Zurich Citizens News, 1966-04-21, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1964 ectitourid Caottmeal yr r, r Your Chamber of Commerce What is a Chamber of Commerce? A group of businessmen devoted to prove that the sun .shines all the time in our municipality? Public-spirited a •i t i z e n s banded together to see that the commun- ity enjoys the highest possible standard of living? Supporters of free enterprise and our democratic way of life? Business men trying to bring new industry and more tourists to this area? These are some of the most commonly held ideas about the Chamber of Commerce. Whatever is said about the Chamber of Commerce, there is one thing sure — it is, or should be, one of the most important organizations in the town. The work of the Chamber of Commerce touches nearly every citizen. In most towns the Chamber of Commerce is respon- sible for tourist promotion. In many others it undertakes the work of an industrial commissioner, seeking new Industry for the town and district. Usually, it takes a leading part in community affairs, improv- ing relations between the farmers and the businessmen, sparking community interest in education, running "Get -out -the -vote" campaigns at election time, taking a lead in fire prevention and health and safety work, sponsoring clean-up and beautifica- tion weeks, and a host of similar projects. Few Chambers, of course, do all these things because they are in the main a vol- unteer organization and in many commun- ities even the secretary is a volunteer, re- ceiving perhaps an annual honorarium. Provincial and National Matters, Too! The interest of the Chamber of Com- merce is not, however, confined only to local matters. Just as the citizen of a municipality is also a citizen of his prov- ince and of his country, so the Chamber of Commerce has provincial and federal interests in addition to its local activities. In the provinces there are provincial Cham bers, and indeed many regions within a province have their own associations to advance the interests of their particular region. At the provincial Ievel, policy views of the Chamber of Commerce are co-ordinated and presented to the provin• cial government through the provincial Chamber of Commerce — a provincial fed. eration of Board and Chambers. At the federal level the policy views of the Chamber of Commerce are co-ordin- ated and presented to the federal govern- ment through the Canadian Chamber of Commerce—the national federation of more than 850 Boards of Trade and Cham- bers of Commerce. The policy of this na- tional group is determined by the majority votes of the member Boards and Chambers — each of which has one vote of equal strength. The National Chamber promotes the preservation and development of our eco- nomic system of competitive enterprise and works towards its greater appreciation and understanding by all Canadians. Sim- ilar work is carried on at the local level by community Boards and. Chambers. Many of them have produced booklets and un- dertaken other publicity projects to bring to the attention of their fellow •citizens the case for private initiative and resource- fulness. A Stabilizing Influence The community Chamber is a stabiliz- ing influence on a community . It is in- strumental in focusing greater attention on municipal, provincial and national affairs. It brings about greater understanding among various segments of the commun- ity and it makes the community a better place in which to live. The Chamber of Commerce deserves the support and under- standing of all the citizens in the com- munity. Every city, town and village should have a strong and lively Chamber of Commerce if it is to make the most of its potential and if community life is going to be as pleasant as possible. The same applies to the national scene. Canada needs a strong national group to speak on behalf of business generally and it has such a voice in the Canadian Cham- ber of Commerce. Canada has a great future and the cities and towns of Canada are going to share in it in proportion to the effort they individually put forth. The Chamber of Commerce is an important vehicle for employing this effort. For that reason it deserves your support. Does Nobody Care? Last Friday, Christians the world over observed Good Friday, the day on which Christ was crucified. Last Friday, "Business as Usual" was observed in many stores across the coun- try. A study in contrasts. We certainly must have reached the depths in provviding customers with a place and time to spend their dollars—and reached the ultimate in making a dollar. The whole business of store hours .has almost become like an unruly child, com- pletely out of hand and a source of frus- tration to everyone. At the moment there is no uniformity in business hours, making it confusing for the shopper. There is a race between stores to see who can keep open the longest and it soon will reach the proportions of six days and six nights a week "for your convenience". We think the customer has been put in the position of a little dictator, creating unnecessary hardships for some retailers in their efforts to give their customers serv- ice. Some areas in the west have refused to sanction night shopping on any evening in the week and both customers and re- tailers seem to be surviving the strain. Aside from enticing shoppers to dis- regard one of the most sacred days in the year, retail establishments who remain open on such occasions do their •staff a disservice. What better way to reduce Good Friday to just another day than to carry on the daily work as usual. There are, of course, necessary serv- ices that must be performed. No objec- tion is raised there. The objection is to pandering to the commercial when per- haps as never before, to return and hold fast to the spiritual is our greatest need. Can't anything be done?—New Ham- burg Independent. Advertisers, Please Note Taking the time to reach small town weeklies is worth the effort, according to a man who is reported by a daily paper to be one of the best political executive assistants in Canada. He is Clare West- cott, a member of the staff of Ontario's Minister of Education. "Get to the weeklies and you get to the province. Their readers remember what they have read." Note: This is taken from the April issue of The Printed Word. Mr. West- cott is a native of Seaforth.—Clinton News - Record. Show -biz The networks have announc- ed that most of the movies for the coming season are pre -1963 models. So it's fair to wonder when the movie well will run dry. It seems that CBS -TV is getting a jump on this very probable problem. CBS and Warner Bros. Pictures have just become partners in a deal to produce six feature-length films. The pictures will first be shown in the theatres for approxi- mately two years and then they will be presented on network TV. I have heard that the TV producers and the movie pro- ducers• are going 50-50. —0— Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Hugh Downs and Sheldon Leonard join Danny Thomas next Wed- nesday, April 20, in "Road to Lebanon". Woody Allen, the comic genius, will creat, write, and star in three hour-long specials for ABC this fall. Here's news: Somebody is get- ting married on Peyton Place this week. "The Poppy Is Also a Flower" is a special program about activities within the United Nations. It will be shown on the CTV network and Channel 13 and Friday, April 22. Johnny Carson will be va- cationing next week. Alan King and Henry Morgan will take turns hosting the "Tonight Show". Victor Borge stars on CBC Festival next month, The show was video-taped at the O'Keefe Centre in Toronto last week. urich ' ; "RA News PRINTED BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS MUTED, ZUTRiCH HERB TURKHEIM, Publisher J E. HUNT, Plant Superintendent Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. Member: Member: Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Canadian Community Newspapers Representatives Subscription Rates: $3.00 per year in advance, in Canada; $4.00 in United States and and li areign; single copies 7 dente. CANADA PRIME MINISTER PREMIER MINISTRE As some 850 Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce across Canada observe their ninth annual Chamber of Commerce Week, I am pleased to extend to them and to all their members the good wishes and appreciation of the Govern- ment of Canada. Governments at all levels value the effective work being done by these volun- tary organizations in helping to strength- en local cmmunities, their provinces and our nation. I hope that the special events planed for Chamber of Commerce Week will broaden public support for and par- ticipation in this work. L. B. Pearson. Ottawa, 1966. Various Community Leaders Endorse National Chamber of Commerce Week The Zurich Chamber of Com- merce is one of more than 850 Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce doing a vital job of community building across Canada, stated Gerald Ginger- ich, president of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce. "Chamber of Commerce Week", being observed April 17-23, should bring home to our citizens the value of the work being done on their behalf and in their interets by their Cham- ber of Commerce, president "We, in the Chamber, put our I Gingerich continued. faith in the responsibility and the resourcefulness of the in- dividual ,operating under the competitive enterprise system, believing that these factors will ensure the highest possible standard of living for all Ca- nadians." Mr Gingerich continued by saying "the interest of our Chamber is not confined only to local matters. Just as the citizen of a municipality is also a citizen of his province and his country, so our Chamber has provincial and federal interests and our views can be presented to government through our pro- vincial and national federa- tions." Observance of Chamber of Commerce Week in this town will give all citizens an oppor- tunity to see how teamwork pays off in building a better community, stated Reeve Leroy Thiel. The Zurich Chamber of Com- merce, he continued, is a vol- untary organization of citizens enabling "us all to work to- gether to build a better com- munity, to improve business, and to develop better citizen- ship in our community, our province and our country." Reeve Thiel said he hoped all citizens wou]d lend their in- terest, support and co-opera- tion in making observance of panel of the map at a time. Thanks to the noticeably great- er ease with which the new production can be used, it will be a simple matter to refer to the map while travelling by car, as noted by Mr. Mac - Naughton, All the other helpful features of previous maps have been re- tained, such as panels depicting various traffic signs, another listing first aid posts, etc. FM radio stations have been added. to the former listing of stand- ard broadcast radio stations. The map—the cover of which carries a color photo of a typi- cal rural highway scene—was designed by the cartographic section of the department of highways, as in the past. The new map may be ob- tained free of charge from any of the 18 district or five reg- ional offices of the department of highways, its head office (Downsview P.O.), all service centres, and the department of tourism and information, par- liament buildings, Toronto. The map will ziso be available at any of the tourist reception centres operated by the depart- ment of tourism and informa- tion,. "Chamber of Commerce Week" successful in every way. "To help develop this com- munity to a peak business and citizenship level, your Chamber of Commerce needs the inter- est and support of all our citi- zens, stated Robert Westlake, chairman of the membership committee of the Zurich Cham- ber of Commerce. "Your Chamber should be the conscience and the will of your community," Mr. Westlake con- tinued. "I feel sure that, as progres- sive citizens who are interested in making your community a better place 'in • which to live and work, you will get behind your Chamber of Commerce and meet the many challenges which lie before us." New Road Maps Much Improved With distribution now under way of the 1966 edition of the official road map, published by the department of highways, Ontario, Highways Minister Charles S. MacNaughton notes that a novel method of folding makes referring to it as simple as leafing through the pages of a book. As a result the map is much more readily useable in a car. In conjunction with the new method bf folding and arrange- ment of the material, a revised indexing of place names greatly simplifies the pinpointing of all communities and lakes. Simi- larly, the inset maps of cities and other blocks of information —such as the mileage 'Chart— can be found much more easily than in the past by simple ref- ference to key maps on the back cover of the 1966 edition. Through these improvements the desired information can be found by opening only one It's a treat they'll all love. Our tempting foods are carefully prepared and beautifully served. The atmosphere is gracious and congenial, perfect for family dining. Our dining room is air conditioned for your comfort. We Specialize in STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts --- Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236.4371 ZURICH sansallimenclennalcolommelnelillnini BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Nite Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" ROBERT N. McHINLEY AGENT: DIAL 236.4830 -- ZURICH SPRING IS FLOOR -COVERING TIME! - RUGS & CARPET SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF BARRYMORE CARPET WALL-TO-WALL or ROOM-SIZF1 RUGS WE HAVE A COMPLETE RANGE OF Congoleums, Corlons, Inlaid Let us give you a Free Estimate! Westlake Furniture ZURICH Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH —. Phone 791 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 12 noon CLINTON -- Dial 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 8.12 A.M. — 1:30-8 P.M. . Closed ell day Wednesday Phone 235-2433 Exeter LEGAL Bell & Laughton BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER BELL, Q.C., B.A. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519-235.0440 EXETER For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About AB Insurance -- Call BERT KLOPP DIAL 236.4988 — ZURICH Representing CO-OPERATORSINSURANCII ASSOCIATION AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUOT1ONEI C For your sale, large or amM courteous and efficient service at ail times. "Service that Satiate*" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD ACCOUNTANTS ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH PCO. Box 478 Dial 524-952E. J. W. Ha'berer Insurance Agency "All Kinds of Insurance" DIAL 236-4391 — ZURICH FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE DIAL 236-4364 ZURICH HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES J. W. HARMER Authorized Representative 6% --- 3, 4 AND 5 YEARS 51/2% 1 AND 2 YEARS DIAL 2364346 --- ZURICH