HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-06-09, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1946 ZURICH' CITIZSNS NEWS PAGE SEVEN PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards GI Thanks, 1 n Memoriam, Engagements, 3c a wads Minimum 7Sc. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum SOc. CASH DISCOUNTS -- 3 Off if peld Jyy Saturday following last insertion. ?PLLING CHARGE— IOc added on second bili. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE --- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE REINFORCED Cement Tiles — 3 foot and 4 foot. Lawrence Ziler, RR 3, Dashwood. Phone 31r4, 22,3,4,5,6,7,b 1VIIXED GRAIN. Call Russell Grainger, 565.5352. 22,p APPROXIMATELY 8 Acres of Viand, ideally located in the arorthwest corner of Zurich. Choice commercial or residen- tial site. Apply to Mrs, Frieda Heideman, Zurich. PURE WHITE American Spitz Huskie pups. — Bob Forrester, 238-4617. 23,4 ALLIS CHALMERS Model C tractor, first class condition; power mower attached. Phone 262-5392, Hensail. HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN for grocery de- partment, full time. Apply in person to Al's Market, Hensall. AVON COSMETICS Requires representative in GRAND BEND Also one rural territory available. For information, write or phone collect, evenings MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Avenue London 451-0541 23,4,5,6,b WOULD YOU LIKE MORE 1VIONEY ? OAA Supervisor Ed Bauer eeds full or part-time mdn to I elp frim meet the demand for Ontario Automobile Association Membership. Pleasant, digni- fied, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car as, For full information con- tact Ed Bauer, Parker House Motel, Clinton, June 22 p.m. or June 23 a.m., or write him at Wingham, COMING EVENTS Women's Auxiliary to South Huronhospital will meet on Tuesday, June 14, at 2:30 p.m., in the hospital auxiliary rooms. MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM Spraying, with 2-4D, Eptam, and Atrazine. Material available for your own use, at attractive prices. Contact Lionel Wttler, BR 1, dial 2364020. tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655.2434, Tavistock. . 33-tfb- MASONRY SERVICE -- Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 3332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf General Trucking OF Livestock, Grain, Feed, Fertilizer, Furniture, Etc. (Former C. II. Keys Business) ALSO Custom Combining WITII TRUCK AVAILABLE Bruce T. Keys VARNA Caul Mensiall 262.5360 DIAMOND JUBILEE — Ontario Hydro marks its 60th birthday this month (June 7). Reflecting the tremendous changes which have taken place in the electrical industry, helicopters and other mechanical equipment have replaced the pike poles, strong backs and derby -wearing foremen involved in line construction in the early days of the century. line—nearly enough to circle the earth three ---nearly enough to circle the earth three times. The 358 municipal electrical utilities and Ontario Hydro serve 2,1000,000 cus- tomers across the province. In six decades, power resources have increased from 7,400 kilowatts to more than 8,000,000. ONE WEEK OF SACRIFICE We were sitting around bick- ering after church the other day. My daughter had a bad cold, and was generally owly. She didn't think much of G-od. "How can God let so many people in the world be starv- ing?" she wanted to know. BIRTHS Bill Cameron, of Detroit, at St. Joseph's Hospital, a son, James William, on Sunday, May 29, 1966. A ninth great- grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Fred McOly- mont, Varna, wish to thank their friends and relatives for the many gifts and messages of congratulations on the occa- sion of their 40th wedding an- niversary. A sincere thank you to all my relatives, friends and neigh- bors who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in. South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. It was deeply appreci- ated.—Allan ppreci- ated: Allan Reid, Hensall. We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to relatives, neigh- bors and friends' who helped in any way during our recent be- reavement. Special thanks to Dr. C. J. Wallace, WMSA ladies Rev. E. Gingerich and Rev. 0. Jantzi. Your kindess was ap- preciated,—Amos Gingerich and family. CUSTOM WORK Anyone wishing to have whitewashing done, contact Bill Watson, phone 27r19, Dash- wood. WEED SPRAYING with latest equipment. We ' supply the spray. Contact Larry Merner, 236.4638; 21,2,b DRESS MAKING and altera- tions, Call Hensall 262-5015. 21,2,3,b Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CAL'. Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 25e 66 Well, it's •a fair question. Her mother and I tried to ex- plain that it was not God's doing, but man's. We said it was man's greed, insecurity and fear that made us live like kings, (far better than medieval kings, in fact), while hundreds of millions of people in the world, our brothers, starved and died of illness unneces- sarily. She wasn't buying any. "It all sounds pretty foggy to me," she grumped. "I don't think much of God, if that's the way He runs things." i asked her what she'd do about the situation. Like all kids, she didn't know, except to repeat that it was all wrong. Well, you can't have a 15 - year -old sitting around running down. God; so, like all fathers since the cave -days, I tried to come up with an answer. First, I explained that the government did a great deal to help less fortunate countries, with our taxes. When she cornered me on details, I had to admit that it was a -drop in the bucket with a lot of strings attached (try that metaphor on for size). I further admitted that government could not do much more withouth creating a hue and cry among the tax- payers. In desperation, I looked around for someone else to blame. "The churches should take the lead, and start a na- tion-wide campaign to help feed the hungry." My wife remind- ed me that we give a buck a week to missions. "Yes, and all 'these piddling church •mis- sions add up to a spit in the ocean," says L "So what would you do, Mr. Smart Alex?" says she. "So I can probably think of something, Mrs. Wise Guy," says I. And I did. The re- sult is National . Tighten -Your- Belt Week. It's very simple. For one week a year, every Canadian family willing to help Will live on a bare subsistence allow- ance. The difference between that and the normal cost of living goes into the pot. Every cent of this pot goes to buy food, clothing, contraceptive pills and other necessities for the vast, poor, down -trodden masses of the world. Ws hard to believe that this BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Fite ootoomiiiiiimioewoimmoolwoommoioio world-shaking concept took seed and blossomed right there in our living -room. But it did. Swiftly we did some figuring. It was rough, but close enough. IIIMEMIONermmiggrapaosuaremmosourl Reception and Dance For MR. AND MRS. KEN FABER in the Zurich Arena Saturday, June 11 Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome The average family spends from $20 to $30 a week on food. One week a year we exist on $5 per family, It could be done, You know. Lots of rice, maca- roni, porridge, bread, home- made soup. Water instead of coffee, tea, milk, beer. The same week we walk everywhere and save $3 on gas. We turn off the furnace and learn what it's like to be cold. We clean our teeth with salt. We avoid shaving and hair spray and de- odorants and drugs and cigar- ets. We wear nylons with runs. We tun off the hydro, except for cooking, and use candles. The average family could kick about $30 into the kitty. Take a town of 10,000 popula- tion. Let's say a minimum of 1,000 families. That's $30,000. That will pay for a lot of wheat, penicilli n, and birth -control pills. Multiply this modest token by all the families in Canada, and you could jack up India in about two years, I know, I know. You're al- ready picked 84 holes in the plan. All the supermarkets would go broke if they Lost a week's business. Well, there's no reason they couldn't tighten their belts, too, for a week. All the fruit and vegetables and meat would rot. Not if the producers knew such a week was coming, and planned for it. Reception and Dance For DOUG LIGHTFOOT and PHYLLIS SCHADE (Bridal Couple) Saturday, June 11 in the CREDITON TOWN HALL Music by "THE RAMBLERS" Everyone Welcome ! ASOMEXOSIMZEISONS Application for Position of Custodian for Hay Township School Area IIENSALL SCHOOL Applications are requested for the position of Custodian for the public school located in Hensel,. Applicants should state- salary- expected: Lowest -or any application not nec6> essarily accepted. Duties to commence during July, 1966. Applications must be sealed and marked, "Application", and in the possession of the secretary -treasurer, Robert Westlake, Zurieh, by 6 p.m., on Satuday, June 25, 1966, ROBERT WESTLAKE, Secretary Treasurer, Hay Township School Area, , ZURICH, ONTARIO. Sale OF Trucks & Equipment 2-1962 1/2 -ton Pick-ups, Enclosed Body.. 1-1961 Bedford Van 1-1956 Mercury, Platform and Racks 1--195411/-ton GMC, Platform and Racks 1—Trailer Type Tool and Equip. Cabin 1 ----Cement Mixer (portable) 1 --Roofing Tar Pot (portable) 1—Salamander 1—Snowplow Blade for Truck Mount PLUS Numerous Stnail Tools and Shop Equip. Builder Supply Division Zurich Hardware & Builders' Supply Ltd. ZURICH -i, ONTARIO PHONE 2364322 The provincial government would collapse, if it lost a week's taxes on booze and beer. i doubt it. A few miles of highway might not be built, So what? Seriously, I think it would be fun. Many people would take part because it is some- thing concrete, rather than a vague thing like foreign, aid or missions, And there'd be beneficial side effects. Slimmer waist- lines. A new slant on our good life. And I can guarantee that, after three days of macaroni, the squirrels in our attic would never be a problem again. They'd be stew. ammaimearniummummouniane Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Saturday, June 11 9 to 12 p,m. "The Fables of Fate" The British and Mersey Beat! A real Stone Group soon to COMING . THE COMMANCHEROS THE COUNTS FIVE THE ROULETTES THE ROGUES Inallnillamaiammmummurommuninal STARLITE DRiVE-IN THEATRE NOW OPEN . WEEK -ENDS ONLY JUNE 10 and 11 (Double Feature) "Murieta" (Colour) 0� (Adult) Jeff Hunter, Diane Lorys "Woman Who Wouldn't Die" Garry Merril, Jane Morrow —o0o BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:15 P.M. FIRST SHOW 7:30 P.M. Double Features Shown ONLY ONCE BLUE WATER REST HOME INCORPORATED NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Take Notice that the annual meeting of the Blue Water Rest Home, Incorporated, will be held at ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE ON Tuesday, June 21, at 8 p.m FOR THE TRANSACTING OF THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS: (a) To receive the statement of affairs of the company for the fiscal year; (b) To elect directors for the ensuing year; (c) To appoint auditors for the ensuing year and to fix the amount of their renumeration; (d) To approve, ratify, adopt and confirm all acts, by-laws and proceedings of the directors and officers since incorporation, (e) To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Blue Water Rest Hoare INCORPORATED DR. C. J. WALLACE GERALD GINGERICH Chairman Secretary 4,3 Have Fun Outdoors! NOW IS THE TIME To Buy a New BARBECUE Any Style You Wish! Treat the family to outdoor fun, with one of our many varieties of barbecues. They're quite inexpensive,. too. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTRE — CHARCOAL BRIQUETS -- PICNIC BASKETS -- -- THERMOS JUGS -- COOLERS — WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF Plastic Lawn Hose Sprinklers -- Step Stools Step -On Garbage Cans Power Lawn Mowers Stade & Weido Hardware "THE STORE Wrrli 'SHE STOCK" DIAL 2364921 -•-. ZURICH