HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-03-17, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1%6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIV! Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriam's. Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 7Sc. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum SOc. CASH DISCOUNTS— % Off if paid by Saturday following last insertlor► BILLING CHARGE -- 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 11 o'clock neon, Wednesday FOR SALE 1960 CHEV BEL -AIR 4 -door, will accept best offer. Apply to Curtis Gingerich, .telephone 236-4875. ADMIRAL 17" Television set, an good working condition, priced reasonable. Call Herb Turkheim, dial 236-4662. FARROWING Crates, all steel easy adjustment; m o u n t e d trough for easy feeding or trough and bowl. George Troy- er, RR 2, Hensall, phone 262- 5282 or 236-4072. l0wks,b :CONTINENTAL BED •outfit, 39 inches without headboard, like iew, $35. Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, 262-2278. 10,11,x 1965 GMC half ton truck, in A-1 condition, Bob Forrester, 236-4617. 10,11,b a3 MERCURY gravel truck, good condition, rebuilt motor, plywood racks, and tarp. Tom Penhale, 71r3, Bayfield. 9,p 1963 CHRYSLER Windsor, two - door hardtop, sharp, $1,850. Serial No. 8139102100; 1963 Plymouth Fury 2 -door hardtop, $1,650, 383 engine, serial No. 3339109293; one Honda, like new, 175 miles. Priced for quick sale. Charlie's Auto Sales, Hensall. 10,b FOUR HOLSTEIN Heifers, bred Pole Angus, two due to fresh- en. Gordon Erb, 236-4073. 11,b 1963 COMET, fully recondition- ed, like new. Apply to Percy Bedard at St. Joseph Esso Serv- ice Station, 11,p EASTER FLOWERS — Order your Easter flowers early. Glox- inias, Lilies, Mums, cut flower arrangements. Mrs. Milton Desch, 236-4614 or 4602. tf FOR RENT HOUSE for Rent, 21/2 miles north of Zurich, all modern conveniences. Call •Gingerich's :236-4351, for information. 11,b HELP WANTED APPRENTICE wanted immedi- ately, plumber or electrician, steady employment, good work- ing conditions Please reply, stating age, education, marital status and experience, to Box KL, Citizens News. 8,9,10 MAN WANTED to work at silo building; good wages paid. Please contact Wes Hugill, Zur- ich, in person if possible for more information, 236-4928. 10,11,b CUSTOM WORK FURNITURE REPAIRED, re - =died and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb MASONRY SERVICE — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf MISCELLANEOUS BIRTHS Overholt—Mr. and Mrs. Phil Overholt wish to announce the arrival of a baby sister, Nancy Elizabeth, for Barry and Sandra, on Friday, March 11, 1966, at South Huron Hospital. Rydall—Mr. and Mrs. Don Ry- dall (nee Kay Hess) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Margaret Susan, on March 2, 1966, in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, A new granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess, Zurich. —Gingerich — Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gingerich, RR 2, Zur- ich, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Darrel Dwayne, born on March 9, 1966, at South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. A brother for Darla. First grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for cards and treats while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. C. J. Wal- lace, Rev. Father Doyle and the nursing staff of the hos- pital.—Mrs. Adrian Denomme. 11,p The family of late Mrs. Nettie Harvey wish to express sincere thanks to our relatives, neigh- bors and friends for kindness shown in our recent loss of a mother and grandmother; for flowers, sympathy cards and those who helped in our home. Special thanks to Monsignor Bourdeau, Rev. C. A. Doyle, the Westlake funeral home and Dr. C. J. Wallace. We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy received during our recent bereavement, — Mrs. Turner and family. 11,p COMING EVENTS PAPER HANGING — Available to do your job anytime. Call illrs. Elam Shantz, 236-4036, Zurich, evenings. 8,9,p Knights of Columbus' St. Pa- trick's Dance, Saturday, March 12, 1966, at the Legion Hall, Seaforth. Dancing starts at 9 p.m. Tickets $1.50 each and limited to those 21 years of age and over. Tickets available from any K of C member. 9,10,b SMORGASBORD Supper and Bazaar in the Zurich Commun- ity Centre on Wednesday, March 30, sponsored by Zurich Women's Institute. Proceeds for Blue Water Rest Home. 7,b FARMERS—Now is the time to hare your bean knives ham- mered for this year. Basil O'Rourke, blacksmith and weld- ing shop, Bruee£ield. 3,4 Anyone donating articles for the bazaar, please have them at the home of Mrs. Jim Parkins by March 29. If not able to deliver items, please contact for pick-up. 236-4822, Women's In- stitute. 11,p MISCELLANEOUS LAWN ROLLING, around Hen- sall area. Call 262-2344. 11,b usemenemlumunommismzeummes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Works of Canada, Room B326, Sir Charles Tupper Build- ing, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and endorsed "TENDER FOR HARBOUR REPAIRS AND IM- PROVEMENTS, (REPAIRS TO SOUTH PIER), BAYFI t LD, ONT.", will be received until 3:00 p.m. .(E.S.T.), WEDNES- DAY, APRIL 13, 1966. Tender documents can be ob- tained through: Chief Engineer, Room E-443, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ont.; District Engineer, P.O. Box 668, Dominion Public Building, 457 Richmond Street, London, Ont., and can be seen at the Post Offices at Bayfield .and Goder- ich, Ont. To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the security specified in the tender documents. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. sommunionwaspammimmonwanowwww EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Trac- tors, Auto, Farm Implements Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 15, Con, 1, Hay Township 11/4 miles south of Hensall or 33/4 miles north of Exeter, on Highway 4. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 18 at 12 p.m. Real Estate: Parcel No. 1: 100 -acre farm, Lot 15, Con. 1, Hay Township, 10 acres, more or less, mixed bush, remainder all tillable. Fully modernized 11/2 -storey brick d w e 11 in g. Large "L" shaped barn, completely mod- ernized for beef cattle, silo, 2 drive sheds, garage and poul- try house. Buildings all in first-class condition. Parcel No. 2: 40 acres ad- joining farm, Lot 16, Con. 1, Hay Township, with no build- ings. These are exceptional good farms, well situated, land all tillable, choice clay loam, high- ly productive and in first-class state of cultivation. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate -10% on day of sale, additional 10% in 30 days, balance in three months. Sold subject to a rea- sonable reserve bid. PLEASE NOTE—Farmt to be offered in one unit. Auto—Meteor, 1964, 4 -door sedan, low mileage and in new condition. Tractors: 1964 Ford diesel 5000 with new range, fully hydraulic, like new; Ford power lift 3 -furrow 14 -inch plow; 1959 M -Ferguson 50 standard tractor, in A-1 con- dition, equipped with manure loader, Farm Implements: John Deere 17 -run grain and fertilizer drill; Oliver hydraulic lift 36 -plate wheel lift disc; M - Ferguson power take -off hay baler; bale stooker; Int, 7 -ft 3 - point hitch mower; Mc -Deering 10 -ft. power take -off swather; Int. stiff tooth cultivator; John Deere 3 -section rotary; 3 -drum steel roller; New Idea 5 -bar side rake; 4 -section diamond harrows; M -H 4 -row scuffler; Kewanee 500, 40 -ft bale eleva- tor; Letz grinder; John Deere rubber tire wagon and rack; heavy duty rubber tire wagon equipped with aeoplane tires; New Idea tractor spreader; John Deere heavy duty wagon equipped with self -unloading 200 bushel grain box; M -H bean puller; set wheel weights for Int. H tractor; set tractor chains; :heat houser; gas pump; jackall-jack; corn crib; large water tank; 3 bundles shingles; set of sleighs; electric bean cooker; large iron kettle 2 cop- per kettles; chicken crates and feeders; 1/2 -in. electric drill; complete socket set; set of scales; heavy duty vice; grease guns; chains; forks; shovels. Caftle: Three part Hereford and Hol- stein heifers, rising 2 year old; 2 Angus steers rising 2 year old; Hereford cow, with calf at foot; 11 Hereford stocker cattle, steers and heifers. Hay and Grain: 3,000 bales choice quality mixed hay; 600 bushel choice Rodney oats, suitable for seed; 25 bushel barley. Household Effects: Complete dining room suite; kitchen cabinet; Westinghouse 21 -inch television; 2 platfor;in rockers; 3 bedsteads; dressers; commodes; occasional chairs; electric washing machine; Ax- minster rug 9x12; toilet sets; dinner sets; large variety of dishes; lamps; dry sink; vacu- um cleaner, etc. Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS --- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-e-63 No reserve, everything will be sold to settle estate. Terms --- Cash This being an extra large sale, selling will be starting at 12 o'clock, Lunch booth. MRS. BEATRICE FABER, Administratrix for the estate of the late John Faber DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 — Dashwood 0 CLEARING AUrTION t Of Valuable Tractor, Truck, Farm Machinery, Durham and Hereford Cattle, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 23, Con. 13, Hay Township 11/4 miles west of Zurich, thence 3/4 miles north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 21 at 1 p.m. Tractors, Truck, Farm Machinery: Allis Chalmers D-15 standard tractor, including 4 -row bean puller; 4 -row bean scuffler, re- cently purchased; 1939 Chev pick-up truck, with stock racks; Case 950 self-propelled swather, like new, including hay condi- tioner and bean windrower; mixed hay; 10 feet ensilage; Geo. White 101/2 -ft. spring tooth 1000 bushel choice quality cultivator; Geo. White heavy mixed grain; quantity cob corn; duty wagon and rack; Mc -Deer- 5 bushel clover seed; 4 bushel ing 15 -run double disc grain alfalfa seed; 1 bushel mixed and fertilizer drill; 12 ft chain seed. harrows; 4 -section diamond har- Household Effects: rows; 3 -drum steel roller; New Upright deep freeze; lan- Idea 95 bushel tractor spreader; terns; feather tick; antique hall Allis Chalmers snap -on coup- mirror; child's crib; black - ling 3 -furrow plow; Allis Chal- board; small wagon and sleigh, mers hydraulic manure spread- etc. er for "D" tractor; Allis Chal- Terms — Cash mers snap -on coupling double No reserve as the farm is sold. disc; Dobbin weed sprayer with MRS, BEATRICE RADER, Proprietress GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10,11 vator; Mc -Deering 15 -run grain rarm Machinery: and fertilizer drill; Mc -Deering John Deere Van Brant 15- 3 -furrow plow, on rubber; John un grain and fertilizer drill, Deere 4 -par side delivery rake; in good condition; Bissell 36 - Mc -Deering mower, 6 -ft. cut; plate tractor disc; M -H 10 -ft. New Idea 95 bushel tractor spring tooth cultivator; M -H spreader; Cobey heavy duty t ff tooth cultivator; 10 -foot rubber tire wagon; 16 -ft. hay cultipacker; Int. 3 -furrow plow; and grain rack; Int. mower, 7-, ,Gehl forage harvester corn head ft. cut; Bissel tractor disc; John and hay pick-up; John Deere 2 - Deere heavy duty spring tooth w 3.13:.nt hitch corn planter; cultivator; John Deere 4 -section John Deere 6 -ft. one-way disc; drag harrows; Helix 2 -wheel 3 -section lever harrows; 3 -drum trailer, power take -off, 120 steel roller; 3 -section diamond bushel grain box; 5 -section dia- harrows; 3 -point hitch 2 -row mond harrows; 2 -wheel trailer scuffler; power take -off grass and rack; 2 -drum steel roller; seeder; 2 rubber tire wagons hay loader; horse drawn culti- and racks; Speed King 24 -ft. vator; walking plow; single grain auger, on wheels; hammer scuffler; Fairbanks -Morse 11- mill; speed jack; 1200-1b. Eber- inch hammer mill; 120 feet sol grain mixer; hammer mill thresher belt; 50 foot endless belt; Vessot grain grinder with belt; 30 ft. endless belt; cream speed jaek; Universal 2 -unit separator; extension blower; milking machine; Stewart cat - bay truck; fanning mill; large tle clippers; 2000 -Ib. scales; iron kettle; butcher kettle and fanning mill; 8x10 tarp; cattle stand; rifle; Toro power lawn feeders; sap pans and buckets. mower; 1/4 hp electric motor; Household Effects: jack -all -jack; wheelbarrow; corn Frigidaire 30 -inch electric speller; grease guns; 2 block range; GE washer; refrigerator; and tackles; jute bags; quantity, dining room table, chairs, side - lumber; 2 bunting poles; set board; china cabinet; settee sling ropes; orchard sprayer; with 2 matching chairs; combi- roll wire; steel and cedar posts; nation china cabinet and writ - onion crates; set of scales; 24- ing desk; coffee table; couch; inch chain saw; dog house; chime clock; bedroom suite; forks; shovels; tools; many rocking chairs; footstools; va- other miscellaneous items. cuum cleaner; bird cage; flower Hay and Grain: stands; bunk bed; high chair; 600 bales choice quality odd chairs; cradle; baby bed; commode chair; baby buggy, like new; sterilizer; rug 9x15; Congoleum rug 9x12; bread box and canister set; enamel cast iron laundry tubs with taps and drain, ideal for milk house. No Reserve. Terms—Cash JOHN S'1`EWART Administrator for the estate of the late Almer Stewart GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11,2,b 0 31 -ft. boom; set tractor chains; 2 umbrellas; quantity new snow fence; 6 cords slab wood; 4 cords dry maple wood; steel gates; farrowing crate; pig and chicken feeders; 2 hp electric motor; oat roller; new feed cart; root pulper; chains; forks; shovels; heat houser; hammer mill belt; grain auger; electric bean cooker, etc. Cattle: Five Durham and Hereford cows, due in April and May; 3 Angus heifers, due in April; 2 Hereford heifers, due in May; 4 Holstein springer heifers; 12 Hereford steers rising 2 year old; 10 Hereford yearling heif- ers; 6 Holstein heifers, rising 2 year old; 2 small calves. Cattle all choice quality. Pony: Shetland pony, saddle broken. Hay and Grain: 1000 bales choice duality mixed 'hay; 100 bushel mixed grain; quantity silage. No Reserve Terms: Cash JACK McCLINCHEY, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer -- 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Choice Durham Cattle, Trac- tors, Thresher, Farm Machin- ery, Hay, Grain, Poultry, House- hold Effects and Miscellaneous Items. on the premises Lot 5, Con. 10, Hay Township 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, thence 11/4 miles north or 33/4 miles south of Zurich on paved road. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 22 1 p.m. Durham Cattle: Eight Durham cows, with calves at foot; 2 Durham heif- ers, with calves at foot; reg. Durham heifer, calf at foot; part Hereford brindle cow, with calf at foot; registered dark red Durham bull, rising 3 years old. This is an extra good herd of cattle. Poultry: 140 Leghorn yearling hens. Combine, Tractors, Thresher and Farm Machinery: Allis Chalmers power take- off combine with all attach- ments, A-1 condition; John Deere model "D" standard trac- tor, in perfect condition; Allis Chalmers "B" standard tractor equipped with Sedore manure loader and 2 -:row bean scuffler; Allis Chalmers bean puller;. set tractor chains; Robert Bell 24x40 thresher on steel, equip- ped with cutter and grain ele- 0 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 26 at 1 p.m. Frigidaire, medium sized re- frigerator, recently purchased; Clare Jewel kitchen stove; 2 - burner electric stove; antique box stove; chrome table and .chairs; .antique kitchen clock; electric clock; assortment elec- tric lamps; 2 chesterfield suites; daybed; 2 kitchen cabinets; 2 bureaus; china cabinet; chest of drawers; electric radio; mir- rors; 5 oak beds, spring and mattresses; 2 steel bedsteads; dressers; commodes; toilet set; centre and end tables; hall trees; Axminster rug 10x12; Silovac vacuum cleaner; assort- ment quilts, comforters, bed- ding, pillows, mats, drapes; sil- verware; glassware; ant i q u e dishes; kitchen utensils; saus- age grinder; lawn chairs; power lawn mower; small iron kettle; assortment garden and carpen- ter tools; lantern; wheelbarrow; scythe; hose; cross -cut saw; many other misc, items. No Reserve. Terms—Cash JOHN GALLMAN, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11,2b 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Truck, Auto, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 16, N.E.B., Usborne Twp. 5 miles east of Exeter to form- er Thames Road School, thence 11/2 miles north and 1% miles east or 21/2 miles south of Cro- marty. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 28 at 1 p.m. Tractors, Truck and Auto: Oliver 88 diesel standard tractor, in good condition; Oliver 55 diesel standard trac- tor, recently overhauled; VAC Case row crop tractor, includ- ing scuffler; Reo 3 -ton truck, with hoist and stock racks; 1956 Studebaker sedan, 25,000 actual mileage, in good condition. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery, Hay and Grain Lot 16, Con. 4, Tuckersmith Township Two miles east of Kippen or six miles south of Seaforth, on TUESDAY, MARCH 29 at 12:30 sharp Cattle: Holstein herd of 17 cows and heifers -3 Holstein caws, due in April, unit bred; 4 Holstein heifers, fresh in February and March; 2 Holstein heifers, due in May; 4 Holsteins cows, fresh- ened in February and March; 2 cows milking and rebred; I far- row cow; 8 young calves; 4 Hol- stein heifers under one year; 2 yearling heifers, part Here- ford; 3 grass steers.. Pigs: Nineteen pigs, eight weeks old. Implements: All nearly new, in excellent condition: 1962 Fordson Major diesel tractor, with all hydrau- lics; CB Allis Chalmers tractor complete with manure loader, bean scuffler and puller; 3 - furrow Oliver hydraulic plow, 14 -inch bottom; Marvel grain thrower; Massey -Harris grinder; Gehl hammer mill and 70 -ft. endless belt; oat roller; Massey - Harris fertilizer 15 -disc drill; land roller; Case land packer; New Holland baler; 32 -ft. smok- er elevator with motor; bale stooker; New Idea 'hay condi- tioner; 7 -ft. New Idea mower; New Holland rake; New Hol- land power take -off spreader; White snow blower; triple K 9 -ft. cultivator; 9 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; International 7 -ft. combine, used one season, com- plete with bean attachments; 4 -section harrows; Bueler wag- on with grain box; Cockshutt one-way disc; 204t. extension hay conveyor; Warner bean cooker, complete; Massey -Har- ris 8 -ft, binder, used for swath- ing; galvanized trough; farrow- ing crate; 3 -heat lamps; trailer with racks; extension ladder; 2 fanning mills: 2 sets scales; 2 -unit Universal milking ma- chine; 6 -can spray milk cooler; 10 milk cans; loading shute; wheelbarrow; electric motor; Stewart electric cattle clippers; 2 cutters; set sleighs; 5 cord hardwood; robes; chains; tools. Hay: Quantity baled hay and straw; grain, Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash JOHN SI:NCLAIR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 11,2,b DASHWOOD Lawrence Taylor Lawrence W. Taylor, 53, of Grand Bend, passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, March 8, following a lengthy illness. Surviving is his wife, the former Trellis Gratton; three daughters, Mrs. Wray (Anna- belle) Ogborne, San Diego, Calif.; Carol and Diane, at home; one son, Allan, of Ex- eter; one sister, Mrs. Arnold Gratton, Grand Bend; one brother, Keith, London, The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Fri d a y noon, then at the Gospel Hall, Grand Bend,, where Mr. D. Adams officiated. Mr. Taylor farmed on the B - Line until moving to Grand; Bend. George Tomlinson George Tomlinson, 81, of L Dashwood, passed away Mon- day, March 14, at his residence. He had been in failing health for some time. He is survived by his wife, the former Idella Baker, A private funeral service was held from the T. Harry Hoff- man funeral home, Wednesday, March 16, with Rev. Merrill James in charge. Burial was in Dashwood EUB cemetery. 0 Dashwood 4-H The second meeting of the 4-H girls, the Dashwood Pom Poms, was held at the Com- munity Centre, March 10, with all the girls present and the leaders, Mrs. Eben Weigand and Norma. Samples of hats were shown and notes on "Ac- cessories to Compliment You". The mothers were present to help the girls chose type of hat suitable. The meeting closed with "0 Canada". 0 Bowling Scores ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Hi Lites 7—Jan Lovell 642. Packers 0 — Frances Gibson 671. Domionaires 7—C. Meidinger 594. Pin Poppers 0—Faye Forres- ter 612. The Aces 3—M. Laporte 673. Star Lites 4—Marion Rader 667. Scamps 2 — Bernice Eckel 500. Ups and Downs 5 — Arlene Winterham 537. AUCTION SALE Of 2 -Storey Brick Residence, School Supplies and Miscellan- eous Items in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH Directly north of Zurich Public School The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2 At 1:30 p.m. Real Estate: Two-storey, large white brick residence in the Village of Zurich, directly north of public school, to be demolished one foot below ground level, within 60 days from date of sale. Please Note—A bond of $200 will be required on day of sale with the understanding that this be returned after destruc- tion of building to the satis- faction of school board. In the event this is not completed within set date the money will be forfeited and building re- sold. Also small barn and 150 feet woven fence and steel posts which will be offered separately. School Supplies and Miscellaneous Items: Inc 1 u d e cupboards, desks, clocks, shelves, large assort- ment books, blackboards, desk bells, tables, pianos, maps, and many miscellaneous items. Terms — Cash IAN McALLISTER, Chairman, Hay Township School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer EVANGELISTIC SERVICES C, J. RAMER Duchess, Alberta, Guest Speaker Services every evening at 8:00 through week and 7:30 Sunday March 21 to 27 Everyone Cordially Invited