HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-03-17, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, .MARCH 11, 1944 A Home At Home When Frank Dietrich, RR 3, Zurich, sold ,his farm some time ago he was concerned about a place to live, so he reserved a sec- tion of land on the farm for his own personal use. Now he has a newhome, still at home. This is the fine new mobile home Frank has purchased to spend his leisure time in. Huron TBGroup Reports Proceeds From Seals Up Progress regarding the pre- employment - Pre -retirement program was a highlight of the case finding report of the Hur- on County Tuberculosis Associ- ation meeting in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Thursday. One hundred and thirty-two busi- nesses have been contacted re- garding having all employees X-rayed initially and periodi- cally. These businesses, to- gether will all public school teachers in the county, have received a booklet entitled, "TB —The Road to Eradication", ,also. The co-operation of the hospitals had been expressed. The meeting was in charge of the president, George A. Watt, of Blyth. Of 307 persons screened in the foodahandlers' survey, 24 of them required chest clinic fol- low-up. No active cases of tu- berculosis were found, but sev- eral were sent to their family physician for medical attention. Two hundred and one persons had attended chest clinics since the last meeting. Miss Louise Robertson, edu- cation chairman, reported that 3,000 pamphlets and posters had been obtained for public health nurses' use in schools •and else- where. Members expressed ap- preciation to the residents of Huron County for their gener- ous support of the Christmas Seal campaign. In view of the increased program in case find- ing, education and social serv- ice, there is need for constant support. Campaign receipts this year were $715 over last year's total. E. E. Walker reported con- cerning the semi-annual Ontario Tuberculosis Association meet- ing held in Toronto. Addresses were heard, not only on control of tuberculosis, but the need for research in fighting all res- piratory diseases. The annual meeting of the association will be held in Blyth on May 30, with E. J. O'Brien as speaker. Mr. O'Brien is the executive director of the On- tario Tuberculosis Association, and has just returned from Thailand, where he spent some months activating the TB Asso- ciation there. SUCAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley THAT MARCH MADNESS I have a profound respect for poet T. S. Eliot. But one of his lines, that which says, "April is the cruellest month", isp ure poppycock. He had obviously never spent a March in these parts. April is no bar g a i n, but March is a month no honest taxpayer should have to put up with. At its best, it is 31 days of pure drear; at its worst, a century of bleak horror. Raw east winds that chap the hands, chill the bones, redden the nose, deaden the soul. Third bout of la grippe in three months. Holes in your over- shoes. Faces of friends become hateful. Tailpipe and muffler gone on the car. Eavestroughs sagging. Spirits f 1 a g g i n g, Spring is merely a word in the dictionary. Winter is a mon- ster, clawing your shoulder. If you're anything like me„ you're hanging on by your teeth. This is fairly easy, be- cause your nose has been run- ning, and you're keeping a stiff upper Hp. It's frozen. And your teeth are exposed. It's a wonder we don't all turn as mad as March hares, and cut our collective throat, if only to add a bit of color to relieve grim, grey March. But cheer up, chaps, all is not lost. I have a little thera- peutic theory that works won- ders. It is the only thing that saves me, in March, from run- ning out into the snow, in bare feet and long underwear, bab- bling, "T. S. Eliot is mad, mad I tell you, mad!" Attention traders swappers, bargain hunters & new car shoppers! Sts ti e to get regi drum -thumping values atyour WL -"E SUS YOU7L F/ND OU2 AREI/AMMLEI SO COME ON /N AND WS/T US R/6//7' Noir 47- 77/E T77/E 7 4,494 X r/ 41/40;2•VX itEkE LOOK/NG FOR CLEAN SHARP USED CARS AT TIE 77240/N6 POST, WE11 ALLOW YOU TOP 7-/,I/ AllOW i/CE ON YOUR PRESET GAR / WE CAN GIVE YOU /MMED/ATE DEL/WRY/ CHANCES ARE WE'VE GOT 771E MArtE AND MODEL TONE LOOKING RORR/GNT/NS7i Z SO COME ON /N, PICK OUT YOUR NEW G!R 7QA4Y.. OUR SELEC170N OFGOODW/LL USED CARS /S GREAT TOO % �7 �'�•A£i'>�,•�''.F.�'�i<::r'ksc`'%�r9G.';F•:G.•ahiii3:3:%%�i A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE >?'%`.znxv .e+mva•:,vrr�r,.:xarnascew ..y;y .. a4'b� riavo ry�%✓p' i / /' • / /• y` am�// ;(y,i.��� "?r"?"`.�'"...�.. �......,. �s;E: sis,�s,.... s #nv?q;i � j`•='a'<� j�ti�'lriis%i' 3••.� BEAUMcwrANb ACAD/AN ARE TERRIFIC BUYS FOR PIE FANO! 7P/A1-.92k• BfAUMONT ISA RE4L STUNNER AND 771E eWN TOMER- SIZED ACADIAN is GREAT! THIS /S 771E GREATEST ADN774C Eva iv/Tf/ RLL THAT PERFORMANCE, LUXURY, S7YUNG AND VAl4/E, /TS NO WONDER AOWTx4C WINS THE pOPfJL4Q/TY PARADE YEAR /4FIER YEAR/ Top.. Parisienne Sport Sedan. Bottom: Grando TRETE ARE 17/E TYNEO CO's .. B'U/CKMIT &ACK SPEC/AL. AMONG /15' 22 MODELS, ZW/1CK NASA CAR FOR EVERY TASTE, EVERY B' err Evan/owe Poiisionne Sport Coupe Baaumon( Custom Convertibly, w,U, Sports Opticn Acadian Cansa 4'Da /Soder ' Buick Wildcat 4•Gonr Hardtop Authorized Pontiac -Buick Dealer in Zurich TAYL TORS Li MAIN STREET— ZURICI I ITE Buick Skylark Spatz _Coopo I first discovered this theory when I had trouble sleeping. After .a long evening of too much work, to many fags, and too much coffee, I'd crawl into bed, and lie there as rigid as a rake, toes curled tightly, eyes burning brightly, no more chance of getting to sleep than getting to heaven. One such night, I remem- bered. "Listen, Buster," 1 told myself. "Fifteen years ago to- night, you were Tying on the floor of a boxcar, freezing, hands and feet tied with wire, on your way to a prison camp. "And here you are lying in a soft bed, in a warm house, with a warm woman beside you and warm blankets over you, and no night -fighters shooting up the place, and no guards wander- ing in to give you a kick. So what if you don't sleep a wink?" In 14 seconds I was asleep. It works every time. Now, the same technique ap- plies when it comes to saving my sanity in March. When the miseries of March have me reduced to one great bellow of frustration, I put it to work. "Old buddy," I say to myself, "just go back 300 years. Let yourself go, now. Not three miles from here, they were eking out their March, half -frozen, half-starved, half - blind." And I think about them the Indians, nearing the bitter end of a bitter winter, in their long -houses. Men, women, chil- dren, dogs, pell-mell in a seven- teenth century Nissen hut made JEFFREY—MEIDINGER St, James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, was the set- ting for the marriage of Phyllis Marie Anne Meidinger and Jo- seph Edward Jeffrey, Goderieh. Rev. J. T. Saigeon officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Meidin- ger, Seaforth, formerly of Zur- ich, are the bride's parents, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jeffrey, Goderieh, The bride chose for her wed- ding a floor -length gown of white peau de soie with scoop- ed n e c k l in e and lily -point sleeves. Her shoulder -length veil of French illusion was held by a rosebud crown, and she carried white mums and red roses. Attending the b r i d e were Miss Bernadette Aubin, cousin of the bride, and Miss Joanne Meidinger, sister of the bride, wearing street -length gowns of deep rose peau de sole with an overskirt. Best man was Anthony Mei- dinger, London, brother of the bride, and Lennis Bedard of Goderieh. Ushering the guests were Adrian Lansbergen, Strat- ford, and William De Jong, Seaforth. For a wedding trip to the States the bride chose a teal blue wool suit with white feath- er hat and black accessories. The couple will reside in Goderieh. amisimmearmaingamossammancem May we be of Service to you in Emblem Jewellry MASONIC — ODD FELLOWS KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS LIONS — EASTERN STAR We have Rings, Cuff Links Sets, Lapel Buttons We can supply TROPHIES For all Sports Competitions ALSO ENGRAVING Check our Discount Prices before buying; We can save you money. Hess, the Jeweller ell er ZURICH minspEssonerimonelememommommi immstatammemaniamaneennearmermam BUILDING CONTRACTOR A CUSTOM CARPENTRY 0 YOU NAME IT . . . . . W>'LL DO IT I No lob is too large or too small for us. DICK BEDARD DIAL 236.4679 -- ZURICH CaII Us for Free Estimates of boughs and bark and skins, Two or three hundred human beings crawling over each other in about the space you and. your family occupy. Cold. Hungry. Stench unbelievable, Smoke from cooking fires in- describable. The last of the neat gone. The maize reduced to a few handfuls. Spruce tea and moss stew on the menu. Hunting impossible because of the slush. Flabby breast and swollen bel- lies. And always the cold. No refrigerators stocked with steaks and roasts and milk and eggs. No shelves of canned goods. No supermarkets a few blocks away, No heat, no light, No bathroom. No books. No television, And always the cold. A few cynics will add, "And no income tax, no mortgages, no insurance policies,, no fuel bilis, no ulcers, no doctor's bills." True, Wanna trade? Not I. I turn up the thermo- stat a bit. I mix a hot toddy.. Then I sit by the fireplace, lis- tening to the wind whistling around the house. I sniff the waft of pot roast from the kit- chen. itchen. T pick up a book, put a record on the hi-fi. I listen to my wife, who is not fighting with Mrs, Abenaki about who gets the fire next, to make dog soup. And my March madness is gone. Try it. HARD TIMES DANCE WEAR - YOUR - WORST Dashwood Community Centre SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Music by "The Cavaliers" PRIZES -- SPOT DANCES REFRESHMENTS Admission: $LOO PLLIIJJIkVAI III II{ Count on Us to .ra HEATING Do Things Right! Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship. When they do a job, you KNOW it's right! PLUMBING 0 HEATING 0 ELECTRICAL WORK • FOR EXPERT REPAIRS OR NEW INSTALLATIONS Call TIEMAM'S HARDWARE FURNITURE — COAL — CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD i arade of Values ROSE TRELLISES REDWOOD STAINED $1.60 $2.40 $2.70 VINYL FOLDING DOORS THREE COLOURS AVAILABLE $3.95 to $8.45 THINK -- AND PLAN AHEAD! SEE OUR SELECTION OF Lawn Furniture, Beach Umbrellas CORRULUX Three Colours Green, Yellow, Coral 8', 10'1, 12' Lengths ONLY 42c sq. ft. 4111111111111 FENCING SPECIAL CEDAR POSTS Regular Value $1.00 Now 79c EXETER, 235.1422 LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED GRAND BEND, 238.2374