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Zurich Citizens News, 1966-04-14, Page 5
THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE( Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriam', Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS— 2c a word; Minimum SOc CASH DISCOUNTS-- % Off if paid by Saturday following last Insertien BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second MIL,. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE MAPLE SYRUP, $6 per gallon. Please bring glass jugs for ex - (change. Clayton Smith, half utile south of St. Joseph. 14,b USED TYPEWRITER, Royal, standard model, wide carriage, in good working condition, only $59.50. Zurich Citizens News, dial 236-4672. YELLOW BLOSSOM sweet clov- er, timothy, red clover, sweet clover and red clover, mixed approximately equal quantities, excellent for mixing in for hay rr pasture or for plow down. Good quality, reasonably priced. David Blackwell, Parr Line, 236-4820. 14,5,p ;MST ARRIVED — A shipment ad fine hand -cut lead crystal, in Pinwheel pattern, sherbets, goblets, juice and plates, etc, at special price of $1.89 each, at Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 13,4,p MAPLE SYRUP — Orders tak- en at $7.00 a •gallon. Fred Mc- (Clymont, phone 482 3214. VACUUM CLEANER, heavy duty, almost new, priced for quick sale. Phone 2364096. 14,p OUTSIDE DOOR, panelled, size S ft. 8 in. by 32 dn., with glass, 25 inches by 23 inches, like new. Phone 236-4096. 14,p 400 BALES of mixed hay, alf- alfa and red clover: Also a quantity of alfalfa seed, with 3% yellow. Contact Alphonse Jeffrey, dial 236-4757, Zurich. 15,b 5%1WF, by the quarter. Contact Richard Erb, phone 160r32 )hayfield. 15,p 2,000 BALES of choice quality 'nixed hay. Apply to Paul Steckle, RR 2, Zurich, dial 262 5440. 15,p (FLEXIBLE HARROW, 15 feet, steel draw bar, never been lased. 40% off new price. Con- tact Earl Zimmer, Zurich. 15,6,7,p HOLSTEIN' Bull Calf. Contact 18W Baechler, dial 236-4783. 15,b. FOR RENT HEATED 2 -BEDROOM Apart- ment, private entrance, garage and basement. Newly decor- ated, with nice lawn. Phone 262-5080, 13,4,5,b MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wanting wood free, for the cutting. Contact Russell B :r a i n g e r, Bayfield, phone 160r3, 13,4 CUSTOM Spraying, with 2-4-D, Eptam, and Atrazine. Material available for your own use, at attractive prices. Contact Lionel Wilder, RR 1, dial 236-4020, tf CUSTOM WORK SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned, Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzenfruber, dial 555-2434, Pavistoek. 33-tfb MASONRY SERVICE Chim- neys repaired, repainted; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527:- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth, 5,tf BIRTHS JANTZI—At St. Mary's Hospi- tal, Kitchener, on Sunday, April 3, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Orland Jantzi (nee Eleanor Erb), of Kitchener, a son, Thomas Orland. A second grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb. Cards of Thanks I wish to take this oppor- tunity of expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and relatives for many acts of kindness, prayers and cards, during our recent be- reavement. Special thanks to Father C. A. Doyle and the Zurich Ladies' Bowling League. —Mrs. Len Rau, 15,b I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation far vis- its and cards. Special thanks to Rev. A. C. Blackwell and to my neighbors for their acts of kindness while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital.—Mrs. Helen Schultz. 15,p WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Good Used Baby Stroller. Phone Hensall 262- 5085. 15,b HAVE YOU an old kitchen clock, We will buy for cash, any condition, spring wound or weight. Albert G. Hess, Jewel- ler, Zurich. 13,4,p WANTED: Jolly Jumper. Call Bayfield 160r32. 16,p WANTED: Used Electric Fenc- er, still in. working order, Call Zurich 236-4901. 15,b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Cattle, Pigs, Machinery and Hay at Lot 7, Con. 6, of Stanley Twp. Five miles south of Varna, (half mile north of Hillsgreen, on SATURDAY, APRIL 16 at 1:00 o'clock Cattle: Holstein cow, fresh four weeks; Holstein cow, due sale time; Holstein cow, due in May; four yearling steers. Pigs: All York sows; 2 sows, due at sale time; 2 sows due in May; 3 sows due in June; 4 sows with pigs, just weaned; STARLITE 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE NOW OPEN WEEK -ENDS ONLY Friday and Saturday APRIL 15 and 16 "Send Me No Flowers" (Colour) Rock Hudson, Doris Day BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:15 P.M. FIRST SHOW 7:30 P.M. Double Features Shown ONLY ONCE Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — GALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 262-c-63 SHOWERS FOR BRIDE Several showers have been held for Mrs. Michael Walch, nee Jean Hyde, bride of the month. Hostesses have been, Mrs. John Pearson and Mrs.. Bruce Eaton in her home for a kitchen shower from the ladies of Bayfield Baptist Church; a miscellaneosu shower given by Mrs. Bill McLachlan and Mrs. Ernest Talbot in the latter's home by the com- munity. The 4-11 club presented her with bedroom lamps, at the home of Mrs. W. J. F. Bell. In London a miscellaneous shower was given in the home of Mrs. Beverly Black, assisted by Miss Lillian Scobbie and Mrs. Mar- garet Schnurr. Showers were also given by the congregation of Kemal' Baptist Church and the staff of nurses with whom she works. Her sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Yack- novets and Miss Marjorie Hyde, gave her a personal shower in Oshawa at the the home of Mrs. Yacknovets. CAVALIERS ANCE Dashwood Community Centre The gentle eyes of Gary Hook, age 31/2, of Weston, framed in daffodils, mirror the hope of the cancer sufferer. Gary also has cancer. He trusts the people of Ontario to rally during April when they — and all North America—will be asked to contribute to the Cancer Fund. Sums raised will be used to further research into the cause of cancer—leading cause of death in children between the ages of one and 14, excluding e e i dent s. Ontario's campaign total is $2,300,000 in 1966. 3 just bred; 30 weaners. Hay: Three hundred bales mixed hay. Implements: John Deere M tractor with p.t.o. and scuffler; Oliver 60 row crop tractor, with scuffler and bean puller; International cultivator; Fleury Bissell dou- ble disc; 13 -run Cockshutt drill; Case land packer; diamond har- rows; Case 4 -bar side delivery rake; Massey -Harris 6 -ft. bind- er; Massey -Harris 75 bus. man- ure spreader; Buehler wagon and hay rack; gravel box; hay loader; trailer with stock rack; Fairbanks 10 -in. hammer mill with drive belt; International grain grinder; 20001b. scales; fanning mill; 200 ft. 1/2 cable; emery with 1/2 h.p. motor; Na- tional single unit milking ma- chine; Viking cream separator; root pulper; extension ladder; pig trough; wheelbarrow; col- ony house; brooder stove; iron kettle and stand, many other items too numerous to mention, Terms—Cash No reserve as farm is rented. MRS. LILLY FORREST, Prop. BRUCE RATHWELL, Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Truck, Tractors, Farm Machinery and Misc .Items on the premises Former No. 9 School, Biddulph Township 11/4 miles south of Centralia, thence 114 miles east The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 RED CROSS S ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP at 1:30 p.m. Truck and Tractors: 1948 Chev. 3/4 -ton truck, in good condition; WD Allis Chal- mers Roe crop tractor, includ- ing 2 -row scuffler and bean puller, in good condition; John Deere model M standard trac- tor, including 1 -row scuffler, in good condition. Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items: M -H 15 -row grain- and ferti- lizer ernlizer drill, in A-1 condition; John Deere 8 -ft. binder, in brand new condition; Oliver 7 - ft. power take -off mower; M -H 9 -ft. packer; Int. 9 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; Fleury Bissell trac- tor disc; 3 -section lever har- rows; 4 -section diamond har- rows; Int. 2 -furrow plow; Bueh- ler rubber tire wagon and rack; 2 -wheel t r a i 1 e r; Mc -Deering horse drawn manure spreader, on rubber; root pulper; chains; shovels; many other miscellan- eous items. No reserve. ars Terms—Cash CARL THEANDER, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Reception and Dance BILL GRENIER. MARIE ANNE DUCHARME (Bridal Couple) Dashwood Community Centre Sat., April 23 9:00 p.m. Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome ;rr SPECIAL PRICES Tani Vibrating Danish Cultivators (COMPARE) KEWANEE WHEEL DISCS, ETC. ALL BRANDS, AT UP TO 5i OFF LIST RK p 19. Early E-;. nh 6 -Hybrid Seed Corn Agric Anhydrous Alan©Niia THE CHEAPEST FORM OF NITROGEN HAUGH IROS. FARM EQUIPMENT ONE MILE EAST OF BRUCEFIELD Dial 527-0927 9i S 1 P 14 Admission: $1.00 EVERYONE WELCOME! VILLAGE OF ZURICH Notice: Re Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time will be observed in this community, during the 1966 season, Effective Sunday, April 23, 1966 LEROY THIEL Reeve At 12:01 a.m. MRS. ELDA WAGNER Clerk -Treasurer WHITE NS Gigs ER YOUR SEE * EARLY 1 Certeie o. 1 $12.5 Per C We have all popular varieties, grown from foundation seed, quality and germination excellent, tr cts FERTILIZER and EPTAM At Competitive Prices MILLING CO. LTD. DIAL 262-2605 -- HENSALL