HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-05-05, Page 6PAGE SIX -OF- -YEARS GONE - BY 50 Years Ago MAY, 1916 Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kraus- koff, of the Goshen Line south, have moved into the house they recently purchased from Mr. Alex Foster, who has .moved into one of the houses in St. Joseph. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Krauskoff to our vil- lage. Rev. G. F. Brown, who has been transferred to Elmira, will preach his farewell service next Sunday. Mr. Louis Prang recently in- stalled a modern manure car- rier tracks, etc., in the stables of Mr. Chris Schwartzenburg, Bronson Line. The Dashwood Turf Club is making preparations to cele- brated the 3rd of June with horse races, etc. Mr. Will Robinson returned home this week from Toronto, where he has been attending Victoria College, Miss Mayme Keys is engaged to teach in Bayfield Line School, Goderich Township, and commenced her duties after Easter. 40 Years Ago MAYO 1924 Mr, Joseph Meidinger, of town, is sporting the finest car in the village, namely a large four door Chrysler six sedan. Joe can certainly hit the high spots with this one. A real estate deal of some importance was put through the past week, when Mr. Harry Angel purchased from Mr. John Hey, Jr., the business block now in use by Mr. Angel as a gar- age. This is a very fine loca- tion for this purpose. Rev. and Mrs. F, B. Meyer and Arthur Haugh, of Dash- wood, were village visitors on HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Cover At Cost! —Individual and Group Rates AvaiIable--- 1' g Enquire today from: KENNETH JOHNS, 67 John Street East, Exeter MRS. LLOYD TAYLOR,, 140 Huron West, Exeter BERT KLOPP, RR 3, Zurich or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 70 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON PHONE 482.9751 HOW TO FEATHER YOUR BANK ACCOUNT Feed your young flock your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with profit -proven National Poultry Developer Concentrate ! It's rich in meat meal protein, so it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable nutrients in the grains you supply. Whether you have your own grains or we supply 'them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy—right here at the mill—using National Concentrate, of course. (P. S. Ask about N'ational's profit -proven Poultry Grower, a complete feed, plain or medicated.) NATIONAL POULTRY DEVELOPER CONCENTRATE A PRo0UCT OF d~AMADIAM INDUSTRIES LIMITED Ed. Schwartzentruber R.R. 2, ZURICH ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1966 Tuesday evening. Mr. Elmore Klopp and son, Bertram, visited Stratford and Galt on Monday. They also at- tended the Luther League con- vent held in. Galt. 25 Years Ago . MAY, 1941 Zurich Llying Dutchmen de- feated Bayfield Fishermen in the first game of the schedule on Monday by the score of 21-3 in favor of Zurich. The next game of the schedule will be in Zurich on Wednesday when Hensall visits Zurich, so come and cheer the boys to victory. Mrs. William H. Hoffman was rushed to the hospital on Tues- day and 'operated on for in- ternal trouble. Her many friends are pleased to hear ,that Mrs. Hoffman is getting along as well as tan be expected, Mrs. Mary Truemner is add- ing a beautiful verandah to her home, the workmanship being done by Mr. Morris Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Eckel, of Plattsville, are at present 'visiting at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckel. 15 Years Ago MAY, 1951. Mr. Nicholas Deichert, who was here for some time attend- ing the funeral of his brother- in-law, the late Mr. Harry Yung- blut, has returned to his home in Detroit, Mrs, Earl Thiel accompanied her oldest son, Douglas, to Vic- toria Hospital, London, on Mon- day where the latter is under- going treatments. Rev. P. W. Cassel, of Blair, will be the special speaker in the Ammish Mennonite Church, Bronson Line, on Sunday morn- ing at 11 a.m. and in the Zurich Mennonite Church at 7:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. Fred S. Watson, clerk of Stanley Township, suffered a car accident •on Thursday after- noon. Fortunately no one was injured, however the car was badly damaged. 10 Years Ago MAY, 1956 The old frame house opposite the post office on Victoria Street is being torn down by the new proprietor, Mr. Gerald Gingerich. Mr. Gingerich will erect a fine new place of busi- ness with living quarters at- tached. Mr. Alf Melick was the win- ner of the catch of groceries offered by Thiel's Superior Market on Tuesday. The draw being made by Mrs. Ross John- ston, •of town. Rev. Louis Higenell preached his farewell sermon at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, on Sunday to a large congregation. Rev, and Mrs. Higenell will be moving to St, Catharines for their retirement years. Mrs. William Frank (nee Roxey Eilber), of Waterloo, vis- isted at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art Edighoffer, of town. Mrs. Anne Turkheim has re- turned from a week's vacation in the States. Vietnamese Fashions "You can't tell the men from the women in Vietnam — every correspondent has to wear army fatigues", says CBC director Beryl Fox, and these before and after photos seem to bear her out. Her hour-long film on the Vietnamese war, entitled The Mills of the Gods, recently won the George Polk Memorial Award as the world's best television docu- mentary of 1965. Letters April 30, 1966 The Editor, Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario Dear Sir: The recent talk and corre- spondence concerning medical i n s u r a n c e has undoubtedly caused much confusion of thought for you and probably most of your subscribers. The tremendous advertising cam- paign carried out by the On- tario Government, to sell their new OMSIP Plan, has caused most residents of Ontario to take a closer look at their own medical coverage. Private medical insurance suppliers have been burdened with calls and letters by policy- holders who "want to know what they are covered for". At least one large Ontario company has announced that it will dis- continue providing medical in- surance as of July 1, 1966, and has advised its policyholders to seek coverage elsewhere. Thr o ugh advertising gim- micks and false gossip many persons have been led to be- lieve that, starting July 1, 1966, the government will have full control over Ontario's medical insurance, and coverage will be available only through OMSIP. This is definitely not true, as Huron County's own Huron Co- operative Medical Services will continue to provide medical coverage on an actual cost basis to the county residents, as it has done for the past 18 years. When buying medical insur- Or Choose from Our Rest Rockers Hassocks End and Sten Tables Kitchen Suites Recliners MOTHERS LIKE Pole Lamps Table Lamps Trilites Wide Selection of WE HAVE A GIFT TO PLEASE EVERY MOTHER! esilake furniture ZURICH anee, one should keep in mind that it is the coverage, not the price, that really makes the difference. It is a safe guess that 'almost all comprehensive medical insurance plans cover doctor's home and office calls, surgical operations, anaesthe- tics, and probably maternity care. But what most people don't realize is that by "cover", some companies (including OMSIP) mean only 90% of the doctor's bills, The individual policyholder is responsible to the doctor for payment of the remaining 10% of each and every claim he may have, no matter how large or small it may be. Huron Co-operative Medical Services proudly boasts its settlement of doctor's bills at 100% of the most recent Ontario Medical Association's schedule of fees book, general practice section. Persons who feel that they do not need a completely com- prehensive insurance plan, but would still like first dollar cov- erage for surgical operations, anaesthetics, maternity, etc., are able to purchase a plan from Huron Co-operative Medical Services which is designed espe- cially for their needs. In addition to doctor's bills, a person must remember the possibility of extensive expense resulting from .ambulance charges, prescription drug .costs, appliances, home nursing, and many other causes. While many companies have neglected coverage along these lines, Hur- on Co-operative Medical Serv- ices have included a major medical section in each policy issued, which provided guaran- teed coverage of the above- mentioned marginal benefits. I would like to make mention of the availability of the Huron Co-operative Medical Services' office at 82 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario, and advise any inter- ested persons to contact the of- fice staff or one of the direc- tors to obtain free, sound ad- vice concerning their choice of medical protection. Yours respectfully, 'Gordon Kirkland, President, Huron Co-operative Medical Services. Henna.Hensaii Kinsmen Pick New S. ate Of Officers At the Hensall Kinsmen din ner meeting recently, the fob lowing slate of officers were elected for 1966.67: past prsi- dent, Jim Hyde; president, Mur- ray Baker; first vice-president, Bob Caldwell; second vice-presi- dent, Wayne Reid; secretary, Harold Knight; treasurer, Doug Marcell; registrar, Harold Cald- well; bulletin editor, Jim Hyde. Directors are Ron Wareing, Al- vin Campbell and John. Baker. It was announced that $255 had been collected in their re- cent canvass of the village for the Cancer Fund. Expert Watch Repairs • Trophies and Engraving • DIAMONDS -WATCHES - CHINA Anstett Jewellers LTD. CLINTON — WALKERTON -- SEAFORTH IDEAS FOR MOTHER'S DAY KETTLE EXCITEMENT! DE LUXE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC spray, steam KETTLE or dry iron Electric Fry Pan ® Floor Polisher Electric Knife ® Hand Mixers Drop in and See Our Complete Selection of Suitable Gifts for Mother's Day Zurich 1 MA/DWip/' lfOgS Hardware Main Street -- Zurich 4111111161MIMIMPaMTIPSZEMESOFEMESEIMMOMIBINIONSCIENNIMIMMAI IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME OR OFFICE! SMF'd H -CORONAD:. AND LOOK AT THE PRICE ! ;14W4elinatie ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE Swift, Silent, Sure Responsive • Full -featured construction • Easy-to-use "hand -span" keyboard • Uses only 9" x 13" of space •-- less than 7" high • Light in weight -- only 8 pounds • Easiest paper feed ever developed . - no slippage • Handsome desin in Pacific Green • Built-in retractable carrying handle • Stylish snap -on dust cover • Ribbon cartridge gives thousands of extra prints Only $114.50 Just imagine -- priced as low as a hand -operated machine. SEE THEM NOW, AT aYe/j. DIAL 236-4672 — ZURICH