HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-02-17, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1966. 74,e The Hensall Boy Scouts en- joyed a hike and a cook -out at St. Joseph on Saturday, with their leader Bill Ingram, when Larry Consitt was invested as a Scout. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Booge- mans, Burlington, were week- end guests with the Tatter's mother, Mrs. Pearl Passmore. The World Day of Prayer, a service of prayer and commit- ment, will be held at the Unit- iqt MRS. MAUDE REDDEN, Editor ed Church Friday, February 25, at 3 p.m., with the world theme "We are my witnesses". Chisel- hurst, Carmel Presbyterian and St. Paul's Anglican churches will take part in the service. The local association of Girl Guides and Brownies realized $78 from their candy sale on Saturday in their canvass of the village, and wish to express their gratitude and thanks for the wonderful response from Valentine Birthday Monday was a happy ocoasion for aa former resident mf Zurich, now living at the Queensway nursing home in Hensall. Mrs. Katie Meidinger observed her 95th birthday on Monday, and although she had no special party to observe the event, there were some friends and relatives drop in to extend their greetings. Prior to taking up residence at the Queensway, Mrs. Meidinger lived for a number of years in both Zurich and Hensall. • We have closed since 1890. Every minute of every day and every night since 1890, Bell subscribers have been able to reach an Operator. (In the early days, some of our very small exchanges did close. Today, there's some- one on duty everywhere all the time.) Our people have saved lives, helped to put out fires and avert disasters ... and, mostly, they've just been there— reassuringly present to serve. And they are there today. Operators, repairmen, engineers ... all the people who may be needed, whenever you need them. ,People — one of the reasons why Bell Communi- cations serve you so well. Bell Canada ZURICH c.ITIZRNs NEWS the citizens. Jim Tudor, son of Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Tudor, left last Thursday for Regina, Sask., where he has entered the RCMP training school. Mrs. John Soldan returned home Friday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she was a patient for four weeks, having undergone surgery. She is much improved in health. Hensall Institute }odd Guest Night The February meeting of H e n s a 11 Women's Institute was observed as guest night, attended by 50 including mem- bers and guests who were in- troduced by members in re- sponse to the roll call. The meeting, held in the Legion Hall Wednesday eve- ning, featured a brief business meeting presided over by the president, Mrs. Beverly Beaton. Members are asked to bring a shower of get -well cards for the sick and shut-ins to the March meeting. Eleven tables were in play for euchre and one for croki- nole and the winners were: Mrs. Inez McEwen, Mrs. Glenn Bell; lone hands, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; crokinole, Mrs. Clar- ence Reid; fruit contest, Mrs. J. Ferguson and Mrs. A. J. Foster. Mrs. R. M. Peck acted as sec- retary -treasurer for Mrs. James McAllister, who was unable to be present. Program conven- ors were Mrs, Fred Beer, Mrs. James Bengough; hostesses, Mrs. Inez McEwen, Mrs. Jarvis Horton. Mrs. John Baker was a recent winner in a cigarette contest, winning $769, answering a skilled question by naming the five great lakes. 0 Chiselhurst UCW Pot Luck Dinner Chiselhurst United Church Women met Tuesday for their February meeting combined with a pot -luck dinner and quilting. President Mrs. R. Ta y l o r presided and opened with a poem and opening exer- cises. The devotional, with the theme, "God promises, we pre- pare", was led by Mrs. Clarence Coleman. Missionary prayer was offered by Mrs. Tom Brint- nell. Business was discussed and it was decided to continue with the quiltings. Further study on `Brazil" was given by Mrs. Henson Kinettes Make Donations he regular meeting of Hen- sall Kinettes was held Wednes- day evening, for which Mrs. Robert Caldwell was hostess at her home. A 'thank you' note was read, also a letter from the club's adopted daughter in Italy. Donations of $5 to March of Dimes; $5 to Mental Health, and $25 to the local association of Guiding, were approved. Up to date the total collected for the March of Dimes from their recent canvass and donations, amounted to $209. This was a project of the club. During the social hour Mrs. Harold Bonthron entertained with lovely colored slides of the Carribean cruise which she and her husband enjoyed re- cently. The raffle was won by the hostess, Mrs. R. Caldwell. Percy Harris, Mrs. Jack Brint- nell, Mrs. Ben Stoneman. Mrs. George Boa contributed a read- ing, "First Night in Heaaven". Attention Farmers CONCRETE SILOS 1966 will be a big year in construction. Farmers inter- ested in building a Silo 14 feet in diameter, should con- tact us immediately. The average farmer has three to four silos on his farm —how about you? Do you need another silo? CALL Mionmainar WES HUGILL, ZURICH DIAL 236-4928 Aimmatemmiummwmp New Guides For Hensall Group Karen Broderick, Kay Davis, Jill Drysdale, Pam Mickle, Ruth Potter and Sheila Sangster made their Guide promise to d is t r i c t commissioner Mrs. Thomas Lavender and were en- rolled as members of the 1st Hensall Guide Company. Only one mother of the new Guides was unable to be present for the ceremony. Mrs. Doug Cook supervised the making of posters for Thinking Day, which will ap- pear in a downtown store win- dow during the week of Feb- ruary 22. Hensall's theme this PAGE THREE year is "Citizenship". Brownies will also contribute to the display. St. Paul's Anglican No service will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, this Sunday. Instead the members of St. Paul's con- gregation will go to Exeter to attend the service of confirma- tion at Trivitt Memorial Church. The bishop of Georgian Bay, the Rt. Rev. Harold P, Apple - yard will be confirming candi- dates from both churches at the 11:15 a.m. service. Three members of the Hensall church will be among the candidates confirmed. They are Doyle Talbot, Jim Roberts and Cathy Roberts. „0„,, Contract Your A' -'LEY 1 Acreage EARLY! This crop for several years has had HIGH YIELDS AND GOOD PRICES BARLEY CONTRACTS Are in Limited Supply CONTRACT NOW Bean Contracts, Seed Grain and Fertilizer Available COOK It OS. MILLING CO. LTD. Hensall, Ontario Phone 262-2605 LOIN "\ * VERY IMPORTANT PERSON PORK CHOP Ib. 79c GROUND BEES 21bs. 89c CHICKEN LOAF or MACARONI/CHEESE LOAF ____ EAT By-Pro.ucts 16. 49c HEAD CHEESE per tin 79c .. _ moon...., PURE PORK ROUND, SIRLOIN, T-BONE SAUSAGE STEAKS 55c LB. 89c LB. FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS 2 -LB. POLY BAG SUPREME BRAND FRENCH FRIES HALF GALLONS TUN 49c FRONTENAC ICE CREAM - - - _ W - - - - 0 - 79c PRODUCE FEATURE EXTRA LARGE — No 1 — SIZE 88s SUNKIST ORANGES Doz. 59c 734-01. Packages Kraft Dinners 4/55c 12s — Packages Kotex Sanitary Napkins 3/$1 Puritan — 24.Oz. Tins Stews and Quick Dinners 2/89c Added Pectin — 24.0z. Talisman Assorted Jams 2/89c 9.Oz. Packages Monarch Sponge Puddings _ _ _ _ 4/99c 32 Ounces Old Tyme Table Syrup 63c For Making Pancakes — 21/2 -Lb. Package Betty Crocker Bisquick 49c Dial 262-2017 — H ensu it 1111211=11111111111101=111111211111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111.100 101111111111111111.11111111111111111111111F