HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-06-30, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1966
The reception square at the 'entrance
to La Ronde, the site of Expo 67's amuse-
ment area and the most exciting fun park
in North America, with Expo Express station
on the left. La Ronde will be a combination
of the high standards of tivoli Gardens and
Disneyland with a distinctly Canadian flavor.
Less Cows Now
Than Ever Before
June is Dairy Month ... and
while the Canadian population
continues to expand, and the
demand for dairy products con -
tinues to increase, a matter for
the concern of all Canadians
is "Where will the milk come
from in future?"
Cow numbers are the lowest
they have been in 45 years and
the number of farmers keeping
cows has declined to the lowest
level since World War IL In
the intervening years produc-
(% Mile South of St. Joseph)
Green Fees
Opening to May 31 —
September 15 to Closing
Weekdays, June 1 to Sept. 14
from June 1 to September 14
aff • ;sr `p;; <
Membership Fees
Men, Full Season $25.00
Ladies, Full Season $20.00
Students, Full Season $12.00
Half Season, To and After August Less 40%
New Shipment !
Spring -filled
Reg. $24 Value
Only $19.95
50 Years Ago
JUNE 1916
Mr. John Albrecht is busily
engaged reconstructing his
dwelling. He is building it far-
ther back from the highway.
Among the recent purchasers
of autos in this vicinity are
Herb Kaercher, Oscar Klopp
and Sam Desch.
F, C. Kalbfleisth is having
the cellar excavated for the
new residence he will erect for
himself this summer.
A real estate deal of some
importance was put through on
Tuesday. By it Mr. Egleson
Ester, of the Bronson Line,
Stanley Township, takes a half
section of land in Saskatchewan
in exchange for his farm in
Stanley Township, which be-
comes the property of Mr. Rob-
ert Douglas, of Saskatoon. Pos-
session in both cases is to be
given next February.
40 Years Ago
JUNE, 1926
Miss Vera Volland, of Hen-
sall, is spending a few days
with her cousin, Miss Margaret
A strawberry social held on
Siebert's lawn last Wednesday
evening by the Evangelical
ladies was a decided success
and was well attended.
Miss Elizabeth Rennie, Mrs.
Fred Southcott of California,
and Mrs. A. Stelck and daugh-
Jail Physician is
Honored by Huron
County Council
tion per cow and per farmer
has increased at a rate which
generally exceed consumer de-
mand but for the past five years
there has been no appreciable
increase in national production,
and indeed, in 1965 production
actually fell below 1964 levels.
The recent moves taken by
the government to establish
higher prices to farmers for
milk may or may not have the
desired effect; namely to stim-
ulate production and farm in-
come. The farmer, however, is
a victim of another situation
which is only indirectly
related to the economics of
dairy farming. As the farmer
is called upon to become more
and more efficient, and this
generally implies that he should
become bigger, the need for
help in the operation of his
farm becomes more acute.
Consistent with this need is
a growing disenchantment on
the part of experienced dairy
farm labor with the demanding
nature of a dairy farm. Good
men are departing this field to
seek employment where they
can enjoy a five day, 40 -hour
week, with week -ends free.
Many of the best dairy farmers
have prematurely retired be-
cause of the failure to obtain
satisfactory help.
If no solution 'to the problems
of dairy production are found
it is possible that Canada will
be put in the ludicrous position
of importing dairy products into
a country which is one of the
last agricultural reservoirs in
ters of Manitoba, are on a mo-
tor trip to Niagara Falls and
other points east.
Pleased to see Joel Gascho
able to go to work again after
being laid up with blood pois-
oning in his arm.
Rev. and Mrs, Stobie, accom-
panied by Miss Fox of Belgrave
and a number of friends from
the Goshen Line spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Finlay,
25 Years Ago
JUNE, 1941
Mr, A. P. Rowe, formerly
priniipal of Zuriih School, has
accepted the position of prin-
cipal of Bolton Continuation
School, 25 miles north of To-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fleg-
man; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cora
and daughter Sandra, of De-
troit; Mrs. Walker Haines and
two sons of Dearborn, Mich.;
Mr. and Mrs. Milt Deitz and
family; Mr. Ray Ortwein and
Mr. Claire Geiger spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Ortwein.
Bobby Bryce and Billy
O'Brien are enjoying a few days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Gingerich with Keith and
A very happy surprise took
place at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Egbert Heideman one eve-
ning last week, when the many
friends of Miss F. Standing, a
former teacher of Zurich pub-
lic school gathered and pre-
sented her with a silver bou-
quet holder as a token of re-
membrance on her departure.
Miss Standing has accepted a
teaching position n London.
Goderich — A springy eighty
this summer, Dr. A. Harold
Taylor, grand old medical pian
of Goderich, was honored by
Huron County Council at the
June session on completing 41
years' service as county goal
physician. He was appointed
in 1925.
His father, the late Dr. Alex
Taylor, had held the same •ap-
pontment for close to 40 years
before him, thus constituting
an 80 -year span of service by
father and son.
In presenting the veteran
medico with a beautiful gold
wrist watch in behalf of county
council, Stewart Procter, Morris,
chairman of the property com-
mittee, paid tribute to his fine
The father had come to
Goderich in 1870, and had re-
turned to practise in the coun-
ty town after taking .a post-
graduate course at the Univers-
ity of Edinburgh, and father
and son had been prominent in
the lives of thousands of people
in Goderich and vicinity.
The recipient showered praise
on all those goal officials and
staff with whom he had been
associated. He mentioned in
particular the goaler, R. W.
"Peg" Bell, who had seen serv-
ice in two wars overseas; to
chief turnkey John Robertson;
and to the entire staff who had
extended him a great deal of
Wean healthier, heavier pigs!
Feed SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed
Posture Smooth -Top Mattresses
From $35 Up
See Us for a Complete Assortment
Westlake Furniture
feed service
extra palate
contains a
—Fed in a creep, young pigs
will start eating solid feed
at an earlier age.
Whether you are growing pigs
through to market or selling
weaners, drop in soon and
discuss the SHUR-GAIN Creep
Feeding Program. You'll have
healthier and heavier pigs at
weaning time if they receive
SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed from
2-3 days of age.
Creep Feed is
Creep Feed
high level of
DIAL Z31-4951
15 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Stelek, of
Dashwood, visited with friends
in Zurich on Monday.
Rev. and Mrs. Sol Baechler,
Verda and Erma and Mr. Stan-
ley Gingerich have returned
home after a pleasant motor
trip to Michigan and Indiana,
10 Years Ago
JUNE, 1956
The Misses Mary Geiger and
Margaret Sehade were appoint-
ed delegates by the Evangelical
UB Sunday school to attend the
convention in. Tavistock next
Mrs. Myrtle Horner, who has
been in Granton for some time,
is visiting at the home of her
brother, Blake Horner, and Mrs.
Horner, 14th concession.
Miss Arlene Haberer and Miss
Kathie Kalbfleisch were suc-
cessful in passing their first
year examinations at the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario.
JUNE, 1951
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truem-
ner and Mr. and Mrs. William
Fuss have returned hone after
spending an enjoyable time at
the cottage owned by Dr. A. J.
Addison, Clinton, in the Wiar-
ton district.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hahn
from St. Jacobs were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowman
and family spent the week -end
with the former's brother, Len
Bowman, and Mrs. Bowman and
family in Zurich.
Petroleums Linaited
Gasoline CO Diesel
Valvoline and Veedol Motor
Oil and Greases
"Go With Arrow"
DIAL 236-4830 -- ZURICH
All Transistor Circuit • New Compact Size
• Modern Style and Operation •
The Continental 301 introduces the fourth speed of 15,16 IPS,
for up to 32 hours of recording time per tape
DIAL 236-4094
They'd suffer ... loss of clothes, belongings and shelter at
least. And they could suffer burns or other painful injuries.
There might be loss of life—sleeping children are often over-
come by smoke.
A fire in your home could have disastrous effects. Yet home
fires are far from uncommon .. , an average of 25 every day
in Ontario last year. You can protect your family and property
by acting to eliminate four common causes of home fires ..
e Keep matches away from children
• Don't overload electrical circuits
• Be careful in using and storing inflammable materials
• Don't smoke when you're lying down—in bed or on a