HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-05-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS iNEWS THURSDAY, MAY 12, 19666 DaS'hwood W,le Makes Plans For District Annual The home economic and health committee, with Mrs. Valentine Becker c onvenor, was in charge of the May meet- ing. Roll call, "A health rule I practice", was answered by members. Mrs. Leonard Schenk discussed the motto, "Everyone wants to live longer but no one wants to grow old". A group of girls entertained with sing- ing, A poem, "Mother-in-law", was given by Mrs, J. M. Tie- rnan. Dr. Harvey Cowen and Dr. Don Gratton, of Exeter, showed films and addressed the group on dentistry work, which was most Interesting, The president, Mrs. Glenn Webb, presided for the busi- ness. The district annual is to be held in Dashwood Commun- ity Centre, May 19, and plans were discussed. Achievement Day is to be held May 14 in South Huron High Sschool. The New Librarian for Huron County Recently the Huron County Library Co-operative Board ac- cepted with regret the resigna- tion of the present librarian, Mrs. J. Pirie, Mrs. Pirie is re- turning to her former work as a high school teacher. The board has now engaged Mrs, Catherine F, Huffman, formerly of London, to be the new acting county librarian. Mrs, Huffman will commence working for the county imme- diately. She has 12 years ex- perience with the Kent County Library Co-operative, including two years when she was in complete charge. ladies voted in favor of the bursary fee and $50 was donat- ed to the Blue Water Rest Home. The sum of $147,10 was collected for the Red Cross. The standing committees gave their reports. Norma Weigand, 4-H girl from Dashwood, is to be counsellor for the Huron County girls' conference at Guelph June 20-24. The meet- ing closed with "The Queen". Show -biz People are still talking about the NBC color coverage of the NHL hockey playoffs. Three or four questions have been com- monplace and, if I may, I'll try to answer them for you, Why did the NBC announcer handle the game in such a ju- venile way? Win Eliott, the play-by-play man, was instructed by this NBC producers to make his coverage of the play as clear as possible. (Remember that millions of people watching had never seen a hockey game before.) As a matter of fact, I'm told that Win's superiors wanted him to explain more of the game than he actually did, I, for one, got a big kick out of his constant reference to "a lateral pass". Why was the NBC coverage a few minutes behind the play on Canadian stations? Here in Canada, during the game itself, most commercials run about 10 seconds, So, the Canadian producers can stay with the game during a break in play and still get the com- mercial on the air. However, News of Dashwood District (MRS. E. H, RADER, Correspondent) Mother's Day Visitor; Mrs. J. T. Cowen, Mr. and Mrs. D. Derby, Mr. and Mrs, M Welken, Susan and Tammy, of Hanover, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman and John. Mrs. Albert Selling, Mrs. Musselman and children, of Elmira, with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Braid and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and family with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Weiberg NBC was faced with full one - minute announcements during the game. So, each period was started "live" and carried "live" until the first commercial break came along. Then, they broad- cast the commercial and started to tape the game as it started up again. After the minute commercial they rolled the de- layed tape coverage from New York City. As more commer- cials came up during the period of play, the American network slipped one, two, three, four minutes behind the actual play, and family, of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weiberg and Judy, of London, with Mr. Fred Weiberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Gross- man and family, Kenneth Goss - man, all of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Watson and family, of Komoko, with Mr. and Mrs, William Gossman. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker and family, of Preston, with Mr, Ervin Greb, and Mrs. Greb at South Waterloo Hospital, where she is a patient. William Mason underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Petersen returned home after spending six months in California with their daughters. Mrs. N. Ness had the misfor- tune to fall at the post office and break her .arm. Flowers were placed in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday in honor of Mrs. George Merner's 90th birthday, May 11. Mrs. Lloyd Rader returned home from Clinton hospital on Friday. • Legislation approving the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan-OMSIP for short -was passed in the Ontario Legislature on Feb. 18th of this year. Coverage commenced April lst for social assistance recipients. Coverage will begin July 1st for those who have already enrolled, or who enroll now before May 16th. OMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE REGARDLESS OF AGE, INCOME Everyone who has lived. in Ontario for the past 3 months is eligible to join, except those who are enti- tled to physicians' services under another Act. Members are free to choose their own doctor. If a member travels outside the Province, and requires care, OMSIP will still pay the doctors' bills up . to OMSIP established rates. People who find they can- not continue to pay for all or part of their OMSIP con- tract because of unemploy- ment, illness or disability, may apply for temporary assistance in paying their fees. OR HEALTH OMSIP has been estab- lished to provide adequate insurance coverage for the payment of doctors' bills, and to make this coverage available to all Ontario resi- dents regardless of their age, income or state of health. Enrollment in OMSIP is voluntary. The Plan is intended for individuals and their fam- ilies and does not provide group coverage. (Group cov- erage is where a number of individuals collectively pur- chase insurance through their place of employment, union, etc.) Many qualify for full or partial assistance Since the aim of OMSIP Ieg- • islation is to provide adequate medical insurance for Ontario • residents, full or partial pre- mium assistance is available• for those who require it. Automatic fully -paid - coverage Many residents and their dependants have automatic- ally received fully paid cover- age under OMSIP. These are people who are already re- ceiving benefits under the fol- lowing Acts: • The Blind. Persons' Allowances Act The Disabled Persons' Allowances Act The General Welfare Assistance Act • The Mothers' Allowances Act The Old Age Assistance Act ,• • The Rehabilitation Serviees Act Automatic fully -paid cover- age is also provided for old age security pensioners and their dependants declared eli- gible for coverage by the Ontario Department of Public Welfare. t9 Fully-paid.coverage on application People resident in Ontario for the past 12 monties and who had no taxable income in 1965 get full assistance. This means if these people make out their application form now, before May 16th, they will get OMSIP protec- tion, fully paid for by the government, starting this July lst. In addition, many who have been resident in Ontario for the past 12 months will be eligible for partial assistance, depending on their taxable income and number of de- pendants. (See below). DO YOU QUALIFY FOR PARTIAL ASSISTANCE? Yes, if you are a single peraon and. your taxable income in 1965 was $500 or less. Complete cost $60.00 Government pays30.00 You pay... 30.00 ($7.50 every 3 months) Yes, if you have one depen- dant, and if together your total taxable income in 1965 was $1,000 or less. Complete cost $120.00 Government pays60.00 You pay 60.00 ($15.00 every 3 months) What is taxable income? Taxable income is the amount of your income upon which you pay tax after exemptions for dependants and other allowances have been deducted. Yes, if you have a family of 3 or more, and if your family's total taxable income in 1965 was $1,300 or less. Complete cost $150.00 Government pays 90.00 You pay 60.00 ($15.00 every 3 months) HERE'S YOUR APPLICATION FORM -Please use BALL POINT PEN. Cut out form carefully. Mail today! INSTRUCTIONS 1. If you have a Social Insurance Number write it in the squares provided starting with the first number in the first square. If you do not have a number, place a Ni mark in the square marked NO. 2. Print your last or Family Name in the box. (Example: Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.). 3, Print your firstand second Given Names in the boxes, (Example: John, Harry, Mary, etc.). If you have a nickname or are commonly known by another name for mailing purposes, please indicate in the box marked OTHER. 4, Print your address in the first box; your City, Town, Village or Post Office in the next box; and your County or District in the last box. 5. Write the number of the day on which you were born In the box marked DAY. Print the name of the month (or its abbreviation) in the box marked MONTH, Write the number of the year in the box marked YEAR (Example: 9 Feb. 1927). 6. Men should place a'✓mark in the box marked MALE. Women should place a •,/ mark in the box marked FEMALE. 7, If you are single place a ,✓ mark in the box marked SINGLE. If you are married place a v' mark in the box marked MARRIED. If your status is other than single or married (Example: separated, divorced or widow- ed) write your status on the line marked OTHER. 8. Write your occupation and the kind of business or industry in, which you work (Example: Carpenter - Building Trade; Farmer -Agriculture; Salesman - Bakery). 9, Print the first names of your wife or husband (spouse) in the first box. Then print the first names of all your eligible dependant children, starting with the oldest, in the following boxes. If you have more than five eligible dependant children continue your list in the section on this side of the form, If you have more than 10 eligible dependant children, list them separately and return with your application form. Under BIRTH DATE, write the number of the day of birth, print the month and write the number of the year of birth. (Example:18 Sept,1954), Under SEX, write M if the child is male, F if the child is female, 10. Sign your name on the line marked SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT and write in the date and year. 11. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE Read this section very carefully and complete either the section marked 'A' or the one marked 'B' (not both). 12. Remember, if you receive benefits under any of the Acts listed under #5(1) in the folder entitled "0MSfP.,.WHAT IT MEANS ANO WHAT IT•CAN DO FOR YOU", you should not complete an application, form. You will, be provided automatically with fully paid coverage. ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS Birth Date Day Month Year Sex M or F FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN APPLICATION FORM PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE BEFORE COMPLETING PARTIALLY ASSISTED PREMIUMS Cost for those eligible for premium assistance (a) The single person (covering only the member) with a taxable income in 1985 of $500 or less Complete Government You Cost Pays Pay $ 60.00 $30.00 (S$ 0.00 every 3 months) (b) The family of two 3120,00 $60.00 (covering the head of the family and -one eligible dependant) with a total taxable income in 1965 of $1,000 or less (c) The family of three or more $150,00 $90,00 (covering the head of the family and all eligible dependants) with a total taxable income in 1965 of 51,300 or less 560,00 (41560 every 3 months) 560.00. (515.00 every 3 months) FULL PREMIUMS Cost for those not eligible for premium assistance COST (a). The single person 560.00 a year (covering only the member) (515.00 every 3 months) (b) The family of two 5120.00 a year (covering the head of the family (530,00 every 3 months) and one eligible dependant) (c) The family of three or more 5150.00 a year (covering the head of the family (537,50 every 3 months) and all eligible dependants) SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO: OMSIP, P.O. Box 1700, Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. 1. Do you have a I Social 1 Insurance I • Number I III For office use only Social Insurance If yes, INo Number? 01 2. Your Name Please print Last or Family Name 3. Given Names (First) (Second) Other 4. Your Address Please print RR 1 or P.O. Box or Street & Number City or Town or Village or Post Office County or District 3. Birth Date Day ( Month tl I Year 0. Sex' C Male Female 7, Marital Status 0 e. Occupation & Nature of Business or Industry 'Single Married Other (specify) 9. LIST DEPENDANTS Spouse and/or children (children must be under 21 and unmarried), Other dependents and fully employed children must apply for separate marina, Given Names Only Day Birth Date Month Year Sex M or F Given Names Only Day Birth Date Month - Year SeX M or F 'Spouse 3rd child lst child (oldest etls(bly 4th child 2nd child 5th child 10. In applying for coverage under The Ontario Medical Services Insurance List additional dependant children In space provided above. Act, 1965, I confirm that 1 have lived in Ontario for he past 90 days, am not covered for total medical. care by government and' that the information given by me is correct. Date_ For office use only ......+e.:19.».. itaaatty. of Aaiolleaai _. . ,_ ... _. .. _....... .... _, APPLICATION FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE 11.1 have lived in Ontario for the past 12 months, lam not covered for total medical care by government. ' I agree to allow the Medical Services Insurance Division to verify all statements made by me on this application. (SIGN A OR B ONLY) A. NO TAXABLE INCOME 1 hereby apply for full premium assistance and my eligible dependants had no taxable in- come for the 12 months ended December 31st last I state that the information given by me is correct. Signature of Applicant Date 19 B. TAXABLE INCOME OF $1,300.00 OR LESS I hereby apply for partial premium aglstence My taxable income and the taxable Income of my eligible deperdents was in total 5 for the 12 months ended December 31st last, I state that the information given by me is correct. SionatUra'of Applicant Date 19 Huron County Crop Report Despite the cold weather, a substantial acreage of corn and spring grains have been sown in Huron County. Growth of all crops has been very slow. Frost may have injured forages, particularly legume seedlings. Warmer weather is badly needed to ensure normal plant growth. Ordinarily, many farmers would have turned livestock to grass by now; however, because of the unseasonable weather practically all cattle are still in winter quarters. 1911111111111111111111111111/ PLANT PRIDE HYBRID CORN For Highest Yields on Your Farm! From the wide range of more than 15 Pride hybrid varieties, you can choose one developed for growing conditions on your farm. Contact Clayton Steckle RR 1 -- ZURICH YOUR NEED SHUR-GAIN Pasture Dairy Ration Despite the fact dairy cattle were fed well all winter they could lose weight if fed only lush, green pasture. Pastures are high in protein but low in carbohydrates and energy. SHUR-GAIN PASTURE DAIRY RATION is high in carbohydrates and thus provides the energy lacking' in Tush green pastures. Maintain your herd produc- tion throughout the early growing season with SHUR- GAIN PASTURE DAIRY RATION. feed service M0 DEITZ and SON DIAL 237-4951 ZURICH BRINGITHVFAMILY EXETER 5/144, 96- 96 Friday, May 13 9:00 p.m. EXETER COMMUNITY CENTRE FEATURING: RECORDING AND TV STARS OF CBC MUSIC HOP THE WALLOWS ALONG WITH FIVE GREAT TORONTO MUSICIANS THE CHILDREN AND FROM LONDON, THE FABULOUS NOVELLES THE WILLOWS - FORMERLY "THE GIRL FRIENDS" Added Feature: GO-GO CONTEST FOR FUN AND PRIZES Music Till One- $1.50 At the Door Bus will`leave Bus Depot in London at 8:00 p.m. Stopping at Shamrock Restaurant, Lucan, at about 8:20 Support the Exeter Kinsmen