HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-02-17, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Baia For Sale, etc., Carc, Thanks, 1 n Memo, Engagements, 3c A w• Minimum 75c REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimus CASH DISCOUNTS - Off if paid by Sari..• Following last insertr, BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second r FREE - Births, Marriages, Death*. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE SPECIAL SALE of apples from February 14 to 19, $1.50 a bush- el in your own containers, at the farm. Fred McClymont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 6,x ADMIRAL 17" Television set, in good working condition, priced reasonable. Call Herb Turkheim, dial 236-4662. SPECIAL PRICES on odd sizes in children's and women's win- ter footwear. Also a few sizes in men's. Also reduced prices in leather footwear while they last. Oesch Shoe Store. FARROWING Crates, all steel easy adjustment; m o u n t e d trough for easy feeding or trough and bowl. George Troy- er, RR 2, Hensall, phone 262- 5282 or 236-4072. 10wks,b FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, in good working condition, cheap. Call Herb Turkheim, dial 236- 4662. 5,p SHELL CORN, dried. Call Zur- ich 236-4668. 6,7,p SNOW GIANT Snowblower, cleans walks and driveways in minutes. Special prices, free demonstrations. C. G. Farm Supplies, RR 3, Zurich. 5,b COB CORN, approximately 10 tons. Contact Lionel Wilder, 236-4020, Zurich. 6,b SILVERWARE SALE 40% off. Community plate, 3 patterns: White Orchid, South Seas and Coronation. Sets and open stock. Your opportunity to buy a fine set of silverware or nose extra pieces you have been waiting for at Albert Hess, Jeweller, Zurich. 7,8,p WANTED TO BUY EIGHT CORDS 16 inch hard maple or beech. Body wood to be delivered in August. Call 29W Dashwood. 6,b FOR RENT HEATED APARTMENT in Zur- ich, upstairs with private en- trance; modern kitchen and liv- ing room, 3 -piece bath, two bed- rooms. Apply to Ervin Ginger- ieh, dial 236-4801, Zurich. 51,b HELP WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN for light housekeeping in farm home, m o d e r n conveniences. Two children in family, youngest 4 years. No outside work. Write Box SI Zurich Citizens News. 6,7,P HOUSEKEEPER, to look •after two children, to live-in during -daytime, Call 236-4617. 7,p CUSTOM WORK FURNITURE REPAIRED,, re- xnodled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7.tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in ZurIeh and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Self -Serve Hardware The second in a series of prominent business places in the area is Zurich Pro Hardware, located at the main inter- section of Highway 84 and the Goshen Line. Known at one time as Johnson & Kalbfleisch Hardware, the firm also oper- ated as the Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware for a number of years,before becoming a part of Zurich Hardware and Builders' Supply, A couple of years ago the store was com- pletely renovated and changed into a self -serve type of hardware. In 1964 they joined the Pro Hardware chain, and now carry a complete line of hardware, giftware and paint. They also specialize in plumbing and heating installations. Manager of the business is Leroy Thiel, MASONRY SERVICE - Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf WANTED COMING EVENTS SMORGASBORD Supper and Bazaar in the Zurich Commun- ity Centre on Wednesday, March 30, sponsored by Zurich Women's Institute. Proceeds for Blue Water Rest Home. 7,b ANY GIRLS interested in the March 4-H course, ."Accent on Accessories," please contact Mrs. Morris Webb or Mrs. James Parkins. 6,b MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS -Now is the time to have your bean knives ham- mered for this year. Basil O'Rourke, blacksmith and weld- ing shop, Brucefield. 3,4 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of HENRY WARD FORREST, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Ward Forrest, late of the Town- ship of Stanley, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 26th day of De- cember, 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of February, 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 5,6,7,b 0 SMALL HOUSE or apartment in Zurich of Blue Water High- way area. Call Percy Bedard .Jr., 236-4850. 7,b REAL ESTATE Valuable 98 Acre Farm Lot 5, Con. 10, Hay Township 3% miles south of Zurich on paved road With 2 -storey brick dwelling, all modern conveniences. Large hip -roof barn, silo and drive shed. Buildings all in first class aendition. Land is clay and sant loam; extra well drained. All tillable and high state of cultivation. For further particulars con- tact: MRS. BEATRICE RADER, Proprietress or ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Dead Animal 4 REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Anird*l Licence No. 262-c-63 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Schools, Land, Oil Furnaces, School Supplies and Miscel- laneous Items. The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auction, on the premises, com- mencing as listed SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Parcel No. 1: School No. 2 Situated on second conces- sion, Township of Hay, 11/4 miles north of Exeter cemetery. White brick structure, includ- ing land, to be offered in one unit. Suitable for residence. ITEMS TO BE OFFERED SEPARATELY - Coleman oil furnace; toilets and basins; 200 gallon •oil tank; Duro pressure pump, including 40 -gallon water tank; quantity lumber and planks; step -ladders, shovels, rakes, school desks, black- boards, books; Wright piano and stool, etc. This property and contents will be offered at 1:00 p.m. sharp, SATURDAY, FEB. 26th. Parcel No. 2: School No. 10 Situated on second conces- sion, Township of Hay. White brick structure, includ- ing land, to be offered in one unit. Suitable for residence. ITEMS TO BE OFFERED SEPARATELY - Wingham oil furnace; toilets and basins; 200 - gallon oil tank; Epps pressure pump, including 40 -gallon water tank; step -ladders; c ha i r s; school desks; blackboards; Heintzman piano and stool; large school bell, books, large maps, etc. This property and contents will be offered at 2:00 p.m., sharp, SATURDAY, FEB. 26th. Parcel No. 3: School No 3 Situated on Parr Line, Town- ship of Hay, 21/2 miles east of Zurich, one mile north. Frame structure, 30x28 ap- proximately, c o v e r ed with asphalt siding; woodshed 12x14, to be offered separately, not including land. Buildings in good condition. ITEMS TO BE OFFERED SEPARATELY - Clare Hecla furnace; 200 -gallon oil tank; toilets; basins; blackboard; cup- board; table; large maps; large school bell; globes; Heintzman piano and stool; books; 10 cords dry wood, beech and maple. This property and contents will be offered at 3:00 p.m„ sharp, SATURDAY, FEB. 26th. Parcel No. 4: School No. 13 Township of Hay, situated on I•Iighway 83, 31/2 miles west of Dashwood. White brick structure; also frame storage shed, including land, to be offered in one unit, This property very suitable for residence -beautiful lawn and shade trees; ample water sup- ply. ITEMS TO BE OFFERED SEPARATELY - An t h s oil furnace; oil tank; toilets and basins; blackboards; 2 pianos; numerous books; maps and school supplies. This property and contents will be .offered at 4:00 p.m,, sharp, SATURDAY, FEB, 26th. Terms' oil School and Land DEAR DORIS-I know I am too young to be in love (17) but I am very crazy over a cer- tain boy. I have a friend 16 who can get mostly any boy she wants. The first time she ever saw me with this boy she said, "Wow, he's cute. You want to keep a -hold of him." My so-called friend is not the least bit shy, and soon got around my guy. I think she has stolen him away from me and I am so shy I don't know how to get him back. My friend is cuter than me. Please help me. Me or Her? DEAR ME -So-called friend is right. A true pal would no more steal your boy friend than she would steal your watch. What's more, any boy worth having soon gets over thinking of cuteness as the last word. Friendliness, consideration for others, a certain ladylike qual- ity -these are the ways that win out in the end. Nuff said? DEAR DORIS - 1 have been asked to be a bridesmaid for my brother's bride. I feel I am being used, since she is asking me in terms of polite- ness. We don't have a thing in common and we never speak unless it's absolutely necessary. My brother is having one best man. Would it be very rude if I declined the "invita- tion?" I know it's an honor. But we don't appreciate each other's company. Undecided DEAR UNDECIDED - Ex- tremely r u d e. And short- sighted. Do yourself a favor and start right now to establish good re- lations with this new member of your family. It was grac- ious of her to honor you. Look for her good points and be helpful and gracious in return. Remember, "To know all is to forgive all." DEAR DORIS - Is it true that a Roman Catholic husband and a Protestant wife cannot be buried in the same cemetery? Wondering DEAR WONDERING - Not any more. I know cases in which the RC husband has been buried in a Protestant ceme- tery, with his special plot 10% .on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Contents: Cash. No reserve. IAN McALLISTER, Chairman Ilay Hownship School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood A stewardess is hostess to passengers in flight. She serves meals and snacks, and does many small services. Knows something about air routes and flight operations. She receives training in all these areas be- fore being put on her own. DEAR DORIS - One day when I was shopping downtown I noticed a man was following me everywhere I went. I fin- ally lost him by mixing in a crowd. Last week I saw himagain, and he followed me for 15 min- utes. I didn't panic and I pre- tended to be unaware of his presence. I entered another store, then left by the back door and he lost track of me. Maybe lie takes me for some- one else.. Anyway, I'm thor- oughly frightened now. Do you think it would be wise to lead him to the police station? Panicky DEAR PANICKY -Can't say I blame you. It would give any- body the creeps. The police station is the very place to lead him to -if he'll go. In any case, you should report it; and seeing you go in there may scare him off. blessed by the Catholic priest. In another, a Protestant wife has been buried beside her RC mate in a Catholic cemetery. Discuss your particular prob- lem with the clergyman who guides you in life, and avoid later misunderstandings and dismay on the part of relatives involved, by making a definite plan right now. DEAR DORIS - My parents have always told me to be an individualist. Well, now it has backfired, I've been working for ten months and have decided that I don't want to be just another one of the millions of girls who work in an office. I want to do something different, be an in- dividual . I have always been interested in the medical pro- fession but I don't want to be a nurse, lab technician or die- titian. Something that is dif- ferent but connected with medicine. I am 18, have two subjects in grade 11 and do not wish to go back to school. I have a di- ploma for comptometer. I am interested in children, reading all medical books, sports. Please tell me what different fields there are that I could get into with this education. Individual DEAR INDIVIDUAL -Those "millions of girls who work in an office" aren't to be laughed off. Many do demanding skills and work up to senior posi- tions. Some who are stuck with routine shorthand and typing did what you did: left school too early. If you want special status in almost anything, you need to at least complete high school. If you like medicine but don't want any of the medical call- ings, you need counselling. Right now the only way you have succeeded in being dif- ferent is in not knowing what you want at 18, and not want- ing to pay the price of bending over study books. DEAR DORIS-I have decid- ed to be an air stewardess, but don't know if I would qualify. What do they ask for, in school- ing and age and height? What do you do, exactly? Sixteen DEAR SIXTEEN -- It's a great job for a girl who likes people and wants to get around. And the training you get will help you all your life. Most airlines require gradua- tion from high school. You can't be too short nor too tall; nor too fat. Usual age for starting is between 20 and 26, VARNA NEWS The skating carnival that was to have been held last week in the local rink will be held this Friday evening, February 18 (weather permitting). Broom ball teams from Clinton, Bay- field, Brucefield and Varna will compete. Floyd McAsh, of Hamilton, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McAsh. Wilfred Chuter, who had his house severely damaged by fire last Wednesday morning, had, with the help of friends and neighbors, a completely new roof on by Saturday afternoon. BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH CLOSED FROM FRIDAY, FEB. 18 at 6 p.m. UNTIL MONDAY, FEB 28 You Are Invited to a BEAN and CORN WEED CONTROL CLINIC At 8:00 p.m. in Hensall Legion Hall Thursday, Feb. 24 Hear All About the Latest in Weed Control Practices Sponsored by: Interlake Chemical Services Limited AND Agrospray Chemicals Limited w NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice Is Hereby Given that the 95th ANNUAL. MEETING OF THE Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will Be Held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1966 AT 2:00 P.M. To receive the Annual Report; to elect Three Directors to replace those whose term of office expires, and to transact all business as may be done at a general meet- ing of the policy holders. The retiring directors are: Reinhold Miller, Dashwood; and Max Turnbull, Dashwood, who are eligible kr re- election. Also to fill the vacancy of the late Albert Keys, Exeter. Ilay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company THEO, STEINBACH President JOHN R, CONSITT Secretary -Treasurer