HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-06-30, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 3C, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriiems, Engagements, 3e a wordj Minimum 75e. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 51:1c. CASH DISCOUNTS— foOff if paid .by Saturday llowing last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE -- 10c added on second bill. FREE—, Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 42 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE FOUR BEDROOM house and .apartment in the village of Zurich. Private entrance to apartment. Apply to Clement McCann, Phone 39 r 11, Dash- wood, FOUR BEDROOM house in :Slake; dot 140 ft. by 350 ft.; :furnace, bath, cupboards and barn; also good water supply. Contact Lawrence Regier, dial 236-4177, Zurich. STANDING HAY. Call Ken Parke, RR 1, Varna, 262-2423. 25 BROOD SOWS, bred York- shire, some due soon. Call Alvin Gingerich, 236-4735. 25,6,p USED PORTABLE Typewriter — Smith -Corona, in excellent working condition, completely overhauled. Apply to Zurich Citizens News, dial 236-4672. f8 ACRES HAY — Sweet and red clover. Contact George Wilson, RR 3, Bayfield. 25 24 -INCH ELECTRIC Stove with automatic oven control, in ex- cellent condition. Cheap for quick sale, Phone 236-4839. 25,b 10 or. 12 ACRES of Red Clover hay. Henry Rau, diad 236-4172. PUREBRED Hereford bulls. Also some mixed feed grain. Contact Phil Durand, dial 236- 4749. 24,5,6,p REINFORCED Cement Tiles — 3 foot and 4 foot. Lawrence Ziler, RR 3, Dashwood. Phone 31r4, 22,3,4,5,6,7,b APPROXIMATELY 8 Acres of land, ideally located in the inorthwest corner of Zurich. Choice commercial or residen- tial site. Apply to Mrs. Frieda )Heideman, Zurich. 10 USED BICYCLES, to clear from $15 to $30. We need the room for new bikes. 80 guns of your choice to choose from. Rifles scopes, 21/2 to 10 power. We take trades. Rollies' Sports and Cycle. Grand Bend. 24,tf HAY -20 acres of timothy and alfalfa; 15 acres of timothy, alfalfa and red clover. Apply to Jacob Gingerich, call 236- 4645, Zurich. EU1I,T-IN Cupboards, second - with steel sink and drainboarcl; windows and combination door. Contact J. Haberer, phone 236- 4346. FOR RENT COTTAGE at Schadeview, four miles north of Grand Bend, July 1-9; August 6-13; Septem- ber 3-27. Call Grand Bend 238-2621. WANTED WANTED—Part-time job want- ed for .summer months, several days a week. Female. Call Hensall 262.5454, 24,b MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM Spraying, with 2-4-D, Eptam, and Atrazine. Material available for your own use, at attractive prices. Contact Lionel Wilder, RR 1, dial 236-4020. tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655.2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Youths Named to Represent Huron JoAnne Alton, Lucknow, 22 a member of the North Huron Junior Institute, and George Townsend, Seaforth, 11, a mem ber of the Seaforth Junior Farmers, will represent Huron County at the Provincial Lead ership Training Camp to be held at Geneva Park, Lake Couchi- BIRTHS TURNBULL—Mr. and Mrs. Ross Turnbull, RR 1, Dashwood, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Wednesday, June 29, 1966, at South Huron Hospital, a baby sister for Mary Lou and Becky. GOODYEAR—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodyear (nee Mary Coultis), of Hensall, announce the birth of their son, Lloyd Alex. ander, at Clinton Public Hos- pital, Thursday, June 23. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. William Coultis, Varna. BURNEAU—Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burneau (nee Peggy Coultis), Hensall, announce the birth of their son, William Joseph, at Clinton Public Hospital, Sun- day, June 26, 1966. Second grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. William Coultis, Varna. ZEHR —Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zehr (nee Delphine Erb) are pleased to an n o u n c e the birth of their son, Jeffrey Dean, at K -W Hospital, Kit- chener, on Sunday, June 19, 1966. Cards of Thanks A sincere thank you to all my relatives, friends and neigh- bors who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and flow• ers while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. A special thank you to the doctors and nurses who were so kind to me. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered and appreciated. — Mrs. Leonard Erb. NOTICE CAPABLE high school girl de- sires summer employment. Call Zurich 236-4734. 26,b WANTED TO BUY HIGH CHAIR, in fair condition. Call 2364150, Zurich. 26,b MASONRY SERVICE — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone Work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed. and white coated. Work guar- anteed Pay Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf CUSTOM WORK Anyone wishing to have whitewashing done, contact Bill Watson, phone 27r19, Dash- wood. DRESS MAKING and altera- tions. Call Hensall 262-5015. 21,2,3,b CUSTOM BALING with modern equipment. Call John Jacobs, dial 236-4826. 25,6,7,p JOHNSTON SANITATION SERVICE—Septic tanks pump- ed and cleaned, modern equip- ment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Parkhill 294-6954. 26,7,8,9,0,p HELP WANTED AVON COSMETICS Requires representative in GRAND BEND Also one rural territory available. For information, write or phone collect, evenings MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Avenue London 451-0541 23,4,5,6,b MENIONEWIMININIWKINOWINNWISMOINNIWINII Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Anitnal Licence No. 25 c 66 thing,( September 5-12. Provincial campers will be participating in leadership train- ing in its various phases and will return to their respective counties where they are ex- pected to make a futher con- tribution to Junior Farmer ac- tivities. George Townsend is currently farming with his fa- ther, and JoAnne Alton is a registered nurse and works for Drs. Corrin and McKim in Luck - now. Sharon MacKenzie, Seaforth, 18, member •of the Seaforth Junior Institute, and Jamieson Ribey, Goderich, 25, a member of the Clinton Junior Farmers, have been selected to partici- pate in the Eastern Ontario and Quebec bus trip August 14 to 20. Included in the itinerary will be visits to Kingston, Upper Canada Village, the St. Lawr- ence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa and Peterborough. Miss MacKenzie has completed her grade 12 exams at the Sea - forth District High School, while Mr. Ribey is farming with his father. Ross Veitch, Brussels, 25, a member of the North Huron Junior Farmers, will be Huron County's ambassador on the United Nations bus trip, Sep- tember 18 - 24. The itinerary will include the cities of Wash- ington and New York, with a visit to the United Nations Building billed as a highlight. Ross is a graduate of the diplo- ma course from theOntario Agricultural College and is cur- rently farming with his father at home. All the young people selected are very active in junior farmer work in Huron County. 0 Blind Line Reunion Held at Seaforth The annual Blind Line re- union was held last Sunday in Seaforth Lions Park, with 39 in attendance. Friends were pres- ent from Varna, Hensall, Dash- wood, Stratford, New Hamburg, Kitchener, London, Bayfield and Zurich. Secretary of the event is Mrs. Wilfred Eichler, New Hamburg, and the table committee is Mr. and Mrs. Percy Willert and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Deichert, all of Zurich. Sports committee is Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Hara, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Hansen, of Stratford. Results of various games and contests were as follows: relay, water and s p o n g e, Roy Mc - Bride's team; three-legged race, Nelda Hansen and Grant Jones; wheelbarrow race, Grant and Ken Jones, Mrs. Art O'Hara and Peter O'Hara; five and un- der, Sandra Hansen and Mar- garet Deichert; 10 and under, Peter O'Hara; 15 and under, Janet Clausius. Young ladies race, Janet Clausius and Betty Hansen; young men, Grant Jones and Ken Jones, tied; running race, Grant Jones, Gerry Hansen; time race, Betty Hansen and Mrs. OHara. Kick -the -slipper, Luella Wil- lert; kick -the -shoe, men, Wil- fred Eichler; man present with the most grandchildren, Victor Deichert; birthday, Sandra Han- sen; youngest child present, Susan Deichert; lucky number, Harold Jones. 0 Freezing Tips If you are freezing straw- berries, home economists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, have a few hints for a "fresh berry" result. Frozen strawberries darken when ex- posed to air either in the frozen or thawed state. To prevent this, freeze only sound, fully ripe fruit of "eat- ing maturity" and suitable vari- ety. Wash and sort the straw- berries, removing the tiny green leaves at the top. Use only very cold water and use it briefly. Otherwise the berries become waterlogged, losing their fresh appearance. Slice, doing only two or three pints at a time. Pack in dry sugar using five pounds fruit to one pound of sugar (approximately 15 cups fruit to two cups sugar). Or, pack in cold, medium syrup which consists of one cup sugar to one cup water (total 11/4 cups). WINNERS IN GOLF TOURNEY — The Grand Bend Legion had the winning team in the area golf tournament held last Wed- nesday afternoon at Bayview Golf Course. Presenting the trophy to members of his group is Legion president Clayton Mathers, left. Others, left to right, are Ken Free - bairn, Everett Desjardine, Murray Douglas and Emmerson Desjardine. Dear Doris GLAMOR OF AN OLDER MAN DEAR DORIS — Dot, our daughter of 16, wants to go with this older man (36). He is well-mannered, likes boating and skiing and so does she. We forbade her to go with him because of the age differ- ence, but this has resulted in her sneaking out to meet him, and being very depressed. She could have all the dates she wants but won't go out with boys her own age. We feel she is sorry for this man, because he had a poor childhood and has missed out on the fun he should have had in his teens. You can't help but like him, but he pays no attention when we speak to him about this. Just meets her on the sly. Baffled DEAR BAFFLED — At 16, the glamor of a man more than twice her age has mesmerized Dot. Though an object of pity, he is mature; he moves in a different world from hers, so that boys her age seem like awkward kids. What's more, he knows his own mind; and pays her the terrific compliment of declaring very certainly that she is the only girl for him. He may even have laid on her conscience the burden of what horrible things will happen to him if she gives him up. Road By-laws for Huron Approved At June Session Goderich—Several recommen- dations of the road committee, which had been adopted in principle when the committee report was presented earlier in the June session, were adopted in by-law form at the closing session of Huron County Coun- cil. By-law 41-66 authorized exe- cution of an agreement with the Minister of Highways for Ontario relating to roads under the jurisdiction of the County of Huron as development road number 870. The department agrees to pay a lump sum con- tribution of $42,663.50 toward maintenance of said roads. Agreement was in effect retro- active to April 18, 1966. By-law 42-66 is an amending by-law adopting a plan of coun- ty road improvement and estab- lishing a county road system in the County of Huron under the Highway Improvement Act: a portion of the road constituting a diversion of existing county road number 31, a distance of .15 miles; a portion of road or deviations east from King's Highway 21, •a distance of 5.1 INOMMUMMINEEKG VBEEMENIMINIMMik The Huron Chiropractic Centre IN GODERICH WILL BE CLOSED July 8 to July 24, 1966 In order that you may obtain your Chiropractic appoint- ment please phone 524-9661 or 524-9186 HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. AMEREMEIMENESEN is TOWNSHIP OF HAY MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE TENDER Van Steeg Branch of the Aldworth Drainage Works By-law No. 10, 1966 TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, July 14, 1966, at 12:00 noon, D.S.T., for the con- struction of the above drain, as follows: 1-1000 lineal feet, 12 inch field tile in place. 2-1000 lineal feet 14 inch field tile in place. 3-2512 lineal feet 16 inch field tile in place. 4-2784 lineal feet 18 inch field tile in place. 5— 66 lineal feet 21 inch dia. CMP in place. 6— 30 lineal feet 24 inch dia. CMP in place. 7-3 offset catch basins in place. 8—Filling channel. 9—Deepening 1100 lineal feet of open drain. All according to Engineer C. P. Corbett's specifica- tions, which may be seen at the office of the engineer or Municipal Clerk. A marked chefue for 10% of the tender must accom- pany each tender. accepted. Tender to state approximately when work can be started and completed. Tender forms may be obtained at the clerk's office, or at the engineer's office, C. P. Corbett, Luean, Ont. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay, ZURICI-I, ONTARIO. Lowest or any tender not necessarily miles; road designated formerly as county road number three, a distance of .21 miles; and a portion of county road number 18, a distance of 5.0 miles; all in the Township of Goderich. (At Jervis' bridge and Cut Line to Holmesville.) By-law 43-66 was passed to regulate the installation of new entrance ways on to county roads. It requires that the per- son wishing a new entrance must secure a permit from the county and pay for the work in advance. The county will do all the work; no individual should have the right to do work on a public highway. County Engineer James W. Britnell pointed out that the Huron County Road Superin- tendents' Association had con- curred in this by-law, and rec- ommending that each township, town and village council pass it, thus providing for a uniform policy throughout the county. By-law 45-66 was passed to provide for erection of "stop" signs at intersection of Huron County Road 31 and the road between Township •of Hay and Township of Stanley; and Hur- on County Road 28 and road between Township of Carrick, Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Coming .. . JULY 1st WEEK -END Lee and Dee and the Roulettes and SUNDAY, JULY 3rd The Rouges The outstanding group of Canada! STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE r JUNE 30, JULY 1, 2 "The Train" Burton Lancaster, Jeanne Moreau —000— JULY 3 and 4 (Sunday Mid-nite) (Monday) ADMITTANCE RESTRICTEDTO . ie YEARS MASONS OM "Kiss Me, Stupid" Dean Martin, Kim Novak "Sorry, no children allowed for this date —000-- JULY5and 6 "That Funny Feeling" Colour Sandra Dee, Bobby Darin —o0o— BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:15 P.M. FIRST SHOW 7:30 P.M. Double Features Shown ONLY ONCE Bruce County, and Township of Howick, north hound on county road 28. By-law 48-66 was passed pro- viding for the expropriation of certain lands and premises for the purpose of widening and otherwise improving certain highways within Huron County. The by-law authorizes the warden and clerk to sign a land plan expropriating property in lots 21-28, concessions six and seven, and lots 11 and 12, north boundary concession in Hay Township, to provide for re- construction of County Road 31 from Hillsgreen to King's High- way 84, in 1967. Reception and Dance For MICHAEL CORTESE (a member of The Cavaliers) and PATRICIA RUBY (Bridal Couple) AT Dashwood Community Centre Saturday, July 2 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Music by the Joe Fieder London Orchestra Everyone Welcome Brownie's DRIVE-IN Theatre — Clinton TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock l First Show Starts at Dusk Thursday and Friday JUNE 30 -JULY 1 THE FIRST Feature Length ALL COUNTRY MUSIC Motion .Picture Ever Filmed Country Music On Broadway Loaded with over 30 Song Hits Hank Snow Ferlin Husky SKEETER DAVIS HANK WILLIAMS, JR. STONEWALL JACKSON AND MANY MORE STARS Color Cartoon 6 BIG NIGHTS SATURDAY, JULY 2 to FRIDAY, JULY 8 HERE COMES THE BIGGEST BOND OF ALL! IAN FLEMING'S Thunder - ball' Starring SEAN CONNERY AS JAMES BOND SECRET AGENT 007 and �J/ CLAUDINE AUGER COLOR... (Adult Entertainment) . . . CARTOON