HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-03-03, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1966 Unit four, Hensel]. United Church Women, under the con- venorship of Mrs. J. Flynn, have •completed nine quilts, three for the bale for overseas relief, and six custom quilts.) Ladies quilting every day aver -1 aged around 15 a day. Pot - luck dinners and afternoon teas were a feature of the quilting. Friends of Mrs. Mary Taylor,' members of the bowling team on which she plays, surprised MRS. MAUDE her at her home on the occa- i sion of her 78th birthday and presented her with a floral cen- trepiece. A social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. William Fuss, Mr. and Mrs, James Hyde and Don Kyle, of Toronto, who is on the staff of the Bank of Montreal there, left Sunday, February 27, by car for a two weeks' vacation in Florida. WAYNE AND SHUSTER That hairy forearm betrays the true identity of the flower - seller — Johnny Wayne, who seems to have Frank Shuster fooled. The comics are being seen on CBC -TV's Show of the Week several times this season, HOW TO GET GRADE 'A' DAIRY PROFITS Feed your dairy cattle your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with profit -proven National Dairy Con- centrate ! It's the fresh -mix with the balanced protein base. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy—right here at the mill— using National Concentrate, of course. (P. S. Ask about National's profit -proven Calf Starter, too !) 1 NATIONAL DAIRY CONCENTRATE Ono A PRODUCT OF CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Ed. Schwartzentruber R.R. 2, ZURICH Henson District Co-operative REDDEN, Editor ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS IMS'1MIiIII111M111111Muluidimir llai111M111111UMIU III Mid MIII WIyes rINIDI MMNUMNfrrMMNINDIMMI IENINNI MMINNIIIRDIMrrINNNMM IN M maim Masi NNE mum MINIM 01 MY1 MUM MIDNE CM OM NEMO NOMIMMO MIME MOM MEMO 111111031 mule MUDmINA WMEl Iwo me !SUM.. i9CMl1MilMNysr NUM MEEtENUM 11MsIllsDEN seMIMM■1EMI MEM amnum in liSU sid WO Um mg Ism s MUM 110. 0111111111111110.1.11.111111111111M1 Mw NON 111IiMMA1 Wee , ?Lt4 1.5‘ By DAVE WILSON' Danny Thomas has scored ex- tremely well this season with his TV specials. So it's a na- tural step for NBC-TV to sign Danny, in advance, for three more major special shows in the 1966-67 season. _... 0 — Batman has scored again. The new ABC series is just a step away from becoming the top show of the entire season. The ABC network offers the show in color on Wednesday and Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. Channel 13 airs both episodes together every Sun- day afternoon at 4:30 p.m. Whether you view it in color or black and white, it's a winner. — 0— The movie listings look par- ticularly good for the next few days. This Sunday at 2 p.m. Channel 10 will offer "The Re- markable Mr. Pennypacker", starring Clifton Webb, Dorothy McGuire and Charles Coburn. On Friday night (March 4) at 9 p.m. CFPL-TV's Film Festival is "Advise and Consent", with Henry Fonda, Charles Laugh- ton, Don 'Murray and Walter Pigeon. It's all about the dirt and the dignity of political life, particularly, as it relates to the U.S. Senate. These are two top movies and well worth watching. —0— Sammy Davis Jr. plays host to Jonathan Winters, the An- drew Sisters and the Supremes on his show on NBC-TV on Fri- day, March 4, at 8:30 p.m. Sam- my was off to •a bad start with this series but he's pulling out ▪ 105 all stops to put the show back on the track, He seems to be taking a bigger part in the pro- duction these days and that should help. — 0— It's Chicago at Toronto Channel 10 this Saturday 8:30 p.m. on at — 0 — Danny Kaye stars in "The Five Pennies" — the story of bandleader Red Nichols — ou Saturday Night at the Movies on NBC this Saturday at 9, — 0— On Sunday, a new resident of Virginia City is torn between strong feelings for Ben Cart- wright •and an equally strong sense of duty to her invalid brother on Bonanza. It's on Channel 10 at 9. — 0— Would you believe it? Max- well Smart is the only person standing between the detona- tion of an enemy atomic bomb and the hopes of the free world on "Get Smart" Friday night (March 4) at 8 p.m. on Chan- nel 10. Methinks all could be lost. — 0— Here are a couple of dates to circle. Sunday, May 29, and Sunday, June 5. On these nights NBC's "White Paper" will tele- cast parts one and two of "The Age of Kennedy". The pro- grams will deal with Kennedy the man and the politician, as well as the historical forces which shaped his life. Arthur Schlesinger Jr. will serve as consultant. I'll keep you up to date as the dates approach. Hensail Kinettes Hold Beef Night Regular meeting of the Hen - sell Kinette Club was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, Harold Caldwell, with 100 Aer cent attendance, and president Mrs, William Fuss presiding. A. tentative date was set for Saturday, May 7, for their spring rummage sale which will be held at Hensall Arena. The Kinettes and Kinsmen, will visit Ontario Hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, March 23, to entertain the patients in the hospital. The club reached their ob- jective of $215 and over, in the recent March of Dimes cam- paign. A motion was passed to en- tertain the Kinsmen once a year. The response to organ- ize Teen Town was very grati- fying and an announcement will be made shortly. Nominating committee, Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Bob Caldwell, Mrs. Harold Knight and Mrs, John Baker, were chosen to bring in the new slate of officers for 1966-67, This been "beef night," many views were aired, including this outstanding quotation: "A smooth running ship under the capable hand of a good cap- tain". The next meeting, March 9, will be past president's night for which Mrs. William Clement will be hostess. 0 Obituary Mrs. E. MacVICAR Funeral service for Mrs. Elgie M. MacVicar, 87, was held on Thursday from the Denning Brothers funeral home, Strath- roy. Burial was in Poplar Hill cemetery. Mrs, MacVicar, of Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, passed away at her home on Tuesday and is survived by one one son, Wil- liam, Strathroy; two daughters, Mrs. Robert J. (Vera) Drys- dale, Hensall; Mrs. Al. (Lottie) Beare, Hamilton; half sister, Mrs, George (Etta) Casey, To- ronto. The former Elgie Zavitz, she was the widow of Hugh Mac - Vicar. About People You Know . , . Mrs. John Henderson was ad- mitted as a patient to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Thurs- day evening. Mrs. Pearl Passmore spent the week -end with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Boogesman, Burlington, Mrs, R. A. Orr entertained at her home Thursday for her grand -daughter, Barbara Lynn Orr, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jim Orr, Crediton, who was celebrating her third birthday. Attending the party were Lori Flynn and John and Judith Mickle. Games were played and lunch served including a PAGE THREE birthday cake. Mrs, Eric Kennedy, who has been visiting with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Karl Haslip, and family, of Burlington, is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Geiger, at Fenelon Falls. Hensel! W.I. Home economics and health meeting of Hensall Women's Institute will be held in the Legion Hall, Wednesday, March 9, at 8:15 p.m. Guest speaker will be Dr. C. J. Wallace, of Zurich. Members are asked to bring a shower of stamped get - well cards at this meeting for sick and shut-ins, and also to bring something they have made, sewn or grown. Pro- gram convenors are Mrs. Clar- ence Reid and Mrs. Garfield Broderick. Contract Your E A N Acreage — AT -- E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED — Quality Michigan and Ontario Sanilac and Seaway Seed — Fertilizer Supplied — Eptam Available FERTILIZER We have Bagged and Bulk Harriston Fertilizer Available at Competitive Price. Spring Seed Registered, Certified and Commercial Spring Seed Available Special Seed Mixtures Available SEE OR CALL E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED Hensall Phone 262-2'714 xra T= c ' ? z 401201 3'/z -Oz. Packages Tang Orange Crystals 2/43c S0c —_Regularly 89c Johnson & Johnson Band-Aids _ _ _ _ 75c 11/2 -Lb. Tin Coleman's Canned Hams $1.75 Parchment Wrap Monarch Margerine 2 Lbs. 59c 10 -Oz. Jar Nescafe Instant Coffee $1.49 Layer Type -- 13 -Oz. Packages Pillsbury Cake Mixes 2/89c Coffemate, 11 -oz. Jar 79c 8.Oz. Packages Schneider's Cheese Slices _ _ 2/59c Fresh Boneless Pork Butts Ib. 69c Minced Ham - Ib. 55c Rib Boiling Beef - Ib. 35c Stewing Beef - - Ib. 59c Poerk Sausage - - Ib. 55c PRODUCE — MIX or MATCH ONTARIO No. 1 3 -LB. BAG CARROTS and COOKING ONIONS 2 bags 39c FROZEN FOODS Highliner - 16 -Oz. Packages COD FISH STICKS _ turnovpp _ 59c PEPPERIDGE FARMS Turnovers Peach, Blueberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry —101 Oz. 2 For 79c Dial 262-2011 — Hensall LOIN PORK CHOPS Or HAM STEAK 79c LB.