HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-03-10, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CIT$ZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1964 Hay Towns'hip's Centennial Protect The picnic pavilion being built by the Township of of the building is being shared equally by the federal and Hay on their lake front property, south of St. Joseph, is provincial governments and the township. Contractor on well under way, and the building Is now closed in. Cost the job is Lloyd Mousseau, RR 2, Hensall. —DEAR DORIS_-.- DEAR DORIS — My wife works in another town and boards there during the week. Her boy friend works in the same place and they go back at nights in the ear and stay until very late. Also they have the two rooms upstairs in the boarding house to themselves and there is nothing to stop them visiting one another in the night. She always tells me what a nice guy he is. I think they are going the limit now, Doris. What I am afraid of is if I say anything she will tell me to mind my own business. I don't want to fight with her. Joe DEAR JOE—If anything in the world is your business, this is! She dares you to ask about it, knowing how little you want to fight. Stiffen your spine and assert yourself. Insist on her return to a job where she can came home every single night. Then meet the competition by learn- ing mare about Sex in Mar- riage. I'm sending you a list of books about it. DEAR DORIS — I love my school work too much. Just about everything I do revolves around my making something of myself. I revel in my classes and absorb every word. I adore my teachers of science and try to mold myself after them, for I feel that I would deeply da - sire to follow science as my career. My problem is that I'd love to have fun and friends but fear that my marks would drop rapidly if I started to follow the crowd. True, I am modern to some extent—I try new hair styles, follow clothes trends, a Cit` KLIN'S Parade of Values ROSE TRELLISES REDWOOD STAINED $1.60 $2.40 $2.70 MAHOGANY — 3/16" READY TO FINISH V -GROOVED PANELING 4xaSHEETS 4 x 7 SHEETS $3.99 $3.49 VINYL -COATED GYPROC 4 x 8 SHEETS — 4 COLORS REGULAR PRICE $5.75 Now Only $3.52 use make-up, do the new dances but I lack the most important object, a mind full of fun -lov- ing ideas. to the people or to remain Whether to open up my mind to the people, or to remain solemn as befits my nature for the last 17 years because of my love for knowledge? Why can't I have both? Is it just that I don't have it in me? I also like to read; and I keep guppies and turtles and raise plants. So that's how I fill in my extra time, that by rights should go to socializing. Anti -Social DEAR ANTI -SOCIAL You can have both. Help yourself! Just because the Lord bas given you an extra good brain is not to say you have been short-changed in sociability. We live in a world of people, and part of your education is to practise getting along with them. Re -arrange your time -table and your inclinations to include time with fun -loving friends. You'll learn — and come to love it. DEAR DORIS — I was born in England. Children here teased me about my English accent. I am reasonably good Iooking, intelligent and clean. Now I am .ata .high school where I am not only unpopular but also other kids do not like to sit next to me. School is a form of torture to me. Please tell me how to get a better reputation around the school and how to make friends before •it is too late. I have a St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School II:00 a,m,--Worship Service You Are Welcome WINDOW SASH Glazed—Various Sizes ONLY -- EACH $150 FENCING SPECIAL CEDAR PASTS Regular Value $1.00 Now 79c LOUR CONIPM111 EXETER, 2354422 GRAND BEND, 238-2374 middle-aged neighbor who is some kind of social worker. Should I speak to her? Unwanted DEAR UNWANTED — Could it be that the English accent, plus your shy ways, are mis- taken for stuck-up-ness? By all means ask your sort -of -social worker neighbor about it. My leaflet, "Don't Be Shy", was written for people like you who find it hard to make friends. Pm sending you a copy (and this leaflet is avail- able to any reader writing in, enclosing 10 cents and a stamp- ed envelope). 0 Music Results Pupils of Idella Gabel, ARCT, who tried music examinations recently are: Western Conserv- atory, Grade 8 piano, honors, Yvonne Gingerich; grade 5 pi- ano, honors, Carol Gascho, Mar- ilyn Gascho; grade 4 piano, first class honors, Joanne Hay- ter; grade 3 piano, honors, Lois Widrick, Elizabeth Kennedy. Toronto Conservatory: Grade 3, history, pass, Janet Miller, first-class honors, Paul Robin - Bonnie McCrae; grade 1, piano, son. manneeemes EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church ZURICH Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B,D., M I mister Mrs. Milton (Desch. Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Bible Discussions, Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST I5 LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! We Have The When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the best, Super Kem-Tone and Kem-Glo est Iho b i.u,, 1 - ASK TO SEE OUR ICI sin Mt. r•iiper COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK TIME TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Requirements Buy all your Hardi-Green and Long«Term Mixtures now, from a reliable dealer. HAY PASTURE MIXES Stade & Weld() Hardware "PLUMBING — D EA'17NG -- T1NSMITHING" DIAL 236.4921 ZURICH DASHWOOD and DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Salmon and Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Boyle, representatives of Dashwood village, attended the Ontario Hydro convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and family were Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Prang and Edward, of Zurich. Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke, of Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Van Dorsslaer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile, of Zurich. The occasion being a birthday and anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and family and Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Rader and family were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene. Mr. Dennis Jutzi, of Kitchen- er, and Miss Dianne Peck, • of Zurich, student teachers from Stratford Teachers' College, are practice teaching at Dashwood Public School under the super- vision of principal Don Fink- beiner. Witnesses Hold Elmira Meeting Last Week -end Joseph Scagli•one, district supervisor and principal speak- er at the Elmira conference of Jehovah's Witnesses last week- end, posed a provocative ques- tion in his opening remarks to the 561 delegates assembled at Elmira District Secondary School. "Does the modern-day Christian have a responsibility to be a missionary?" Included among the delegates were 41 from the Exeter and district .00ngregation of Jehovah's Wit- nesses. In his address, "Make dis- ciples of people of all the na- tions", Mr. Scaglione kindled the interest of the delegates in these words of Jesus. "Does the Christian have a choice about making disciples? No, this is a command," he said. Continuing to set the theme, "Make Disciples", he asked the question, "How can this be done?" The evening's program was developed with a view to answering that question. Hensoll Hi -C Pion Trip to CFPL-TV Hi -C fellowship youth group met Sunday evening in the United Chinch, Hensall. The program was under direction of Robert McNaughton and his Hi -C group, The group are planning on taking a trip to CFPL-TV, where they will tour the studio on March 23. Special feature of the eve- ning was a lunch box social - Sixteen attended. Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-83 "C�.S Regular 43c Package Special Lewis' Butter Tarts _ 37c 16 Ounces Kraft Cheese Whiz _ _ 63c Maxwell House -6 Oz. -14c Off Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ 97c Robin Hood Pouch Pack—Assorted Cake Mixes 7/$1 Tempt -15 Oz. Dog or Cat Food _ _ 1131 Fresh Apple or Raisin Weston's Pies _ _ _ _ 39c Strawberry or Raspberry — 24 Oz. Breakfast Club Jam 2/$1 Treesweet — 48 Oz. Orange Juice 45c Clark's Fancy -48 Oz. Tomato Juice 37c Lynn Valley -20 Oz. Bartlett Pears - - - 2/57c Scotian Gold -48 Oz. pple Juke 29c 11 Ounces lOmer Catsup _ _ 2/39c Aylmer Canadian Style — 15 Oz. Pork and Beans _ _ 4/59c Choice Peas _ _ 2/33c Free Detergent 89c Kounty Kist -15 Oz. Maple Leaf -24 Oz. Buy One—Get One Package Tide, Giant Size _ _ _ 99c Cooked — 15 Oz. Heinz Spaghetti _ _ 2/35c Aylmer -10 Oz. Tomato Soup _ _ _ _ 2/25c FRUIT and VEGETABLES SUNKIST ORANGES, 138s 2 Doz. 89c JUMBO SIZE CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE Head 29c SANSONE CELLO TOMATOES, 14 Oz. _ _ 2/49c 20 OZ. CETLLO NEW TEXAS CARROTS 2 For 35c MEAT SPECIALS FRESH PORK HOCKS 2 LBS. 69c VISKING BOLOGNA 2 LBS. 69c COUNTRY STYLE PORK SAUSAGE _ _ _ LB. 59c 4 TO 5 POUNDS FRESH ROASTING CHICKEN LB. 55c DRY CLEANING SPECIAL Pants SLACKS SKIRTS, Plain Pleated SUITS TILL FURTHER NOTICE $ .65 DRESSES 1.25 .65 CAR COATS 1.15 .65 SPRING COATS .95 SNOW SUITS 1.25 JACKETS Your Superior MAN AND SATURDAY Leave At Doerr's Store a -- MONDAY, THURSDAY DOERR'S MUM DIAL 236.4354 — ZURIC1! 1.25 .85 .65