HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-05-12, Page 2PAGE TWO Married in St. Peter's Catholic Church ORENiER•DUCHARME Marie Anne Ducharme be- came the bride of William P. Grenier on Saturday, April 23, in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, with Rt. Reverend Monsignor W. Bour- deau officiating at the 10 a.m. ceremony, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ducharme, Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Grenier, of Grand Bend. The bride looked lovely in a gown of peau de soie with shal- low scooped neckline and lily - point sleeves. She carried a bouquet of gold roses and white daisies. The maid of honor, Miss Edna Ducharme, London, was gowned in gold peau de soie and car ried a cascade of white daisies. Junior bridesmaids, Rose Mary Ducharme, sister of the bride, and Theresa Grenier, sis- ter of the groom, wore similar gowns to the maid of honor in turquoise peau de soie and car- ried white daisies. Wayne Wassmann, Grand Bend, was best man while Den- nis Ducharme, Zurich, and Glen Zapfe, London, ushered the guests. The wedding music was furn- ished by Mrs. Henry Rau. The bride's mother those a navy blue two-piece dress for her daughter's wedding, with white accessories. A corsage of pink and white roses com- pleted her outfit. The groom's mother was at- tired in a yellow two-piece dress with black accessories, Her corsage was of yellow roses and white mums. For a honeymoon to North- ern Ontario the bride chose a navy suit with white accessories and a corsage of white and pink roses. The wedding reception was held in the Dashwood Commun- ity Centre. The bridal couple will reside in London in the future, 0 Great salesmanship is a lot of little sales put together, The man who discovered the telegraph in 1847, Samuel Fin- ley Breeze Morse, was a world famous painter. After every Perry Mason sea- son for the past few years there have been announcements that this was the end of the court- room wizard. Then, denials would come through and one never really knew whether Mason would show up on the screen until each year's fall schedule started. It looks like May 22 is the end with an episode entitled "The Case of the Final Fade - Out" in which the creator of Mason, Erle Stanley Gardner, will play the judge and mem- bers of the regular production crew will appear, along with Gail Patrick Jackson, the exe- cutive producer. The program will continue over the summer period on some CBC stations and on CTV's Channel 13 in Kitchener with a series of repeat episodes telecast during the last season. :k :R * Latest figures released by Nielsen Company show there are 9,440 color sets in use in the area of Western Ontario. This figure is not as low as one would expect, when you con- sider the fact that Canadian stations will not be color -cast- ing officially until October 1 of this year. This date should be pushed ahead so that Canadian TV sta- tions can compete with Amer- ican channels. Right now, these nine thousand sets are be- ing tuned in daily to the Buf- falo or Cleveland stations, de- pending on the individual's lo- cation in Western Ontario. Some TV stations are now ready to send color pictures into Canadian homes. Let's bring spring and summer color to Canadian viewers immedi- ately. Why wait for fall? 0 Most sleeping pills are fol- lowed by a definite hangover period of depressed mental powers. Attention ean Growers DO TWO JOBS AT ONE TIME FERTILIZE AND CONTROL WHITE BEAN INSECTS WITH ONE EASY APPLICATION AGRICO 8-32-16 with systemic insect control for beans, contains (R) DI.3YSTON (Disulfoton) The chemical is impregnated in the fertilizer granules. Makes it easier to handle. BEANS: for the control of Aphids Leafhoppers Mexican Bean Beetle (Larvae) Mites Thrips FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., Hensall Lloyd Rader, Dashwood Bob Taylor„ RR 3, Clinton AGRICO Agricultural Chemicals Limited (R) DI-SYSTON is a registered trademark, Reg, U,S, and, Can. Pat. Offs. by Farbenfabriken Bayer A.G., Chemagro Corporation Licensee. 17,8,9,b Zurich News HERB TURKHEIM, ED PuY blisher ix Ount HURON PUBLISHERJ S HUNT, LIPMITED, 5uperintendent Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Member: Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Member: Canadian Community Newspapers Representatives Subacriptiian Rates: $3.00 per year in shrines, in Canada; $.00 in United States and and Foreign; Single copies 7 cents. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley THIS FAM/LY TAXES US ALL All across Canada these days, municipal councils have been wrestling with the arch -villain of all time, a mysterious mon- ster called The Budget. Although he is made up from a combination of cone r e t e things like sewers and schools and streets, The Budget him- self is an abstract thing. He is like The Devil. You can't see him or hear him or even smell him, You can't really understand him, but you know he is there. a blind, maligant creature that cannot be Con- trolled. You can fight him—and get a bloody nose. You can ham- mer at him, chisel at him, chop at him — and all you get are a broken hammer, a dull chisel and a blunted axe. The Budget is like an octo- pus. He grows bigger every year. His appetite increases, his tentacles become longer and stronger and more strang- ling as he grows. And when you try to come to grips with him he exudes a cloud of black (or red) ink which obscures him from view. Of what ingredients is The Budget composed? Really, he's a two -headed monster, a regu- lar Siamese twin. On the one hand, it is just a big bundle of sugar and spice: new schools; new industries; a new Iibrary or community centre; wider streets; better lighting; sewage disposal and snow plowing. Progress, cul- ture, Civilization, comfort. At first glance it appears that The Budget is the most desirable thing man has dreamed up since The Devil. And on the other hand, he is snags and snails and puppy dog tails. That's what little towns are made of. And big towns, too. And the reason for all this, of course, is that The Budget, this big, ugly, unmanageable brute who is impervious to human feeling, fell in love, by some chemical accident, while a mere hulking lunk of .a boy, with a girl called Milly Rate, Most of us know her as Mill. She is just as unprepossess- ing as her husband. She is steely -eyed, relentless, unscrup- ulous and absolutely without mercy, charm, pity, looks, or any of the qualifies we norm• ally associate with that lovely creature known as the female of the species. I have known Mill Rate since she was a girl, and 1 am here to state, without apology, that she is a pig. It's difficult to believe that such a union could produce EUB Women Are Host to Daughters The regular monthly meeting of the Evangelical WSWS was held last Thursday evening with the daughters as guests. Mrs. M. Hoffman opened the meeting with the singing of a hymn and prayer. Piano solos were rendered by Joan Finkbeiner and Nelson McClinehey; vocal duet by the Bierling sisters, and piano duets by Mrs. Harvey Pfaff and daughter. Reading were given by Mrs. N. Co r r iv eau and Mrs, D. OBrien. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Mary Hey. A mission playlet was pre- sented by Mrs. 0. Greb, Mrs, Earl Horner, Mrs. J. McClin- ohey, Mrs. M. Brown, Donald Oesch and Rev. M. Shatto. Mrs, Shatto convened the business session, and a dainty lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge. mum Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" ROBERT N. McKINLEY AGENT: DiAL 236-4830 ZURICH Nowsimminimmosisimaiimmuss progeny. But it did. His name is Taxes. Taxes' career has been about what you would expect from such parents. He was an un- pleasant child from the begin- ning. Unwanted, unloved, re- jected at every turn, whiney, demanding. He hasn't changed much, ex- cept that he's grown. He is now a big slob, over -fed, under - worked, menacing if he doesn't get his allowance right on time, sulky if some of it is held back. But he has a lot of promise, Around election time, He's going to cut the lawn and wash the car, and paint the trim and smarten the old place up so you wouldn't know it. But somewhere along the line, something goes haywire. He cuts the trees, paints the lawn, and washes the lake, and figures, after one year, that his allowance is not big enough. For some reason — and it certainly isn't his winning per- sonality — Taxes has become the most -talked -about man in town. Mayors develop dyspep- sia, councillors coronaries, when they try to deal with the de. linquent. They can't quite handle him.. He talks so glibly of govern ment grants on outdoor toilet systems under the winter works program, and potential pot- holes in the roads, and (with a heart -rendering sob) of the peo- ple on welfare, that he bam- boozles councillors with eyes like agates, and mayors with hearts of granite. All I can say is that the mu- nicipal councils have my bless- ing as they strive to cope with Taxes, out of Mill Rate and The Budget. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1966 Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH -- Phone 791 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. to 5::10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m, to 12 noon CLINTON •— Dial 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours; 9-12 A.M. 1:3Q-6 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday Phone 235.2433 Exeter LEGAL Bell & Laughton BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER BELL, Q.C., B.A. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519-235.0440 EXETER For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability insurance For information About All Insurance -- Call BERT KLOPP DIAL 236-4988 -- ZURICH Representing CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED A.T.;CTIONEER For your sale, large or small courteous and efficient service at ail times. "Service that Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD ACCOUNTANTS ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH P.O. Box 478 Dial 524-9521 J. W. Ha'berer Insurance Agency "All Kinds of Insurance" DIAL 236-4391 -- ZURICH FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE DiAL 236-4364 ZURICH HURON and ERIE B`EBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative 6% -- 3, 4 AND 5 YEARS 51/2% — 1 AND 2 YEARS DIAL 236-4346 -- ZURICH only electric heating can offer you all these advantages unmatched cleanliness Electric heating is flametess. There is no combustion to create dirt, dust, film, or soot. Windows, drapes, and walls all stay clean longer in electrically heated homes. unmatched comfort Electric heating offers room -by -room or zone temperature control. it le quiet, creates no draughts, no chilly spots—just gentle, even, constant warmth. Clinton unmatched value Electric heating is maintenance -frees it offers extra living space and can have a significant effect on the re -sale value of your home. Yet, with all its advantages, electric heating costs far less than you may think. For more iinformation about electric heating, consult a qualified electric heating contractor, or your Hydro. your hydro A For a Free Estimate on Electric Heating CONTACT GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. ZURICH Seaforth tIP