HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-04-21, Page 6PAGE SIX 50 Years Ago APRIL, 1916 Mr. Ferdinand Howald, a stn. dent at the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, is spending the holi- days at his home :here, Mr, Daniel Gascho has moved into the dwelling vacated by Mrs. E. Thiel. Mr. Ezra Koehler and family moved to Egmondville on Mon- day, where Mr. Koehler will manage one of Mr. J. J. Merner's farms. Mr. N. A, Cantin has a staff of paperhangers and painters remodelling his house at pres- ent. He expects to move into his residence shortly after Easter. YEARS GONE BY m, Rev. G. F. Brown left Monday for Pembroke where the annual conference of the Evangelical church is being held. Rev. C. C. J. Maass, of Pres• ton, will conduct services in the Lutheran church here on Good Friday and Easter Sun- day, It is expected that Rev. Rember will take charge of the regular services after May. 40 Years Ago APRIL, 1926 Improvements are being made in building alterations by Mr. Herb Mousseau by taking out the Iarge glass front on the south side of the house he re - HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! —Individual and Group Rates Available -- Inquire today from: KENNETH JOHNS, 67 John Street East, Exeter MRS. LLOYD TAYLOR„ 140 Huron West, Exeter BERT KLOPP, RR 3, Zurich or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 70 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON PHONE 482-9751 Have you found the answer to ensuring your children a college education? Call: The Mutual Life of Canada REPRESENTATIVE: G. R. Godbolt, CLU, Phone 235-2740 Collect. Corner Sanders and Edwards Streets EXETER, ONTARIO. ZURICH WIZENS WOWS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1966 SOMETHING_ NEW AT SCHOOL 4In Ontario at Eastview High School, which is located in a town alznost next door to Ottawa, they're doing something new. Student records are being put on Recordak microfilm so there will always be available a complete case history of every- one who has attended the school since it opened in 1949. These records include all marks, attendances, teacher reports, details about hobbies, special interests, character ratings, and everything of importance that happens during school life. cently purchased, and Mr. W. H. Hoffman, having purchased the same, is putting it in the front of his tailoring depart- ment which makes a big im- provement. We are pleased to report that Master Paul Hess, who underwent an operation for mastoid at London hospital, has returned and is improving nicely. Radio owners who do not re- new their licences by April 1, are liable to prosecution and the imposition of a 50 dollar fine. Under the act, the district inspector is also empowered to confiscate the set of all those who neglect to renew their licence. Mr. William Haugh, of the 14th concession, and Mr. John Geoffrey have purchased new Ford sedans. Mr. Colin Camp- bell is now driving a new Ford coupe. 25 Years Ago APRIL, 1941 Miss Bernice Thiel, of Hills - green, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- more Thiel, on Sunday last. Mr, Harold Stade left for Stratford this week where he has secured a good position. Hal will be on the Stratford senior OBA baseball team of that city. Miss Milverna Geiger, who has been visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Geiger, the past week -end, has returned to her position in Niagara Falls. Miss Alpha Meyers has re- turned home from London after spending a few days with her sister, Doris, who is at present at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, recuperating from an ap- pendix operation, and is get- ting along very well. 15 Years Ago APRIL, 1951 Mr. Francis Kipper, the form- er proprietor of the Zurich Dairy, has been engaged by the present proprietor, Mr. Len Erb, to take charge of this en- terprise in town and we wel- come him back. In the future Mr. and Mrs, Kipper will move into the living quarters in the dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rader attended the Ness -Dougal wed- ding in Stratford on Saturday afternoon where the former was one of the ushers. Mrs. William Decker is a pa- tient at Victoria Hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Stans- berry, Dianne and Dale, of De- troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, of the Blue Water Highway, were Saturday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman. 10 Years Ago APRIL, 1956 Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb called on their niece and nephew, Mr, and Mrs. John Steckle, on their way for a few days vacation with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schultz, of Niagara Falls. On Saturday night thieves raided the poultry house of Mr. Clifford Pepper, of Hay Town- ship, and made off with several valuable show birds. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brisson, of Detroit, spent the week -end with the latter's mother, in St. Joseph. Mrs. Albert Karn, Chesley, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lind- hurst, of Galt, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Oesch. Mrs, M. Minke ac- companied them to Flint, Mich., where they will visit relatives. PASSEPORT POUR LA TERRE DES HOMMES --skor* 4 *A,(1,* expo67 PASSPORT TO MAN AND HIS WORLD Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 67—April 28 to Oct. 27 at Montreal. THE CIIARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY o C or.1Cm, IDU, h 114 000ili COppWU, W 4.p 11C7 WWII 011,1040 Gideons Mark Historic Event An historic milestone is being comrnemorated this week as the five millionth S c r i p t u r e is placed in circulation by The Gideons International in Can- ada. A beautiful gold -covered Bible will be presented to the management of the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, at a special function on Saturday, April 23. Travellers, hospital patients, prison inmates and many others are aware of the activities of The Gideons but few know how this organization started its world-wide operations. A bedtime conversation be- tween two rhrictian salesmen, who were sharing a room in a crowded hotel, led to the found- ing of the well-known lay move- ment in 1899. Today there are 22.700 members in 73 countries; 2,150 of these members are Ca- nadians, organized into 169 local branches, called Camps. Members work quietly and unobtrusively in their commun- ities, seeking to give s iri•tnal and moral uplift to others. Gideons, themselves, voluntar- ily provide about 30% of the Canadian budget of $400,000. The balance comes from inter- ested Christian friends and through the operation of a memorial Bible plan. The first Bibles were placed in a Canadian hotel by the Gid - eons in 1911. By 1952 the first million •copies had been distrib- uted. The three millionth mile- ston was reached in 1961, in- dicating the ceaseless activity of this modern Gideon army. Internationally, four million Scriptures are distrubted yearly. A major program in Canada involves the annual presenta. tion of more than 200,000 New Testaments with 'psalms and proverbs to grade five public school children. And thousands of Bibles have been placed in the dormitory rooms of college and university students. A ladies' auxiliary present attrac- tive white bound Testaments to student nurses, Expert Watch Repairs • Trophies and Engraving • DIAMONDS -WATCHES -CHINA Anstett Jewellers LTD. CLINTON -- WALKERTON -.- SEAFORTH Count on Us to and HEATING Do Things Right! Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship. When they do a job, you KNOW it's right! PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK • FOR EXPERT REPAIRS OR NEW INSTALLATIONS Call TIEMAN'S HARDWARE FURNITURE -- COAL — CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD oc 1 WE ARE OFFERING THE ntire St ck AT OUR PLANT From April 16 to April 30 EVERYTHING MUST GO! INSIDE PAINTS 50% Discount OUTSIDE PAINTS 20% Off HARDWARE and NAILS 20% Discount 4111111111111 OUTSIDE DOORS From $1.00 Up METAL MOULDINGS 20% Discount PLASTIC MOULDINGS 5c per Lineal Foot CEDAR CHESTS -- READY TO PUT TOGETHER Only $12.00 Large Quantity of Ouk Flooring, Wood Mouldings, Windows, Cabinets, Tables, Scales, Tools; Etc. Drop in and see the Wonderful Bargains Offered! F. C. KALI FLEISCH & SON