HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-06-02, Page 3s.. et i 4F, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE -.efserie 04e/toe/it Mr, and Mrs. Glendon Chris- tie and Catharine Anne were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William T, Dodds, RR 1, Seaforth. Mrs. James Bozzato and little daughter Dana, of Foymount, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, William T. Kyle, of Kippen. Willow Van Wieren, of Kok lumerpomp, The Netherlands, arrives at Malton Airport June 2 to spend seven weeks with his brother and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren, and other relatives. Any member of Hensall WI wishing to attend the dinner in place of the annual picnic at Hotel Hensall Monday, Junr; 13, at 7:30 p.m., are asked to hand in their names to •president Mrs. Beverly Beaton no dater than Monday, June 6. Rev. W. J. Rogers, of Erin - dale, will be guest minister at anniversary services at Hensall United Church, Sunday, June MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN, Editor 12, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Allan Reid is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Reid. Mrs. George MacDonald, of Edmonton, Alta.; Mrs. Jack Bon- thron, Moose Jaw, Sask., •are vacationing for two months with their sister, Mrs. R. J. Paterson. Mrs. Nellie Beal, of Calgary, who accompanied them, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Downs at London. Mrs. Eric Kennedy is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent eye surgery on Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Beer, South Huron district president, and Mrs, Wil- bert Dilling, South Huron •dis- trict secretary, were guests •at South Perth district annual held at Avonton on Tuesday, May 24. Attend Rally The following members of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxili- BUNGLING VERSION OF JAMES BOND—Armed with a brace of bullets, Secret Agent 86, portrayed by Don Adams, attempts to be cleverer than James Bond in the comedy series, Get Smart, seen every Friday night on CBC -TV. HAVE YOU AN AUTO U� .. %�I►� INSURANCE x'1 fes''"'' PROBLEM ? � ��' � Regardless of age or driving record, as long as you have a driver's licence, we can provide insurance for your auto IMMEDIATELY! • Public Liability • Property Damage • Collision • Comprehensive • Medical Payments Coverage. Monthly Payments Available • Call Us For Fast Service • John J. Payne Insurance Agency MAIN ST. GRAND BEND PHONE 238-2354 or 2111 WHITE BEANS ORDER YOUR SEED EARLY! Certified No. 1 $12.50 Per Cwt. We have all popular varieties, grown from foundation seed, quality and germination excellent. Contracts Available FERRTILIZER and EPTAM At Competitive Prices COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. DIAL 262.2605 — HENSALL ary attended the Legion zone rally at Seaforth Wednesday night: Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Grant Bis - back, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Hary Horton, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. W. H. Bell, Mrs. Roy Smale. Win- ners in the penny sale were Mrs. Allan, Mrs. Bisback, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs. Gordon Munn. The draw for the penny sale, sponsored by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, will be held at the PUC building Friday evening, June 3, at 9 p.m., when 60 prizes will be drawn for, don- ated by Hensall and district businessmen. 0 Obituary MRS. FERDINAND FUNK Mrs. Ferdinand Funk passed away at Saskatoon, .Sask., Sat- urday, May 28. The former Augusta Henrietta Carolina Oensh, she was in her 88th year, and formerly lived in Hay Township until going west four years ago to live with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Holmes, of Saskatoon. Mrs. Funk had the misfortune to fracture her hip a few months ago in a fall. sell Funk, Regina, Sask.; Wal - Survivors are two sons, Rus - ter, Brampton; two daughters, (Annie) Mrs. Harold Holmes; (Stella) Mrs. Russel Boelter, Mora, Minn., and 13 grand -chil- dren. Her husband died in 1944. The body will arrive at the sail, Thursday, June 2, where Bonthron funeral home, Hen - public funeral service will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be in Exeter Cemetery. 0 MISS MARTHA CLIFTON Miss Martha Clifton, .a native of Lucknow, passed away at the Queensway nursing home, Hen- sall, on Saturday evening. She had been a patient there for six weeks. In her 88th year, she is sur- vived by a nephew, George Clif- ton, Brucefield; and one niece, Mrs. Harold Childerhose, St. Thomas, N.D. The late Miss Clifton rested at the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, until Monday morning, and funeral service was held from the MacKenzie memorial chapel, Lucknow, on Tuesday, May 31, at 2 p.m. 0 MRS. GEORGE KENNARD Public funeral service for the late Mrs. George Kennard, of Exeter, formerly of Hensall, was held Saturday from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hen- sall, conducted by the Rev. Don- ald Stuart, of Brucefield. Burial in Baird's Cemetery. Mrs. Kennard, the former Isabella Ann McBeath, passed away in Huronview an Thurs- day in her 90th year. They took up residence in Hensall in 1942, coming here from the west, and later lived in Sea - forth and Exeter. Her husband predeceased her in 1943. Surviving are three sisters, (Jessie) Mrs. Cleve Cochrane, Seaforth; (Mabel) Mrs. John Jarrott, Hensall; (Rena) Mrs. Alvin McBride, Exeter. 0 Plan Convention Thomas Rawlings, presiding minister of the Exeter con/. gregation of Jehovah's Witness- es, announced this week that six families from the congrega- tion are planning to attend the five-day Christian assembly that will be held in Toronto, and •Canada within a two- hibition grandstand, from June 22 through 26. DEAR DORIS—Our 14 -year- old son is quite masculine for his age and has sex urges quite often. The reason I know is be- cause be sends his sister notes under her bedroom door. I have talked to him different times, telling him right from wrong. I am afraid perhaps I am overlooking something he should know. - He is a very confused little boy, does not have a girl friend, thank goodness. Not until he is 17 at least, no? A Fan DEAR FAN -Not only must he know right from wrong; he must also know what's happen- ing in his own body. Then he won't pile up guilt feelings every time he reacts to the op- posite sex, I'm sending a list of recommended books. But — he is no longer a 'little boy". Help him, now, to mix comfortably with the girls, in groups. And see that he gets plenty of physical activity (pref- e r a b 1 y something strenuous, like football). DEAR DORIS — When one attends a funeral, is it proper to send a sympathy card, even if you do not send flowers? Or should your presence at the funeral be your expression of sympathy, even if you do not have the opportunity to shake hands and offer your sympathy to the mourners? I am told your presence ex- presses your sympathy and no card is necessary. If one wishes, may they give a sympathy card to the undertaker, to be given to the mourners with the cards off the flowers? I.M. Interested DEAR I.M. L — Either way. Perhaps a •card is a good idea if you don't speak to anyone. But usually a sympathy card is sent through the mail if it goes at all. * * * DEAR DORIS — I am 13 years old and I have a girl friend who thinks I am jealous of her. I really am not, but she won't believe me. She has a tendency to take away any- Hensall Kinettes Will Attend Tea Mrs. William Fuss was host- ess at her home Wednesday evening for the regular meet- ing of the Hensall Kinette Club. Mrs. Harold Caldwell was pre- sented with a baby spoon by Mrs. Fuss on behalf of her new son, William Todd. An invitation from Ontario Hospital, Goderich, to attend an afternoon tea June 7 was accepted. Mrs. Robert Caldwell gave a report of the convention held at Chatham when this club_ was presented with an award of a lovely plaque for perfect at- tendance. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jim Hyde on June 8. RECEPTION FOR MR. & MRS. DON CARTER (nee Carol Brown) LEGION HALL SEAFORTH Saturday, June 4 Ladies Please Bring Lunch Everyone Welcome ! ormommimiew HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! ---Individual and Group Rates Available— Inquire today from: KENNETH JOHNS, 67 John Street East, Exeter MRS. LLOYD TAYLOR, 140 Huron West, Exeter BERT KLOPP, RR 3, Zurich or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 70 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON PHONE 482.9751 body I take an interest in or make them unfriendly to me. These include both girls and boys. Please tell me how to make her believe or show her I am not jealous and to get •a girl friend or boy friend before she does. I have tried everything. Discouraged DEAR DISCOURAGED—Isn't she the jealous one? She must be very short of friends if she has to take yours. Don't keep protesting — and don't count on her. In fact, cut down the time you spend with her. Keep good natured with the others and both boys and girls will come to know you are the one they can depend on. * it Confidential to All Nerves— You've bottled things up all your life and now you are ready to explode — have exploded — to me. Things which happened many years ago haunt you, and the phone calls from, your hus- band's old flame don't help any. Next time tell her firmly you are not interested. Then set about to improve things by seeking personal counselling. An outsider can see things in a better perspec- tive than you ,can. * DEAR DORIS — Please send me an idea for a skit which our social club can put on for an evening meeting. Double Take DEAR D.T. -- You'll love the skit "A Day on the Farm", which is on its way to you. It takes about eight players, who perform in pantomime, suiting their ludicrous actions to the words of a narrator. It depends •a good deal on props and signs which are sim- ple and easy to assemble. Per- formance takes about 15 min- utes. (Other readers wishing to have this hilarious bit of enter- tainment may write to me for it, in care of this newspaper, enclosing ten cents and a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope.) r r DEAR DORIS — You are al- ways saying don't bottle things up. We are four married women who meet forthnightly, suppos- edly to play bridge. More importantly, we talk— about simply anything: our pre- cocious young people, our tints - band's teasing—and a listener hurts out with: "Gee, do you have that problem too?" Once it's off our chests, we start laughing! Sob Sisters DEAR SISTERS — Perfect t h e r a p y! How about that, ladies? imommemoommeemeenimi HENSALL LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY GIGANTIC PENNY SALE DRAW Friday, June 3 9 P.M. At PUC Building KING STREET Where prizes are on display, and where tickets can be pur- chased Friday and Saturday afternoons, from 2 to 4 p.m. OUR IRE STOCK MANY "RED TAG" SPECIALS At Savings Up To 100% SEE OUR TABLE ARRANGEMENTS 39c twe 69c - c COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND ! Hardware SPECIAL CASH AND CARRY PRICES ON ALL ITEMS AT BUILDERS' SUPPLY DIVISION ZURICH HARDWARE & BUILDERS' SUPPLY LTD.