HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-03-10, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 74e Mrs. E. Holland, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson, Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds, Seaforth, visited on Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs, Clendon Christie and Catharine Anne. Historical research meeting of Kippen East WI will be field Wednesday, March 16, at 2 9p.m. at the home of hostess, Mrs. R. Hoornaert, with co - hostess, Mrs Joyce Cooper. Roll •call: "Name an old farm :implement and the new one that has replaced it". Motto: "How Canada became a Domin- ion", Mrs. Glenn Bell; history of Morris Township, Mrs. Grant MacLean; convenor of lunch,' Mrs. William Kyle. Unit 4 of UCW Hears Reports The March meeting of Unit 4, Hensall UCW, was held in the Fellowship Hall on Thurs- day afternoon with Mrs. James McAllister in the chair. The devotional on "The Greatest of These Is Love" was given by ! Mrs. Gordon ,Love. 'Miss M. Ellis, in her usual capable manner, gave an inter- esting and informative talk on Trinidad, which is a beautiful island approximately 40 by 50 miles in size. A lovely piano solo was rendered by Miss Greta Laramie. Members reported many calls had been made on the sick and shut-ins. Mrs. J. Flynn report- ed the quilting project, two quilts for the bale and six cus- tom had been finished and there is one of each still to be done. It was decided to complete the project next week beginning on Tuesday with a pot -luck dinner, to highlight the event. It was reported that yarn was available for knitting ar- ticles for the Children's Aid Society and to contact Mrs. Edison Forrest for this. This unit will be responsible for placing flowers in the church for the month •of April and also responsible for the general meeting in June. Date for the Snowflake Ba - Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the WOSSA senior girls' basketball tournament in Tillsonburg last Saturday. The South Huron District High ,School team was one of four 'competing there. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Bartlett, Thamesford, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Queen, celebrating Mr. Mc - Queen's 84th birthday. Clifford Keys, of Varna, a patient in Brant Memorial Hos- pital, Burlington, is showing signs of improvement. At the Guide meeting on Tuesday night, Anne Keys was invested as Second •of the Lily Patrol. Mrs. Maurice Tudor instructed the Guides on child scare for their Child Care Badge. Don't Risk disappointment BUY a.44 SE:DS and be SURE! It takes a seed expert with world-wide experience to buy the right seeds at the right time, from the right sources, at the right prices. So, if you're not an expert, trust Jones, Mac - Naughton to provide you with seeds that will give you com- pletely satisfying results — they're experts! T fact, seeds— and only seeds are Jones, MacNaughton's !business . . . and they've spe- cialized in seeds for Western Ontario for a great many years. You can be sure of reliable and dependable performance from all Jones, MacNaughton Seeds true to variety, high in germ- ination and exactly suited to the soils and climate of Western Ontario. Get full value, too, from J o n e s, MacNaughton's long-time policy of selling the best seeds at the fairest prices. i'or all your seed needs, order from your local dealer or Jones, MacNaughton Seeds EXETER Phone 235-0363 CREDITON Phone 234-6363 General Meeting Of Hensa[l UCW Plans For Events "Youth in Action" was the theme of the United Church Women's general meeting. Mal- colm Hiltz, of Exeter, was guest speaker, giving a vivid account of Older Boys' Parliament and outlining the reactions and thoughts of the young people of today. Ann Mickle and Robert Mc- Naughton gave an interesting account of Toc Alpha confer- ence in Niagara Falls, and told of the fellowship, discussions and lectures they attended, and the wealth of information de- rived from this conference. Jane Pyette and Jim Traquair performed piano solos. Bob Forrest favored with a trumpet solo, and Joyce Flynn, Nancy Kyle and Linda Mock sang a trio. Mrs. Edison Forrest conduct- ed the devotional and used as a theme questions on religion asked by the young people. Mrs. Victor Pyette gave court- esy remarks. Mrs. Harold Currie conduct- ed the business part of the meeting, outlining the dates of the Huron Presbyterial, Tues- day, March 22, at Wesley Willis United Church in Clinton, and London conference March 29 and 30 in Wingham. She ex- pressed •a hope that many of the ladies would attend these conferences. The budget outlined by fi- nance chairman Mrs. Walter Spencer was read and accepted for 1966. IF EVERY COW Was as good as the best in the herd what a change it would make in the profit! You can't make an "average" cow any better, but you can give her the opportunity to produce a better calf, by using a quality herd sire. Make tomorrows herd as good as today's best cows by using reliably proven sires, whose offspring have already demon, stratei their abilities. For service or information phone weekdays till 10 a.m. (for Saturday service phone Saturdays 6.8 p.m.) to the nearest office of Witorlo Cattle BETTER LIVESTOCK FOR BETTER DIVING n ZURICH cITIzgpis NEWS PAGE THREE aervet zaar was set for Saturday, No- vember 2d, It was suggested that fancy aprons sell better than plain, Presbyterial will be held in Wesley Willis United Church, Clanton, Tuesday, March 22, and London Conference is sche- duled to meet in Wingham, March 28, 29, 30. Unit Four catered for a din- ner for Sunday school super- intendents and assistants of South Huron, and their wives, Tuesday evening last, At a general, meeting last Monday evening it was decided to cater for a dinner for men which the stewards plan on having March 17, with guest speaker being Hugh Bremner, radio aand tele- vision commentator. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell is a patient in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Mrs, Ken Passmore Funeral service for the late Mrs. Kenneth Passmore, 22 of Aylmer, was held Monday of this week from the Hughson funeral home, Aylmer, with burial in Aylmer cemetery, The late Mrs, Passmore, who died Friday in St. Thomas -i Elgin General Hospital, is sur vived by her husband Kenneth,' son of the late Albert (AB) Passmore, forxnerly of Hensall; her parents; one sister and one brother. A copper and ceramic ashtray incorporating Canada's Centennial symbol in its design was singled out for an award of excellence at the Ontario Souvenir Industry Exhibition. Judges Alan Campaign, Bernard F. Minns and F. D. Grise (right) selected souvenirs from four categories for special recognition at the exhibition, which took place in Toronto recently. Other awards are for a hand -tooled, leather,covered magazine rack, an Iroquois doll in buckskins, and a maple leaf tartan clutch purse. Award scrolls will be presented to winners by the Hon. James A. C. Auld, Minister of Tourism and Information. tlftWP BONELESS Pot Roas Roasts Side Pork - 1 SCHNEIDER'S RING Bologna in am 1 PORK OR BEEF Liver - 49c 55c 45c - Ib. 35c Side Bacon Ib. 69c PRODUCE from Seaforth Auxiliary to the Legion Auxiliary rensall Branch. Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Goder- ieh, zone commander, paid her official visit to the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary March meeting held in the Legion Hall last Tuesday evening, speaking on the work of the auxiliary, Mrs. Carroll was in- troduced by president Mrs. Harold Campbell and presented a gift by past president Mrs.; Roy Smale. Ten dollars was donated to the Bunny Bundle. A canvass for the Red Cross will be made in March, and the group will cater to a bonspiel March 19. Two teams will participate in a bowling tournament at Walk- erton in April. Mrs. Jahn Erb, 'of Zurich, was initiated into membership 'as a new member, and Mrs. Grant McClinchey w a s transferred Mrs. Grant Bisback won the tendance draw, Mrs. John Erb the guessing contest, and Mrs. Gordon Munn the mystery prize. 0 AMBER REBEKAHS Amber Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday evening for their regular meeting with noble grand Mrs. George Clifton pre - Plans were discussed for a siding. euchre to be 'held in the Lodge Hall following lodge meeting on Wednesday, March 16. So- cial and entertainment commit- tees are to look after arrange- ments. The secretary was advised to write to "Act Fast", or "Take Your Choice",'•on CFPL-TV, re- garding members appearing on either program in the near future. ontract Your E A N creage -- AT -- Eo Le MICKLE & SON LIMITED — Quality Michigan and Ontario Sanilac and Seaway Seed — Fertilizer Supplied — Eptam Available FERTILIZER We have Bagged and Bulk Harriston Fertilizer Available at Competitive Price. Spring Seed Registered, Certified and Commercial Spring Seed Available Special Seed Mixtures Available SEE OR CALL E. L MICKLE & SON LIMITED IJensall Phone 262-2714 IniN*eee k 'ra ni , rK&V ?ver"` "+ , '11DGET ....::ti'�..i•, i£,„',`..d'�.'x�irv�w:i#5:gw,il;:s�yiti,r Ontario No. 1 -50 -Lb. Bag POTATOES $1.49 FROZEN FOOD Supreme Brand—Green or Wax BEANS 2 Lb. Bag 49c SUPREME BRAND — 24 OZ. APPLE PIES 39c Each 24 OZ LOAVES $uper $ave Bread - 5 for $1. 32 Oz. Jar Bick's Sauerkraut 29c McLaren's — 16 Oz- Jar Pickled Beets 2/49c Windex — 14 Oz. Window Cleaner 65c Maple Leaf — 24 Oz. Liquid Detergent 87c Buy One, Get One Free—Regular $1.74 Value Very Mild — 2 Lb. Block Farmers' Cheese $1.24 Aylmer Canadian Style — 20 Oz. Beans with Pork 5/88c 11 -Oz. Bottle FREE, One Bottle with Purchase of Libby Catchup 3 at 69c