conjunction with the reg- ular business at the June meet- ing of Zurich Women's Institute plans were under discussion for the operation of a concession at the forthcoming "Bean Fes- tival", also at the International Plowing Match. Canada's Centennial year was discussed by the members. Home-made quilts were dis- played, which are to be for sale at a later date. The sum of $915 was given to the Blue Water Rest Horne building fund. On June 29 the Institute spon- sored a piano recital, which was given by the pupils of Miss Idella Gabel. The net proceeds, amounting to $50, was also a gift to the Blue Water Rest Home fund. 0 BLAKE NEWS Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill La Penotiere and son Ricky, of An - caster; Miss Kay J a n t z i, of Hamilton; Don Jantzi, of Fer- gus; Mrs. Mary Gerber, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Erb. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ginger- ich; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gingerich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schwartzentruber, of New Ham- burg, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steckle and family. 0 Plan Ceremony to Dedicate New Memorial Chapel The Bayfield cemetery board will hold the dedication service of the Memorial Chapel, recent- ly •completed, .on Sunday eve- ning, July 10, at 7 p.m. Everyone interested is cordi- ally invited to attend .this serv- ice in the Bayfield Cemetery. BUILDING CONTRACTOR • CUSTOM CARPENTRY 1 YOU NAME IT . . . . WE'LL DO IT t No job is too large or too small for us. DICK BEDARD DIAL 236-4679 ZURICH Call Us for Free Estimates FORE . golfers Some nuts who can't make a putt think the thing to do is take their wrath out on the green. Judging by the scar left on number one green last week, there must have been just such a nut loose at Bay- view. I think this certain character should take his clubs down to the pond behind number • five green, throw them in, and for- ever after leave the game alone. • s * There is evidence that many players should brush up on the etiquette of the game. Carts are being pulled across the greens, divots are not being re- placed, bottles are left lying on the fairways. A little more ef- fort on the part of the players will make it easier for the own- ers and managers of Bayview, to maintain their excellent course. * * Prepare yourself for some new challenges at Bayview. Plans are being made to build sand traps around some of the easier holes, so clean up the wedge and No. 9 iron, you're going to need them. * * * We will have the names of winners of the men's tourna- ment in next week's edition, and also hope to have the date BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Hite for the mixed two -ball four- some, This will be a nine hole fixture, and while honest (?) scores will be kept, an evening of fun and relaxation will be par for the event. Trophies Donated Several beautiful trophies have been donated to Bayview. The name of the annual cham- pions will be inscribed on each of these large trophies, which will remain at the club, and a smaller replica will be given to each winner. Trophies and donors are: Women's club 'championship, Dashwood Planing Mill, Men's c 1 u b championship, Conklin Lumber. Junior club championship, Dashwood Planing Mill. Most improved golfer, Char- lie's Auto Sales. Hole -in -one, Mousseau and Parkins, Arrow dealers. VARNA NE S W The United Church Vacation Bible school opened on Monday morning of this week with a large attendance. Sessions are being held in the church and Orange Hall. The annual United Church picnic will be held on Wednes- day, July 13, at Bayfield. The local Orangemen and their families and friends will be celebrating the "Glorious Twelfth" at Harriston on Sat- urday, July 9. Floyd McAsh, of Hamilton, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, T. McAsh. Miss Doreen Howden, of Lon- don, visited over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred McClymont. Westlake AMBULANCE Dial Zurich 236-4364 Oxygen Equipped Ambulances DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE 1 PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS! WE P!:!NT ANYTHING This Is One of Our MODERN MACHINES Used to Serve Our Customers Prompt and Efficient Service WHEN YOU NEED Letterheads Envelopes Statements Invoices • • • Sale Bilis Posters Brochures Draw Tickets Or Any Other Printed Material .. ,•• CALL US! TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES NEW and USED We Carry Well-known Makes of Machines For Any Printing or Stationery Lines Contact Dial 236-4672 Zurich