HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-06-30, Page 8PAGIE SIGHT
annual Hay School Area field meet for the
Zurich school are shown here following the
event last Friday afternoon. Left to right
are Debbie O'Brien, juvenile girls' chain -
pion; Maryke DeMooy, intermediate girls'
champion; Sandra Desjardine, senior girls'
champion, and Maura Gascho, junior girls'
annual field meet at Zurich last Friday .after-
noon are shown here, with two boys being
tied for the juvenile class. Front row, left
to right, are Gerald Zehr, Barry Hess, both
tied for the championship in the juvenile
division, and Howard Gingerich, junior boys'
champion; back row are Don Truemner, in-
termediate boys' champion, and Ron Oesch,
senior boys' champion.
County Official
Warns of Barberry
Goderich — Alex Chesney,
county weed inspector, ap-
pealed to members of Huron
County Council at the June•
session, and to all • residents of
the county, to let the authori-
ties know the whereabouts of
the noxious weed barberry.
"We hope to get most of it
cleaned up this year," he said.
Yellow rocket is also preva-
lent, but this is not the time
of year to control this weed,
he said.
Reeve Duff Thompson, Clin-
ton, asked if the weed inspec-
tor's duties included all prop-
erties within the County of
"Yes," Mr. Chesney replied.
Reeve Thompson made no
further comment.
Four Elected In
Huron County for
New Bean Board
Ballots on the mail vote for
four Huron County bean pro-
ducers to serve as directors on
the Ontario Bean Marketing
Board were counted at the •agri-
cultural office in Clinton last
Reeve Grant Stirling, Goder-
ich Township, queried if the
campaign included leafy spurge.
The weed inspector replied he
was =Waking every effort to
have this looked after by mak-
ing arrangements with some of
the property owners. "I have
more spraying to do than I can
handle at the present time."
The four Huron directors are
Robert McGregor, Kippen; Rob-
ert Allan, Bucefield; Fergus
Turnbull, Dashwood and Alex
McBeath, Kippen. Eleven per-
sons were named at the nomi-
nation meeting in CHSS audi-
torium on May 30.
At the May 30 meeting
Chalres Rau, Zurich, was elect-
ed as Huron's director on the
Ontario Bean Growers' Co-op-
erative. He will serve for a two
year term. There is one direc-
tor from each of the six bean
producing c o u n t i e s, Elgin,
Kent, Middlesex, L a m b t o n,
Huron and Perth. At a meeting
in Strathroy, Tuesday evening,
last week, a director -at -large
was elected.
Huron being the largest bean
producing county, is entitled to
four directors on the Ontario
Bean Marketing Board; Kent
has three directors and each of
the other four counties, one on
member each. D
THURSDA`r, JUNE 3(1M 1944
(j 5. E. H. RAPER, correspondent)
On a Picnic We Would Go
Dashwood Evangelical UP
Church held their Sunday school
pi•enie Tuesday, June 21, with
the following results in the
races; 4 and under, Dean Boyle;
7 and under, girls, Brenda
Kipfer, boys, Gordon Braid; 10
and under, girls, Jane Guenther,
boys, John Mason; 12 and un-
der, girls, Patricia Bender, boys,
Brad Kumpp; 15 and under,
girls, Judy Desjardine, boys,
Robert Webb; men's race, Bob
W e b b; wheel -barrow r a c e,
Michael Tiernan and John
Guenther, Beth Snell and Bon-
nie Mason; 3 -legged race, 10
years and under, Judy Mason
and Ellen Greb, John Mason
and Gary Tiernan; 10 years and
over, Beth Snell and Bonnie
Mason, Michael Tieman and
John Guenther,
Ladies' 50 -ft, judgment, Mrs.
Don Gaiser; oldest lady, Mrs.
Dan Weber; oldest man, Sam
Oestreieher; youngest baby,
Brenda Nauss; spike driving for
men, Hugh Boyle; breaking bal-
loons, Jim Weigand .and Mrs.
Ruth Greb; guessing weight of
watermelon, Mrs. Don Gaiser
and Larry Mason.
Firemen's Picnic
The firemen, their families
and the school safety patrol and
teachers, Don Finkbeiner, Mrs.
Letta Taylor and Miss Lenore
Trott, held their annual picnic
Wednesday, June 22.
Following are the results of
the races: 5 and under, Mark
Stire; 6-10, Carolyn Masse and
Ricky Hayter; 9-15, Joanne Hay-
ter and John Braid; shoe scram-
ble, Jeff Hayter; backward
wheelbarrow race, Sharon Rad-
er and Carolyn Masse; carry
balloon, Joanne Hayter, Randy
Becker; ladies' kick -the -slipper,
Mrs. Clifford Salmon, men, Ron
Merner; drive nail, Mrs. Cliff
During lunch of hot dogs and
soft drinks, the safety patrol
was presented gifts on behalf
the firemen, namely, Michael
Tiernan, captain, Joanne Hayter
and Jim Guenther, lieutenants,
Randy Becker, Anne Becker,
John Braid, Brad Klumpp, Or-
ville James and Marjory Schenk.
Martene Reunion
The fifth Marten reunion
was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Martene and
family, on June 26. Seventy-
five were present. Contests
and games were conducted by
Barbara Herm and Shirley Mar-
During the supper hour spe-
cial prizes were given. to the
following: corning the farthest,
Mr, and Mrs. Elvin Bearss and
family, Port Colborne; lucky
plate, Fred Dixon; man with
the most pennies, Elvin Bearss;
longest name, Mrs. Mary Mar-
tene; most recently married,
Mr. and Mrs. John Tookey.
Officers for 1967 are: presi-
dent, Joe Martene; vice-presi-
dent, Bill Elliott; secretary -
treasurer, Norma We i g a n d;
sports committee, Edna Swain,
Marie Hartey and Winnifred
Patterson; table c on v e n or s,
Esther Salmon, Carrie Russell
and Adeline Elliott.
The 1967 reunion will be held
at the Dashwood Community
Centre, the third or fourth Sun-
day in June. Relatives attended
from Detroit, Port Colborne,
Yale, Mich.; London and sur-
rounding communities.
Mrs. Louis Rader
Mrs. Louis Rader, 80, of Hur-
view, Clinton, formerly of
ashwood, the former Elizabeth
American -Canadian traffic interchange is expected to reach
a record high this July lst weekend and officials at border
crossing spots , . , like Niagara's Rainbow Bridge . , . are
bracing themselves for the rush on both sides of the border,
With Canada's Dominion Day falling on a Friday and the
United States July 4th holiday on the following Monday,
the roads will be filled to capacity by ears, many of theism,
towing boats and trailers, and by the increasingly
lightweight motorcycles. If we want to g �' through
weekend safely, we're all going to have to show a little extra
courtesy, not only to our out -of -the -province visitors but to
ALL other drivers on the road. For safety's sake, the Ontario
.Department of Transport has the following suggestions plan
your trip ahead of time allowing yourself plenty of time to
reach your destination with frequent rest stops along the
way make sure your vision isn't restricted by luggage,
boats or trailers and, a special word of warning to motor-
cyclists , - . it's not easy for a motorist to seeou and, even
when he does see you, it's a common error toinisjudge the
distance of a smaller object. It's up to you to drive defensively.
Decker and widow of the late
Louis Rader, passed away on
Monday, June 27.
Surviving are one son, Alvin,
Ray Township; one daughter
(Laura) Mrs, Oscar Miller, Dash-
wood; sister, Mrs. Lauretta
Weido, Zurich; brother, William
Decker, Zurich,
The body is resting at the T.
Harry Hoffman funeral home.
Service will be held at Zion
Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. on
Father and Son Banquet
Boy Scouts and Cubs father
and son banquet was held Mon-
day, June 27, at Dashwood Com-
munity Centre. The guest
speaker was Father Jansen, of
Mount Carmel, whose topic was
"Youth". Mr. C. Wood spoke
and showed films on conserva-
tion and Boy Scouts activities.
Mr. Jack Gallant presented pen-
nants to Larry Fleet and his
troup for tree climbing; Michael
FORE . ..
goifr rs
(by John Robinson)
A meeting of the men mem-
bers of Bayview Golf Course
was held at the club house on
Thursday evening, June 23.
The following members were
elected for the rest of the sea-
son: captain, John Robinson;
vice -captain, Joe Hunt; tourna-
ment committee, Sam Rennie,
Howard Scene, Lyell Mercer.
It was decided to have a
tournament for men members
on Wednesday, July 6, starting
at four o'clock. Players are
asked to enter in foursomes, if
possible, and if not to have
their naives in as soon as pos-
sible so that a foursome can be
arranged. Entry fee will be
one dollar and there will be a
prize for every golfer.
A mixed two -ball foursome is
being planned for men and
women members, the date will
be posted at the club house,
Some scores turned in to
date are: men, Jim Brohinan
33-36; junior, Richard SchiIbe
We will be writing this col-
umn from time to time, so until
next time, keep you courage up
and your head down.
Zurich Kings Beat 7-0 by Mitchell;
Host Dashwood Friday Afternoon
The Zurich Kings suffered
their first defeat of the young
season on Monday night, when
they were soundly beaten 7-0
Tieman and his troup for ball
throw. These activities took
place at the camparee at Fan-
shawe Lake in May,
Miss Norma Weigand was
counsellor for Huron County
4-H girls at Guelph University
last week.
Miss Norma Weigand vaca-
tioned with Miss Elsie Miller,
of Zion, at Grand Bend recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Fenton Batson,
of Detroit, called on Mrs, Herb
Wein Sunday.
Mrs. Jacob Martins, of Sas-
katchewan, visited with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Keller, prior to her family mov-
ing to British Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reste-
nzayor and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Wolfe vacationed at Inverlocky
Lodge last week.
Miss Irma Keller, of London,
is vacationing at her home here.
Dashwood EUB choir pre-
sented a special musical during
the service Sunday, which con-
sisted of solos, duets, trios and
by a powerful Mitchell squad.
The game was played in Mit-
chell, and the two teams met
again last night in Zurich. Next
home game for the locals is on
Friday, July 1, at 2:30 in the
afternoon, with Dashwood sup-
plying the opposition, This
will be the first clash a the
season for these two old rivals.
Mitchell scored two runs in
both the first and third innings,
and single counters in the sec-
ond, fourth and seventh. They
banged out a total of 12 .hits
off the slants of Dick Bedard,
over the seven innings, but
only managed to work one base
on balls, Bedard struck out
At the same time, the Kings
had difficulty in getting any
safe hits off the offerings of
George Coveney, on the Mit-
chell mound. Only four play-
ers on the line-up managed to'
pick up a bit, and they were
all singles with the exception
of Bruce Horton's double in the
sixth. The singles were off the
bats of Don O'Brien, Robert.
McNaughton and Dick Bedard'.
Only two Zurich players man-
aged to reach third base over
the eight -inning route. They
were Earl Wagner and George
20 -Oz. Tins
Culverhouse Cream Corn _ 2/39
Pillsbury Cake Mixes _ _ ` _ 43c
1/2 -Lb. Tin
Gold Seal Salmon________
I -Lb. Print
Rose Margarine _ _ _ _ 3 Lbs. 79c
On the Site
AT 4 P.M.