HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-04-21, Page 4PAGE: FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1966 Abdul People You Know 9.. Mrs. Albert Wushke and son IVlark. of W a p e 1 l a, Sask., is visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Leona Rader and Mrs. Charles Thiel. They will be returning with Mrs. Wushke's brother, Trueman Fischer, who will spend some months in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Straus and family, and Mrs. Floren Toman, of Kitchener; Miss Rose Bryson, of Woodstock, were Sunday vis- itors with Mrs. Leona Rader and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel, Mrs. Chris Heist visited Mr, and Mrs. D, McLeod, of Park- hill, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Lett, of Mount Forest, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyers. Special depth Bible study in post -Easter season in the book of Jude will be held between Easter and Pentecost each Sun- day night at Emmanuel Church. Pastor M. Shatto will lead dis- cussions on intriguing •topics. found in this short book of the New Testament. Mr. Sam Ropp and Mr. Ger- ald Schantz have returned home after s p o n ding the winter months in Florida. The members of the Zurich II 4-H Club, under the leader- ship of 1\Irs. Morris Webb and Mrs. James Parkins, donated. $4.55 to the Easter Seal Fund. The girls to be commended in this organization are Marg Geiger, Julie Burgess, Sandra Webb, Dinda Webb, Judy Da- tars, Nancy Miller, Dianne Clarke, Debbie Merrier, Carolyn Thiel, Carol Gingerich, Cheryl Clausius, Tanya Parkins and Nancy Rae McKinnon. Your RED CROSS is J. Serving Today Ready for Tomorrow FARMERS! SPECIAL PRICES ON Taul Vibrating Danish Cultivators (COMPARE) KE'WANEE 'WHEEL DISCS, ETC. TIRES ALL BRANDS, AT UP TO 50% OFF LIST PRICE! Early Funk G -Hybrid Seed Corn Agrico Anhydrous Ammonia THE CHEAPEST FORM OF NITROGEN H ��, IGH ROS. FAQM EUIPMENT ONE MILE EAST OF BRUCEFIELD Dial 527-0927 CONKLIN'S Parade Of Values Quantity of Discontinued Arborite 4 x 8 SHEETS Only $15.b0 LIMITED QUANTITY VINYL -COATED GYPROC 4 x 8 SHEETS — LIMITED QUANTITY $C'1Q. FT. Now Only 11c Sq. Ft. BUY 3 GALLONS WHITE PAINT At $4.79 Per Gallon GET 4th GALLON FREE! Unfinished Furniture Less 10°% 9 INCHES x 9 INCHES Vinyl Floor Tiles Regular 17c Value — Now 14c Regular 12c Value — Now l0c (Limited Quantity) SEE US FOR SERVICE! EXETER, 235-1422 GRAND BEND, 238-2374 IF YOU WANT A LAUGH For teachers on the verge of suicide, puzzled parents, and anyone else who, worn by win- ter, needs an injection of warmth and humor, I have a spring tonic. Buy a copy of "Up the Down Staircase", paper- back 95 cents, and read it. I came across it on the week -end and changed my mind about quitting the teaching profession. It's called a novel, but isn't. MRS. JOSEPHINE BRISSON Mrs. Aserick Brisson, a form- er resident of this area for many years, passed away at Queensway nursing home, Hen- sall, last Wednesday. She was in her 90th year. The former Josephine Char- rette, she was first married to Stephen Meidinyer, then Mr. Brisson. Surviving are sons, Alex Mei- dinger, Zurich; Edward Meidin- ger, Windsor; Alfred Meidin- ger, RR 3, Zurich; Lawrence Brisson, St. Thomas; daughters Mrs, Philip (Myrtle) Masse, RR 3, Zurich; Mrs. Dennis (Theresa) Ducharme, RR 3, Zurich; Mrs. Vincent (Agnes) Geoffrey, De- troit; sisters, Mrs. P ho e b e Nichol, Clinton; Mrs. Fred (Agnes) Siemon, Zurich; Mrs. Juliette Denomme, Zurich; 37 grandchildren, 127 great -grand - e h i l d r e n, eight great -great- grandchildren. Remains rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, and requiem mass was sung at St. Boniface Roman C a t h o l i c Church, Zurich, on Saturday morning at 10 a.m., with burial in the church cemetery. Father C. A, Doyle officiated. 0 Zurich LIydies Are Visitors to Hensall Carmel Presbyterian Arnold Circle, Hensall, held their Eas- ter meeting April 18, with presi- dent Mrs. Bob Bell and Mrs. J. C. Boyne welcoming the Lutheran and Evangelical Church ladies from Zurich. Mrs. Don Mousseau and Mrs. John Baker relived the Easter message through the worship period with Mrs, Trevor Wilson assisting. Guests were ushered in by Miss Pauline Bell, Mrs. Doug Shirray, Mrs. Al Hoggarth and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm to view the slides of Japan and hear It's a record of the first term of a young ,pretty .high school teacher in a huge New York secondary school. It's tender and touching and utterly hilarious. And beneath the fun is a shocked and often bitter indictment of what the educational system is doing, or failing to do, for the vast mass of teenagers. As educators and others have pointed out, the cream of the crop will rise to the top. The bottom ten per cent is having millions of dol• lars spent to help them. It's the great mob in the middle that gets the dirty end of the stick. Conditions in the school de- scribed are much worse than those in the average Canadian high school, but the parallels are there. Avalanches of paper, most of highlights of the trip of Mrs. Stirling Graham and Mrs. Rena Caldwell. Mrs. Graham gave an interesting account of New Zealand's way of life and Aus- tralia's warm welcome to vis- itors. Mrs. Caldwell recalled the memorable time of their five week trip together. The marvellous voice of Miss Joyce Flynn held all attention, accompanied by Mrs. Beatrice Hess at the organ. Spring flowers and pussy willows dec- orated the church basement for the buffet luncheon at the close of the evening. NIMMONS'Zurich MennonH, JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, APRIL 24 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m —Worship Service. Vat' HP. WELCOMEt 5+ Pe+er's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D Pastor Mrs. D. Stade, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 24 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:J0 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome Treat yourse�te . FRIG IDAIEE pis IHWAS FiER and get this $14.95set of BELE/AN CR'STAL from dishwasher al( Before you buy any Dishwasher, you owe it to yourself to see and hear a new, whisper -quiet Frigidaire Dishwasher in . action! So visit your Frigidaire dealer and see for yourself how Super - Surge Washing Action gets everything cleaner .. . without pre-rinsingl See how you can wash and dry all the ,dishes and pots 'n pans, tool There isn't anything "just like" a Frigidaire! Let your eyes and ears be the judge! Frigidaire is the "whisper -quiet" dishwasher that can give you a Lifetime Holiday from Dishes. Now ... at Frigidaire. dealers. Seewhy it's CRYSTAL CLEAR • your hest buy i's. , . Gingerich's Sales & Service Ltd. CLINTON ZURICH SEAFORTH • it unnecessary. Crowded condi- tions everywhere. The adminis- tration thinks discipline more important than learning The librarian doesn't like the library used because the kids don't put the books back on the shelves straight. The nurse isn't allowed to dispense even an aspirin. And the counsellor tries to an- alyze all the kids with phony Freud And, the teachers are there: the work -horses, the whiners, the beaten, those who don't like kids, and those who, in spite of it all, know they're doing the most important job in the world. But it is not basically a bitter book. And most of the humor comes from those fascinating animals, the kids themselves. The teacher asks the kids to tell briefly why we study an. cient myths and the Odyssey. One answer: "I'm sure there are many reasons why we study these things, but I missed it due to absence." Another: "Because everybody in high school at one time or another had to read it, and now its our turn." Another: "We read it because it's a classicle." The young tea cher has a "suggestion box" where her students were allowed to drop ideas, anonymously. Some were scurrilous, some threatening, EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL. United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 24 — 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—St. Jude Hour. some funny. Samples: "My mother has been living with me for 16 years but she still insists on cross-ex- amining me," "Don't worry, we're behind you 85 per cent." "Get lost and stay there. signed, Poison." "Having sprained any ankle, the nurse gave me a cup of tea, is that supposed to help my ankle. Athalete." "This is the first class I en- joyed failing because of looking at you." What emerges from the book? Several things. First and most important, the yearning of the young for some contact with some one who repects them as people. This is the age-old in- dividual demand for respect and human dignity. Second, the requisites of a good t e a e h e r: physical tough- ness; understanding; men t al and emotional vitality; a genu- ine liking for fellow humans, especially kids; and, of course, something to teach; you can't foolkids with games and gim- micks. Third, the massive, frustrat- ing task of educating the mass- es. The money; the things: chalk, paper, steel and stone; the teachers. only the best is the aim, but it's too laden with trivia to attract the best. Ah, well, read the book. It'II do you good. Last sample of its flavor is a cartoon the teacher% had on the bulletin board. It went: Teacher. "There are two words in the English language you must never use. They are "swell" and "lousy". Pupil: "O.K. What are they?" VILLAGE OF ZURICH Notice: Re Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time will be observed in this community, during the 1966 season, Effective Sunday, April 23, 1966 LEROY THIEL Reeve Au namatommitancassimar,„ Y � '�•rJ7.z w• LFi"�4 At 12:01 a.m. .A x MRS. ELDA WAGNER Clerk -Treasurer wisaamszsemsemenium Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lbm bag _ _ _ 75c All Purpose — 7 -Lb. Bag Robin Hood Flour _ _ 69c Pillsbury—Assorted Flavors Cake Mixes 3/$1 Delsey — 2 -Roll Pack—Assorted Colors Toilet Tissue _ _ _ 2/49c 1 -Lb. Prints 2c Off Solo Margarine _ _ 2/63c Chocolate hip Cb.olgies histies o _ _ 49c Sliced -20 Oz. Aylmer Pineapple _ 2/65c Aylmer — Canadian Style — 20 Oz. Beans and Pork _ _ 2/39c Canned—Assorted Flavors -10-0z. Tins Royal Crown Pop _ 6/55c By the Case, 24s _ _ $2.15 Smart's Fancy — 48 Oz. Tomato Juice 31c Coleman's —1 -Lb. Prints Lard 3 Lbs. 65c Apple, Grape, Orange, Fruit Punch — 48 Oz. Hamburg or Hot Dog -8s— Packages Del Monte Drinks _ _ 35c Weston's Rolls _ _ _ 2/49c Lynn Valley 20 Oz. Christie's — Packages Peaches or Pears _ 2/57c Holland Rusks _ _ _ 2/49c Crushed -20 Oz. St William's -24 Oz. Aylmer Pineapple _ 2/61 c 2 Fruit Marmalade _ _ 43c Tidbits - 20 Oz. 27c Off Aylmer Pineapple _ 2/71 c Tide, King Size _ _ $1.3.9 FRUIT and VEGETABLES HEAD LETTUCE, 24s Each 29c SUNKIST ORANGES, 113s. Doz, 59c SANSONE CELLO TOMATOES Tithe 29c MEAT SPECIALS 6 -OZ. PACKAGES SCHNEIDER'S COOKED HAM SLICES _ Pkg. 57c GRADE 'A' FRESH FRYERS, 3 to 4 lbs. _ Lb. 45c SKINLESS WIENERS - _ 2 Lbs. 89c HOFFMAN SUMMER SAUSAGE Lb, 79c DOl RR'S DIAL. 2364354 --- ZURICH