HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-05-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 190 DASHWOOD Mrs. Cora Gaiser has returned home after spending the winter months with her daughters at Detroit, Hamilton and Camp- beliford, Mrs. Lloyd Rader is •a patient in Clinton hospital. Mrs. Dan Weber and her daughter Thelma, of London, spent the week -end at St Ja- cobs with Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Carr. Miss Ruthanne Rader, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with 14Ir. and Mrs, Irvin Rader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family were Sunday guests at Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family. Mr. Irvin Eckstein is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mrs. Ernest Koehler and Peter Martene spent last week at London with Mrs. Verna Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Miller, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan and fancily, of Pickering, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bassow, Mrs. Marie Pask and Mrs. Tillie Tetreau, of Zurich. Week -end visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac were Mr, and Mrs. Percy Kleinstiver, of Chi- cago, III., and Miss Cheryl Ward and friends, of Windsor. Mrs. Louis Wolfe, of Clifford, is visiting with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs: Carl Oestreicher. Mr, Valentine Becker has re- turned from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, and is progress- ing favorably. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hoffman were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding, of London. Harry was guest solo- ist at Empress Avenue United Church anniversary service. Harry Hoffman and Don Jolly, of the South Huron Gideon camp, attended the Gideon In- ternational at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, and saw the 5,000,000th Scripture presenta- tion. Rev. Bruce Dunn, of Grace Presbyterian C h u r c h, Peoria, El., was guest speaker. Infant Baptized Randy Richard, infont son of Mr, and Mrs. Bryan Marriage, was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday, by Rev. Wil- liam Gatz. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson. Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraft, former residents of Dashwood, now living in London, cele- brated their 25th wedding anni- versary Saturday evening with a dinner for their immediate families at Dashwood Hotel. They were presented gifts by their family and brothers and sisters. Dashwood Ladies Attend Mis- sionary Convention and Parlia- ment Sessions in Ottawa Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Mrs, Mer- rill James, Mrs. Ken McCrae, Mrs. Ross Guenther and Mrs. Gordon Bender motored to Palmer Rapids in the Ottawa Valley to attend the annual WSWS convention, April 26-28. At the conclusion of the con- vention they travelled to Wal- tham, Que., and visited Mrs. James' mother. They also at- tended parliament session, after which they were dinner guests in the parliament buildings with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKinley, Huron MP, While in Ottawa they visited Mrs. Homer James and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville James, and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Boyle. Recruits Hard At Work A number of extra hands were needed by the Hay Telephone System to restore service as quickly as possible, following last Wednesday's vicious storm. Shown here work- ing on the 14th concession of Hay are, left to right, Lloyd Smith, former councillor John Soldan, Mike Soldan, and former Hay Telephone System lineman, Harry Hoffman. Other recruits worked in various areas which the Hay Sys- tem serves. (Citizens News Photo) Grand Bend Will Allow Horses Grand Bend council Monday night gave permission to Frank Little, operator of riding stables there, for horses to cross High- way 81 so patrons might ride along the Ausable River. Mr. Little said the stable had used this crossing for the last five or six years. He said dur- ing his 17 years in business no rider had ever been hit by a car. Tuesday night councils of G -rand Bend and Bosanquet Township met with Stephen Township council to discuss acquiring land in Stephen for a public dump. The Grand Bend dump, located on High- way 21 in Bosanquet Township, about four miles south, is used by township and village resi- dents. Bosanquet has ordered the dump closed because of com- plaints of odor and fire haz- ards, Clerk Murray DesJardins was asked to prepare a by-law increasing the penalty on late payment of taxes, effective January 1, 1966. Currently the penalty is based on one per cent per month the day after the deadline plus a half per cent each month thereafter. The increased penalty will be one per cent the day after Jdeadline plus two-thirds one per cent each month. Persons owning boat wells have been given 30 days to move them off the village prop- erty or the wells will be scrap- ped and destroyed. Enroute home they attended Sunday service at Vimy Bar- rdcks Officers' Chapel in King- ston, and were guests with Ma- jor and Mrs. Gregory Dorion. Mrs. Ken McCrae visited with Mr. and Mrs, Sproule Currie in Trenton. EXTRA DIVIDENDS FROM SHUR-GAIN CREEP FEED! A good start is vital when raising baby pigs. SHUR- GAIN CREEP FEED will give your piglets the follow- ing valuable dividends when fed from 2 or 3 days old until 5 lbs. per pig is con- sumed. —MORE VIGOR —FASTER GROWTH —HIGHER LIVEABILITY —SOUNDER HEALTH —EARLIER APPETITE FOR SOLID FEED Your young pigs will pass profit dividends along to you when started on SHUR-GAIN Creep Beed. • "NtJR•GAtN feed service M. DEITY and SON DIAL 237-4951 ZURICH ing and I feel I am on a ship 41174(14 DEALING WITH A GOSSIP DEAR DORIS — The gossip next door is always watching out her window and the least little thing she sees is magni- fied out of all proportion. Her dog dug up my flowers and knocked over my garbage continually. I ignored this, But when my dog broke his chain and got loose, she would im- mediately call the neighbor on the other side and tell her that my dog was on her lawn. As a result of this continu- ous harassing we were forced to give our dog away. My son cried for three days. This is just one sample of the trouble she causes, yet she is nice to my face. Speechless DEAR SPEECHLESS — Your window -watching gossip is a sort of parasite—living off the lives and doings of others. How empty her •own life must be! She exults in causing mis- chief, and preens herself, in a perverted sort of way, when her tale bearing brings results, If she feels any guilt it is buried in a heavy overcoat of pseudo - virtue. Isn't it time to protest! Fur- ther conversation with her would only be reported and dis- torted; but you could contact a lawyer. A warning letter out- lining the penalties for slander has been known to silence ma- licious gossip before this. DEAR DORIS — A younger son wants his brother to be his best man. The brother has re- fused because his fiancee has not been asked to be a brides- maid. Yet same financee is not a particular friend of the bride. I think it is the fiancee who is really making the protest, and that she is very wrong in STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE NOW OPEN WEEK -ENDS ONLY Friday and Saturday MAY 6 and 7 (Double Feature) "Love and Kisses" (Colour) Rick Nelson, Jack Kelly "Mirage" Gregory Peck, Diane Baker BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:15 P.M. FIRST SHOW 7:36 P.M. Double Features Shown ONLY ONCE doing so. 1. M. Interested DEAR I.M. — It's unreason- able, A bride chooses her at- tendants on the basis of warm, intimate friendship. The groom chooses his the same way. Sel- dom would the chosen attend- ants of a bride and groom be engaged to each other! At the reception someone is delegated to take good care of the detached fiancee — who otherwise might feel very much. at loose ends. DEAR DORIS — My husband gives me $200 a month to buy groceries, clothe the three chil- dren and myself, cover spend- ing money and sundries. The budget is based on what we re- quire, then he sets out to earn it. Of course, earnings fall short and we are in more finan- cial straits. We lease a "top o' the line" car and go to all "do's". "In business we can't afford not to" —quote and unquote. My sun- ny disposition is fast disappear - Brownie's DRIVE-IN Theatre — Clinton With Double Features, Each Feature Shown Once. The Main Feature is Shown Last. Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First Show Starts at Dusk Thursday and Friday MAY 5.6 — DOUBLE FEATURE — 'CIRCUS WORLD' JOHN WAYNE RITA HAYWORTH CLAUDIA CARDINALE Color "LIVING IT UP" DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS Color Cartoon Saturday, Monday and Tuesday MAY 7-9-10 "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS"' FRANK SINATRA TREVOR HOWARD Color Cartoon Wednesday, Thursday and Friday2 MAY 11.113 -- DOUBLE FEATURE -- "HELP" Color THE BEATLES H "A ARD DAY'S NIGHT" THE BEATLES Cartoon STARTING SATURDAY AND MONDAY — May 14 -10 "Mcllale's Navy loins The Air Force" and "Taggart" with no captain. I don't ask for a solution but perhaps you have some philos- ophy I can adopt. Going Numb DEAR GOING — If there's one thing a budget has to be, it is realistic. Making a list of expenses, then setting out to earn the money and not quite making it, ruins the whole idea, Try again. This time start with a little research, Record expense and income — actual income — for the next three months. Together keep track of where the money goes. This will show up overspending as well as skimped -on items. A budget then undertaken with some give-and-take should allow for holidays and diver- sions, and make life better in general. Confidential to Sill in Love —Mood swings, husband -rejec- tion and that "dead" feeling, are not uncommon on the ap- proach to menopause. It's your good fortune that your rebuffed husband cared, and cares, enough to confess being attract- ed to the other woman, even though nothing happened. Get ready for the next periodic up- set by coming to understand it. I'm sending you my pamphlet "Facing Forty", which can help. Achievement Day In Exeter For 4-H Girl's Groups In spring, a young girl's fancy turns to a new wardrobe , and Huron County 4-H Homemaking Club girls are prepared to meet the season with original hats, tie-dyed scarves and matching purses which they have learned to make from their project, "accent on accessories". The elements of style, color co-ordination and the proper care of accessories was studied and each girl is preparing now to demonstrate her knowledge and model her new accessories at one of the four Achievement Days to be held in the county, The Achievement Day for the Zurich 4-1I girls' groups will take place at .Exeter, on Satur- day, May 14, at the South Hur- on District High School. An invitation to attend the af- ternoon £ternoon program is extended to all friends who are interested in 4-H Homemaking Club work to see the skits, exhibits, and dem- onstrations emonstrations presented by the club. girls. NOTIC T FAR I WILL BE SHIPPING CATTLE FROM ZURICH DISTRICT As in the past, on TUESDAY OF EACH WEEK Please Phone Kirkton 229-6698, Collect Ben Ruston 16 Ounce Supreme Peanut Butter _ _ _ 39c Celery, lumbo Stalks-_ _ _ 2/45c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH Remember MOTHER on Her Day SUNDAY, MAY 8 When you think of GIFTS think first of a FRIGIDAIRE DISHMOBILE Wide selection of models to choose from! Come see! Come touch! Compare! FRIG ID.AIIR.E DEMONSTRATIONS NOW AT GINGERICH'S Sales & Service Clinton ZURICH Seaforth