HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-02-17, Page 7THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1966 ZURICH !CITIZENS- NEWS PAGE SEVEN :a6 n�! It's Official Now The sign now reads "Zurich Memorial Community Centre" and bears official proof to the public that the building once maintained and operated jointly by Hay Township and the village of Zurich is now Zurich's own. An enthusiastic rec- reation committee is hard at work in an attempt to ensure that the building is used to capacity by village and area residents. NEW SPY SERIES Robert Goulet (left) stars as American secret agent David March, in Blue Light, a Second World War spy drama seen Wednesdays on the CBC -TV network. This is the first dra- matic role in a television series for the popular singer, who rocketed to stardom in the Broadway musical Camelot. L. -• •. a• CO-OP* Gasoline has a special detergent that cleans deposits out of your carburetor and fuel system,.. keeps your throttle clean at all times 0 You get faster starts, Tess stalling and better performance. You cut down on tune-ups and engine repair costs too 0 That's not all. CO-OP Gasoline works four other ways to save you money: A built-in rust inhibitor prot!tcts vital engine parts; volatility is controlled to adjust power to your needs; an anti -icing additive ,combats cold weather stalls; and a special additive lets you store CO-OP Gasoline longer without fuel deterioration. Try CO.OP Gasoline soon . . There°s a tune-up In every tankful. HENSALL DISTRICT C..OPENATIV[ Brucefield -- Hensall "–• Zurich 1 SUGAR AND SPICE by. Bill Smiley THE .BALTIMORE ORIOLE In last week's column, I men- tioned that son Hugh had failed to keep a Saturday ren- dezvous with Kim and me. He was supposed to meet us and come home for a week -end of skiing. When he didn't show up, we didn't worry, thinking he'd become i n v o l v e d else- where. He was. Tuesday night following, the senior tutor of his college phoned, long distance. Was Hugh at home, ill? Nobody in his residence had seen him since Friday night. He'd missed a test in psychology. How would you go about tell- ing your wife that her first- born is missing? It would have been easier to inform her that I had cancer and three months to live. There's nothing more fun, on a night in mid -winter, than sit- ting around with your wife won- dering whether your son has eloped, has been kidnapped, has become a junkie, is on a drunk, or is lying dead in a ditch. Thus speculating, we took turns. She'd be white with ap- prehension. I'd be red with rage. Then we'd turn red and white, simultaneously, she with anger, I with fear. And while we were thus en- gaged, do you know where he was? Wining and dining, play- ing a Steinway grand piano, in a swank apartment on Park Avenue, New York City. and ask if Hugh were there. So she asked gaily, "How is the boy?" (They'd had a baby boy a few months previously.) Cousin Pat retorted, "Yours or mine?" And the Baltimore Oriole, as he is now known in the family, was in the net. Almost. He came on the line, "Hi, Mom. How are you?" Gay as an oriole. Innocent as a novice nun. When his mother was able to talk, she told him, for 20 minutes, how she was, and what he was. Finally, Kim and I wrested the telephone from her and I spent 45 seconds tell- ing him to be home by the week -end. He was. Large as life, cheer- ful as a cherub. During the week -end, when he wasn't sleep- ing, eating or skiing, he regaled us with his tale. He'd caught the urge to trav- el late Friday night. Struck off at 3 a.m., in ski jacket and jeans. ,Hitch -hiked, Caught rides with university students, Negro ladies, hillbillies. Arrived New York with 20 cents. Went to coffee house to keep warm. Ordered coffee. Waiter said, "Sixty-five cents". Hugh said, "I've only got 20". Waiter took it. Read French novel and talked to junkies, students and assorted charac- ters all night. Sold pint of blood in Times Square for $5. Ate. Later phoned gentleman musician he'd met in his summer job on cruise boat, who had foolishly said, "Any time you're in New York, look me up." This chap and his wife met the ski -jacket- ed bum in jeans with warmth, fed him, enjoyed a musical eve- ning together, gave him sleep - (Kim was in on it too, busting with excitement), into one of the finest frenzies of rage and relief we've ever enjoyed. Suddenly, I had one of those rare flashes of insight which make people who don't know me think I'm a genius. "Balti- more." I cried. "Ah -ha! Balti- more!" I reminded the Old Girl that she has a cousin studying at Johns Hopkins University, Bal - timer. She said I was crazy, he wouldn't dare go there, and if he had Cousin Pat would have phoned. I insisted. She called, got Cousin Pat and his wife in jig - Next night, I phoned his room -mate. Yep, Mr. Smiley, he'd had a card from Hugh. From Greenwich Village. Hav- ing a ball. New stop, Balti- more. This threw the whole family CALL McADAMS RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIRS To Television, Car Radios, Transistors, Hi-Fi, Etc. The Finest Testing Equipment avaiiable, Dial 2364094 or 4186 ZURICH 44H Leaders At Hensall School Huron County 4-11 Home- making Club Leaders' Training schools for the 1966 spring project, "Accent on Accessor- ies" was held in the Legion Hall, Hensall, Monday and Tuesday, February 14 and 15, with 32 leaders and assistants present from Exeter, Crediton, ing quarters, and sent him on his way with $15 cash. Hitch -hiked to Baltimore. Had pleasant evening with Cousin Pat and wife Stephanie. Immediate plans to head for Florida and visit with friends of ours, then meander to New Orleans, where he knows aa couple of girls he met at music camp, but foiled by parents' phone call. Returne home with $7.88, cash. Disgusted with parents' attiude. After all, he'd sent us a card from New York. (We got it the day before he arrived home.) He's back at school, but there's still one thing bother - time. My wife didn't want to ing us. Kim can hardly wait sound like a complete moron to get started on her first trip. Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and 'Greases "Go With Arrow" ROBERT N. ItrIcKINLEY AGENT: DIAL 236.4830 — ZURICH tammamaismammuaamaimmummitemom N LI Parade of Values ODD SHIHGLTT.S (VARIOUS COLOURS) Regular Value $3.25 Bunch Onl1V 2.10 STORM DOORS ALUMINUM COMBINATION 11/4" THICK — .PRE -HUNG Complete With Only .$26.95 Hardware PRE -FINISHED PLYWOODS Priced From Per Sheet $3.64 SAVE DOLLARS Come in and Browse Around ! ! EXETER, 235.1422 GRAND BEND, 238.2374 Belgrave, Seaforth and Hen- sall. Following the course the ladies will return to their com- munities and instruct girls be, tween the ages of 12 and 26 on the planning, selection and making of co-ordinated acees- sories. Miss Diane Liddiard, home economist for Huron County, and Mrs. Ruth Axtmann, of Walton, former home econo- mist, were in charge. gimminamimminzumazemow Exert Watch Repairs • Trophies and Engraving • DIAMONDS -WATCHES - CHINA Anstett Jewellers LTD. CLINTON — WALKERTON — SEAFORTH NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY The Ontario Junior Farmers have undertaken a Centennial project to make "Century Farm Signs" available to Ontario Farmers, A "Century Farm" is one which has been in his family name for 100 years. if you know of or think a farm in Hay Township has been in a family for 100 years, please com- plete the following coupon and return to H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk -Treasurer, Zurich, Ontario. FAMILY NAME LOT NUMBER. CONCESSION oat h2 STEAKS It's a treat they'll all love. Our tempting foods are carefully prepared and beautifully served. The atmosphere is gracious and congenial, perfect for family dining. Our dining room is air conditioned for your comfort. We Specialize in CHICKEN - FISH minsemslosimossontairossilvamess ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236-4371 — ZURICH CUT CALF FEEDING COSTS Replace 250 Pounds of WHOLE MILK With 25 Pounds SHUR-GAIN Replacer Figure it out yourself! Sub- tract the cost of 25 pounds of SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer from the value of 250 pounds of whole mlk. The answer ... additional profits from your whole milk and heal- thier heifer calves, - SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer contains all the nutrients of whole milk plus an essential combination of antibiotics to help control scours and other calfhood setbacks. Drop in soon we'd like to talk about your calf feeding program . . . the SHUR- GAIN Calf Feeding program. Milk iplf lift lily !!1.li h ii SHUR'GAIN M. DEITZ and SON DIAL 237-4951 feed service ZURICH