Zurich Citizens News, 1966-06-09, Page 6$48,283.5( 21,005.5C 5,600.00 $74,889.00 VILLAGE of ZURICH - - AUDITOR'S REPORT The Reeve, Members of`Council and Ratepayers, The Corporation of the Village of Zurich Zurich, Ontario Gentlemen: I have audited the accounts and records of the Village of Zurich for the year ended December 31, 1965, and have prepared therefrom the statements listed in the index accompanying this report. The operations for the year resulted in a deficit of $233.57, com- pared with a surplus of $963.27 for the year ended December 31, 1964. Presented herewith is a condensed, comparative statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the years ended December 31, 1965, 1964 and 1963, REVENUE Year ended ,December 31 1965 Taxation $35,055.94 Long-term debt charges recoverable_ 1,396.00 Grants Government of Canada 208.00 Province of Ontario _ 5,428.61 Other Municipalities 2,251.85 Licenses and Permits 355.50 Interest and Tax Penalties 137.48 Other Revenues 1,655.20 Miscellaneous 132.85 Surplus from prior years to reduce levy 1,512.51 1964 1963 $29,627.77 $28,856.89 1,456.00 180.00 234.00 5,903.95 4,664.32 1,970.01 1,968.30 222.50 175.00 462.12 449.41 999.54 1,035.41 1,574.88 $48,133.94 $40,821.89 $38,958,21 EXPENDITURES General Government 4,547.60 4,266.34 Protection to Persons and Property5,183.85 3,578.94 Public Works 3,664.59 5,776.26 Sanitation and Waste Removal 64.75 112.95 Social Welfare 1,908.60 2,004.40 Education 14,990.02 12,849,91 Recreation and Community Services._ 2,409.22 1,915.73 Debenture Debt 1,396.00 1,456.00 Interest and Other Charges 110.20 114.10 Taxes Written Off 10.60 Capital Expenditure out of Revenue.. 5,406.44 County Rates 8,675.64 7,696.78 Miscellaneous 87.21 6,538.84 3,11,6.03 4.863.48 105.27 1,075.30 12,261,23 2,467.30 80.75 70.93 669.50 7,737.18 20.74 $48,367.51 $39,858.62 $39,006.55 Surplus or (Deficit) for Year $ (233.57) $ 963.27 $ (48.34) The results of the operations of the other Commissions and Boards were as follows: Zurich Hydro Electric System surplus $6,219.13 Zurich Water Supply System. surplus $1,182.21 Zurich Separate School Board surplus $2,259.74 General It is reeommended that the duplicate receipts used be serially numbered by the printer. Auditor's Opinion Subject to the foregoing, I hereby report that in my opinion (1) The financial transactions Which have come under my notice have been within the power of the municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1965, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Date of filing: May 13, 1966. A. M. HARPER, License Number 3034. Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1965 ASSETS__ General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Due from School Ratepayers (for Debentures) Public and Continuation $ 9,760.00 Collegiate and High 11,245.50 Due from Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises (for Debentures) Water Supply System 5,600.00 LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured--General Fire Hall $22,000.00 Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises Water Supply System __. 5,600.00 TOTAL 27,600.00 Debentures Assumed from Other Municipalities (Schedule 2) 21,005.50 Investment in Capital Assets 2683.50 $74,889.00 Revenue Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1965 ASSETS Cash in Bank $ 6,960.16 Accounts Receivable: Agreements: Drains 1,908.99 Province of Ontario 104.00 Dominion of Canada 208.00 Other Municipalities 134.75 Other Local Board and Commissions (specify), Zurich Water Supply System 1,000.00 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) 780.49 Property Acquired for Taxes (Schedule 6) 2,621.45 Total Assets $14,617.84 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 1,360.83 178,39 Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) 721.90 Surplus (Form C) 12,356,72 School Boards Total Liabilities and Surplus $14,617.84 Revenue Fund Surplus Account December 31, 1965 Balance at January 1, 1965 $14,102.80 Surplus included in Current Budget $1,512.51 $12,590.29 Balance after above adjustments 12 590.29 Deficit for the year (Form D) 233.57 ' Totals of Debt and Credit columns 1,746.08 14,102.80 Balance of Surplus at December 31, 1965 (Form B) $12,356.72 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the year ended December 31, 1965 REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Schell. 3) Long-term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Canada Ontario - Welfare Assistance $1,516.39 Highway Improvement ____.. 1,737.03 'Unconditional Per Capital Grant2,169.00 Retail Sales Tax Rebate 6.19 Other Municipalities .. Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues - Rents, Concessions and Franchises _ Fines Service Charges 270,00 27.32 • 677.$8 Recreation and Community Services 680.00 $35,055.94 $35,279.26 1,396.00 1,396.00 208.00 5,428.61 2,251.85 355.50 137.48 1,655,20 Micellaneous (specify) Recovery from Workmen's Compensation 74.03 Provision for deferred revenue .w__.. 58.82 132.85 Gross Total Revenue 46,621.43 Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy 1,512.51 Deficit for the Year _ ____________ rota' Revenue Section PAGE SIX ZURICH HYDRO .ELECT R Balance Sheet December 31, 1965 ASSETS 0 SYSTEM Current Cash Accounts Receivable _ $ 480.55 Less Allowance for doubtful accounts5.50 Inventories ---Other Currest Assets Deferred Charges Total Current Assets Capital Plant and Equipment $10,022.71 Transmission and Distribution System -. 61,268.81 71,291.52 Less Accumulated Depreciation 8,461.90 Other Capital Assets Equity in Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Accounts Payable Customers' Deposits Total Current Liabilities -Capital Other Capital Liabilities Reserve for Equity in Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario Surplus Capital --Debentures redeemed $ 5,591.61 Earned 65,797.13 $ 8,313.66 475.05 100.80 8,889.51 62,829.62 67,375.97 $139,095.10 $ .39 330.00 330.39 67,375.97 71,388.74 Total Liabilities and Surplus $139,095.10 Earned Surplus Account December 31, 1965 Balance at January 31, 1965 Surplus for the year Balance of Surplus at Dec. 31, 1965 $65,797.13 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the year ended December 31, 1965 REVENUE Sale of Electrical Energy: Residential Sales Commercial Sales Industrial Sales Sales to Own Municipality: Street Lighting Miscellaneous Revenue: Interest $108.19 Pole Rental 192,10 Sales tax revenue ,50 Balance $59,578.00 6,219.13 Total Revenue EXPENDITURE Administration and Genearl Customers' Billing and Collecting Electrical Energy Purchased Transmission and Transformation -Operation Distribution -Operation Street Lighting -Operation Other -Exclusive of Depreciation and Debenture Debt Charges: Promotion of business Depreciation $20,838.15 11.008,36 2,449,54 2,907.04 300.79 $37,503.88 $ 2,205.11 1,448.96 22,448.17 220.03 2,562.36 586.02 12.10 1,802,00 Total Expenditure 31,284,75 Surplus for Year carried forward to Suplus Account_ 6,219.13 Total Expenditure Section $37,503.88 ZURICH WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM alance Sheet December 31, 1965 ASSETS Current Cash $ 2,187.87 Accounts Receivable 197.45 Total Current Assets 2,385.32 Capital Lands $ 800.00 Buildings 3,194.59 Plant and Equipment 23,758.88 Transmission and Distribution System 16,681.91 44,435.38 Less Accumulated Depreciation 7,891.97 36,543.41 Total Assets $38,928.73 LIABILITIES Current Due to Other Funds: Village of Zurich $ 1,000.00 Customers' Deposits 14.00 Total Current Liabilities 1,014.00 Capital Debenture Debt - Due to Capital and Loan Fund (General Seotion) Net 5,600.00. Surplus Capital 6,000.40 Earned 26,314,73 32,314.73 Total Liabilities and Surplus Earned Surplus Account December 31, 1965 Balance at January 31, 1965 Surplus for the year e Balance of Surplus at Dec, 31, 1965 $38,928.73 Balance $25,132.52 1,182.21 $26,314.73 Stateiiinent of Revenue and Expenditure For the year ended December 31, 1965 REVENUE Sale of Water: Residential, Commercial,, Industrial ____ $6,230.06 Hydrant Rental 275.00 Other 16,50 Miscellaneous Revenue: Water Connections 243,45 Sundry 54.66 Total Revenue EXPENDITURE Administration and General Power and Pumping -Operation "Transmission and Distribution -Operation Other -Interest and bank charges ___.____ _____ Provision for depreciation Debt Charges (Schedule P 3A) Total Expenditure Surplus for year Total Expenditure Section $6,521.56 '298.11 $6,819.67 $1,630.83 962:67 646.64 128.61 872.71 1,396.00 5,637.46 1,182,21 $6,819.67 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Huron Historical Society Holds Annual Meeting At Londesboro The annual meeting of the Huron Historical Society was held in Londesboro Community Hall with over 60 present. 'Mrs. W. D. Mack presided for the business. Mrs. Otto Popp read the min- utes of the last general meet- ing and the financial report for 1965. Magistrate H. Glenn Hays, convenor of the nominating committee, presented the slate of officers for 1966. This was accepted and the following of- ficers elected: honorary presi- dents, Edward Jenkins London, W, E. Elliott, Goderich; presi- dent, Mrs. W. D. Mack, Credi- ton__ first vice-president, J. W. Maclaren, Benmiller; second vice-president, Ralph Jewell, Ra 4, Goderich; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Otto Popp, Goderich; pub- lic relations officer, Mrs. Robert Simpson, Hensel'. Fifteen councillors, representative of different localities, were also elected.. Chairman of committees are: auditor, B. G. Hanly, Goderieh; personnel, Sheriff Harry Stur- dy, Goderich; e d i t o r a 1, M. Magistrate Hays paid tribute, Stuart Forbes, Goderich; -fl- on behalf of the society, to Mrs. Hance„ Ralph Jewell, RR 4, Mack for her leadership during Goderich; projects, Mrs. Tait the first two hesitant and ardu- Clarke, Goderich; membership, Mrs. Leroy Poth, Bayfield; con- stitution and by-laws, Magis- trate H. Glenn Hays; 'historian, Mrs. Otto Popp. Mrs. Mack, in her president's report, spoke of the aims of the society. She told what had been accomplished and asked for the •continued support and co-operation for the objectives in view. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1966 ous years. Ralph Jewell introduced the guest speaker, J. W. MacLaren, now a resident of Bentniller, Mr. MacLaren is a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art and a member of the Ontario So- ciety of Artists. Mrs. Leroy Poth reported a membership of 126 and wel- comed the 20 members who joined at this meeting. Mr. Jewell .told of the letters sent •to the municipalities and the gratifying response. He read the auditor's statement. 48,133.94 23.57 180.00 4,119.00 2,000.00 253.00 '200.00 878.90 50.00 44,356.16 1,512.51 45,868,67 $48,367,51 $45,868.67 EXPENDITURE General Government Executive and Legislative $ 942.45 Administrative 2,672.45 Other932.70 $ 4,547.60 $ 4,690.00 Protection to Persons and Property Fire 1,752.41 Police 463.50 Law Enforcement 18.00 Street Lighting 2,949.94 Public Works - Roads, Highways 5,183.85 4,567.04 and Streets, etc. 3,664.59 4,000.00 Sanitation and Waste Removal 64.75 150.00 Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Welfare Assistance 1,431.60 Institutional Care 477.00 Education, including debt charges 1,908.60 240.00 (Schedule 9) 14,990.02 15,149.99 Recreation end Community Services 2,409.22 2,300.00 Debt Charges Longterm debt charges (Schedule 11) 5,469.82 Less own share of school debt charges• 4,073.82 1,396.00 Short-term interest and other charges_ 110.20 Taxes written off Capital Expenditure out of Revenue (Schedule 13) Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates 8,675.64 Gross Total Expenditure 1,506.20 1,396,00 10.60 5,40644 4,700.00 8,675.64 8,675,64 $48,367.51 $45,868.67