HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-05-05, Page 7THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1966 ZURICH, CITIZENS NEWS B of M Hames Award Winners Further awards of $3,000 each to two outstanding Ontario students for third -year graduate study under the Bank of Mont- real Canada Centennial Scholar- ship program have been an- nounced by G. Arnold Hart, chairman and president of the bank. Six students in other prov- inces receive similar awards, The same students also won $3,000 in each of the past two years, plus smaller amounts in previous years, under the B of M program. Mr. Hart noted that, with the award of these fellowships, the plan again becomes open to the 48 original winners of bank scholarships in 1960, each of whom is eligible to •compete next year for the two final awards of $5,000 each—one in arts and one in science --for further study anywhere in the world, Chosen by an independent selection committee of leading university professors represent- ing all regions of Canada, the two Ontario winners are: Cath- erine Reid, of Willowdale, who is studying classics at Harvard University; and Michael Church of Downsview, who is taking geography at the University of British Columbia. ST* JOSEPH and DRYSDALE Alfred Ducharme, Correspondent On Saturday last Mr. and world and caused worry to Mrs, Fred Ducharme, of the Blue Water Highway, were vis. itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, L. P. Ducharme and family, Dashwood. Mr. Ducharme also called on some old friends whom be had not met for some time, Lake front cottages were well filled over the week -end re- gardless of the weather which was not pleasant along the lake, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farwell, of the Goshen Line south, called on yours truly and Mrs, Du- charme on Sunday last on their return trip from Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. George Kushett, of Kitchener, were Sunday last visitors at the home of the lat- ter's parents on this highway, Mr. and Mrs, Leon Bedard. At the Dolph Sopha home from the Goshen Line south were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Die- trich and family; from Mount Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. John Ma- honey, and from the Dashwood district, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Turn. bull as Sunday last visitors. The windstorm from the east which brewed up last Wednes- day played its role in passing and as well caused much dam- age. Not too many escaped at least some minor loss in its trail. Telephone lines were crippled, leaving homes with- out connection to the outside WHITE BEANS ORDER YOUR SEED EARLY! Certified Ho. 1 $12.50 Per Cwt. We have all popular varieties, grown from foundation seed, quality and germination excellent. Contracts Available FERTILIZER and EPTAM At Competitive Prices COOKo --vim. COOK B w OS. MILLING CO. LTD. DIAL 262-2605 — HENSALL many. To add to the misery of the nightfall,the hydro failed to function leaving houses cold and dark. With the exception of a few who are not yet fully modern- ized with the latest appliances and are burning nature's fuel— wood and coal—they considered themselves lucky, as well, they were glad to give shelter for that evening to the more unfor- tunate. They also provided light from the burning of kero- sene lamps that have been put out of the way by many. Away back in the year of 1913, I believe, and in the month of April, a similar storm had brewed up from the south- west direction and it too left in its pathway destruction of prop- erty and much damage 'in this surrounding. At that time they were not modernized with hydro and there were very few telephones so these necessities of today were not missed at that time, At that time the St. Joseph Bab moral block was almost com- pleted and on that day much of the flat roof was lifted and carried in the air by large sec- tions on the easterly farms al- most a mile away by the high winds of almost one hundred miles an hour. Homes in this surrounding were in great dan- ger and families living on this roadway were on guard and had made provisions for a quick get -away from their homes. Planks and other heavy mater- ials were seen flying in the air at the peak of the storm at mid-day. Farmers, who were ready for seeding, had much to pick up of the debris. However, we have much to be thankful for there was not to our memory any loss of life. Pioneer Days (Cont.) The second school built was a log building which served as a school and on Sunday a priest conducted a church service. By that time, in the late sixties and early seventies, the third generation were then in their boyhood days. Though young they had already had some schooling and were de- veloping adult ideas. That meant to the older people some help and by that they too were learning. The few of this third generation left can recall many of the pioneers and their ways of work. The people of that generation had not much school- ing as at that time parents were not interested and also there were no laws to enforce school attendance, BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Nite r11111•111111111111b, Attention Bean Growers DO TWO JOBS AT ONE TIME FERTILIZE AND CONTROL WHITE BEAN INSECTS WITH ONE EASY APPLICATION AGRICO 8-32-16 with systemic insect control for beans, contains (R) DI-SYSTON (Disulfoton) The chemical is impragnated in the fertilizer granules. Makes it easier to handle. BEANS: for the control of Aphids Leafhoppers Mexican Bean Beetle (Larvae) Mites Thrips FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., Hensall Lloyd Rader, Dashwood Bob 'Taylor„ RR 3, Clinton AGRICO "Agricultural Chemicals Limited (R) DI.SYSTON is a registered trademark, Reg. 'U.S. and Can. Pat. Offs. by Farbenfabriken Bayer A.C., Chemagro Corporation Licensee, 1'7,8,9,b PAGE SEVEN Week -Days on CBC -TV Network Friendly Giant, one of the most popular CBC chil- dren's programs is now in its eighth season. During this time it has won several awards including the Ohio, the Sylvania and the Liberty Award. Above, Friendly (Robert Homme) helps Jerome make like the Pied Piper during one of the recent programs. Goderich Meeting On Centennial Ideas for celebrating the 100th birthday of Confederation in 1967 will be exchanged by Centennial planners in the Goderich area at the Centennial Spring Regional Workshop, to be held May 5 at The Harbour Light Inn, About 100 men and women prominent in Centennial plan- ning in the area have been in- vited by the Ontario Centennial Planning Branch, Department of Tourism and Information, to participate. They will attend sessions at which many aspect of Cen- tennial activities — national, • provincial and local -,•- will be dieussed. The emphasis, how- ever, will be placed on the pro- grams of individual communi- ties, how they can be expanded, and how problems can be solved, Films and slides illustrating developments in Ontario •cities, towns and villages will be shown as part of the five-hour program. Taking part in the program will be Jack A. Brockie, direc- tor of the Ontario Centennial Planning Branch, and other members of the branch. Among subjects to be dis- cussed will be local visits of Confederation Trains and Con- federation Caravan s, armed forces ceremonials, athletic programs, community beautifi- cation, church participation, community celebrations, and school programs. We Have The Best When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the best. Super Kem®Tone and Kem-Gio Te Uel.uxe WO Punt SUPER keif itrOO Super Washable.Super Durably 41$1 720 ASK TO SEE OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK TIME TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Requirements Buy all your Hardi-Green and Long -Term Mixtures n o w, from a reliable dealer. HAY PASTURE MIXES Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" DIAL 236.4921 ZURICH builds a great„J.: rnto every one of its 15 models! What makes one car a better buy than another? Not just price! The car itself is important too. Its features, reputation and future value. Then look at price, trade»in allowance and the final deal. Chevrolet builds a great deal into its cars, and you get a great deal when you buy. What's C -866G, Chevrolet got? Everything. A Jet - smoother ride. Engines from 155 hp to 425 hp. Show -stopper styl- ing. What's its reputation like? Impeccable! And its future worth? Chevrolets have tradition- ally brought higher trade-in allowances. As to the deal, now during Car Buyers' Mid Days, impala Sport Coupe your Chevrolet dealer can give you .the best all-round deal in town. That means the best price for your trade-in and the fastest delivery, too. When are you com- ing? Better make it today! AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER IN EXETER SHELL BROSS, LIMITED PI -ZONE 235.0660 -- EXETER ill sure to ftBonanza on the COC -11Y network aitch Sundays Chock your loco! listing for Channel and time,