HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-05-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Married Recently at Seaforth LANSBERGEN—AUBIN St. James' Roman Catholic Church was the setting for the marriage of Bernadette Marie Aubin, of Seaforth, and Adrien John Lansbergen, of RR 1, Zur- ich. Rev. Father Laraugh of- ficiated at the 11 a.m. ceremony on Saturday, April 16. The bride is the daughter of Mr. John Aubin, Seaforth, and groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lansbergen, of RR 1, Zurich. The bride was given in mar• riage by her father. She chose a floor -length gown of nylon over net with empire waist, scooped neckline, lily -point sleeves. The skirt extended to a catherdal train. A shoulder length veil of white net with scalloped edges was held by a white petal headdress. She car -i ried a bouquet of a dozen yel- low roses. The matron of honor, Mrs, Eldon Mitchell, sister of the bride, and Miss Christina Lans- bergen, sister of the groom, wore street length gowns of pale blue nylon topped with lace with a nylon overskirt. Their headpieces were bows of blue nylon and they carried nosegays of Shasta daisies. Mr. William Lansbergen brother of the groom, Guelph, acted as best man for his broth- er, while Eldon Mitchell, Sea - forth, and Nick Lansbergen, Seaforth, ushered guests. For travelling, the bride chose a two-piece, royal blue, double knit suit with white accessories. The newlyweds will reside at 234 Nile Street, Stratford, On- tario. 0 Zurich Lions Club Conduct Campaign Members of the Zurich Lions Club have recently canvassed the village for the Canadian Cancer Society, and to date have collected around $250. There are still a number of calls to be made before the canvass is completed, and this should be finished within the next week, In the meantime, anyone who was missed on the canvass, may leave their donations at the Zurich branch of the Bank of Montreal. Lion Ray McKin- NHL lir Parade of Values CARPEX CARPETING Made of expensive carpet remnants, cut into squares. Comes in a multitude of mixed colors. When placed together, they form an extraordin- ary and unique wall-to-wall carpet, with years of durability. COTTAGE FLOORIDEAL FR S, ENS, BASEMENTS, ETC. Special Introductory Offer $2.50 PER SQUARE YARD 9x9 --151/2c each 15x15 --42c each 12x12 --28c each 18x18 ---62c each EXCELLO GLOSS TILE BOARD 4x8 SHEETS 5 COLORS $10.24 IDEAL FINISH FOR BATHROOM AND KITCHENS! TRANSLUCENT CORRULUX FOR PATIO ROOFS Reg. 69c -- Now 42c Sq. Ft. SEE US FOR SERVICE EXETER, 235.1422 GRAND BEND, 238.2374 MR, AND MRS. CLARENCE ORVAL STEVER were married recently in St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo, by Rev. A. L. Conrad. The bride is Virginia Susan, daugh- ter of :lir. Peter Deichert and the late Mrs. Deichert, Zurich, and the groom is a son of Mrs. Moses Stever and the late Moses Stever, of Linwood. non reported on the success •of , ject at Lake Joseph. This coin - the campaign at the Monday' plated the total of $500 which ` night meeting of the organiz- ' the Zurich organization had ' ation. I pledged for the camp. Lion Herb Turkheim report -1 The Zurich Lions Majorettes ed on the Easter Seal campaign,' will be taking part in the an - which has just been conducted nual Lions convention, which is by the Zurich Lions Club being held this year at London. throughout the entire area. To Another;float will also be en - date, donations have totalled tered in the parade, represent - over $700, and there are still a , ing the Zurich Club, and the number of people who have not i project is in charge of Lion made their donations. Any t Bob Merner, person still wishing to give to tlik worthy cause may leave m their donations at the office of the Zurich Citizens News, the 1 t + ' ch Men r u r' Bank of Montreal, or give them JESUS CHRIST 15 LC)::;.: to Robert Westlake, who is serv- JESUS CHRIST EST SEtGNR+rct ing as treasurer of the fund. Lion Howard Klopp present- ed the slate of officers for the coming term, as selected by the nominating committee. An elec- tion will be held at the next regular dinner meeting of the group, on Monday, May 16. It was reported at the meet- ing that the last gift of $125 has been sent to the CNIB pro- EMMANUEL EVANGELICAJ. United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Miltpn Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 8 — 10:00 a.m.—Holy Baptism. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study. SUNDAY, MAY 8 -- 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service x01' Al -LE WELCOME' gam ramasimsraaamaima CONSERVATIVE MENNONITE CHURCH at the Hay Township Hall ZURICH Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, MAY 8 — 10 a.m.—Sunday School (For All Ages) 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8 p.m.—Evening Service. We invite you to worship with us.! Mother'sDayIfts!! CHOOSE FROM OUR WIDE SELECTION Finest Quality Nylons With Comfort -Stretch Top„ Sheer and Double Mesh Only $1,49 Pair Kayser Supp -Hose In Roth Seamed and Seamless $4.95 Pair A WIDE RANGE OF FINEST QUALITY PURSES Priced from $2.95 to $10.95 wexiiimmitirmairesismatosannswarearessisiamisaimerstrisman See Our Complete Selection of Gloves • Nighties • Slips, Etc. DROP IN AND BROWSE AROUND! Gascho's Dry Goods ZURICH a 1 THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1966 St. Peters CWL of 15 dollars collected which Elect Officers For Corning Season St, Peter's Catholic Women.'League held their first meeting of the year on April 5, in the cureatii n room of the parisl school. Monsignor Bourdeau opened the meeting with prayer to Our hasty if Good Counsel. Mrs Lawrence Regier chaired the tneeting, and with the help of the executive. regular business was quickly attended to. Letters of thanks for mrs. Nettie HHarvey's met orial mass and help with lunch at the wake, were gratefully received by League members, from the Celina,. family, if Zurich. The annual t L, convention will be held t o May 2.i and 26 in London, Registration can be o b t a i n e d at Hotel London, where the main dinner will take place. Details can be ob- tained from the president. Spiritual convenor Mrs, Ja seph Regier reported an amount the be forwarded to Pet u vian Mission Sisters. Monsignor Bourdeau spoke on the immensity of the task I of the synod for London din. .-,-. -. Mrs. Lawrence Regier was re. turned as president; first vice. president, Mrs. Leo Regier; see. and vice-president, Mrs. Casey de Groot; third vice-president, Mrs, Clem Regier; treasurer, Mrs. Rita Vander Burgt• re. cese, which is already in aper- cording secretary and publicity s ation, Mrs. Esther Rau has been chosen to represent St. Peter's Parish. This synod is a "first" in the London diocese, and much clarification on many issues of the decrees sent out • from Rome, is expected to be the result of this synod. Election of officers, for the St. Peter's Lutheran Churei- Rev. A. C. Blackwell, 13.A., 3.0 Pastor Mrs. D. Stade, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 8 -- 10:00 a.m...-Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome Mrs, Louis Masse; correspdnd- ing secretary, Mrs. Adeline Denoxnme. Raffle of a gift for the mis- sions was won by Mrs. Made- line Martens. Meeting was voted adjourned by Mrs. Clem Regier and Mrs, Matthew Denomme. Meeting was closed with prayers, and coming two years, took place. coffee was enjoyed by all. BAYVIEW GOLF COURSE (1 Mile South of St. Joseph) Green Fees Opening to May 31 --- September 15 to Closing and Weekdays, June 1 to Sept. 14 $1.25 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS from June 1 to September 14 $2.00 Membership Fees Men, Full Season _ $25.00 Ladies, Full Season w_ $20.00 Students, Full Season $12.00 Half Season, To and After August Less 40% �'F'�,.... v ..�,,�.. ' h .cam\ .ti;;s•::z3wa� c°•aa''`°" <.. �•'' �..�.�i Les, 3t.:�u;,.. ���.i?.g'.zY,... •..�y'a'"a'�?o�.. Lowney's White -16 Oz. Marshmallows _ Clark's Fancy -48 Oz. _ 5/$1 Tomato Juke 33c 24 Ounces Welch's Grape Jelly _ 51 c 8 Ounce Club House Olives _ _ 39c Stokley's— 15 Oz. Kidney Beans _ _ _ 2/39c Weston's — 12s — Hot Dog or Hamburg Donuts or Buns _ _ _ _ 19c York — 20 Oz. Beans and Pork _ _ 2/39c Miracle Whip 32 Oz. Salad Dressing _ _ _ _ 53c Purex —2 -Roll Pack—Assorted Colors Toilet Tissue 23c Heinz Strained ---4% Oz, Jar Baby Food 9/$1 Ellmarr-1-Lb. Prints argarine 2/63c White or Brown Loaves Superior Bread _ - 3/67c 28 Ounce Stakley's Pumpkin _ _ 27c Sweet Mix —15-0z, Jar Dick's Pickles _ _ _ 33c Lil Abner—All Flavors Drinks, 48 -oz. _ _ _ 4/$1 Solid White -7 Oz. Saico Tuna 44c Shirriff's Good Morning —24 Oz. Marmalade 55c Aylmer. -10 Oz. Tomato Soup _ _ _ 2/25c Nature's Best -14 Oz. Kernel Corn _ _ _ _ 2/33c Surf, King Size _ _ $1.33 Scotties -- 200s Facial Tissue _ _ 2/37c FRUIT and VEGETABLES SANSONE CELLO TOMATOES Tube 25c NEW CROP SUNKIST ORANGES, 113s Doz. 59c CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE, 24s _ _ 2 For 45c MEAT SPECIALS MININAINCHOMIummensimmum SCHNEIDER'S RING BOLOGNA LB. 49c MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF OR CHICKEN LOAF - _ - _ _LB. 53c SWEET PICKLED PORK ROLLS _ _ _ _ LB. 59c DOERR'S DIAL 236.4354 -:- ZURICH 1 SUPERIOR FOOD MARK E, 5: