HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-03-17, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE' THREE Honor Retiring Railway Worker Over 40 employees of the CNR and friends from Clinton, Seaforbh, St. Marys, Granton, Ailsa Craig, Camlachie, Exeter and Hensall honored Asa Deeves, of Hensall, ,at a party )Friday night in the Legion Hall, and presented him with a gold wrist watch on the occasion of his retirement recently after 31 years of service as section mane of the CNR. Mrs. Deeves was presented with gold earrings and pin. A social hour was enjoyed playing cards, with dancing an added feature of the evening, with music supplied by Cecil Maxwell on the violin, Don Mc- Curdy on the banjo, and Miss Marilyn Maxwell at the piano. rn charge of arrangements were Mrs. Cecil Maxwell, Mrs. Doug Maxwell, Miss Marilyn Maxwell and Mrs. Garnet Allan. NEED SEED GET TOP VALUE Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have provided residents of Western Ontario with reliable and dependable results for years and years. Long experience with the soil types and climate peculiar to this area, has made the Jones, MacNaughton ex- perts completely familiar with the strains that are best suited to these conditions. You can be sure of successful results from all Jones, Mac - Naughton farm seeds, true to variety and high in germina- tion. They know your needs and fulfill them exactly! And Jones, MacNaughton have always enjoyed the reputation of offering full value—the best quality seeds at fair, low prices. Alwaysdemand seeds from Jones, MacNaughton — Western Ontario's leading seed special- ists, from your local dealer or Jones, MacNaughton Seeds EXETER Phone 235-0363 CREDITON Phone 234-6363 News of Hensall District ' Mr. and Mrs, James McAllis- ter and Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan left Thursday, March 10, for a five weeks' vacation to New Orleans and through to Arizona. The Girl Guides of the First Zurich Company visited with the Hensall Girl Guides at their regular meeting Tuesday eve- ning. Campfire singing was in charge of the Zurich girls. Word was received of the sudden passing of Mr. Seaton, of Brockville, who died sud- denly of a heart attack while returning home from the hos- pital where he had been a pa- tient. He was the father of Mrs. Ross MacDonald, of Rod- ney, formerly of Hensall, and often visited here on many oc- casions, Mrs. Gus Voth, of Birming- ham, Mich., was a week -end visitors with her mother, Mrs. Louise Simpson. Mrs, George Hess, Mrs. J. E. McEwen, Mrs. Annie Reid, Hen- sall; Mrs. Valerie Armstrong and Mrs. Harold Beaver, Exe- ter, were guests of CKSL Radio Coffee Club, London, Saturday last, and were entertained to a fashion show at the Odeon Theatre, a musical program and a film, "Madam X". Valuable prizes were drawn for. Ross Jinks, of London, form- erly of Hensall, underwent sur- gery at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Friday last. Lose First Game Hensall Pee Wees lost the Obituary FRANCIS W. HARBURN A highly esteemed resident of Hensall for the past 20 years, Francis W. Harburn, 61, died suddenly at his work while employed as night watchman for Exeter Canadian Canners at their warehouse at Grand Bend, Saturday afternoon. The late Mr. Harburn was born. at New Liskeard, was a member of Hensall United Church, and a member of Exe- ter LOL. Surviving are his wife, the former Madeline Walden, of Westfield; one daughter, Mrs. John (Geraldine) Eckel, RR 1,1 Varna; five sons, William, of t Goderich; Glenn, of Stratford; tion. Murray, of Grand Bend; La- verne and Keith, at home; two sisters, Mrs, Roy (Hilda) Smale, RR 1, Hensall; Mrs. Mary Pot- ter, Stratford; two brothers, Henry, Staffa, and Marvin, Florida, and three grandchil- dren. Public funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral home Tuesday at 2 p.m., con- ducted by Rev. H. F. Currie, with interment in Staffa ceme- tery. W first game of the OAA play - downs with an 8-5 score in favor of Mildmay Saturday af- ternoon, at Mildmay. Next game in the series is at Hensall Friday evening at 8 p.m. Senior WMS The March meeting of the Senior Women's Missionary So- ciety of •Carmel Presbyterian Church was held Thursday af- ternoon last, with president Mrs. Earl Campbell opening with a word of welcome to the 13 members who attended. For the devotional period, incharge of Mrs, R. A. Orr,. five ladies took part, namely: Mrs. Harry Snell, who spoke on "India"; Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, "For- mosa"; Mrs. Al Hoggarth "Ni- geria"; Mrs. George Walz, "British Guiana"; MTs. Harvey Hyde "Japan and Korean Chris- tian Church". Next meeting, April 4, will be held in the evening. The Ladies' Aid met for a brief business meeting. Hockey Notes Hensall Pee Wees, in two re- cent exhibition hockey games, defeated Seaforbh Pee Wees 2-1 in a game at Seaforth on Saturday, and also defeated Liman Pee Wees 5-1 on Mon- day. John T. Johnston John Thomas Johnston, a pa- tient at Queensway nursing home for one year, died sud- denly Thursday of a heart at- tack. A native of B.C., he came to Hensall from London. He was in his 78th year. Surviv- ing is one sister in B.C. Priv- ate funeral service was held from Bonthron funeral chapel Saturday morning, conducted by Rev. J. C. Boyne. Inter- ment in. Hensall Union Ceme- tery. Mrs, Gordon Troyer is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hos- pital.Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Brown, of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Mar- guerite Ulch, Windsor, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little and family. Jahn F. Ingram has pur- chased the property of the late Mathew England, on Queen Street, and has sold his prop- erty on Brock Street to Don Travers. Mrs. Jean Turvey was in To- ronto over the week -end at - ending a hair styist conven- Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Wish to announce they will cater for Banquets, Weddings, Bonspiels FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT MRS. HAROLD CAMPBELL, PRESIDENT Dial 262-5104, Hensall Contract Your BEAN Acreage —AT— E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED -- Quality Michigan and Ontario Sanilac and Seaway Seed --= Fertilizer Supplied -- Eptam Available FERTILIZER We have Bagged and Bulk Harriston Fertilizer Available at Competitive Price. Spring Seed Registered, Certified and Commercial Spring Seed Available Special Seed Mixtures Available SEE OR CALL E. L MICKLE & SON LIMITED Hensall Phone 262-2714 41111111.1111111.11111111 1 Frigidaire Sale 21 CUBIC FOOT CHEST Deep freeze $ 237.00 14 FOOT Refrigerator $297.00 RECEIVE A HAIR DRYER FREE GI ZURICH iy E 0. 21" RANGE $ 167.00 FREE TUMBLERS While They Last. CLINTON .F,1.1WAAlkdri.44ktV VAL ALES and SERVICE SEAFORTH v Chicken Loaf or Macaroni and Cheese Loaf Meat By -Products 49c LB. HAMBURG 2 LBS. 89c FRESH HAM BUTT Campfire — 111/2-0z. Packages Steaks or (hops Marshmallows St. William's — 20 -Oz. Tins Cherry Pie Fillings 65c LBe ROUND OR RUMP ROASTS 85c LB. STEAKS RS rlon r ib! 85c FROZEN FOOD HIGHLINER -- 24.Oz. Pkg. -- (Haddock) FISH/CHIP DINNER 53c PRODUCE No. 1 — SIZE 96s GRAPEFRUIT 8 For 59c Clover Leaf — 1 -Lb. Tins Red Cohoe Salmon Scotian Gold — 48 -Oz. Tins— Apple Juice Rose — 24 -Oz. Jar Fruit Conserve 2/49c 2/69c 85c 2/59c 75c Personal Size — (Deal -1 FREE with 5) Ivory Soap York — 3 -Lb. Jar Peanut Butter McCormick's Sodas or Saltines Tomato or Vegetable — 10.0z, Tins 39c 99c _ 3 Lbs< $1 8/$1 Aylmer Soups